Участник:RustingWithYou/Sk'akh: различия между версиями

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== Overview ==
''"His sword, my strength,''<br>
''Her words, my guide,''<br>
''Their will, my sworn duty,''<br>
''Praise to the Great Spirit."''<br>
''-Excerpt from ''Devotions Of The Three-Faced God'', an ancient Sk'akh book of prayer''<br>

Sk'akh, or "goddess worship," is the second most common religion, which is followed mostly by Unathi from the Izweski nation and enjoys a status as its unofficial state religion. It still reveres ancestors, similar to Th'akh, but with a major notable difference: the spirits of all Unathi who die become part of Sk'akh, the Great Spirit. Sk'akh is a gender-neutral God, being called 'he,' 'she,' or 'they' interchangeably to represent that Ska'kh is a collection of all Unathi. Traditionally, Sk'akh is gendered according to the circumstances that Their name is invoked - a warrior praying for holy protection would likely call on Sk'akh as male, for instance. God and Goddess are used interchangeably with the Great Spirit to also denote someone’s preferences on Sk’akh. They are also called "the Three of One" because the spirits combine into three Aspects that are all different yet all a part of Ska'kh: the Warrior, the Healer, and the Fisher. These three aspects match the three genders of Unathi society, and serve as personifications of the most important aspects of Unathi life. It is said that all three are equally important and that disasters are caused by an imbalance in the Great Three. Priests often stress the importance of balance, both in matters of the spirit as well as in society and personal life.
‘’“They call us madmen. But change often looks like madness, from the eyes of those who cling to the past.''<br>
‘’Look at what has become of our world, and ask yourself - is it a sane world that we live in?”''<br>
''-Szak Ren’zsar, First Speaker of the Flame''<br>

Si’akh is the third most popular religion among Unathi. While a true translation is difficult to express, many people translate Si’akh to “prophet worship”. Si’akh is a relatively new religion that emerged from the fires of the Contact War in 2439. Si’akh is led by the charismatic former Sk’akh priest Juzida Si’akh and is held as the Messiah by his followers. The main belief of Si’akh is that all Unathi that died in the cleansing fire of the atomic weapons were given salvation, and all Unathi that survived are damned to remain trapped for eternity unless the species is purified by converting and repenting for their sins. The movement has hundreds of thousands of followers, and has come to immediate conflict with the orthodox Sk’akh church due to Si’akh claiming that Sk’akh is “corrupt” and that they are “an illegitimate institution” following the Contact War. Its followers were ruthlessly hunted down by the Maraziite Order and the forces of Izweski nobles. Despite the destruction of the Maraziite Order, the Hegemony continues to strike at Si’akh congregations in their lands, leading to many followers of Si’akh to find homes in the wastelands or human space, where the Hegemony’s reach is lesser. It is generally treated as a heretical and fanatical doomsday cult by orthodox Unathi.
== Doctrines and Worship ==

== The Prophet ==
The pervasive belief among Sk’akh is predestination: the outcome of everyone’s life is already determined, and time moves along in an immutable way. Sk’akh worshipers believe that honorable deeds lead to spiritual reward not only in life but in death. The Beastlands serve as the final resting place for Unathi that fulfill their lives with honorable deeds: they are known as the Anointed. Other afterlives exist for the various other species and their gods. In the Beastlands, the Anointed can enjoy an honest life with their creator. The Great Spirit and their Aspects periodically send ‘xzarak’ (or "messengers" in Sinta’Unathi) to uphold the world and its natural order. Sometimes, these xzarak are sent to those on the Material from the Beastlands in order to deliver divine messages. They tend to represent one of the Aspects of Sk’akh, whether the might of a Warrior or the skilled craft of the Fisherman. Sk’akh remains a unified faith, with the Church of Sk’akh being the final authority on all matters regarding new religious doctrines that must be declared. This used to be High Priest Unzi, but currently falls on an interim council of Archpriests to vote on affairs until a new High Priest is declared.
Born Juzida Aizahi in 2409, Juzida Si’akh was a rather unassuming priest until the Contact War brought nuclear devastation to his village. Si’akh was the sole survivor in his village after a nearby nuclear blast flattened the entire area. In this explosion, he saw the three aspects of Sk’akh who each spoke to him in turn. The Warrior told him that he must be strong for his people, and blessed him with the resolve to continue his journey, no matter how difficult it seemed. The Healer told him that the explosion was the first cleansing of the Unathi people, and those who sinned would be left behind for him to shepherd. She then blessed him with the knowledge of how to lead the people he would meet along his journey. The Fisher told him that he would have to build the future with his own claws, and that he was uniquely selected to lead Sk’akh’s chosen people, naming him The Final High Prophet Born of the Purifying Flames. Since this day, he has been a firebrand preacher, traveling the Wasteland and giving incredibly intense and passionate sermons. He claims to have a direct connection with Sk’akh which gives him what many consider supernatural abilities. He can inspire warriors with a single rousing chant. He can bring healing and salvation to Unathi with a simple touch. His craftsmanship is said to be unrivaled. He travels the Wasteland wearing simple purple robes, typically with nothing but his walking stick and journal. He is an extremely charismatic leader that has spawned a cult of personality around his devotion.
The official symbol of Si’akh is a circle with a triangle inside it, with the circle being on fire. The circle is said to represent Moghes, with the Triangle representing the three aspects of Sk’akh, with the flames representing the purification and sanitation that flames provide. The most recognizable unofficial symbol of Si’akh is that of a mushroom cloud, with drawings of a young Si’akh standing in front of a mushroom cloud being a popular item in more iconoclastic members of the faith.
== Doctrines and Worship ==
The primary belief of Si’akh is that the nuclear conflict of the Contact War was Judgement Day, and that all Unathi that live after it are Damned. They believe that upon death, their soul is unable to join Sk’akh, instead doomed to reincarnate forever across the galaxy for their sins of defiling Moghes, the spiritual center of Sk’akh in the physical realm. The only method of achieving salvation is through being personally forgiven by Sk’akh through The Prophet or by following The Prophet’s doctrines and gaining enough favor with Sk’akh to be forgiven after earth and joining the ancestors. Si’akh believes that evil and selfish behavior transform the souls of Unathi into literal demons who then perform evil on the world. Fighting back against one’s innate wickedness is the primary goal of all Si’akh worshippers.  

=== Myth of Creation ===
=== Myth of Creation ===
The creation myth for Si’akh largely follows that of orthodox Sk’akh. The universe was born cold, dark and empty, and over time living things came to be and left for the empty spirit world. Si’akh posits that the three wise elders were not the only souls of Sk’akh, but merely the shepherds of every soul that entered the spirit world before their merging, becoming the first True Prophet of Unathi, shepherding the souls of the dead spirits into the true afterlife. While it is true that Th’akh worship existed long before Sk’akh, Si’akh posits that Sk’akh became the custodian of creation out of a need to bring order to the chaos of the spirit world. Sk’akh then shaped a portion of the spirit world into the Beastlands and the Chained Wastes, leaving a large portion of the spirit world for Th’akhist worship, allowing for a more balanced energy between the order of Sk’akh and chaos of Th’akh. Because of the concept of balanced energy, Si’akh worshippers are not scornful of Th’akh worshippers, understanding that they are integral for the balance that Sk’akh wants to bring rather than angry at their difference.
The creation myth for Sk'akh follows that after the universe was born, it was cold and dark and empty, without any value. Over time, the first living things walked across creation. These first souls were deeply alone and isolated, and when they died, they entered an empty spirit plane with nothing to guide them. In both life and death creation was chaotic and without meaning. Eventually, even the stars, without purpose and order, fell from the sky and began to burn creation to cinders. Three wise elders, the first Fisherman, the first Healer, and the first Warrior came together in the spirit realm and declared that order must reign in a chaotic universe. Merging their souls together they formed Sk'akh, who became the custodian of creation. Sk'akh is the source of duty and purpose. It is by His command that the stars remain in the sky, that the rivers flow, and the arrow flies. It is by His command that the Beastlands, the Chained Wastes, and other afterlives for beings of all kinds came into being. It is by His command that Unathi learned to work together as the Aspects once did. Thus, everything came into being.

=== Doctrines ===
This myth makes Sk'akh followers scornful of the Th'akh, who they see as encouraging the chaos that came before Sk'akh. Beings that defy the demands of order in the universe are scorned by Sk'akh and their spirit is left to perish in the Chained Wastes, eventually becoming forgotten or even becoming an evil entity until their sins are punished fully.
Si’akh largely follows many doctrines of Sk’akh, such as the soul being the actual person where the body it inhabits is simply a vessel. A major difference lies in the fact that Sk’akh does not create new souls to place into hatchlings developing within their eggs, as the souls being placed into hatchlings are instead the reincarnated souls of the Sinta barred from joining the Great Spirit in death. Ultimately, the final goal of Si’akh is to redeem all souls and prevent the damnation of the Unathi species, allowing Sk’akh to create new souls once more.

The second major difference is that Juzida Si’akh is the Messiah, and that the High Priests of Sk’akh are nothing but false prophets that serve their own goals. Sk’akh has personally bestowed upon Juzida the objective of helping the Unathi species find redemption. His followers accept him to be an incarnation of all three Aspects of Sk’akh, with the strength of The Warrior, the caring of The Healer and the diligent nature of the Fisherman. If The Prophet is successful in his mission, Sk’akh will rule Moghes as a literal heavenly paradise. Si’akh generally considers that finding redemption means converting more people to the word of Sk’akh, though it understands that maintaining a balance between Order and Chaos is essential to maintaining spiritual equilibrium. Due to this, Si’akh worshippers tend to focus more on saving the souls of sinful orthodox Sk’akh followers than that of Th’akh worshippers, though followers of the chaotic Th’akh members are not turned away should they seek salvation in Order. Fire Priests are known to venture the stars in search of Unathi, particularly in the Republic of Biesel. There are many groups that flee to the Republic of Biesel, such as Aut’akh, Guwan and various dishonored clans. They are, according to The Prophet, fleeing Moghes in shame of the deeds of their ancestors, or are attempting to avoid the consequences of their species as a collective. These groups are among many that need redemption most, and The Prophet will always accept those who are willing to hear Sk’akh’s word.
=== The Beastlands and Other Afterlives ===
The Beastlands and the Chained Wastes are said to be two of many afterlives layered over the Material Life. However, their connection to the Material World is not uniform; in some places, there are stronger presences of these afterlives than others. This realm of the dead harbors all spirits, and only the strongest, both evil and good, may cross over into the Material Plane without any sort of special help.

Si’akh worshippers are forbidden from eating anything but raw food and drinking anything but water, as to purify their soul and practice self-restraint. In the early days of Si’akh, followers abroad had been known to starve to death if the circumstances are right, such as being stuck with nothing but jerky or other prepared meats, though later proclamations from The Prophet have allowed people to eat liquid rations and other bare minimum foods, ruling they are as pure as raw meat.
The Great Spirit resides in their Empire, collectively known as the Beastlands. Unathi that are righteous in life are sent to their kingdom to forever live in harmony with their creator. Previously known as the Hunt of Harmony, this idyllic lifestyle is a reward for doing right by the Great Spirit on the Material Plane and enduring the sins of other folk. It is described as a rolling plain that stretches on forever, dotted with tall grass, beautiful oases, and wonderful animals to hunt and tame. Once an inhabitant of this plane, Unathi enjoy their lifestyle until feeling fulfilled; after reaching this peak of comfort, they can join Sk’akh to help guide future Unathi.

Repenting within the Si’akh faith means to resist temptation and live a life according to asceticism: living meagerly and not giving into the temptation of luxury and overindulgence. Frugality and simplicity are words to live by. Tailoring plain clothes, eating simple food, and keeping honest hobbies and work will set you along the path for salvation. Si’akh believes that money and opulence come with inherent wickedness, and as such, he opposes the idea of nobility sitting above the rest of Unathi as rulers and kings. Owing in part to why the Hegemony so vehemently opposes this religion, Si’akh has been known to inspire small revolts where he has traveled to, and those in charge fear what may happen in their own lands should Si’akh take root amongst the masses.
Conversely to the Beastlands, the Chained Wastes are a blight. Punished souls arrive here chained to the hot and scorching sand— the Wasteland is often alluded to as being the Chained Wastes of the Material for this reason. Vengeful spirits of Sk’akh remain here to punish those that have done wrong, revelling in their torture as it remains retribution for these spirits’ misdeeds in the last life. After tortured for some time, those with good in their hearts are rarely allowed to join others in the Beastlands. However, it is considered the final resting place of many souls. Some are said to escape, the most evil of spirits, to return to the world and wreak more havoc, harm Sk’akh’s chosen, and even lure people away from their beliefs.

Like all Unathi religions, followers are taught that even aliens have souls that go to their respective afterlives and greet their gods upon death. Unathi are given the unique curse of being banished entirely until they can find redemption, however. In some cases, such as that of the Ssup’vihtal, there are believed to be Unathi souls that inhabit alien bodies as well, with the alien bodies simply considered the vessel of said soul. Most aliens who are believed to possess Unathi souls are either born on Moghes or have otherwise had significant contact with Bluespace. Unathi-souled aliens are treated as equals to Unathi-bodied followers, and The Prophet has expressly stated that all those willing to embrace Sk’akh are welcome in his church, no matter what they may appear as on the outside.
=== Doctrines ===
One of the foundations for Sk'akh beliefs is the soul is the actual person, and the body is a vessel it inhabits. The Great Spirit instills a newly created soul within a hatchling as it develops within the egg. Sk'akh's creations are viewed as perfect, with many disabilities being viewed as the malignant interference of evil spirits. Treatment of such things is often handled by priestesses of the Healer, who view the alleviation or curing of such things as a holy mission of Sk'akh.

Relationships in general are touched on heavily by Si’akh. The Prophet completely throws out the orthodox definitions of relationships being a mix of Duty, Love and Lust, saying that relationships are a question of Duty alone. Marriages are framed in a survival sense, with new generations of hatchlings being reincarnated souls of the Damned that are unable to join Sk’akh. While in the past, the only types of relationships legitimized by Si’akh were those which could bear hatchlings, Si’akh has lightened up on these restrictions. While it is still considered a righteous pursuit to bear the next generation of hatchlings, same-sex marriages have found their niche in the religion, with many hatchlings needing homes being adopted into them. Same-sex marriages are not considered legitimate until they have their own hatchling prior to the marriage, and require a blessing directly from an Archpriest. These same-sex marriages are still treated as a taboo, as those that lack the desire to directly birth their own reincarnated souls are considered less devout than those that act on said desire. In any case, these 'second try' souls must be raised to participate in The Prophet’s grand vision in order to achieve salvation.Notably, Si’akh forbids divorce and demands that any relationship be a lifelong act of monogamy.
For robotics, Sk'akh doctrine goes farther than the Th'akh generally do, believing even full-body cyborgs to be without spirit. To ardent Sk'akh, the concept of borgification is to have your soul sent to the Chained Wastes.

With regards to robotics and prosthetics, Si’akh follows the Sk’akh doctrine of believing full-body cyborgs to be without spirit, with prosthetic limbs and augments being considered sundering one’s soul. While the body remains simply a vessel, if one loses their physical arm, their arm’s soul is still in-tact, as the vessel was destined to lose its limb. The moment that a prosthetic is attached, it replaces and destroys the spirit that was otherwise occupying that space. Aut’akh are considered the epitome of spitting in the face of Sk’akh, destroying and mutilating the Great Spirit’s vision at the cost of one’s soul. Where orthodox Sk’akh are simply followers that have been led astray and Th’akh are a spiritual counterbalance, Aut’akh are the epitome of hubris - mortals that seek to defy Sk’akhs vision for the species. Despite this, The Prophet encourages his followers to preach to all heretics and heathens in the hopes of saving their souls.
Priests always frown on prosthetic limbs and augments, believing them to be unnatural. Aut’akh are seen as a horrible heresy, even compared to the tamer and more reasonable Th’akh, in the eyes of the Church. The Sk’akh Church encourages its followers to preach to these heathens, or else they will be damned to oblivion forever.

