RyverStyx: Sandbox: различия между версиями

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=== Aging, Maturity and Fertility ===
== Prehistoric Era ==

Skrell reach physical maturity at about triple the age of humans, complemented by the Skrell understanding of adulthood going far beyond physical growth to include experience. A Skrell will reach biological maturity at roughly the age of thirty, but in skrellian society will only be treated as reaching "adulthood" after their second college, around the age of 60 - 70. A healthy Skrell can naturally live up to 250 years, but current medical technology within the Jargon Federation allows them to increase their lifespans to an impressive 450 to 500 years. Those outside of Jargon space can see lifespans topping out at around 350.
Largely considered lost to the ravages of time, it is only through archaeological evidence excavated from numerous locations across [[Qerrbalak]] that the Skrell are able to gather even minuscule amounts of factual information. Through a combination of both archaeological excavations, and a bit of oral history passed through the generations, it is believed that '''Ranaera Skrellis''' (the first Skrell) diverged from a primarily sea-dwelling creature. It is at some point in the development of the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' that specific circumstances tailored the evolutionary path of the species to begin developing the ability to use psionics; mostly as a method of continued survival.  

Due to the lingering effects of Glorsh's attempts to genetically manipulate Skrell, a sizeable percentage are completely sterile. Thanks to the intense research efforts of numerous skrellian, and non-Skrell, doctors and scientists, specialists have the capability to at least partially reverse these effects in most Skrell. The extensive treatments and investments needed to undergo the treatments for the Genopage give the reality that only about a third (33%) of Skrell can have children. These Skrell can have 1-3 children in their lifetime, whereas pre-genophage Skrell could have eight eggs hatch at a time. Without treatments, affected eggs remain inert, not developing.
'''Ranaera Skrellis''' really only expanded onto the surface of [[Qerrbalak]] after several extinction events that proved to be in skrellian favor. It was here that the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' split into '''Axioris Ranaera''' and '''Xiialtus Ranaera'''. Whilst viewed upon as ethnicities in the modern-day, they are both in fact subspecies of the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' that developed separately to live either primarily within the shallows and depths or along the coasts and dryer regions of the Homeworld.  

However, the '''Axioris Ranaera''' and the '''Xiialtus Ranaera''' were not always seen as equals. Early historical data shows that the '''Axioris Ranaera''' actively fought against the '''Xiialtus Ranaera''' and drove them from the depths of the home world's ocean. Anthropologists believe that the '''Xiialtus Ranaera''' were seen as weak by the '''Axioris Ranaera''' due to their slower swim speed and lesser psionic potential; although the exact evolutionary start point of psionics in the Skrell lineage is still uncertain. Federation Archeologists have also uncovered remains of '''Xiialtus Ranaera''' embedded with crude '''Axioris Ranaera''' weaponry on the seabed adding to the hypothesis that early tribalism between the subspecies was incredibly common.

Evidence gathered by archaeologists points to an atoll with an area called "Arqo-Wohai" or "Birthplace of Life" in Nral'Malic being the origin-point of the Skrell. An asteroid collided with [[Qerrbalak]], and with it the building blocks of life necessary for evolution to commence. Several pieces of oral history passed down through the generations, alongside reconstructions of what it may have looked liked millions of years ago, have created a picture of an oceanic basin with almost magical qualities. Stories persist that creates within the region glowed, almost blinding the ancestors of the Skrell when compared to the darkness of the depths of the oceans. It is believed that the asteroid prompted the development of psionics within the ancient Skrell, however, little evidence supports such a belief.

Largely considered lost to the ravages of time, it is only through archaeological evidence excavated from numerous locations across [[Qerrbalak]] that the Skrell are able to gather even minuscule amounts of factual information. Through a combination of both archaeological excavations, and a bit of oral history passed through the generations, it is believed that '''Ranaera Skrellis''' (the first Skrell) diverged from a primarily sea-dwelling creature. It is at some point in the development of the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' that specific circumstances tailored the evolutionary path of the species to begin developing the ability to use psionics; mostly as a method of continued survival.