Like the orthodox Sk’akh church, Si’akh takes a strong stance on biological augmentation. The Prophet has stated that gene-boosting is a weakening of one’s inner Warrior, and that the only strength they should have to draw upon is that of Sk’akh. Manipulation of an unborn hatchling is, like orthodox Sk’akh, a profane act against Sk’akh, as claiming to know the path of an unborn Sinta better than Sk’akh is unacceptable.
Marriage between any Unathi is seen as fine and proper to the Sk’akh Church, with same-gender marriages being part of Sk'akh doctrine for centuries. Since certain marriages are seen as being under the jurisdiction of specific Aspects (men under the Warrior, women under the Healer; and a marriage of two fishers, or a man and woman under the Fisher), each marriage is also seen as a boon or a sign of favor from said Aspect. Some marriages are arranged in this way to bestow certain blessings on both clans, should it not be something chosen by the people getting married off.

In accordance with asceticism, the Church of Si’akh collects a tithe with a value relative to a Sinta’s living cost. For example, a Sinta living in Biesel has a higher cost of living than a Sinta living in the wasteland. Generally, the tithe is 50% of one’s funds after they accrue 100% of the Cost of Living, which goes up to 75% of one’s funds after 200% of the Cost of Living. All funds after one accrues 500% of their Cost of Living, 100% of their funds are expected to go to the Church. Generally, it is considered taboo to have as much as 500% Cost of Living accrued as funds, as that money is better spent on one’s community than sitting in a bank account.
Sk'akh priests take a hard stance against biological augmentation. The Church posits that any "gene-boosting" utterly obliterates the person to have any claim to pride or glory and that they should instead be mocked as insecure and boastful. The Church also condemns manipulation of a hatchling still within an egg for anything that is not medically necessary. A 'designer-hatchling' is a profane act against Sk'akh. It is a profound arrogance for any person to claim to know the path of an unborn Sinta better than the one Sk'akh had laid out for them. Medical Acolytes of the Healer are the most staunch and strict on this matter. Biologically augmented Unathi are extraordinarily rare as a result outside of children, due in part to this belief and the fact it is new for most Unathi.

=== Si’akh and the Afterlives ===
==== Statues, Shrines, and Monuments ====
Si’akh posits that the Beastlands and the Chain Wastes are the two primary afterlives of the Unathi species. Similarly to orthodox Sk’akh, Si’akh believes that the connection to the Material world is stronger in some places than others, and that the strongest spiritual connection is Moghes itself, as that is where the spiritual consolidation of the Warrior, Healer and Fisher took place. Other places where Unathi Souls congregate also cultivate powerful connections to the spirit world, and as such Unathi are encouraged to create large communities and work in unison.
Sk’akh is unique to the other religions because Sk’akh practitioners utilize shrines in order to worship the Great Spirit and their Aspects. Shrines are common for households, clans, and even villages if they are particularly poor. Constructed of stone for the base and ornamented with wood, metal, and gems (again, depending on who has constructed it), they are a method of offering and venerating Sk’akh and their Aspects for Unathi. Monuments are common for poorer clans and villages, as they take no likeness to Sk’akh’s image outside of inspiration and imagination. These have the most discrepancies in their designs and are rarely if ever sanctioned officially by the church. Statues are the most expensive and can be found anywhere in a public city or institution that can afford it within the Hegemony.

Ska’kh’s home in the Beastlands is not contested by Si’akh, and the belief that Unathi that are righteous in life are sent to the kingdom after death is strongly held. While orthodox Sk’akh believes that the Beastlands are its own plane, Si’akh posits that the Beastlands are simply the center of the spirit world, with other planes residing at the edge of the Beastlands. With every convert, The Beastlands expands its influence as the Empire of Sk’akh grows and expands its borders. Anyone that dies having followed the path laid out by The Prophet can be redeemed and embraced by Sk’akh, joining them in the Beastlands.. It is said that if the souls within Sk’akh’s Kingdom are powerful enough, they are able to venture into these other planes and convert the souls residing there. A soul that inhabits the Beastlands will gain more power as it is fulfilled, and once they are satisfied with their time on the plane will ascend and be absorbed by Sk’akh.
Shrines and statues are so commonplace that they can even be made in smaller versions of marble, clay, wood, and other materials to carry around with someone wherever they go. It is not uncommon for Unathi to bring these miniatures to place somewhere where they work or live temporarily when traveling, to have something to honor Sk’akh with wherever they go.

In stark contrast to the Beastlands, the Chained Wastes are truly a scorching land. Powerful spirits given a divine right by Sk’akh are sent here to punish souls in hopes that they will repent for their sins in life. The Chained Wastes is a plane that is entirely contained within a restricted section of the Beastlands, and is believed to be a portion of The Beastlands that was ripped closer to the Material World due to the Contact War, causing its desertification. Those that die failing in their duties to resist temptation and vice remain damned, forced to reincarnate into a new body. Some souls, however, can become completely overtaken by daemonic influence through temptation and vice, causing them to become literal daemons in the afterlife. These particularly damned souls prey on the living, filling them with the temptation to create even more of their kind. The area around the Chained Wastes is highly controlled by Sk’akh’s most powerful spirits, and while wicked spirits have been known to escape into the Material World, there has never been a known incident of one of these daemons escaping into the Beastlands.  
==== Views on the Tribunal of the Goddess ====
While sharing some similar core beliefs, such as the Three of One concept and an overarching God, priests of the Church of Sk’akh look upon the Tribunal with scorn and contempt due to the Unathi that partake in it. They hold that humanity has diluted the beliefs of Dominian Sinta and caused it to take such an unnatural form to what it was before. The Goddess is recognized as being an entirely different concept from the Great Spirit; moreover, a recent doctrine was established that recognized the existence of other gods for other species, yet stated that these gods belonged to those species and should not be worshiped by aliens. Therefore, with this choice, they hold that Dominian Unathi are heretical— if not as much as Aut’akh or Si’akh.

Lately, a number of scientists have begun to theorize about the link between bluespace and the Spirit World, with many claiming that bluespace itself is the physical representation of Sk’akh’s will - the Spirit World made Material. While orthodox Sk’akh believe that this is nothing but nonsense, a number of scholars have given merit to the theory, given the fact that Unathi have been exposed to what many species would call magical events, leading the Unathi to believe that bluespace is linked to them as the Great Spirit’s Chosen People.
==== Burial Rites ====
Burial rites require the body to be treated with respect and any open wounds sealed or cauterized. A priest oversees a funeral process and gives a sermon on the individual, which are traditionally communal affairs, assuring the attendees that the individual in question will join their ancestors in the Great Spirit after the ceremony. The funeral ceremony finally begins by placing valuables onto the body, and then the body is offered to Sk'akh through violent and roaring ritual flames. The spirit may eventually find its way out of the body, however cremation will assist the spirit in the process.If someone dies a good person, they join Sk'akh and become a part of the Great Spirit. If someone dies an evil or wicked person they are barred from joining Sk'akh, doomed to go to the Chained Wastes where they will receive millenia of torment until finally being redeemed. These spirits tend to become malicious and hateful near the beginning of their torment and are easily twisted into seeking ways of escaping their just torment. When they do so, they come back to the Material and attempt to ease their suffering by inflicting it on others. Spirits that end up doing this are said to be a lost cause forever.

=== Funeral Rites ===
Si’akh demands strict burial rights in the form of a body being cremated. Similarly to Sk’akh, the cremation process begins with any open wounds being cauterized with fire, and then they are to be placed on a specialized cremation stone and lit ablaze in order to assist the spirit in escaping the body, with any remaining sins of the body being burned away into ashes. Anyone that knew the Unathi that passed is expected to attend the cremation and beg for the soul to be forgiven by Sk’akh, expressing all the good the person did in life in order to curry favor with Sk’akh. The devoutness of the deceased will determine where the soul is taken, with more pious individuals being guided to the Beastlands and more sinful individuals being brought to the Chained Wastes.

=== Si’akh and Orthodox Sk’akh ===
=== Worship of Sk'akh ===
Primarily, The Prophet views orthodox Sk’akh with condemnation. According to The Prophet, the Church of Sk’akh is a deeply corrupt institution that has lost the favor of Sk’akh and now only serves themselves. Si’akh claims that a High Priest being elected by Archpriests, instead of divinely ordained by Sk’akh, is a sign that the Church has long-since lost its way and become entangled in earthly politics and corruption. The Prophet believes that he alone speaks directly to Sk’akh, who instructs him on their will, and no other priests have been Ordained by the God themselves. The Prophet believes that Orthodox Sk’akh priests are the first Sinta that should be sought out for conversion to the True Faith, as they have an understanding of the faith, but have simply been led astray by the corrupt leadership of the Orthodox Church. No matter how combative Orthodox Preachers present themselves, The Prophet understands that they deserve to be saved by Sk’akh, as their hearts are devoted to the God already.
Regular worship is communal with Unathi clans or villages coming together for feasts, festivals, and even regular services to give thanks to their ancestors and Sk'akh for good tidings, or to ask for favors or assistance in life, with a priest to guide the service and provide interpretation of Sk'akh’s intentions. These priests also help deliver Sk’akh’s message from ancestors in the Beastlands to those that wish to, or need to, hear it. The worship of the Great Spirit is either done as a whole if there is no particular point of worship concern or to a specific Aspect on certain topics. Even in foreign lands, statues at any Sk’akh church are available for taking and buying, and as such, they have been commodified in a cheap version for purchasing in foreign space, too.

=== Worship of Sk’akh ===
The Great Spirit is depicted as a three-headed being with three sets of arms and a long, coiling tail; their design can be seen as being passed down to their Aspects as well, since the Warrior inherits their multiple arms and the Fisherman carries their long tail. They are draped across the torso in a himation, depicted in neither masculine or feminine traits for a Unathi, and draped with a coif over the eyes for every head. Despite never showing Sk’akh’s eyes in official imagery, the Church promotes the belief there are three eyes under each coif, with the third one being in the middle of the forehead and slitted vertically rather than horizontally. Each head is one of the Aspects’ heads: they are green, red, and black, from left to right. The scales of Sk’akh’s body are described as being the metals and gems of various kinds, though statues often omit this detail and use one type of metal, especially on smaller, cheaper ones.
Similarly to Orthodox Sk’akh, Si’akh worship is communal, though with less of a focus on what The Prophet deems as “gluttonous” or “hedonistic” ceremonies such as feasts. These communal ceremonies are paid for entirely by the Church of Si’akh utilizing the tithe collected by all worshippers, with any priest being expected to request funds from the Church. As opposed to the Orthodox Sk’akh Church however, Si’akh can be considered slightly more iconoclastic, condemning the idea that Icons of Sk’akh can be commodified. Generally, the purchasing or selling of “commodified” Sk’akhist icons is considered taboo. Si’akh fishers put a lot of work into icons that they create, and are expected to give any icons that they create to anybody that can prove their faithfulness, or someone who has been sponsored by a known faithful, with The Church itself compensating the cost of the fisher’s work.

The Great Spirit is simultaneously depicted as a single being as well as multiple individual beings. While there are three primary “heads” of Sk’akh, every soul that has been re-absorbed into its being have their own pull of the being, creating a more free ebb-and-flow to the Great Spirits’ actions. The Three Heads are considered to be both individual powerful spirits as well as general “groupings” of spirits with The Three Heads at the forefront. While in theory a powerful spirit could join The Great Spirit and augment and replace or even join as a Fourth Head, there have been no recognized spirits or grand alterations since the inception of The Great Spirit.
Sk’akh’s Great Spirit is represented by a triangle, typically with a sword, a staff, and a fishing pole intersecting each side of the triangle. This imagery, barring this barebones representation, is the most diverse thing about the religion with artists of all types doing their own takes and ideas of this concept. The Church even encourages these arts— provided the artist themselves are not uncouth or of bad standing in society.

==== The Warrior Mukari ====
==== The Warrior Mukari ====
The Warrior is Si’akh is depicted largely the same. He has four arms which he uses to carry a sword, a shield, a Si’akh holy symbol. His fourth arm has forgone the lute in favor of a Spear. He is a red-scaled Unathi, though his armor is much more modest in the Si’akh depiction, wearing leather armor typically studded with steel or iron. Fights, Conflict, and Strife are all matters that people worship Him for in Si’akh as well, and members of the Order of the Flame will utter a prayer of the Warrior before facing any opponent or otherwise before entering a battle.  
The Warrior is a figure represented as being the ideal male Unathi with four arms. He often uses these arms to carry a sword, a shield, a holy symbol such as a metal bar with a coiled top, and  lute; the Warrior’s many arms allow Him to defend the Healer and the Fisher. This Aspect often takes up the role of an arbiter, handling disputes either with His words or His weapons. He is a red-scaled Unathi donned in splint armor, ringed with silver and platinum, and in some cases, a bow or rifle with intricate designs of animals hunting each other is depicted on His back. Fights, conflict, and strife are all matters that people worship Him for. However, the Warrior is revered for things such as festivals, coming of age ceremonies for men, and ritual combat. His statues are almost universally common around dueling grounds, and His imagery and symbols are common at ceremonies.

The Symbol of the Warrior is a sword and spear, typically crossed over one another. While symbolically lacking the lute, Warriors are still expected to continue the tradition of the warrior-poet. While Si’akh does not restrict warrior-poets to nobility, it is restricted to warriors that are both powerful as well as have the ability to read and write. Some have taken to referring to warrior-poets as warrior-scribes or simply scribes, as they have been given the divine task of transcribing The Prophet’s word and distributing to those that were not able to be present at the time of speaking.
The symbols of the Warrior are the sword and the lute. Some colleges and institutes are dedicated to teaching the Way of the Warrior in Skalamar to anyone that wishes to learn and can pay. Some focus on music and storytelling, such as theater and orchestra, and others take on rough training and lessons in conflict resolution. A rare few of these colleges even blend both arts to train a Unathi to become a warrior-poet: a skald. Skalds almost exclusively are reserved for nobility that take up the mantle of becoming a warrior, or those that are skilled enough to become Kataphracts. Even those that believe in Th’akh are permitted within some schools— if they do not speak up against the religion in place there.
‘’“Great Warrior,''<br>
‘’“Your devout prepares to battle,''<br>
‘’“Today I claim victory over our enemies,''<br>
‘’“By fighting with You, as one.''<br>
''-The Warrior’s Prayer''<br>

==== The Healer Simi ====
==== The Healer Simi ====
Healer continues to represent femininity in Si’akh belief. She bears a simple staff in one hand and a leather tome in the other, with a leather satchel at her side. She is the pinnacle of knowledge that all scholars pray to before study as well as the Aspect of Sk’akh that oversees injured Unathi. While in orthodox Sk’akh she is entirely covered, in Si’akh she is said to be modestly clad. In the Si’akh interpretation, Simi has dark blue scales and wears a long leather dress, sewn into form by the Fisher from that of a beast that the Warrior hunted himself. Worldly healers will call upon Her power in order to bargain for the continued health of injured Unathi.
The Healer is the pinnacle of femininity in Sk’akh belief. She has a quarterstaff or bo staff in one hand and a tome in the other with a satchel at Her side; Her wit carries the Healer, and Simi’s knowledge and supplies are what lets Her heal the Warrior and the Fisher. She is a green-scaled Unathi that dresses elegantly— though, notably amongst most outside observers, rarely revealing scales— the Healer carries Herself with elegance and grace. Her outfit of choice is a flowing dress that goes down to the ankles, sometimes covering the feet almost entirely. Simi’s eyes are blindingly bright like gems; the eyes of the Healer cannot see, yet they are said to be able to pick apart a person’s intentions with a glance, such as discerning truth, lie, and rumor. Good health, life, death, and learning are what Unathi turn to Her for in their rituals and actions. She also presides over coming of age ceremonies for women, milestones of age for Unathi, and blessing surgeries and medical operations.

The symbol of the Healer is Her whitewood staff and leather tome. In the Si’akh rendition of the Healer, Her staff is charred at tip due to her utilizing the staff to cauterize the wounds of injured spirits. Women in Si’akh are encouraged to carry a smaller cautery in the shape of the Healer’s staff, and are all taught how to cauterize wounds in the Material world. Typically, Healers are the most learned members of the Church, and each Si’akh community will likely have at least one healer that instructs all other healers on their practices.
The symbols of the Healer are her whitewood staff and her leather tome. The staff is a twisted branch of whitewood and represents wisdom, as only the most wise in Unathite societies have staves, typically. Her tome is a reference knowledge, and it is a leatherbound book decorated well with a woman and man standing above a prone man, tending to him. Schools of medicine are a popular choice for women. Those that do not marry when they are of age pursue these avenues and carriers should they prove some talent in them. As a result of this, any Sk’akh-dominated institution will have a statue erected in Simi’s honor.

‘’”Caring Healer,''<br>
==== The Fisher Verrix ====
‘’By Your grace''’<br>
The Fisher remains someone shrouded in clothes, leaving most of their form hidden. Remaining slender with a long tail, he uses it in order to grab onto things and never lose his balance. Otherwise, Verrix carries a fishing pole over one shoulder and a sickle in the other. They are usually depicted as a plain, black-scaled Unathi. A hood dons over Their long, dorsal frills, a long dark blue color that is said to shimmer and shine in the sun like fish scales. The Fisher's arms and legs are covered in plain wrappings with muted colors as well. Using Their sickle to reap plants of use and his fishing pole to collect food, Verrix is a veritable worker that provides food and supplies for the Warrior and the Healer. They are regarded when hard work, craftsmanship, the harvest, and nature are topics of worship. Verrix is celebrated during times of harvest and large feasts, arduous and long projects, and before, during, and after hard trials and challenges.
‘’Restore this one’s vessel,''<br>
“So that they may carry on Your will.''<br>
‘’-The Healer’s Prayer''<br>

==== The Fisher Verrix ====
The symbols of the Fisher are Their fishing pole and silver sickle. Guild halls are especially dedicated to the Fisher, and any Sk’akh-leaning guild will have Their imagery everywhere that can be found to remind their workers of what hard work looks like in the faith. Hydroponicists are especially committed to their devotion of Verrix, seeing as Their xzarak moderate the harvests and nature itself. Otherwise, artists turn to Them for inspiration in their crafts, hope that their work pleases Them, and pray they will become successful.
The Fisher in Si’akh is the most differing Aspect. They are a black-scaled Unathi with a slender tail that they use to fish. Their dorsal frills have one stripe down each of a differing color - on Their left, a stripe of blue scales, and on Their right, a stripe of red scales. They do not cover themselves as They do in orthodox Sk’akh, merely wearing a simple leather tunic. In each hand, They hold a weighing scale and one of various tools from their collection, typically a sickle, a blacksmith’s hammer or an ax. They are completely efficient with their tool, leaving no waste whatsoever and are considered the pinnacle to what all Si’akh craftspeople should be.  

The symbol of the Fisher is their scale of balance. All Unathi that worship the Fisher are expected to carry a scale with them and are encouraged to weigh the sins of each Unathi. The Fisher uses Their scale in order to closely monitor the balance between all things: Order and Chaos, Material and Spirit, Good and Evil. The Prophet was told that the balance between these three key principles was skewed, and thus The Fisher ensured the nuclear exchange to allow cleansed, good souls into the Spirit world to allow Sk’akh to grow in strength and spread the Beastlands while simultaneously ensuring enough good, lawful Unathi remained on the Material world to balance the evil, chaotic souls.
=== Rituals of Sk'akh ===
The rituals of Sk’akh are universal and rarely waver. There are prayers and words of wisdom for any situation with most priests being wise in specific areas of the faith. Most interestingly, the various Aspects of the God are referred to or revered as individual people as the focus of different prayers, hymns, rituals, and offerings. Those focusing on the Warrior often are thankful for the passing of time and the seasons in addition to those revolving around conflict; the Healer is regarded for the cycle of life and death and for— as one may have guessed it— healing; the Fisherman is given thanks for reaping things from nature and for giving back to nature as well as travel.

‘’”Judging Fisher,''<br>
Sk’akh’s name is invoked for major points in someone’s life: officiating a marriage, after a time of great ruin, the birth of a child, and so forth. Other events are done at the discretion of the one looking to host one, but they may come at an exorbitant fee for the one looking to host at a chapel or church.
‘’May our crops be plentiful, though without waste.''<br>
‘’May our goods be worthy, though without excess.''<br>
“May our souls be full, though without sin.''<br>
‘’-The Fisher’s Prayer''<br>

=== Rituals of Si’akh ===
==== Dances of the Warrior ====
As with orthodox Sk’akh, Si’akh prayers are sent to their respective Aspects of Sk’akh. Prayers to the Warrior are focused around strength, courage, leadership and assertiveness. Conflict and conflict resolution are part of the Warrior’s domain, and rituals of the Warrior are always sung or are otherwise rhyming to accentuate the poetic portion of the Aspect. Prayers to the Healer are focused around Nurturing, Empathy, Kindness and Compassion. Life, death and healing are part of the Healer’s domain, and rituals of the Healer are said to assist in the recovering one’s spirit. Prayers to the Fisher are focused around worldliness, craftsmanship, natural cycles and balance, and rituals to the Fisher always involve the balancing of two or more things.
The Warrior is the most lively of the three Aspects. Words in reverence to Him are typically evocative and filled with imagery, and those particularly smitten by His Aspect take up poetry, song, and other verbal arts. Anything that is more than a verbal affair tends to be a physical expression. Two aspirants and warriors sparring in homage to the Great Spirit may look more graceful than the typical fight; people relate these fights to dances, as two warriors in fierce combat can resemble a ballroom dance more than a vicious spar. As such, some Unathi attempt to emulate this by focusing on showing grace in combat. It becomes more interesting in choreographed fights— and, as a side, can make a well-trained Unathi an appealing choice for both live-action and CGI fights.

Sk’akh’s name may be invoked for major points in someone’s life, but it is more common to invoke the specific Aspect that relates most to the situation at hand. For instance, while officiating a marriage, one may invoke the Warrior for the ability to resolve conflict in a pair’s marriage, the Healer for a long life and spiritual entwining after death, or the Fisher for a balanced and equal relationship. Regardless of which Aspect one seeks to honor with their event, it is considered a priest’s duty to bless the ceremony, and it is unfounded to charge anything to one that genuinely seeks to honor Sk’akh.
One popular prayer is dedicated to whenever someone wakes up or before they go to sleep, done routinely:

=== Saints ===
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A number of Saints were initially declared in 2466. The
Song of the Sunstones
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'''Saint Illkari Csorik'''<br>
    As my time slows still,
Formerly a Grand Priest, Csorik was executed by the Tribunal Investigations Constabulary of the Empire of Dominia following a proselytizing attempt in their land. He was close friends with Juzida Si’akh and had followed him for decades, counting himself among Si’akh’s first followers and a loyal advisor. He was slated to be the Archpriest of Moroz before his death. He was a devout follower of The Warrior, and was widely considered one of the best fighters that The Prophet had ever known. He is hailed as a champion of the religion, and Si’akh has stated that Csorik would have become the next Final High Prophet Born of the Purifying Flames if he should face an untimely death. The symbol used to represent him is that of a flaming spear stabbing through a shield.
    The Burning Mother
    Burns bright and fulfills
    The Moon’s slick borders.
    And now, the Sun will
    Rise again, further,
    Once I sleep and kill
    The restless slumber.

'''Saint Lisek Zentra'''<br>
    O Warrior, in night,
Formerly a Priest, Csorik was executed by the Tribunal Investigations Constabulary of the Empire of Dominia following a proselytizing attempt in their land. She was orphaned by Gawgaryn in 2451, but was rescued when Juzida Si’akh and his followers fought off the attack and was subsequently a loyal follower of Si’akh. She was a strong proponent of the Order of the Flame, and is credited with the creation of the idea. Si’akh has stated that Zentra was his first choice for the position of Head Paladin before her death. Si’akh was noted to have been deeply saddened following her death. It was claimed that Zentra was pregnant at the time of her death. The symbol used to represent her is that of a nest with three eggs inside of it, with a fire lit underneath the nest.
    Bring me further light,
    Dawning on the edge
    Of crowning yester.

=== Si’akh and Gender ===
Another prayer dedicated to the Warrior is customized by the needs of whoever is chanting it, but always begins with the following phrase: "My Warrior, claws wielding the Blade of Her Holiness, bestow me [a] borrowed boon." This line is used in what is called the Champion’s Chant, a prayer dedicated to the Warrior before an important conflict or challenge will occur for the reciter.
Si’akh’s understanding of gender focuses less on meditations of the Great Spirit than orthodox Sk’akh. Si’akh ceremonies of gender transition focus on cleansing sins of the flesh, and being reborn from the purifying and burning love of Sk’akh, though these ceremonies, contrary to popular belief, do not involve setting anyone on fire. The Prophet Si’akh himself generally identifies as a warrior, though his followers view him as something greater, having transcended mortal concepts of gender by Sk’akh’s divine grace, being all and none at once. This generally manifests itself in The Prophet’s followers using either the pronoun that they themselves identify with or the pronouns of the Aspect of Sk’akh that they pray to the most.

The Church of Si’akh is a largely genderless institution. It allows warriors, healers and fishers into its ranks. While the Order of the Flame is generally considered a warrior’s institution, the idea was created by a healer of the Church of Si’akh and has seen its fair share of healer members. The Sin Counters are an exclusively fisher institution, with all members being required to ritualistically burn away their gender before being allowed into their ranks.
==== Dedications of the Healer ====
Those that show reverence to the Healer rarely make a verbal commission to her; instead, acts are considered the most sincere form of worship to the Healer. Charity and kindness are dedicated to her name, and as such, it is not uncommon for nobles to go through what is considered "routine charity" by giving in a specific way as a tokenistic act of keeping the Healer appeased. However, most people see that it is not the value of the act that matters, but the importance of it. Buying food for someone is not as meaningful as cooking a meal for them, for example. As such, thoughtful acts are appreciated more by those in the Church for giving thanks to this Aspect.

== Organization ==
Nonetheless, the Healer does still have some prayers and mentions. They often remain in a rhyme and to the point with sophisticated language. The most common one is for someone recovering from an injury or that has fallen ill:
In 2466, the Church of Si’akh was officially formed. Previously, Si’akh was considered an unorganized heretical group of wandering madmen. Following the formalization of the Church, Si’akh has spread like wildfire, with churches opened offworld to preach to those Unathi who abandoned Moghes following the Contact War - to the concern of the powers that be. The Hegemony has yet to take formal action against Si’akh, though several among the more devout Sk’akh nobility have called for action against the First Church of the Flame in the Eastern Wasteland. Juzida Si’akh has anointed several of his own Archpriests, tasked with preaching his word to the furthest corners of the Spur, and his followers have increasingly begun to gather and organize, with several of the Prophet’s sermons broadcasted over the extranet for the off-world faithful.

Gatherings of Si’akh faithful are generally led by a Flame Priest - a role which has little in the way of formal standards, beyond being named such by the Prophet or one of his trusted Archpriests. This priest will lead a congregation of Si’akh faithful, and is held responsible by the Church for their physical and spiritual safety and wellbeing. A Flame Priest may appoint peers by their own will, but lacks the ability to raise another to their own position. Though the faith has grown rapidly in recent years, it is still firmly centralized around the authority of Juzida Si’akh and his hand-picked priesthood, lacking the frequent religious disputes of similar splinter faiths such as Aut’akh.
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Ease of Disease
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    Keep vigilant eyes over those bordering the Beastlands,
    My Healer and my Grace,
    Do not let Your meticulous methods stray Your slow hands
    And take those out of place.

=== The Church of Si’akh ===
Alternatively, singing is (not officially) used as a means of showing gratitude to the Healer as good singers require precise pitch in order to deliver a perfect performance. The few prayers that are given to Simi’s Aspect are often done through song by disciples as a result.
The church of Si’akh is a formal organization that was born from the expansion of the faithful following Juzida’s brief trip off Moghes in 2465. The Church itself is centralized around The Prophet, who generally spends his time speaking directly to Sk’akh and communicating Sk’akh’s will to his Archpriests. The Church has seen no corruption, and all those appointed to high positions have been appointed due to their faithfulness as opposed to their link to The Prophet, something He takes great pride in. All Si’akh faithful are expected to pay tithes to The Church. These tithes are redistributed to all Si’akh Communes, Churches and Scepts to ensure that ceremonies are able to be held. While the Priests are the ones who are expected to request money from The Church, the money sent for any given purpose is expected to be used entirely for the listed purpose, and those caught violating their duties are ordered for execution. While this has not happened as of yet, it is expected that the nearest Paladin will take on the duty of executing the traitor at the first given opportunity.

==== Affairs of the Church ====
==== Tributes to the Fisher ====
While the churches are run by Fire Priests and their direct followers, the duties of a church fall upon all followers in its community. From treasurer to flame bearer, there is a large list of duties that all local members are expected to assist with. Gathering tithes, speaking with followers and communicating with the priest directly overseeing them are generally duties of a local Fire Priest.
The Fisher, like the Healer, appreciates words less than another tactic: offerings. Food is the common way to show reverence to the Fisher, whether leaving a piece of every meal to the earth or rivers, pouring (some) drinks over the earth, or feeding better food to livestock. Open braziers provide ways for burning the offerings— which can also be particularly-coveted plants, incense, and expensive spices— the smell is said to waft through the air and please the Fisher and their xzarak. The way the offering is presented depends on what is being asked of the Fisher: if it’s for blessing a yield of food, typically the food is burned; blessings for long commutes are done by pouring a drink on the ground, to soften the earth one is about to walk; if someone is about to partake on a hunt, the Fisher and Warrior are both regarded with a hearty feast and a whole plate offered up to the Fisher. In later years, the Fisher has also come to represent the skilled artisan crafts that are required of Unathi culture, such as blacksmithing, glassblowing, jewelry, and other crafts.

Any given church will have a single day of the week, typically recognized as Sunday (though sometimes held on Saturdays, or rarely other days of the week, depending on the Priest and location), that all members of a community will gather for the Day of Worship. The entire day is spent with the members of one’s community, and all jobs that one may have outside of the Church are expected to excuse them, from fishing to office work. Members of the community will gather for breakfast in the Church, go about their Church duties, and then generally head outside for some form of event or team-building exercise. The exercise will generally last until lunchtime, where all adherents will gather and give their thanks to Sk’akh for their community, their food, and their lives. After lunch, a community sermon is held, followed by a large celebration of life and worship. After the celebration, adherents are allowed to head home, but are encouraged to stay and relax with their community. Many churches see it taboo to be the first one to leave on the Day of Worship, and those that leave last are often considered paragons of the faith, giving their entire day to Sk’akh.
The lines coming from prayers for the Fisher often are heavily drenched in metaphor, simile, and allusion. The following is the beginning of a prayer that is offered at the end of a good harvest: "While nature is constant, its blessings are not. As the tides of life and fisheries recede and draw in, we can only pray the food is fat and filling."

Churches are exclusively the location where marriages are held, with marriages often taking the place on the Day of Worship, replacing the sermon of that day in exchange for a focus on the marrying couple’s wedding. As is a typical Day of Worship, all adherents in an area are expected to attend regardless of their level of familiarity with the marrying couple. A Fire Priest will give a Flaming Blessing to the marrying couple, who will then be seen as being Married Under Sk’akh, often being being overseen or named under the Head of Sk’akh that they primarily worship.
Some prayers are also offered for a long journey. One recitation, in particular, can be used for the reciter, or for someone they know that is traveling: "Winds provide a current to blow away storms; waters replenish my body like a river; earth yield to my claw-falls; fire from the Burning Mother keep me warm and energized for every step I take."

The Flame Priest of any given church is expected to request funds from the Church of Si’akh for any celebration, with a dedicated treasurer overseeing each church’s spending with allocated funds. While all tithes may be collected by the Flame Priest of a church, the collected tithe is not usable by the church until an approval has been reached from the Church. In order to expedite the process, Archpriests are given the responsibility of overseeing the funds given in their lands, a duty that is not taken lightly by any. An archpriest will generally have a Fiduciary Committee of Flame Priests that are given the direct responsibility of ensuring all requests are filled.
=== Sk'akh and Gender ===
In the Izweski Hegemony and other Sk’akh societies, changing of gender is generally a religious matter, overseen by a Sk’akh priest of the relevant Aspect. A three-day ceremony of fasting, meditation and reflection on the threefold nature of the Great Spirit is required, after which the individual in question will be formally declared as their new gender by the grace of Sk’akh. In Church literature, the act of changing gender is referred to as “Transcendence of the Sublime Barrier”, and is believed to bring one closer to understanding of Sk’akh. Often this ritual is practiced in seclusion by Sk’akh priests - for only in understanding the threefold Aspects can one understand Sk’akh in Their entirety. This ritual is required for those wishing to become Priests of the Aspect, to bring the acolyte closer into alignment with their chosen face of Sk'akh. In times past, it was required for a High Priest to spend a period as each gender, in order to truly understand the threefold nature of Sk'akh. This tradition has fallen out of practice during the age of the Izweski Hegemony, however.