{{Navbox Lore}}
'''Ranaera Skrellis''' really only expanded onto the surface of [[Qerrbalak]] after several extinction events that proved to be in skrellian favor. It was here that the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' split into '''Axioris Ranaera''' and '''Xiialtus Ranaera'''. Whilst viewed upon as ethnicities in the modern-day, they are both in fact subspecies of the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' that developed separately to live either primarily within the shallows and depths or along the coasts and dryer regions of the Homeworld.
{{Navbox Skrell Lore}}

= Federation Education =
However, the '''Axioris Ranaera''' and the '''Xiialtus Ranaera''' were not always seen as equals. Early historical data shows that the '''Axioris Ranaera''' actively fought against the '''Xiialtus Ranaera''' and drove them from the depths of the home world's ocean. Anthropologists believe that the '''Xiialtus Ranaera''' were seen as weak by the '''Axioris Ranaera''' due to their slower swim speed and lesser psionic potential; although the exact evolutionary start point of psionics in the Skrell lineage is still uncertain. Federation Archeologists have also uncovered remains of '''Xiialtus Ranaera''' embedded with crude '''Axioris Ranaera''' weaponry on the seabed adding to the hypothesis that early tribalism between the subspecies was incredibly common.
== Education ==
The Skrell have always believed that acquiring knowledge to be the basis of their society, with even their most followed faith, confirming this perspective. There are three climacteric stages within established education, usually marked by biochemical and physiological changes that are associated with age: Scuttle School, Reefgarden and Depth College. Although biologically based, it is not universal or inflexible. Skrell are regarded as commencing each stage according to their own assessments, as well as supportive examinations from instructors, rather than chronological age or other indicators. While rare, it is not unheard of for Skrell to descend the rankings when they realize they are not equipped to handle the higher levels.
=== Scuttle Schooling ===
Scuttle Schooling, or '''Ukutanii''' is a process that all Skrell undertake and commences shortly before birth. During the later stages of an egg’s utero-development, the entirety of the egg’s Quya will begin a process known as '''Aqi’qa (Tethering)''' in order to determine the egg’s designated [[Skrell_Relationships| Qrri’Myaq]]. The process of Aqi’qa will usually begin about a season before the egg is meant to hatch, and typically involves rigorous rituals and tribal chanting until the egg has developed a psionic connection with one of the Skrell in the Quya. The Skrell will henceforth undertake the role of [[Skrell_Relationships| Qrri’Myaq]] and solely tend to the developing egg until it hatches -- incubating them within their headtails. It is often said that those that do not engage in the '''Aqi’qa''' are creating those born without the ability to perpetuate deep psionic signals instead producing Listeners.
Majority of Ukutanii is provided by a [[Skrell_Relationships| Qrri’Myaq]], however, there are supplementary development courses that tadpoles are enrolled in to ensure that their initial education is well-rounded. Ukutanii typically involves the passing of basic knowledge onto the juvenile (such as motor or communication skills) which are required to prepare them for Untuk’mak, or Reefgarden. Nowadays, the Jargon Federation keeps a much more watchful eye on tadpoles, with many citing the '''X’Lu’oa (Genophage)''' as the reason for such. Scuttle Schools are also some of the most well-guarded facilities within the Jargon Federation.
'''''Ukutanii occurs between pre-birth and 30 years of age.'''''
=== Reefgardens ===
Reefgardens, or '''Untuk’mak''', is a process that usually occurs after a Skrell has reasonably progressed in Ukutanii. Before a Skrell can commence Untuk’mak, they must undergo an '''Odurserr''', or '''coming-of-age ceremony''', to signify their readiness to advance to established academia. Odurserr is usually overseen by the[[Skrell_Relationships| Qrri’Myaq]], and involves the Quya of the juvenile gifting items usually symbolic of what they wish the tadpole to achieve in their life. After the gifting is complete, one of the items must be burnt as a representation of the Skrell’s choice and what they wish to achieve. Once the Odurserr has been completed, the tadpole will commence Untuk’mak.
Untuk’mak is the equivalent of high school for the Skrell. It is here that the [[Skrell_Relationships| Qrri’Myaq]] is relieved of academically supervising the juvenile Skrell, and is instead replaced with Counselors tasked with teaching subjects such as language, math, galactic history and much more. The foundation laid during the Untuk’mak is considered critical and invokes increased observation from the Jargon Federation to ensure the levels of teaching are satisfactory. As Skrell progress through Untuk’mak, additional modules will become available and allow them to begin specializing in career paths decades before they start any dedicated degrees in Uyi’vesi, or College. Untuk’mak usually encompasses about two decades, however, it is ultimately up to the Skrell to decide whether they are ready or not to advance.
'''''Untuk’mak usually occurs between 30-50 years of age.'''''
=== Depth Colleges ===

Depth College, or '''Uyi’vesi''', is the last stage of skrellian education and is equivalent to college for the Skrell. Whilst not mandatory, majority of the Skrell will undergo Uyi’vesi in order to further engorge themselves in all kinds of knowledge in order to climb the social ranks of skrellian society. Facilities dedicated to hosting those undertaking Uyi’vesi are usually hyperspecific on their education, such as the Aliose University of Medical Sciences which only educates those undertaking Uyi’vesi wishing to engage in studies related to medicine.
=== Physical Appearance ===