The relation of any Sinta to the priest is not considered as much of a sway as one’s own faithfulness. Flame Priests have spurned their birth parents and children in the name of Sk’akh for attempting to sway their loved ones to bestow favor upon them. While community is vital in Si’akh worship, community is considered something that comes from the understanding that all those around you love Sk’akh, rather than any bloodline or sense of duty towards those in your proximity. In order to be a productive member of one’s society, they must first hold Sk’akh as the primary love in their heart, then one’s neighbor may be held second.
== Organization ==

==== Ranks of the Church ====
The Sk'akh Church has seen power increasingly centralized into a handful of influential priests in the last few decades with the High Priest being a mere honorary title for a priest that oversaw ceremonial rituals for the Hegemony's royal family. This status quo came to a surprising head in 2458. [[Notable Unathi#Yizra Unzi, Exiled High Priest|High Priest Yizra Unzi]] used a moral panic on Moghes over alleged cultist infiltration to begin an inquisition across the Hegemony. Once the court chaplain for the Izweski, Unzi used this cult scare to rapidly elevate his power and centralize the Sk'akh church, becoming the official leader of the church and commander of its militant inquisition, the Maraziite Order. After a dramatic confrontation with the Izweski family itself, the resulting negotiations created an agreement that reformed the Sk'akh Church.  
There is no formal requirement to be named to a position in the Church of Si’akh, save appointment by one higher in the faith’s hierarchy. Doctrine states that all such appointments are by the Prophet’s will, though with the growth of the religion this is only true in abstract. The Archpriests, appointed by the Prophet himself, name Grand Flame Priests, who name ordinary Flame Priests, who name peers. Unlike the orthodox Sk’akh Church, there is little in the way of politics or corruption among the faith’s higher ranks, with most of those who have reached such positions being true believers in the Prophet Si’akh and his cause.

Priests are generally assigned to a specific location, with the cause of saving Unathi souls through the word of Si’akh, and turning the locals from their wickedness and sin. This, combined with the faith’s reputation as a doomsday cult, leads to Si’akh priests often being poorly received where they arrive, with some having faced death or injury in the name of their beliefs. In the First Church of the Flame stands the Wall of the Martyred - a monument bearing the names of those who died for the truth of Si’akh, who are believed to stand proudly at the Great Spirit’s side.
Unzi's reign would collapse in 2462, during a conflict with former Hegemon S'kresti Izweski which would see the Maraziites disbanded and the High Priest sent to die in the Wasteland. Since then, the Church has been leaderless, ruled over by the Archpriests. In 2464, Overlord Azui Hutay'zai appointed Archpriest Akale Roeruz to fill the absent seat of Archpriest of Tza - allowing the Archpriests to break the deadlock they had been caught in. A new High Priest has not been appointed yet, but with the Church seemingly rising to prominence once again it is only a matter of time.

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Sk'akh priests universally consider synthetics to be devoid of a soul, and thus they cannot be considered living beings. In December of 2457, the Council of Teht was held, in which an assembly of Sk'akh priests mandated this as doctrine for the faith. While a minority of priests argued against this, they were overruled by the majority and forced to accept their views.
Church of Si'akh Hierarchy
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* Final High Prophet Born of the Purifying Flames: Sometimes shortened to The Prophet, this is the leader of the Church and the true voice of Sk’akh. This position is currently held by Juzida Si’akh.
* First Speaker of the Flame: The head advisor of The Prophet. They are in charge of the communications between all Archpriests and ensuring that The Prophet’s will is being followed in all Scepts.
* Archpriest: The leaders of the Church. There is one Archpriest for each planet with an official Church Scept. There are currently five Archpriests. They are generally considered to be the advisors of The Prophet, and are led by the First Speaker of the Flame, who is also an Archpriest.
* High Paladin: The leader of the Order of the Flame also holds a distinguished position in the Church of Si’akh, just below that of an Archpriest.
* Grand Flame Priest: The director of a diocese. Makes more local decisions such as renovating churches and missionary outreaches. Paladins of the Order of the Flame are considered to hold the same level of respect as a Grand Priest as well, though have no authority in the Church of Si’akh unless they are also a priest.
* Flame Priest: A priest assigned to a specific town, district or region.
* Peer: A disciple in training.

==== High Ranking Church Officials ====
=== Church of Sk’akh ===
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[[File:HighPriestUnzi.jpg|thumb|Once the court chaplain for the Izweski, High Priest Yizra Unzi used a cult scare in 2458 to rapidly elevate his power and centralize the Sk'akh church, becoming the official leader of the Church and commander of its militant inquisition, the Maraziite Order.]]
The important people of the Si’akh faith.
The Church of Sk’akh is a formal organization that has almost evolved into a bureaucracy of sorts within the last decade. It is run as a tight ship with inspections of churches and the priests running them, measurements of tithes taken and checked for fraud, and reports on worshiper counts being done frequently. Each church has very similar parallels, and while the specific activities and local events done out of a given church will vary widely, their functions, responsibilities, and worship all operate the same way.
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'''Szek Ren’zsar; First Speaker of the Flame, Archpriest of Moghes'''<br>
Previously a top field correspondent with the Sinta Articles, Szek Ren’zsar spent some time tailing Si’akh as he gathered his followers in late 2465. Ren’zsar spent countless nights listening to Si’akh speak of tales of his past and his plans for the future. Enamored by the man’s charisma, Ren’zsar found himself more and more committed to Si’akh’s newest goal: building a proper church. Ren’zsar began using the connections he made while at the Sinta Articles to subtly push forward Si’akh’s agenda, from gathering skilled crafters and materials to spreading positive words of his newfound faith via the news outlet itself.

'''Jok'lan Trexus, Archpriest of Ouerea'''<br>
==== Affairs of the Church ====
Trexus was one of the first Si’akh priests on Ouerea. Born in 2429 to a Sk’akh clan on Ouerea, Trexus found himself sickened by the spiritual sundering the Aut’akh inflicted upon their own bodies, and disgusted by the atrocities of the Contact War. Following the war’s end and the departure of the Sol Alliance and Nralakk Federation from Ouerea, Trexus fell into a period of severe depression and butanol addiction, living as a drunken vagrant on the streets of New Skalamar, before hearing a Si’akh preacher and reportedly being overcome with religious fervor and hope for the future. He abandoned the bottle, and joined the Si’akh faith, preaching the Prophet’s word to the Unathi of Ouerea to little success for several years. In 2465, the Prophet Si’akh visited Ouerea himself, and was reportedly impressed by Trexus’s devotion - naming him Archpriest of Ouerea, and blessing his mission in the name of Sk’akh. Trexus now presides over the Conflagrational Scept of Ouerea, and has gathered a small congregation of like-minded souls to preach the truth of Si’akh to all who will listen.
The Church is staffed exclusively by the clans of its priest(s), or by Unathi that are interested in someday becoming a priest themselves. As such, it is typical for a clan’s job to be running a chapel, collecting tithes, running community events, carousing with nobility for the Church’s agenda, and other duties. A church at the local level does not do much to impact the decisions of the Church of Sk’akh as a whole.

'''Thime Arrivion, Archpriest of Biesel'''<br>
A church will hold biweekly summons, typically interspersed as evenly as possible and with the attempt to work on days that work the best for the community. For example, if near a fishing guild, sermons may be held near the middle of the day due to the early hours the guild spends in a hatchery or aquaponics farm. During these summons, people of the community interact, share tales, ask the priest or priests and their peers for guidance, and share food. On a day of summons, it is considered appropriate to eat and to bring food to share if able. Additionally, the meal of the day is reserved for sharing with everyone at a chapel or church on a day of summons. The priest, or one of them if there are multiple, will then host a discussion on a topic of their choosing and weave in one of Sk’akh’s words of wisdom or draw attention to certain details the Church of Sk’akh puts out. Sometimes this will begin with summarizing the latest information the Church has put on the Extranet, though this is not always the case. This is interspersed with prayer, singing, offerings to the Great Spirit and their Aspects, and collecting tithes (once every week or so).
Along with Illkari Csorik, Thime Arrivion was one of Si’akh’s first converts, a former soldier of the Izweski Hegemony who grew disgusted with his life of violence after the Contact War devoured Moghes. When Si’akh called for the faithful to travel to Biesel, Arrivion was one of the first to volunteer, believing he would carry Si’akh’s light to sinful alien stars. He arrived in the Republic, along with several others, in the late 2450s, and began attempting to convert those Unathi who had fled or migrated to Tau Ceti. In 2465, Si’akh declared him Archpriest of Biesel, blessing him and naming him leader of the Conflagrational Scept of Valkyrie. Arrivion is reportedly a passionate speaker, who often preaches of the evils that greed and lust for power have brought to Biesel, which has led to his sermons gaining popularity among poor or disenfranchised Unathi - who often see parallels to the evils Arrivion preaches of and the power corporations wield in the Republic. Despite his personal distaste for violence, his followers have often clashed with Sk’akh, Th’akh, and Aut’akh Unathi in the streets, leading to increased religious tension in Unathi communities.  

'''Holn Arrivion, Archpriest of Mictlan'''<br>
Churches and chapels are also the ideal location for a marriage occurring under Sk’akh. The specific affairs of the wedding are often left to clans to decide upon, such as spilling blood from each spouse into a bowl and pouring it, a friendly competition, or eloquent professions of admiration and love. Each priest mimics the same role in officiating the marriage, bestowing a blessing upon the newly-wed couple on behalf of Sk’akh, and offering the usual priestly services in addition to coordinating guests and performers around the space.
The younger brother of Thime Arrivion, Holn served alongside his brother on Biesel for several years, before the Solarian Collapse and the creation of the Corporate Reconstruction Zone. When Mictlan joined the Republic of Biesel, Holn volunteered to lead a mission to the Free City of Vezdukh, believing the Unathi there to be in desperate need of the Prophet’s salvation. Since arriving, he has worked tirelessly to spread the Prophet’s words to all who will listen, preaching similarly to his brother on the evils that mortal greed and lust for power have wrought on Mictlan - tapping into anti-Biesel sentiment with some measure of success. He has acquired a sizeable congregation within Vezdukh, and several prominent clans have made demands of the Lord Mayor to shut this radical preacher down before he causes a riot. In 2465, Holn’s service was recognised by the Prophet, who named him Archpriest of Mictlan, encouraging him to continue his work on saving the souls of the Mictlani Unathi.  

'''Ka’Akaix’Req K’lax, Archpriest of Vaurca'''<br>
Grand Priests and their clans have more sway in affairs. They collect tithes and send a portion back up the ladder, but they can otherwise use money to renovate existing churches, hold important festivals and ceremonies to attract new followers, or run emergency events, such as in the wake of a tragedy to mourn or otherwise pray over. Archpriests collect the rest of the tithes in the same way, but they have the power to construct new churches or tell the Grand Priests how to spend their funding, if needed. Additionally, they can help weigh in on important decisions for the faith in the case of new rulings or responses to galactic issues. The High Priest has ultimate authority on all things within the Church, and currently, there is no set way to remove him from power. Due to the formation of the Sk’akh Church and how Unzi has departed, there has been intense internal strife about how to elect a new High Priest and if there should be internal reform of the Church before that is realized.
The leader of the Ssup’vihtal, Ka’Akaix’Req K’lax is the figure that represents all Vaurca that possess Unathi souls. Having grown up

=== Reavers of the Flame ===
==== Ranks of the Church ====
The Reavers of the Flame were a fanatical militant holy order that Si’akh created in his early days as messiah. Members of the order were called Reavers, and they were charged with the protection of Si’akh and his followers. They were based in Wasteland forts and guarded pilgrims who traveled for miles to follow Si’akh. The Reavers were a well-known organization that was frequently hunted down by mercenaries and explorers hired by the Hegemony. They armed themselves with Contact War era weaponry and crude ballistic weapons to defend themselves. Reavers were required to burn off their horns, giving them a strange appearance compared to typical Unathi. Joining the Reavers was considered a fast-track to salvation.
Typically to become a priest, you must seek and obtain a Mastery of Sacred Theology in a major Unathi university first. The degree takes three to four years to obtain. With this, you can apply to enter the Church of Sk’akh, with recommendation from a noble, and begin training in its ministry. This process of training can take anywhere from three to seven years depending on the student, how quickly they learn, and how much time they devote to studying. This entry level is known as a Peer of Sk’akh. Peers are sent out on work exchanges for up to two years after they have completed their training, to spread the word of Sk’akh to Sinta across the galaxy. Time abroad is meant to be the final test: either the galaxy reaffirms your beliefs, or you are turned away from the Church.

The now-defunct Order has largely been integrated into the Order of the Flame, the brainchild of the late Saint Lisek Zentra. Where the Reavers of the Flame were considered by many to be ruthless, honorless thugs that were unafraid to use ambushes and underhanded tactics to gain the upper hand, the Order of the Flame are held to a much higher and more honorable standard, as the Warrior is said to directly watch over their conflicts.
After becoming a priest, most people stay at this position for some time. Promotions from here can vary, either into becoming a Maraziite, joining the Priests of the Aspect, or looking to be promoted to a Grand Priest or further. At this point, the Church becomes more corrupt; regardless of a priest’s religious intuition and knowledge, their cunning and some political navigation will get them much further in the ranks of the Sk’akh Church.

=== Order of the Flame ===
The Church of Sk’akh has developed a similar power structure to feudal lords in that the clans of prominent priests within the Church help organize and run regions of Sk’akh’s influence, whether it be for a single town to a whole region of the Hegemony. The hierarchy is as follows:
The Order of the Flame is a military order formed from the ashes of the Reavers of the Flame. During her time with The Prophet, Saint Lisek Zentra proposed an organized militant force to combat the Maraziite Order. Although the Maraziites were disbanded by the Hegemony, the growth of Si’akh led to a need for greater organization, culminating in the formation of the Order out of former Reavers of the Flame. The Order is sworn to abide by the Warrior’s Code, to obey the commands of the Prophet Si’akh, and to defend the faithful from those who would seek to harm them. The Order is commanded from the First Church of the Flame by the High Paladin, who is answerable only to Si’akh himself. Regional chapters are overseen by Senior Paladins, who command their own force of warriors. Though the Si’akh faith itself is not outlawed in the Hegemony, the presence of an armed religious paramilitary violates several Hegemony laws, requiring members of the Order in Izweski territory to operate largely incognito unless they have some other profession which would permit them to carry weapons. In the Republic of Biesel, the Order is able to operate somewhat more openly - though it is considered a potentially dangerous group by Bieselite law enforcement, it has yet to be connected to any illegal activity.

There are few qualifications required to join the Order - one must petition a Knight-Captain or higher, who may grant Knight-Hopeful status. Similar to the rank of the same name within the Kataphract Guild, a Knight-Hopeful serves as a junior member of the Order to demonstrate their commitment, honor, and skill. There is no set length for how long this period lasts - simply whenever the officer overseeing the Knight-Hopeful decides they are worthy of being named a full member of the Order.
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Church of Sk'akh Hierarchy
The Order’s largest base of membership is in the Wasteland of Moghes, where many have flocked to its banner - whether out of need, opportunism or genuine faith. Order patrols are common, particularly in the region around the First Church of the Flame, where they managed to drive out several raider clans seeking to target the amassed Si’akh faithful. Even to those Wastelanders who do not follow Si’akh, the Order is generally a welcome sight-  often offering their aid and protection to small and poorly defended Wasteland settlements. Most of the Order’s high-ranking members are former Reavers of the Flame, though since their official formation they have recruited former soldiers, mercenaries, and bandits who sought to find a new purpose in their lives. Offworld, the Order tends to act as more of a community defense organization for Si’akh followers, with members on Ouerea, Mictlan, and Biesel often patrolling Si’akh-majority areas - a practice which has led to accusations of vigilantism and gang activity from those outside the faith.
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* High Priest: The leader of the Church and earthly voice of Sk'akh. This position was last held by Yizra Unzi, and has remained absent since his death.
* Claws of the High Priest: A circle of advisors chosen by the High Priest to aid him in decision making, similar to a lord's council.
* Archpriest: The leaders of the Church, beneath only the High Priest in power. Traditionally, each Archpriest is appointed by an Overlord, and handles all Church affairs in their Overlord's demesne. Currently there are five Archpriests - four on Moghes, and one on Ouerea.
* High Aspect Acolyte: The leader of one of the three Orders of the Aspect. They make decisions for the specific orders within the Church and report directly to the High Priest. While they are technically their own order, Priests of the Aspect that run chapels are treated the same as other priests, barring the cases their specialized knowledge is needed.
* Grand Priest: The director of a diocese. Makes more local decisions such as renovating churches and missionary outreaches into majority Th’akh towns.
* Guildmasters: The leader of a branch of the Maraziite Order, now disbanded.
* Priest: A priest assigned to a specific town, district or region.
* Chapter Master: The leader of a Maraziite chapter, now disbanded.
* Peer: a disciple in training.

==== Ranks of the Order ====
==== The Archpriests ====
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Church of Si'akh Hierarchy
Since the exile of High Priest Unzi, the Church has been leaderless - debating on whether a new High Priest even can be appointed without proof of Unzi’s death, and on which of them should take the mantle of Sk’akh’s most faithful. For years, there were four Archpriests, deadlocked over nearly everything, before Overlord Azui Hutay’zai appointed the first Archpriest of Tza in 2465.
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* High Paladin: The leader of the Order. The High Paladin is generally responsible for the well-being of all Si’akh believers, and the death of any follower caused by a heathen or heretic is considered a failing of the High Paladin.
'''Akale Roeruz, Archpriest of Tza'''<br>
* Senior Paladin: The leaders of the order. Generally, they will lead their own branches of the Order, and have close ties with the Church of Si’akh. A Senior Paladin is expected to have a strong relationship with the Archpriest that oversees the area that they operate in.
A Sk’akh missionary, Akale Roeruz spent most of his life trying to spread the word of the Great Spirit in the Tza Prairie, to little success. He oversaw a small church in Kutah, for the few Sk’akh faithful of the city, before being appointed as Archpriest of Tza by Overlord Hutay’zai, in the hope of swinging the vote in favour of reparations to the Akhandi Order. Personally, he is reported to be a very traditional Unathi who favours the Aspect of the Fisher, believing in the virtues of diligence and industriousness - which has led to an odd friendship with Overlord Hutay’zai, despite the latter’s strong Th’akh faith and dislike of the Church.
* Paladin: Low-level leaders of the order. Paladins are typically lifted from the upper ranks of Knighthood, and are taught to train other members of the Order. They are given important positions such as trainers, overseeing knight operations and may be given charge over Grand Priests, with the best given charge over Archpriests.
* Knight Captain: Senior Knights that have been given command over other Knights. They are expected to lead the Knights from the front.
* Senior Knight: Knights that have distinguished themselves in the Order. They hold no command over other Knights, and are generally given charge of a Priest.
* Knight: Rank-and-file members of the Order. These are the most numerous.
* Knight Hopeful: Outsiders that wish to join the Order are given the rank of Knight Hopeful. When a Squire is given Knighthood, they skip this rank, as it is exclusively used for adults that join, rather than children that are born into the Order.
* Squire: Sinta between the ages of six to sixteen are placed in the charge of a Knight and taught to become an honorable warrior of the Order.

=== The Sin Counters ===
'''Koszkahe Oklaal, Archpriest of the Heartlands'''<br>
Unofficially considered to be Si’akh’s Order of the Fisher, the Sin Counters are a group of monks that travel the wasteland compiling a list of sins of each Unathi they meet. Cclad in a basic leather tunics and bearing nothing but a scale and a leatherbound book, they strive to meet as many Unathi as they can to get their sins written into their books. They are generally charismatic, and will spend a day or two with each person, giving nothing but their complete undivided attention to them on the outside. On the inside, they are compiling a list of all sins that the person commits or admits to committing. This list is not used to belittle sinners, but is held until the sinner is ready to face their judgment before the Fisher. The Sin Counter who has compiled a list of their sins will take the sinner to a secluded area and blindfold them, before lighting a flame and allowing the sinner to speak and repent their sins before the Fisher. Once they have repented their sins themselves, the monk will bestow one of their past sins upon the reformed sinner, and cast the sinner’s page or pages into the flames.
Born to a noble clan of Baandr, Koszkahe Oklaal has risen over decades through the Church’s ranks, having skillfully balanced the demands of the Hegemon, Overlord Sirax and High Priest Unzi for years prior to the latter’s banishment. Now, he has taken on a position as an unofficial representative of the Archpriests in political matters - seeking to rebuild the Church as a power in its own right. He is often criticised for opportunism, with many viewing him as emblematic of entrenched corruption within the Church - but he has skilfully worked within his role, and his supporters claim he is the only reason that the Church remains a political power at all after Unzi’s failure.

Sin Counters, as a Fisher institution, only allow fishers into their ranks. They will take this to the highest level by ritualistically burning their gender away in flames. While some believe that this act turns away the other two main aspects of Sk’akh, the Sin Counters believe that this act is not an act against the other two, but a show of utter devotion to the Fisher and balance. They believe that the black scales of the Fisher are the remains of charred sins that the Fisher has agreed to take upon Themself in order to balance the Material and Spirit worlds, and that only through the monks’ work do They offer true salvation and cleansing to the Material world.
'''Korza Azandar, Archpriest of the Southlands'''<br>
Appointed by Overlord Miazso, Korza Azandar is a passionate and fiery Sinta, who frequently speaks on what he sees as the sacred duty of the Church - to act as spiritual guides to the Unathi people, to show the way that Sk'akh wishes Their children to live. Azandar has a reputation as a man of the people, being photographed speaking with Hearts of Industry during the Jaz'zirt riots of 2465 - an act which led him to speak out on the fear many Sinta had of Hephaestus Industries and its expansion. He has called for a return of the Church as not only a political power, but a military one, believing that the faithful of Sk'akh must have a Church that can defend them against any threat, physical or spiritual. This sentiment, and his reputation, have made him very popular among the common people.

=== The Doomsayers ===
'''Kharan Malza, Archpriest of Zazalai'''<br>
The Doomsayers are a radical splinter faith of Si’akh that believe that the only cure to the spiritual plight of the Unathi people is to free all spirits from their vessels using the cleansing flame of a nuclear explosion. While the term “Doomsayer” was originally an offensive epithet against them, those that believe in the re-nuking of Moghes have taken the title on as a unifying name and goal. The claim that the only true salvation comes in the fires of another nuclear war is unsupported and unfounded, with The Prophet stating that the Contact War was caused by the Fisher in an act of divine balancing, and that souls must now trickle into the Spirit world once being cleansed of their sins. The Prophet has stated that there is no easy or quick path to redemption, and that a second nuclear war would merely delay the cleansing of impure souls, as only pure souls were allowed to meet Sk’akh during the Contact War. Due to the fact that this sect fundamentally disagrees with the word of The Prophet, the Doomsayers typically count among them priests that disagree with The Prophet as well as priests that have abandoned their mission to bring redemption to others and seek their own death and embrace of Sk’akh. With the advent of the legitimization of Si’akh and the founding of the Church of Si’akh, a small number have fled to the Doomsayers’ side, citing that The Prophet has forgotten his practice of wandering without possession. The Prophet has dismissed these claims as the word of sinful priests that cannot be trusted.
The only Archpriest not appointed by an Overlord, Kharan Malza was raised to the position of Archpriest in 2462 by High Priest Unzi, after consultation with the lords of the region - believing that a strong Church presence was needed to stand against the growing Si'akh cult. Malza is a militant, having served as a Priest of the Warrior for nearly thirty years prior to his appointment, who has spoken in favor of a reformed Maraziite Order - believing that in times when madness and corruption such as Si'akh and Aut'akh run rampant, the Great Spirit requires an army of the faithful to enforce Their will. Despite this, he was reportedly not a supporter of Unzi's, having later decried the former High Priest as a man who sought personal power and glory, rather than the glory of Sk'akh.

=== The Ssup’vihtal ===
'''Iloso Azente, Archpriest of Ouerea'''<br>
Ta’Akaix’Vihtal’akhen’flei K’lax is the devout leader of the Ssup’vihtal. Vihtal was contacted by Sk’akh and informed that Juzida Si’akh is pivotal against a New Coming of the Lii’dra. Taking this information to her Queen, she was turned away and told to forget the aberrant belief that one single Unathi could turn the tide against the Lii’dra. In secret, Vihtal imbues eggs given to her with Unathi souls from Sk’akh and teaches them of Si’akh before sending them to The Prophet. While initially a contentious subject, The Prophet embraced the Ssup’vihtal after he received a vision from Sk’akh that their souls were just as legitimate as any soul in a Unathi vessel. The knowledge that the Ssup’vihtal possess Unathi souls has led to their individual treatment being remarkably better than that of their kin elsewhere. Many Ssup’vihtal warriors have found their way into the Order of the Flame as knights, and maybe Ssup’vihtal workers have found their way into the Church of Si’akh, with Ka’Akaix’Req K’lax and Za’Akaix’Aru K’lax being two notable Ssup’vihtal.
Called a radical by many, Iloso Azente leads the Church on Ouerea, having been appointed by Overlord Zik'san in 2463. His beliefs have been claimed to verge on heresy, preaching of how Sk'akh blessed the fighters of the Ouerean Revolution and how those who wield power against their own people have abandoned the path of the Great Spirit. Regardless, Azente is charismatic and popular among the Sk'akh community of Ouerea, even if the Church on Moghes may look down on him. Azente is known to have fought in the Ouerean Revolution, though little about his specific participation has ever been unveiled. He is a personal friend of Overlord Zik'san, and has been one of the strongest voices calling for reformation within the Church and the Hegemony itself.

While the original Ssup’vihtal were all born from Vihtal, the Ssup’vihtal will accept any Vaurca that can prove that they, too, possess Unathi souls. Generally, only Vaurca that were born on Moghes are considered to have Unathi souls, as Moghes is a spiritual hotspot for Sk’akh activity. It is not unheard of for Unathi souls to find their way into Vaurca outside of Vihtal’s direct intervention, as the spiritual energy that pervades the planet allows Sk’akh to influence other broods as well.
=== Priests of the Aspect ===
Some Sk'akh priests also try to embody one of the Great Three: a Priest of the Aspect. They become great paladins, skilled doctors or surgeons, or even aquatic farmers. On top of their studies in theology, a Priest of the Aspect takes additional years to study their chosen field on top of this degree or study both fields in tandem. As a result, a Priest of the Aspect is typically older in their relevant field than other entry applicants. However, training into the Sk’akh Church as one of these shamans will guarantee jobs within the Hegemony and abroad due to the high prestige of the institution and their reputation of professionalism and efficiency. Priests of the Aspect are each required to be the gender matching their aspect, with new acolytes required to undergo a highly secretive ritual of transition to further understand the Aspect that they dedicate their lives to.

Ka’Akaix’Req K’lax is often considered the “leader” of the Ssup’vihtal. While Vihtal’akhen’flei is the true leader of the faction, she still operates in secret in order to continue to secure eggs from Vehdra. Req has claimed that it named the faction after Vihtal in honor of its upbringing, and has secured itself a position in the Church of Si’akh as an Archpriest, representing all Vaurca with Unathi souls. The oldest of the Ssup’vihtal, Req was created with the express goal of leading all subsequent Ssup’vihtal and is thus privy to all of the secrets that the faction may hold. Wise beyond its years, Req swiftly rose through the ranks of the Church of Si’akh and was appointed as Archpriest of Vaurca upon the legitimization of the church. It is a devout follower of The Prophet and has found itself a close confidant of both The Prophet as well as the First Speaker of the Flame, enacting their will upon the Ssup’vihtal.
Priests of the Warrior of the Warrior are near-universally highly respected, and form a small, elite fighting force that is on par with some of the finest warriors of Moghes. They go into battle with intricate hymns drawn across their armored plates while chanting to Sk'akh for their blessing in the battle. However, in recent times due to the lack of conflict, many have taken to fighting off malignant ghosts that try to disrupt the lives of the living. Others act as travelling martial trainers, or have taken on positions with the Kataphracts or Navy. Priests of the Warrior usually study techniques of mediation and conflict resolution as their honor and position are often called upon to settle disputes, both violent or otherwise. They are headquartered in Keep Mukari, an ancient Sarakus fortress several days from Baandr, where the priesthood trains for when they are called to battle once more.

Za’Akaix’Aru K’lax is considered the “co-leader” or “secondary leader” of the Ssup’vihtal. A Senior Paladin in the Order of the Flame, Aru is a powerful warrior that holds a sway over all Vaurca of the Order of the Flame. While the Order of the Flame members hold loyalty to their commanding Paladin, all Vaurcan Knights hold Aru to be their true Paladin. Aru was born of the same clutch as Req and was given the duty to protect its sibling. Aru is considered a quintessential Paladin, and many Unathi knights will look up to it as a shining example of what any member of the Order should strive to be.
Priestesses of the Healer traditionally study medicine, stating that the anatomy of creatures is sacred and cannot— should not— be altered genetically, mechanically, or otherwise. This is what lends Dominian Unathi away from genetic enhancement; Medicinal Acolytes of the Healer are often the ones who starkly oppose the Aut’akh the most due to their harsh views. They also act as scholars and historians, keeping the records of the Church and its history. They are headquartered in the Simiite Reliquary of To'ha'dat, a vast library holding the complete records of the Sk'akh Church, which is generally very difficult to gain access to for those outside the Church's ranks.

== Politics ==
Priests of the Fisher are also known as Spirit-Guides, a play on words in Sinta’Unathi due to the words for ‘spirit’ and ‘river’ sounding similar. They travel from town to town and offer their expertise to help show new techniques and ways of raising fish in hatcheries. Their goodwill and assistance is seen as a form of missionary work in the Sk’akh Church and is how they keep their reach relevant, even in Th’akh communities within the Hegemony. They are headquartered in Baandr, where they are largely responsible for the upkeep and operation of the Baandr College of Spirits.
Si’akh disagrees with the Hegemony on the fundamental level. Si’akh believes that nobility is inherently sinful and wealth inevitably begets greed. The value of a soul is not determined by any factor of the material world, but the strength and purity of one’s spirit. A frequent rallying cry of the Si’akh faithful is “no lords but the Great Spirit”, a rejection of the feudal system which has governed Moghes for centuries. To many of the nobility, Si’akh is a dangerous and radical cult which threatens to overturn the order of society, and many will seek to drive his preachers out of their lands where they are found. In spite of this, however, some among the nobility, particularly in the Wasteland-bordering Zazalai Mountains, have converted to Si’akh, citing the devastation of their homes as proof of their sinful lives. These nobles tend to still hold their titles, but many abandon the luxuries of their position, choosing to dress humbly and give a vast majority of their wealth to the Church or those less fortunate than themselves.

The Hegemony has little love lost for Si’akh, but has yet to take open action against the Prophet and his faithful, despite demands from the more zealous Sk’akh nobility. With the establishment of the First Church of the Flame acting as a major target for those who oppose Si’akh, it remains to be seen if this uneasy peace will last. Si’akh is notably on decent terms with Queen Lazak Szek’Hakh, who has often allowed him to pass through her lands - though the establishment of the First Church of the Flame near the borders of her realm has reportedly strained this relationship, with many of her fellow nobles demanding that she do something about these radical heretics, despite her lack of forces with which to do so.
=== The Maraziite Order ===
Also known simply as "the Order," the Maraziite Order was a military order under the command of the High Priest with the right to bear arms and dispense justice against spiritual threats to the Hegemony, following the revelation that a secretive religious cult had infiltrated the Hegemony government. In its short existence, it arrested several hundred individuals and seized many tomes and documents that Maraziite authorities claim are evidence of cult involvement.

=== Si’akh and Aliens ===
Maraziites were commanded by the High Priest of the Hegemony, directly overseeing a small council of Guildmasters appointed by himself. Prior to the disbanding of the Order, the Guildmasters formed an elite council under the High Priest and advised him on the day to day matters of the Order specifically. They also commanded the overall operations of the Order through their subordinates, the Chapter Masters. Chapter Masters ran individual Chapters of the Order in their specific settlement or City. They oversaw the Maraziite officers and were responsible for the efficient running of their Chapter. Individual officers are merely referred to as Maraziites. The officers are often called the Iron Masks because of their tendency to wear iron masks while on patrol.
Si’akh is largely focused on the souls of Unathi, believing them to be uniquely damned for their wickedness. It holds to the orthodox Sk’akh view of aliens possessing their own spirits and beliefs, though as the religion has come into more contact with non-Unathi this belief has metamorphosed. Though he solely preaches to Unathi, the sins that damned Moghes are not believed to be unique to Unathi, and Si’akh often calls upon those few aliens who listen to abandon their wicked ways, before the doom that claimed Moghes is visited on their kind as well. In a few of his recent sermons, he has pointed to the Solarian Civil War as an example of unchecked sin, claiming that the various warlords were consumed by their own hunger for wealth and power and encouraging humanity to reject such sinful desires.