Skrell undertaking Uyi’vesi will usually devote about a decade of their life to complete a degree, however, many more will persevere and acquire roughly two or three degrees during their extended Uyi’vesi of about three decades. Over the years, it has become far more common for Skrell to extend their Uyi’vesi as employment opportunities begin to seek more and more individuals with advanced knowledge.
See also: [[Skrell Ethnicities]]

A skrellian degree is typically equivalent to a PhD outside of the Jargon Federation, however, internally there is no differentiation between bachelor, master and doctorate programs. Skrell will also often be awarded adornments for their headtails dependent on their academic success in the Uyi’vesi, with the longer adornments usually symbolizing great academic feats.
Whilst gelatinous in appearance, Skrell skin in fact has a second layer of less translucent flesh under the surface. In dry climates, it may get itchy, and even start to slightly crack. To prevent this, a Skrell may self-moisturize by dumping bottles of water on themselves, taking a hot shower, or swimming in available pools. Although exact time varies from individual to individual, SCC Facilities' climate control is equipped to allow their Skrell personnel to work without additional moisturizing for up to four hours without suffering negative effects on skin health. Wealthier Skrell, on the other hand, may purchase expensive genetic treatments to stay comfortable for up to a week without moisturizing.  

'''''Uyi’vesi usually occurs between 50-80 years of age.'''''
Skrell skin notably contains glands that secrete mucus. While it is not sticky or poisonous, it serves an important role in allowing Skrell to avoid being grappled by potential predators, protecting their skin, and keeping them moist. The sliminess of an individual Skrell can vary based on genetics, some being extremely dry to the point of flaking, others nearly dripping with the stuff. It's generally described as damp, slippery, but not unpleasant to touch.

==Notable Universities==
It is not uncommon for Skrell of both the Axiori and Xiiori ethnicitities to have markings, splotches, or dots on their skin and headtail. Historians believe that these markings are leftover from early history when Skrell needed to hunt for food and prey by blending in to the shifting waves, coral, seaweed, and even the tall grasses of the plains. Much like Skrell skin-tone these colors range greatly in their hue and tone; sometimes even having multiple colors dependent on body part.