Si’akh has yet to release any official stance on synthetics, though the vast majority of the faithful would hold the orthodox Sk’akh position that they are devoid of souls and not considered living beings. Given the rarity of synthetics in the Hegemony, this is far from a pressing matter for the Prophet or his faithful.
Qualifications to become a Maraziite were, outside the obvious need of being a follower of Sk'akh, at least minor experience in law enforcement, military experience, the priesthood of the Church, or a completed Apprenticeship in a university. After applying, a Maraziite Fledgling was put under a quick, extensive interview and investigation. Upon completion, they were assigned to a Chapter and sent to enforce the law of the Great Spirit upon the souls of the Hegemony.

== Sacred Sites/Notable Locations ==
Maraziites are now considered an unofficial group— in the eyes of the Hegemony. In the wake of the Izweski Civil War of 2462, High Priest Unzi of the Holy Sk’akh Church and Hegemon Not’zar Izweski turned on each other over accusations of Not’zar’s sibling going missing in a short and fiery conflict. Lords and noble clans were forced to choose between their religion and their Hegemon when blades clashed. The aftermath provided a clear victor: Unzi’s collection of power was not enough to challenge the status quo, and he fled the Izweski Hegemony. Condemned to the Wasteland, hired by the Dagamuir Freewater Company as tail-turners, or taking to the corner of the stars to hide from their dishonor, the Maraziites are pushed out and away from the Church they were formerly a part of.
In 2466, a number of official locations were set up across the Spur. While these locations are relatively new, they hold a great significance to the religion, thus they are each notable for their own reasons.

=== The First Scept of Flame ===
== Politics ==
Founded in 2466, the First Scept of Flame resides just outside of the Queendom of Szek-Hakh, and serves as the central headquarters of the Church of Si’akh. Constructed in the ruins of a former Merchants’ Guild shipping center, the First Scept of the Flame has rapidly been fortified by a small army of the faithful into a walled settlement home to thousands of Unathi. Since its establishment, the Prophet Si’akh has dwelled there, alongside most of the Church’s leadership - coordinating the spread of his message to anywhere that lost Unathi souls might be found. The large presence of the Order of the Flame, and its proximity to the Queendom of Szek-Hakh’s borders, has reportedly been a great cause of concern to the aging Queen Lazak Szek-Hakh - who now faces both pressure from the other nobles of the Hegemony, and from the army camped on her doorstep. Though several calls for action against the First Scept have been made, the Hegemony has so far done little about its presence.

=== The Conflagrational Scept of Ouerea ===
The politics of the Sk’akh Church have been tied to the Hegemony since the days of the Sarakus, with Archpriests having wielded nearly as much influence as Overlords in the past. Every recorded Izweski Hegemon has been crowned in the Scept of Skalamar, and part of the Hegemon’s full title is “Chosen By The Grace Of Sk’akh”. The Church has historically been tied to Izweski education, and played a major role in the enforcement of the Sinta’Unathi language across the Hegemony. Traditionally, the High Priest of Sk'akh has always had a seat as one of the Hands of the Hegemon - though this position is currently unfilled, due to the absence of a High Priest.
Located in the city of Um’a’yid, the Conflagrational Scept of Ouerea is the center of the Si’akh faith in the Hegemony’s oldest colony. When Judiza Si’akh arrived on Ouerea in 2466, his shuttle landed at Um’a’yid Spaceport, and the city became the first place that his faithful scouted for a church location. Si’akh followers from across Ouerea flocked to Um’a’yid, with many of them contributing financially to the purchase of the Scept’s location. Though other Si’akh scepts have been established in other cities since 2466, the Conflagrational Scept of Ouerea remains the heart of the faith on Ouerea.  

=== The Conflagrational Scept of Valkyrie ===
With the rise of High Priest Unzi, the Church wielded incredible power, with the Maraziite Order acting with near-impunity against heretics, blasphemers and enemies of the faith. This would be short-lived, however, as Hegemon S’kresti crushed the Church during their attempted coup in 2462. Since then, the Church has floundered, with much of its political power lost and a strict prohibition from Hegemon Not’zar preventing the rebuilding of a military force outside of the existing Priesthood of the Warrior. The Maraziites are condemned to exile, with many having fled Moghes to act as pirates or mercenaries in the wider Orion Spur.
Located in the Valkyrie Exchange Terminal, the Conflagrational Scept of Valkyrie is the largest Si’akh scept outside of Moghes, claiming to represent the Si’akh faithful of Tau Ceti and the wider Republic of Biesel. Since its formal establishment, the Bieselite faithful have increasingly moved to Valkyrie in the area around the Scept, with the local chapter of the Order of the Flame forming several community policing initiatives to ensure the protection of the faithful from local criminal organizations. This has led to conflict with several Valkyrian gangs, though so far clashes between Order members and local criminals have remained fairly small-scale.

=== The Conflagrational Scept of Mictlan ===
It would be a severe mistake, however, to discard the Church’s role in politics due to their current state. Many lords and commoners alike are devoutly Sk’akh, and its influence can be felt nearly anywhere that Unathi can be found, from Gakal’zaal to Biesel. Though the Hegemony may not hold much influence in offworld Unathi communities, the Church maintains a great deal of influence on most worlds with large Unathi populations, with the Grand Priest of Valkyrie technically having the largest diocese in the entire faith. Sk’akh missionaries work to spread the faith in traditionally Th’akh regions such as the Tza Prairie and the Torn Cities, and the faithful increasingly call upon the Church to defend them from the threats which plague the modern age. With the Archpriests finally breaking their deadlock and moving towards raising a new High Priest, the Church is moving to restore its status as a political power once again.
Located in the Free City of Vezdukh, the Conflagrational Scept of Mictlan has grown rapidly since its opening in 2466, with many of the planet’s Unathi population finding sense in the Prophet’s message after the bitter armed conflict which gripped their new home. The Lord Mayor has a low opinion of the Scept, referring to the local Si’akh presence as ''rabble-rousing fanatics'' on one occasion - though so far, he has continued to permit the local Flame Priests to preach their Prophet’s message. Si’akh remains a minority in Vezdukh, outnumbered by both Th’akh and Sk’akh faithful - but the Prophet’s words are rapidly gaining popularity, particularly among those who remember the horrors of the Contact War

== Religious Holidays ==
== Notable Locations ==
While some holidays do not have a religious bearing, most festivals pertaining to the spirits or some variant are shared by most religions, merely celebrated in different and conflicting ways.
The Sk'akh Church is an ancient institution, with many sacred sites across Moghes. Beyond the spiritual, there are several scepts and strongholds of Church influence throughout Hegemony space, the most notable of which are responsible for hundreds of thousands of the faithful.

=== Keeping of Memories ===
=== The Third Scept of Skalamar ===
The Keeping of Memories is a holiday that marks the true beginning of Travakh, the Season of Ancestors, though for the Intergalactic Standard, it is traditionally observed on December 7th. A basic festivity in premise, the Keeping of Memories festival is one for Unathi to celebrate their ancestors and the realm that houses them: the spirit world. Though it has been a recorded celebration for centuries, the exact origins of the event have been lost to the contact war, with only fables and stories from each religion giving guesswork as to where it originated.
Also referred to as the Great Scept, the Third Scept is the center of the Church - home to the High Priest, and the spiritual rock upon which the faith is built. It has been destroyed twice in Unathi history - once in a time long before the Hegemony, and a second time during High Priest Unzi's attempted coup of the Hegemon. Regardless, it has been rebuilt each time, and the full wealth and power of the Church is on display within its hallowed halls. It is an enormous building, home to hundreds of priests and acolytes, and as well-protected as any lord's castle. Though a city of Skalamar's size holds dozens upon dozens of smaller scepts and churches, the faithful will flock from every corner of the city to worship at the Great Scept.

Traditionally, the day is full of close-knit celebrations to citywide parades, and a majority of Unathi remain unproductive from sunrise to sunset. Feasts are common during this day as one larger meal is prepared in the morning to be enjoyed, allowing the rest of daylight hours to be devoted towards other activities. When food is prepared, portions of it are reserved in remembrance for ancestors who have recently passed, while some food is saved for revered ancestors of note, like clan heroes, renowned warriors, and powerful healers. Food is served to empty seats as Unathi believe the spirits of those lost sit with them on this spiritually-charged occasion.
It is believed that the Scept is built upon a holy site, the place where Sk'akh stood in the days before time and issued Their doctrines to the Sinta'Unathi. While historians have called the literal possibility of this into question, the truth remains that the Scept is one of the oldest buildings in Skalamar - and by some accounts, even predates it, with the First Scept believed to have been built in a city that stood long before Skalamar itself was ever built. It has been burned, besieged and assaulted before, but it remains an unrivaled monument to the Church, and the power it still holds.

In preparation for the day, Unathi will often decorate their bodies with paint, though with what often depends on the religion. Th’akh (and, by extension, Aut’akh) often choose symbols or names of those in their clan that no longer walk the lands they do. Children usually receive paintings of fables and stories of old that represent virtues they aspire for. Sk’akh and Si’akh are more uniform; emblematic and larger symbols are drawn along the back, chest, or most of their body. These can represent aspects of the Great Spirit, common prayers, or blessings, all things the receiving Unathi hope to gain by showing favor with Sk’akh. Si’akh recently will specifically show somewhat violent depictions of how they view reincarnation and often go for flames as body paintings.
=== Keep Mukari ===

Celebrations themselves can vary widely from city to city, clan to clan. Parades themselves often include lively music as a centerpiece, with dancing and song from attendees being commonplace. Unathi tend to do this with other observed holidays outside of Hegemony space, which leads to weird looks and strange gazes from other species. Customs of a clan regarding the Keeping of Memories rarely change, though, and it is a chance for the clan elders to remind and teach the young of their own clan’s history and the significance of their traditions.
Located several days north of Baandr, Keep Mukari is the headquarters of the Priesthood of the Warrior. Once a fortress built by the Sarakus Hegemony to guard against assault from one of its many rival kingdoms, the Church acquired it during the War of the Honored Alliance. The specific structure is not widely known, as only initiates of the Warrior are permitted to set foot inside - but it is known to be highly fortified and home to hundreds of battle-hardened priests at any given time. The last time that the fortress saw a direct siege was during the Contact War, when a Traditionalist Army managed to cross the Zazalai Mountains and attempted to capture Keep Mukari. The fortress held for three weeks, until the army of Baandr was able to lift the siege. During High Priest Unzi's reign, the Maraziite Order petitioned to be granted Keep Mukari - a request which was repeatedly denied.

The holy men of the day remain extraordinarily busy, as one can imagine. Th’akh shamans often anoint clan elders with a blessing of spiritual power so that, in their stead, these Unathi may perform ceremonies and even reach out to the spirit world. Keeping of Memories celebrations lead to the spirit world’s boundaries weakening, Unathi say, and so reaching out to specific ancestors becomes easier to do, with the right offerings and preparation. However, Sk’akh priests do not believe the power they wield can be ‘lent’ as Th’akh does. As a result, these priests are needed in the flesh to perform ceremonies, and to prevent being overworked, a handsome tithe from the entire clan is required to be given to the Sk’akh Church.
=== Simiite Reliquary ===

Despite this, all Unathi share one concrete aspect of the holiday: the retelling of stories. Whether Sk’akh parables, notable memories of ancestors, or ancient fables of healer-shamans and warrior-heroes, Unathi take the occasion to tell stories with one another. It is appropriate for Unathi to share these stories with those they know and people they have never met, for a person never truly dies if their memories live on.
Located in the city of To'ha'dat, the Simiite Reliquary is the headquarters of the Priesthood of the Healer, and one of the oldest libraries on Moghes. It contains the near-complete historical records of the Church, including many pieces of information that have long since been lost to the knowledge of other scholars. Only anointed Priestesses of the Healer are permitted inside the archive, though any who come seeking knowledge may request a specific volume from the priestesses who keep the facility - a difficult task when its contents are only known to its keepers. Little information is known about the Reliquary, though it is enormous and believed to extend deep underground, having been renovated in the 22nd century to protect its contents in the event of a potential nuclear strike. The keepers of the Reliquary are chosen from among the most dedicated Priestesses of the  Healer, and traditionally serve for life.

=== Final Judgement ===
=== [[Unathi Educational Institutions#Baandr College of Spirits|Baandr College of Spirits]] ===
In a sort of twisted means of reverence, those that follow Si’akh make a grand display and festival of the day the first atomic weapons were used in the Contact War. On September 5th of each year, Si’akh’s followers make a grand display of thanking Sk’akh for the war. Those outside of the faith will view it as a disturbing celebration of one of the worst modern catastrophes in Unathi history; those of Si’akh’s devout know it is celebrating the Unathi that were deemed worthy by Sk’akh and went to join them in eternal paradise. Originally intended to be a day of religious importance on Moghes and in the Wasteland, people who cannot make the pilgrimage to the Wasteland can do it wherever they are. These practices were gleaned from Si’akh’s routine and instructions to his first followers on this day.

The start of the day is a rigorous one. When celebrating the holiday, someone must be awake before the sun rises— this is being mentally awake, too, so typically, this is very early in the morning, even by autumn standards. The day begins with a rigorous prayer to Sk’akh and an admission of guilt and sin. Verbal recognition is made that the worshiper is unworthy of Sk’akh’s generous gifts and even the fraction of a chance to be redeemed offered by Si’akh. After completing this and whatever other rituals and prayers a devotee personalizes, they gather their daily things: a bag of jerky and two gallons of water. The day and subsequent week is one of fasting, without even water barring specific times every other day. Even then, Si’akh’s followers are permitted only two gallons of water for the week, regardless of individual need. The jerky and the water at the end of the week are burned and dumped, respectively, were one successful in not consuming them.
Located in the city of Baandr, the Baandr College of Spirits is one of the main educational institutions of the Church. Those seeking to become priests are required to earn a Mastery of Sacred Theology from the College, and many among the more devout nobility will often study there. Unusually for Unathi institutions, it has traditionally been open to noble and commoner alike - though earning entrance without joining the clergy was always far easier for the former than the latter. It is maintained by the Priesthood of the Fisher, and the order is traditionally headquartered there, with many of the priesthood taking teaching positions at the College.

Typically, followers meet up with others for celebration. At this "celebration," there is no food, no drink, no usual luxuries found at other parties, and this meeting resembles more of a Sk’akh day of summons than anything else. However, even by any religion’s standards, this mass is remarkably grim. The firebrand sermon is given, though only after being precluded by a romanticization of the events of the Contact War. A sense of longing is made clear by the priest and those listening to them; particularly dark speeches will openly pine for the death so many were granted when faced with atomic annihilation.
=== First Scept of [[Valkyrie]] ===
The center of Sk'akh worship in Tau Ceti, the First Scept of Valkyrie is one of the largest offworld Sk'akh institutions, rivalling even the Great Scept in its stature. Located in the Valkyrie Exchange Terminal, Sk'akh Unathi from across the moon will often travel there for services, with many of them viewing it as an imporant lifeline connecting them to their cultures and homeworld. The Grand Priest of Tau Ceti dwells in the Valkyrie Scept, and is responsible for the oversight of other Sk'akh scepts and churches throughout the system. Though a mere Grand Priest, the leader of the Valkyrian Church has influence to rival the Archpriests, and there has been increasing demand among the Bieselite faithful calling for the official appointment of an Archpriest of Tau Ceti.