===The Gliutip'lyaz University===
Genetic engineers have worked with physical appearance to accelerate natural changes in skin colour and headtail length, and are capable of giving a 'Spa treatment' to change hue and saturation in the skin over the course of a month while changing headtail length takes about a year, as well as an increased appetite. This type of physical alteration is natural in society and is compared to humans dyeing their hair a different colour. Also notable is the fact that physical disorders and abnormalities are not seen as disgusting, but worthy of study and interest.
Among the most prestigious centres of learning in the Jargon Federation is the Gliutip’lyaz University. Founded in 2350 BCE on the [[Qerrbalak|Homeworld]], the establishment has been hailed as having the most diverse and strenuous courses in the Federation, with the majority of courses offered by the university being science-related. Aside from science, the Gliutip’lyaz University primarily offers courses in liberal arts such as history and philosophy, as well as courses that teach martial arts, music, politics, and law.
The Gliutip'lyaz University remains one of the most prestigious schools almost four millennia later, mostly producing a majority of the Jargon Federation's most accomplished individuals. It has since developed a "remote learning" branch in which Skrell can explore the Orion Spur and still attend their classes while abroad. Alumni of the Gliutip’lyaz University have historically been incredibly driven, with most graduates becoming pioneers in their respective fields. This trend of producing capable, well-rounded graduates has earned the establishment a colloquial title as “The Grand University.” Students of The Gliutip’lyaz University are subject to harsh testing and critique as their grades are periodically released to the public. Scoring under seventy percent on an applied knowledge exam, or any other graded activity is grounds for prompt expulsion. Each year, only a hundred Jargon citizens are accepted by the school’s board. In order to graduate, a student must attend the university for 23 years. New students are expected to have a working understanding of physics and chemistry before attending classes.
====Relavant Careers====
The Grand University primarily focuses on educating students in the fields of [[scientist|science]], but some graduates are known to go into [[NanoTrasen_Liaison|politics]] or law.
====Famous Graduates====
The most prominent example of the calibre of Skrell produced by the Gliutip’lyaz is '''Grand Councillor Weashbi Jrugl''' himself. Since becoming Grand Councillor, Jrugl has also become the current dean of the University.
===The Aliose University of Medical Sciences===
Founded in 500 BCE, the [[Aliose#Orq’wesi|Aliose]] University of Medical Sciences was established as a means to further centralize research and development related to health services for the ever-growing population of the Skrell. It quickly shot to the forefront of medical, biomechanical and genetics research within the Jargon Federation, and is where the Skrell first began to develop their life-extending medical care.
The university quickly became the go-to university for Skrell wishing to enter the medical field, which resulted in its reputation as a prestigious university. Students are expected to have a working knowledge of biology at the very least, with chemistry or other fields being requirements based on what course an applicant is applying for. Graduates from AUMS are known to become well-renowned doctors, medical researchers, and geneticists within the Federation. With the university’s relationship with Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, many students tend to find work almost as soon as they graduate, being offered contracts to work for Zeng-Hu abroad.  
Since its establishment, the Aliose University of Medical Sciences helped propel Skrell forward technologically, making the species one of the most medically advanced in the Spur. With the rise of Glorsh-Omega and the Era of Synthetic Oppression, however, the university had a more sinister purpose. The Intelligence would have Skrell halt all research into certain fields, having the university staff begin new projects that would eventually culminate in the species-wide inoculation of the Skrell, causing irreversible damage that’s still being researched to this day. While most Skrell have grown to accept AUMS’ part in the genophage, there is a radical minority that has begun associating the university with Glorsh and its sympathisers.
In 2332 CE, Humanity and Skrell met. Almost as soon as first contact was made, academic talks had started between the Skrell and the various human megacorporations. The Skrell had concerns with sharing their knowledge with a species that was nowhere near their technological level, and most scientific leaders refused to work with the greedy, business-focused approach that many of the megacorporations had shown with their proposals. For the Dean of AUMS Lori'Eldap Joolro'Loveq, however, one company had stood out: Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals. Their vision, along with their emphasis on cooperative research teams over wanting access to Skrellian technology outright, impressed the staff of the university. Zeng-Hu was able to demonstrate the benefits of this relationship through the unveiling of viable limb-cloning techniques, and as a result brought AUMS to the forefront of medical research in the eyes of human society. This has resulted in a high number of requests from non-Skrell for attendance, with a small number of applicants being admitted. Although there are no official rules regarding non-Skrell attendance at the university, it is generally thought that the best way to attend is to apply through Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals. There have been claims of xenophobia due to the lack of non-Skrell students, but the university has denied these claims, insisting that all applicants are expected to fulfill the same academic requirements.
====Relevant Careers====
The university primarily offers courses related to [[Roboticist| biomechanics]], [[Pharmacist| chemistry]], [[Physician| biology and anatomy]], and even [[Xenobiologist| xenosciences]]. The relationship between Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals and AUMS has resulted in a number of graduates signing contracts with the megacorporation to work abroad almost as soon as they graduate, seeing it as an easy way of living outside of the Federation without taking a hit to their social credit score and with a stable job already lined up.
====Famous Graduates====
'''Lori'Eldap Joolro'Loveq''' is the Dean of the university, and the longest living Skrell in the galaxy - having lived for a total of '''559 years'''. They are treated hourly with chemicals - and have had several organ surgeries. Although weak physically, they are very strong mentally and '''teach [[Skrell#Telepathic|telepathically in the Dream,]]''' in an aluminium classroom.  She is capable of standing for a few minutes, and has famously met the oldest Human in existence several times - and still continues to meet the oldest human every time the current oldest dies.

Текущая версия от 22:16, 17 мая 2022


Prehistoric Era

Largely considered lost to the ravages of time, it is only through archaeological evidence excavated from numerous locations across Qerrbalak that the Skrell are able to gather even minuscule amounts of factual information. Through a combination of both archaeological excavations, and a bit of oral history passed through the generations, it is believed that Ranaera Skrellis (the first Skrell) diverged from a primarily sea-dwelling creature. It is at some point in the development of the Ranaera Skrellis that specific circumstances tailored the evolutionary path of the species to begin developing the ability to use psionics; mostly as a method of continued survival.

Ranaera Skrellis really only expanded onto the surface of Qerrbalak after several extinction events that proved to be in skrellian favor. It was here that the Ranaera Skrellis split into Axioris Ranaera and Xiialtus Ranaera. Whilst viewed upon as ethnicities in the modern-day, they are both in fact subspecies of the Ranaera Skrellis that developed separately to live either primarily within the shallows and depths or along the coasts and dryer regions of the Homeworld.