When the sermon is over, things begin to liven up marginally. There are performances of "flaming foxtrots," elaborate dances between two fighters with their weapons ignited. They can be Reavers of the Flame or other warriors, but Reavers are accustomed to this method of fighting. They do this in the Wasteland by drenching their blades in oil, then getting friction with the hot sand with a couple of stabbing motions into the gravel to ignite it. Nonetheless, the displays are brilliant and terrifying, with some of them ending in light to moderate burns for either performer. Such simple displays of energy and passion for the religion are seen not as luxuries, but as proof of one’s vigor, belief, and hope in purifying the Sinta species. Other exchanges are made between casual attendees, whether confessions to those close to them or encouraging each other to continue down the path Si’akh has trotted before them.
== Religious Holidays ==
=== Day of the Warrior ===
Held at the start of Versakh, and traditionally observed on December 9th by the human calendar, the Day of the Warrior is a time of vigorous feasting, drinking, and celebration of the life which the Warrior defends. Traditionally, the day is celebrated with public contests of skill and strength, with sport duels and grand melees being common. Many Unathi folk heroes are said to have won the eye of a lord at a Warrior’s Day festival, and from there risen to find honor and glory in battle. Later in the evening, it is traditional to write and burn prayers to Sk’akh, as well as messages to the spirits of those who died in battle, thanking them for their honor and diligence in defending those who remain on Moghes.

The Fire Priests are stolen away for much of the event to attend to the individual confessions and help encourage people down the path of salvation. Should someone’s sins in a confession prove to be great, the Fire Priests will begin a ritual: the Purifying Immolation. The specifics of the event are shrouded in mystery due to all Si’akh followers being sworn to secrecy about it. Despite this, rumors have begun to circulate that include scarification or mutilation of some kind, or even flogging. None of this has been proven true by any authority due to the niche cult’s insular behaviors outside of proselytizing.
Among Sk’akh Guwandi, the Day of the Warrior is a time of peace, when the mission of an honorable death is discarded and no Guwandi may draw their blade. It is spent in meditation and reflection upon a Guwandi’s disgrace and dishonor, and in prayer to Sk’akh that when they finally reach an honorable death, they may be granted entrance to the Beastlands.

At the day’s end, the ritual of sunset looks similar to the one performed at sunrise, with one major detail: the end is a question of asking for Sk’akh’s forgiveness, so one may join them in the Beastlands after the ordeal is done. Some have said they received prophetic dreams the night of from Sk’akh’s xzarak and have been redeemed. However, the only true way of knowing will be in death.
=== Day of the Healer ===
Held in the cold of Travakh, August 14th by the human calendar, the Day of the Healer is a day of charity and goodwill. Traditionally, the faithful either donate resources or volunteer to assist those less fortunate, showing veneration of the Healer through good works and kindness. Later in the evening, displays of music and singing are customary, as the Healer is believed to be pleased by such things. A Healer’s Day celebration is considered a time to reflect on the beauty and fragility of life, and to give aid to those who need it. Traditionally, it is a time for Guwan to plead their cases before their clan or another, in the hopes of finding atonement for their life of dishonor.

=== Saints Day ===
The Day of the Healer holds special significance to many Unathi after the Contact War, and is often filled with songs and prayers to heal the wounds of Moghes. To Unathi offworld, it has become emblematic of peace and hope, that one day their homeworld might be mended.
The newest recognized holiday of Si’akh is Saints Day, celebrated on January 13th. A somber day, this holiday is observed in remembrance of Saints Illkari Csorik and Lisek Zentra being sent to Dominia. The day is spent attempting to understand what it means to become one with Sk’akh and named a devout follower for one’s life on the Material Plane. The first two hours of one’s day is expected to be spent in complete silence, to understand what it means to no longer have a living form to communicate with others around oneself.

A ceremony is held at the end of the day, with all Si’akh being expected to attend their closest place of worship and burning an effigy of Dominia, most likely including either the official flag of Dominia, a house flag or an icon resembling such. Adherents are expected to observe in silence the burning of the effigy, and as the flames burn to ash, all in attendance are expected to place blindfolds over their eyes to symbolize the departure from the Material Plane. After a meditation session during the blindfolded period, adherents remove their blindfolds and are “reborn” into the World, ready to further cleanse the sins of themselves and others. Saints Day is generally recognized as a “yearly reset” of sorts, with all sins washing off oneself as they are reborn into the Material Plane.
=== Day of the Fisher ===
Held in the middle of Kasavakh, March 12th by the human calendar, the Day of the Fisher is considered a time for rest, reflection and community. Clans will traditionally gather, and Unathi away from home will often seek to return to their ancestral lands to spend time with clan and kin. Priests of the Fisher will travel Moghes, preaching the word of Sk’akh, and the importance of clan, kin and people in maintaining the order of the world.

Fire Priests are expected to look over all adherents during the observation of Saints Day. They are not required to blindfold themselves, as they are expected to guide their followers through the ceremony, keeping a watchful eye for those who attempt to peek - something seen frequently in less learned hatchlings. Those that peek out of their blindfolds are often lectured on the fact that Saints Csorik and Zentra were unable to peek from their blindfolds as they were executed by not only humans, but corrupted Sinta of The Empire.
Among the clans themselves, feasting, drinking and merriment are traditional, as well as the exchange of gifts. A Fisher’s Day gift is traditionally handmade, and of spiritual significance to the recipient - though in the modern age, the giving of pre-purchase gifts has become somewhat more common. Offworld Unathi will make the effort to return to their clans on Moghes if they can afford it, and if not will simply make contact as best as they can - the root of the holiday is togetherness and community, after all.

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    "His sword, my strength,
    Her words, my guide,
    Their will, my sworn duty,
    Praise to the Great Spirit."
    -Excerpt from Devotions Of The Three-Faced God, an ancient Sk'akh book of prayer

    Sk'akh, or "goddess worship," is the second most common religion, which is followed mostly by Unathi from the Izweski nation and enjoys a status as its unofficial state religion. It still reveres ancestors, similar to Th'akh, but with a major notable difference: the spirits of all Unathi who die become part of Sk'akh, the Great Spirit. Sk'akh is a gender-neutral God, being called 'he,' 'she,' or 'they' interchangeably to represent that Ska'kh is a collection of all Unathi. Traditionally, Sk'akh is gendered according to the circumstances that Their name is invoked - a warrior praying for holy protection would likely call on Sk'akh as male, for instance. God and Goddess are used interchangeably with the Great Spirit to also denote someone’s preferences on Sk’akh. They are also called "the Three of One" because the spirits combine into three Aspects that are all different yet all a part of Ska'kh: the Warrior, the Healer, and the Fisher. These three aspects match the three genders of Unathi society, and serve as personifications of the most important aspects of Unathi life. It is said that all three are equally important and that disasters are caused by an imbalance in the Great Three. Priests often stress the importance of balance, both in matters of the spirit as well as in society and personal life.

    Doctrines and Worship

    The pervasive belief among Sk’akh is predestination: the outcome of everyone’s life is already determined, and time moves along in an immutable way. Sk’akh worshipers believe that honorable deeds lead to spiritual reward not only in life but in death. The Beastlands serve as the final resting place for Unathi that fulfill their lives with honorable deeds: they are known as the Anointed. Other afterlives exist for the various other species and their gods. In the Beastlands, the Anointed can enjoy an honest life with their creator. The Great Spirit and their Aspects periodically send ‘xzarak’ (or "messengers" in Sinta’Unathi) to uphold the world and its natural order. Sometimes, these xzarak are sent to those on the Material from the Beastlands in order to deliver divine messages. They tend to represent one of the Aspects of Sk’akh, whether the might of a Warrior or the skilled craft of the Fisherman. Sk’akh remains a unified faith, with the Church of Sk’akh being the final authority on all matters regarding new religious doctrines that must be declared. This used to be High Priest Unzi, but currently falls on an interim council of Archpriests to vote on affairs until a new High Priest is declared.

    Myth of Creation

    The creation myth for Sk'akh follows that after the universe was born, it was cold and dark and empty, without any value. Over time, the first living things walked across creation. These first souls were deeply alone and isolated, and when they died, they entered an empty spirit plane with nothing to guide them. In both life and death creation was chaotic and without meaning. Eventually, even the stars, without purpose and order, fell from the sky and began to burn creation to cinders. Three wise elders, the first Fisherman, the first Healer, and the first Warrior came together in the spirit realm and declared that order must reign in a chaotic universe. Merging their souls together they formed Sk'akh, who became the custodian of creation. Sk'akh is the source of duty and purpose. It is by His command that the stars remain in the sky, that the rivers flow, and the arrow flies. It is by His command that the Beastlands, the Chained Wastes, and other afterlives for beings of all kinds came into being. It is by His command that Unathi learned to work together as the Aspects once did. Thus, everything came into being.

    This myth makes Sk'akh followers scornful of the Th'akh, who they see as encouraging the chaos that came before Sk'akh. Beings that defy the demands of order in the universe are scorned by Sk'akh and their spirit is left to perish in the Chained Wastes, eventually becoming forgotten or even becoming an evil entity until their sins are punished fully.

    The Beastlands and Other Afterlives

    The Beastlands and the Chained Wastes are said to be two of many afterlives layered over the Material Life. However, their connection to the Material World is not uniform; in some places, there are stronger presences of these afterlives than others. This realm of the dead harbors all spirits, and only the strongest, both evil and good, may cross over into the Material Plane without any sort of special help.

    The Great Spirit resides in their Empire, collectively known as the Beastlands. Unathi that are righteous in life are sent to their kingdom to forever live in harmony with their creator. Previously known as the Hunt of Harmony, this idyllic lifestyle is a reward for doing right by the Great Spirit on the Material Plane and enduring the sins of other folk. It is described as a rolling plain that stretches on forever, dotted with tall grass, beautiful oases, and wonderful animals to hunt and tame. Once an inhabitant of this plane, Unathi enjoy their lifestyle until feeling fulfilled; after reaching this peak of comfort, they can join Sk’akh to help guide future Unathi.

    Conversely to the Beastlands, the Chained Wastes are a blight. Punished souls arrive here chained to the hot and scorching sand— the Wasteland is often alluded to as being the Chained Wastes of the Material for this reason. Vengeful spirits of Sk’akh remain here to punish those that have done wrong, revelling in their torture as it remains retribution for these spirits’ misdeeds in the last life. After tortured for some time, those with good in their hearts are rarely allowed to join others in the Beastlands. However, it is considered the final resting place of many souls. Some are said to escape, the most evil of spirits, to return to the world and wreak more havoc, harm Sk’akh’s chosen, and even lure people away from their beliefs.


    One of the foundations for Sk'akh beliefs is the soul is the actual person, and the body is a vessel it inhabits. The Great Spirit instills a newly created soul within a hatchling as it develops within the egg. Sk'akh's creations are viewed as perfect, with many disabilities being viewed as the malignant interference of evil spirits. Treatment of such things is often handled by priestesses of the Healer, who view the alleviation or curing of such things as a holy mission of Sk'akh.

    For robotics, Sk'akh doctrine goes farther than the Th'akh generally do, believing even full-body cyborgs to be without spirit. To ardent Sk'akh, the concept of borgification is to have your soul sent to the Chained Wastes.

    Priests always frown on prosthetic limbs and augments, believing them to be unnatural. Aut’akh are seen as a horrible heresy, even compared to the tamer and more reasonable Th’akh, in the eyes of the Church. The Sk’akh Church encourages its followers to preach to these heathens, or else they will be damned to oblivion forever.

    Marriage between any Unathi is seen as fine and proper to the Sk’akh Church, with same-gender marriages being part of Sk'akh doctrine for centuries. Since certain marriages are seen as being under the jurisdiction of specific Aspects (men under the Warrior, women under the Healer; and a marriage of two fishers, or a man and woman under the Fisher), each marriage is also seen as a boon or a sign of favor from said Aspect. Some marriages are arranged in this way to bestow certain blessings on both clans, should it not be something chosen by the people getting married off.

    Sk'akh priests take a hard stance against biological augmentation. The Church posits that any "gene-boosting" utterly obliterates the person to have any claim to pride or glory and that they should instead be mocked as insecure and boastful. The Church also condemns manipulation of a hatchling still within an egg for anything that is not medically necessary. A 'designer-hatchling' is a profane act against Sk'akh. It is a profound arrogance for any person to claim to know the path of an unborn Sinta better than the one Sk'akh had laid out for them. Medical Acolytes of the Healer are the most staunch and strict on this matter. Biologically augmented Unathi are extraordinarily rare as a result outside of children, due in part to this belief and the fact it is new for most Unathi.

    Statues, Shrines, and Monuments

    Sk’akh is unique to the other religions because Sk’akh practitioners utilize shrines in order to worship the Great Spirit and their Aspects. Shrines are common for households, clans, and even villages if they are particularly poor. Constructed of stone for the base and ornamented with wood, metal, and gems (again, depending on who has constructed it), they are a method of offering and venerating Sk’akh and their Aspects for Unathi. Monuments are common for poorer clans and villages, as they take no likeness to Sk’akh’s image outside of inspiration and imagination. These have the most discrepancies in their designs and are rarely if ever sanctioned officially by the church. Statues are the most expensive and can be found anywhere in a public city or institution that can afford it within the Hegemony.

    Shrines and statues are so commonplace that they can even be made in smaller versions of marble, clay, wood, and other materials to carry around with someone wherever they go. It is not uncommon for Unathi to bring these miniatures to place somewhere where they work or live temporarily when traveling, to have something to honor Sk’akh with wherever they go.

    Views on the Tribunal of the Goddess

    While sharing some similar core beliefs, such as the Three of One concept and an overarching God, priests of the Church of Sk’akh look upon the Tribunal with scorn and contempt due to the Unathi that partake in it. They hold that humanity has diluted the beliefs of Dominian Sinta and caused it to take such an unnatural form to what it was before. The Goddess is recognized as being an entirely different concept from the Great Spirit; moreover, a recent doctrine was established that recognized the existence of other gods for other species, yet stated that these gods belonged to those species and should not be worshiped by aliens. Therefore, with this choice, they hold that Dominian Unathi are heretical— if not as much as Aut’akh or Si’akh.

    Burial Rites

    Burial rites require the body to be treated with respect and any open wounds sealed or cauterized. A priest oversees a funeral process and gives a sermon on the individual, which are traditionally communal affairs, assuring the attendees that the individual in question will join their ancestors in the Great Spirit after the ceremony. The funeral ceremony finally begins by placing valuables onto the body, and then the body is offered to Sk'akh through violent and roaring ritual flames. The spirit may eventually find its way out of the body, however cremation will assist the spirit in the process.If someone dies a good person, they join Sk'akh and become a part of the Great Spirit. If someone dies an evil or wicked person they are barred from joining Sk'akh, doomed to go to the Chained Wastes where they will receive millenia of torment until finally being redeemed. These spirits tend to become malicious and hateful near the beginning of their torment and are easily twisted into seeking ways of escaping their just torment. When they do so, they come back to the Material and attempt to ease their suffering by inflicting it on others. Spirits that end up doing this are said to be a lost cause forever.

    Worship of Sk'akh

    Regular worship is communal with Unathi clans or villages coming together for feasts, festivals, and even regular services to give thanks to their ancestors and Sk'akh for good tidings, or to ask for favors or assistance in life, with a priest to guide the service and provide interpretation of Sk'akh’s intentions. These priests also help deliver Sk’akh’s message from ancestors in the Beastlands to those that wish to, or need to, hear it. The worship of the Great Spirit is either done as a whole if there is no particular point of worship concern or to a specific Aspect on certain topics. Even in foreign lands, statues at any Sk’akh church are available for taking and buying, and as such, they have been commodified in a cheap version for purchasing in foreign space, too.

    The Great Spirit is depicted as a three-headed being with three sets of arms and a long, coiling tail; their design can be seen as being passed down to their Aspects as well, since the Warrior inherits their multiple arms and the Fisherman carries their long tail. They are draped across the torso in a himation, depicted in neither masculine or feminine traits for a Unathi, and draped with a coif over the eyes for every head. Despite never showing Sk’akh’s eyes in official imagery, the Church promotes the belief there are three eyes under each coif, with the third one being in the middle of the forehead and slitted vertically rather than horizontally. Each head is one of the Aspects’ heads: they are green, red, and black, from left to right. The scales of Sk’akh’s body are described as being the metals and gems of various kinds, though statues often omit this detail and use one type of metal, especially on smaller, cheaper ones.

    Sk’akh’s Great Spirit is represented by a triangle, typically with a sword, a staff, and a fishing pole intersecting each side of the triangle. This imagery, barring this barebones representation, is the most diverse thing about the religion with artists of all types doing their own takes and ideas of this concept. The Church even encourages these arts— provided the artist themselves are not uncouth or of bad standing in society.