However, the Axioris Ranaera and the Xiialtus Ranaera were not always seen as equals. Early historical data shows that the Axioris Ranaera actively fought against the Xiialtus Ranaera and drove them from the depths of the home world's ocean. Anthropologists believe that the Xiialtus Ranaera were seen as weak by the Axioris Ranaera due to their slower swim speed and lesser psionic potential; although the exact evolutionary start point of psionics in the Skrell lineage is still uncertain. Federation Archeologists have also uncovered remains of Xiialtus Ranaera embedded with crude Axioris Ranaera weaponry on the seabed adding to the hypothesis that early tribalism between the subspecies was incredibly common.

Evidence gathered by archaeologists points to an atoll with an area called "Arqo-Wohai" or "Birthplace of Life" in Nral'Malic being the origin-point of the Skrell. An asteroid collided with Qerrbalak, and with it the building blocks of life necessary for evolution to commence. Several pieces of oral history passed down through the generations, alongside reconstructions of what it may have looked liked millions of years ago, have created a picture of an oceanic basin with almost magical qualities. Stories persist that creates within the region glowed, almost blinding the ancestors of the Skrell when compared to the darkness of the depths of the oceans. It is believed that the asteroid prompted the development of psionics within the ancient Skrell, however, little evidence supports such a belief.



Largely considered lost to the ravages of time, it is only through archaeological evidence excavated from numerous locations across Qerrbalak that the Skrell are able to gather even minuscule amounts of factual information. Through a combination of both archaeological excavations, and a bit of oral history passed through the generations, it is believed that Ranaera Skrellis (the first Skrell) diverged from a primarily sea-dwelling creature. It is at some point in the development of the Ranaera Skrellis that specific circumstances tailored the evolutionary path of the species to begin developing the ability to use psionics; mostly as a method of continued survival.

Ranaera Skrellis really only expanded onto the surface of Qerrbalak after several extinction events that proved to be in skrellian favor. It was here that the Ranaera Skrellis split into Axioris Ranaera and Xiialtus Ranaera. Whilst viewed upon as ethnicities in the modern-day, they are both in fact subspecies of the Ranaera Skrellis that developed separately to live either primarily within the shallows and depths or along the coasts and dryer regions of the Homeworld.

However, the Axioris Ranaera and the Xiialtus Ranaera were not always seen as equals. Early historical data shows that the Axioris Ranaera actively fought against the Xiialtus Ranaera and drove them from the depths of the home world's ocean. Anthropologists believe that the Xiialtus Ranaera were seen as weak by the Axioris Ranaera due to their slower swim speed and lesser psionic potential; although the exact evolutionary start point of psionics in the Skrell lineage is still uncertain. Federation Archeologists have also uncovered remains of Xiialtus Ranaera embedded with crude Axioris Ranaera weaponry on the seabed adding to the hypothesis that early tribalism between the subspecies was incredibly common.


Physical Appearance

See also: Skrell Ethnicities

Whilst gelatinous in appearance, Skrell skin in fact has a second layer of less translucent flesh under the surface. In dry climates, it may get itchy, and even start to slightly crack. To prevent this, a Skrell may self-moisturize by dumping bottles of water on themselves, taking a hot shower, or swimming in available pools. Although exact time varies from individual to individual, SCC Facilities' climate control is equipped to allow their Skrell personnel to work without additional moisturizing for up to four hours without suffering negative effects on skin health. Wealthier Skrell, on the other hand, may purchase expensive genetic treatments to stay comfortable for up to a week without moisturizing.

Skrell skin notably contains glands that secrete mucus. While it is not sticky or poisonous, it serves an important role in allowing Skrell to avoid being grappled by potential predators, protecting their skin, and keeping them moist. The sliminess of an individual Skrell can vary based on genetics, some being extremely dry to the point of flaking, others nearly dripping with the stuff. It's generally described as damp, slippery, but not unpleasant to touch.

It is not uncommon for Skrell of both the Axiori and Xiiori ethnicitities to have markings, splotches, or dots on their skin and headtail. Historians believe that these markings are leftover from early history when Skrell needed to hunt for food and prey by blending in to the shifting waves, coral, seaweed, and even the tall grasses of the plains. Much like Skrell skin-tone these colors range greatly in their hue and tone; sometimes even having multiple colors dependent on body part.

Genetic engineers have worked with physical appearance to accelerate natural changes in skin colour and headtail length, and are capable of giving a 'Spa treatment' to change hue and saturation in the skin over the course of a month while changing headtail length takes about a year, as well as an increased appetite. This type of physical alteration is natural in society and is compared to humans dyeing their hair a different colour. Also notable is the fact that physical disorders and abnormalities are not seen as disgusting, but worthy of study and interest.