    The Warrior Mukari

    The Warrior is a figure represented as being the ideal male Unathi with four arms. He often uses these arms to carry a sword, a shield, a holy symbol such as a metal bar with a coiled top, and lute; the Warrior’s many arms allow Him to defend the Healer and the Fisher. This Aspect often takes up the role of an arbiter, handling disputes either with His words or His weapons. He is a red-scaled Unathi donned in splint armor, ringed with silver and platinum, and in some cases, a bow or rifle with intricate designs of animals hunting each other is depicted on His back. Fights, conflict, and strife are all matters that people worship Him for. However, the Warrior is revered for things such as festivals, coming of age ceremonies for men, and ritual combat. His statues are almost universally common around dueling grounds, and His imagery and symbols are common at ceremonies.

    The symbols of the Warrior are the sword and the lute. Some colleges and institutes are dedicated to teaching the Way of the Warrior in Skalamar to anyone that wishes to learn and can pay. Some focus on music and storytelling, such as theater and orchestra, and others take on rough training and lessons in conflict resolution. A rare few of these colleges even blend both arts to train a Unathi to become a warrior-poet: a skald. Skalds almost exclusively are reserved for nobility that take up the mantle of becoming a warrior, or those that are skilled enough to become Kataphracts. Even those that believe in Th’akh are permitted within some schools— if they do not speak up against the religion in place there.

    The Healer Simi

    The Healer is the pinnacle of femininity in Sk’akh belief. She has a quarterstaff or bo staff in one hand and a tome in the other with a satchel at Her side; Her wit carries the Healer, and Simi’s knowledge and supplies are what lets Her heal the Warrior and the Fisher. She is a green-scaled Unathi that dresses elegantly— though, notably amongst most outside observers, rarely revealing scales— the Healer carries Herself with elegance and grace. Her outfit of choice is a flowing dress that goes down to the ankles, sometimes covering the feet almost entirely. Simi’s eyes are blindingly bright like gems; the eyes of the Healer cannot see, yet they are said to be able to pick apart a person’s intentions with a glance, such as discerning truth, lie, and rumor. Good health, life, death, and learning are what Unathi turn to Her for in their rituals and actions. She also presides over coming of age ceremonies for women, milestones of age for Unathi, and blessing surgeries and medical operations.

    The symbols of the Healer are her whitewood staff and her leather tome. The staff is a twisted branch of whitewood and represents wisdom, as only the most wise in Unathite societies have staves, typically. Her tome is a reference knowledge, and it is a leatherbound book decorated well with a woman and man standing above a prone man, tending to him. Schools of medicine are a popular choice for women. Those that do not marry when they are of age pursue these avenues and carriers should they prove some talent in them. As a result of this, any Sk’akh-dominated institution will have a statue erected in Simi’s honor.

    The Fisher Verrix

    The Fisher remains someone shrouded in clothes, leaving most of their form hidden. Remaining slender with a long tail, he uses it in order to grab onto things and never lose his balance. Otherwise, Verrix carries a fishing pole over one shoulder and a sickle in the other. They are usually depicted as a plain, black-scaled Unathi. A hood dons over Their long, dorsal frills, a long dark blue color that is said to shimmer and shine in the sun like fish scales. The Fisher's arms and legs are covered in plain wrappings with muted colors as well. Using Their sickle to reap plants of use and his fishing pole to collect food, Verrix is a veritable worker that provides food and supplies for the Warrior and the Healer. They are regarded when hard work, craftsmanship, the harvest, and nature are topics of worship. Verrix is celebrated during times of harvest and large feasts, arduous and long projects, and before, during, and after hard trials and challenges.

    The symbols of the Fisher are Their fishing pole and silver sickle. Guild halls are especially dedicated to the Fisher, and any Sk’akh-leaning guild will have Their imagery everywhere that can be found to remind their workers of what hard work looks like in the faith. Hydroponicists are especially committed to their devotion of Verrix, seeing as Their xzarak moderate the harvests and nature itself. Otherwise, artists turn to Them for inspiration in their crafts, hope that their work pleases Them, and pray they will become successful.

    Rituals of Sk'akh

    The rituals of Sk’akh are universal and rarely waver. There are prayers and words of wisdom for any situation with most priests being wise in specific areas of the faith. Most interestingly, the various Aspects of the God are referred to or revered as individual people as the focus of different prayers, hymns, rituals, and offerings. Those focusing on the Warrior often are thankful for the passing of time and the seasons in addition to those revolving around conflict; the Healer is regarded for the cycle of life and death and for— as one may have guessed it— healing; the Fisherman is given thanks for reaping things from nature and for giving back to nature as well as travel.

    Sk’akh’s name is invoked for major points in someone’s life: officiating a marriage, after a time of great ruin, the birth of a child, and so forth. Other events are done at the discretion of the one looking to host one, but they may come at an exorbitant fee for the one looking to host at a chapel or church.

    Dances of the Warrior

    The Warrior is the most lively of the three Aspects. Words in reverence to Him are typically evocative and filled with imagery, and those particularly smitten by His Aspect take up poetry, song, and other verbal arts. Anything that is more than a verbal affair tends to be a physical expression. Two aspirants and warriors sparring in homage to the Great Spirit may look more graceful than the typical fight; people relate these fights to dances, as two warriors in fierce combat can resemble a ballroom dance more than a vicious spar. As such, some Unathi attempt to emulate this by focusing on showing grace in combat. It becomes more interesting in choreographed fights— and, as a side, can make a well-trained Unathi an appealing choice for both live-action and CGI fights.

    One popular prayer is dedicated to whenever someone wakes up or before they go to sleep, done routinely:

    Song of the Sunstones

       As my time slows still,
       The Burning Mother
       Burns bright and fulfills
       The Moon’s slick borders.
       And now, the Sun will
       Rise again, further,
       Once I sleep and kill
       The restless slumber.
       O Warrior, in night,
       Bring me further light,
       Dawning on the edge
       Of crowning yester.

    Another prayer dedicated to the Warrior is customized by the needs of whoever is chanting it, but always begins with the following phrase: "My Warrior, claws wielding the Blade of Her Holiness, bestow me [a] borrowed boon." This line is used in what is called the Champion’s Chant, a prayer dedicated to the Warrior before an important conflict or challenge will occur for the reciter.

    Dedications of the Healer

    Those that show reverence to the Healer rarely make a verbal commission to her; instead, acts are considered the most sincere form of worship to the Healer. Charity and kindness are dedicated to her name, and as such, it is not uncommon for nobles to go through what is considered "routine charity" by giving in a specific way as a tokenistic act of keeping the Healer appeased. However, most people see that it is not the value of the act that matters, but the importance of it. Buying food for someone is not as meaningful as cooking a meal for them, for example. As such, thoughtful acts are appreciated more by those in the Church for giving thanks to this Aspect.

    Nonetheless, the Healer does still have some prayers and mentions. They often remain in a rhyme and to the point with sophisticated language. The most common one is for someone recovering from an injury or that has fallen ill:

    Ease of Disease

       Keep vigilant eyes over those bordering the Beastlands,
       My Healer and my Grace,
       Do not let Your meticulous methods stray Your slow hands
       And take those out of place.

    Alternatively, singing is (not officially) used as a means of showing gratitude to the Healer as good singers require precise pitch in order to deliver a perfect performance. The few prayers that are given to Simi’s Aspect are often done through song by disciples as a result.

    Tributes to the Fisher

    The Fisher, like the Healer, appreciates words less than another tactic: offerings. Food is the common way to show reverence to the Fisher, whether leaving a piece of every meal to the earth or rivers, pouring (some) drinks over the earth, or feeding better food to livestock. Open braziers provide ways for burning the offerings— which can also be particularly-coveted plants, incense, and expensive spices— the smell is said to waft through the air and please the Fisher and their xzarak. The way the offering is presented depends on what is being asked of the Fisher: if it’s for blessing a yield of food, typically the food is burned; blessings for long commutes are done by pouring a drink on the ground, to soften the earth one is about to walk; if someone is about to partake on a hunt, the Fisher and Warrior are both regarded with a hearty feast and a whole plate offered up to the Fisher. In later years, the Fisher has also come to represent the skilled artisan crafts that are required of Unathi culture, such as blacksmithing, glassblowing, jewelry, and other crafts.

    The lines coming from prayers for the Fisher often are heavily drenched in metaphor, simile, and allusion. The following is the beginning of a prayer that is offered at the end of a good harvest: "While nature is constant, its blessings are not. As the tides of life and fisheries recede and draw in, we can only pray the food is fat and filling."

    Some prayers are also offered for a long journey. One recitation, in particular, can be used for the reciter, or for someone they know that is traveling: "Winds provide a current to blow away storms; waters replenish my body like a river; earth yield to my claw-falls; fire from the Burning Mother keep me warm and energized for every step I take."

    Sk'akh and Gender

    In the Izweski Hegemony and other Sk’akh societies, changing of gender is generally a religious matter, overseen by a Sk’akh priest of the relevant Aspect. A three-day ceremony of fasting, meditation and reflection on the threefold nature of the Great Spirit is required, after which the individual in question will be formally declared as their new gender by the grace of Sk’akh. In Church literature, the act of changing gender is referred to as “Transcendence of the Sublime Barrier”, and is believed to bring one closer to understanding of Sk’akh. Often this ritual is practiced in seclusion by Sk’akh priests - for only in understanding the threefold Aspects can one understand Sk’akh in Their entirety. This ritual is required for those wishing to become Priests of the Aspect, to bring the acolyte closer into alignment with their chosen face of Sk'akh. In times past, it was required for a High Priest to spend a period as each gender, in order to truly understand the threefold nature of Sk'akh. This tradition has fallen out of practice during the age of the Izweski Hegemony, however.


    The Sk'akh Church has seen power increasingly centralized into a handful of influential priests in the last few decades with the High Priest being a mere honorary title for a priest that oversaw ceremonial rituals for the Hegemony's royal family. This status quo came to a surprising head in 2458. High Priest Yizra Unzi used a moral panic on Moghes over alleged cultist infiltration to begin an inquisition across the Hegemony. Once the court chaplain for the Izweski, Unzi used this cult scare to rapidly elevate his power and centralize the Sk'akh church, becoming the official leader of the church and commander of its militant inquisition, the Maraziite Order. After a dramatic confrontation with the Izweski family itself, the resulting negotiations created an agreement that reformed the Sk'akh Church.

    Unzi's reign would collapse in 2462, during a conflict with former Hegemon S'kresti Izweski which would see the Maraziites disbanded and the High Priest sent to die in the Wasteland. Since then, the Church has been leaderless, ruled over by the Archpriests. In 2464, Overlord Azui Hutay'zai appointed Archpriest Akale Roeruz to fill the absent seat of Archpriest of Tza - allowing the Archpriests to break the deadlock they had been caught in. A new High Priest has not been appointed yet, but with the Church seemingly rising to prominence once again it is only a matter of time.

    Sk'akh priests universally consider synthetics to be devoid of a soul, and thus they cannot be considered living beings. In December of 2457, the Council of Teht was held, in which an assembly of Sk'akh priests mandated this as doctrine for the faith. While a minority of priests argued against this, they were overruled by the majority and forced to accept their views.

    Church of Sk’akh

    Once the court chaplain for the Izweski, High Priest Yizra Unzi used a cult scare in 2458 to rapidly elevate his power and centralize the Sk'akh church, becoming the official leader of the Church and commander of its militant inquisition, the Maraziite Order.

    The Church of Sk’akh is a formal organization that has almost evolved into a bureaucracy of sorts within the last decade. It is run as a tight ship with inspections of churches and the priests running them, measurements of tithes taken and checked for fraud, and reports on worshiper counts being done frequently. Each church has very similar parallels, and while the specific activities and local events done out of a given church will vary widely, their functions, responsibilities, and worship all operate the same way.

    Affairs of the Church

    The Church is staffed exclusively by the clans of its priest(s), or by Unathi that are interested in someday becoming a priest themselves. As such, it is typical for a clan’s job to be running a chapel, collecting tithes, running community events, carousing with nobility for the Church’s agenda, and other duties. A church at the local level does not do much to impact the decisions of the Church of Sk’akh as a whole.

    A church will hold biweekly summons, typically interspersed as evenly as possible and with the attempt to work on days that work the best for the community. For example, if near a fishing guild, sermons may be held near the middle of the day due to the early hours the guild spends in a hatchery or aquaponics farm. During these summons, people of the community interact, share tales, ask the priest or priests and their peers for guidance, and share food. On a day of summons, it is considered appropriate to eat and to bring food to share if able. Additionally, the meal of the day is reserved for sharing with everyone at a chapel or church on a day of summons. The priest, or one of them if there are multiple, will then host a discussion on a topic of their choosing and weave in one of Sk’akh’s words of wisdom or draw attention to certain details the Church of Sk’akh puts out. Sometimes this will begin with summarizing the latest information the Church has put on the Extranet, though this is not always the case. This is interspersed with prayer, singing, offerings to the Great Spirit and their Aspects, and collecting tithes (once every week or so).

    Churches and chapels are also the ideal location for a marriage occurring under Sk’akh. The specific affairs of the wedding are often left to clans to decide upon, such as spilling blood from each spouse into a bowl and pouring it, a friendly competition, or eloquent professions of admiration and love. Each priest mimics the same role in officiating the marriage, bestowing a blessing upon the newly-wed couple on behalf of Sk’akh, and offering the usual priestly services in addition to coordinating guests and performers around the space.

    Grand Priests and their clans have more sway in affairs. They collect tithes and send a portion back up the ladder, but they can otherwise use money to renovate existing churches, hold important festivals and ceremonies to attract new followers, or run emergency events, such as in the wake of a tragedy to mourn or otherwise pray over. Archpriests collect the rest of the tithes in the same way, but they have the power to construct new churches or tell the Grand Priests how to spend their funding, if needed. Additionally, they can help weigh in on important decisions for the faith in the case of new rulings or responses to galactic issues. The High Priest has ultimate authority on all things within the Church, and currently, there is no set way to remove him from power. Due to the formation of the Sk’akh Church and how Unzi has departed, there has been intense internal strife about how to elect a new High Priest and if there should be internal reform of the Church before that is realized.

    Ranks of the Church

    Typically to become a priest, you must seek and obtain a Mastery of Sacred Theology in a major Unathi university first. The degree takes three to four years to obtain. With this, you can apply to enter the Church of Sk’akh, with recommendation from a noble, and begin training in its ministry. This process of training can take anywhere from three to seven years depending on the student, how quickly they learn, and how much time they devote to studying. This entry level is known as a Peer of Sk’akh. Peers are sent out on work exchanges for up to two years after they have completed their training, to spread the word of Sk’akh to Sinta across the galaxy. Time abroad is meant to be the final test: either the galaxy reaffirms your beliefs, or you are turned away from the Church.

    After becoming a priest, most people stay at this position for some time. Promotions from here can vary, either into becoming a Maraziite, joining the Priests of the Aspect, or looking to be promoted to a Grand Priest or further. At this point, the Church becomes more corrupt; regardless of a priest’s religious intuition and knowledge, their cunning and some political navigation will get them much further in the ranks of the Sk’akh Church.

    The Church of Sk’akh has developed a similar power structure to feudal lords in that the clans of prominent priests within the Church help organize and run regions of Sk’akh’s influence, whether it be for a single town to a whole region of the Hegemony. The hierarchy is as follows:

    Church of Sk'akh Hierarchy

    • High Priest: The leader of the Church and earthly voice of Sk'akh. This position was last held by Yizra Unzi, and has remained absent since his death.
    • Claws of the High Priest: A circle of advisors chosen by the High Priest to aid him in decision making, similar to a lord's council.
    • Archpriest: The leaders of the Church, beneath only the High Priest in power. Traditionally, each Archpriest is appointed by an Overlord, and handles all Church affairs in their Overlord's demesne. Currently there are five Archpriests - four on Moghes, and one on Ouerea.
    • High Aspect Acolyte: The leader of one of the three Orders of the Aspect. They make decisions for the specific orders within the Church and report directly to the High Priest. While they are technically their own order, Priests of the Aspect that run chapels are treated the same as other priests, barring the cases their specialized knowledge is needed.
    • Grand Priest: The director of a diocese. Makes more local decisions such as renovating churches and missionary outreaches into majority Th’akh towns.
    • Guildmasters: The leader of a branch of the Maraziite Order, now disbanded.
    • Priest: A priest assigned to a specific town, district or region.
    • Chapter Master: The leader of a Maraziite chapter, now disbanded.
    • Peer: a disciple in training.

    The Archpriests

    Since the exile of High Priest Unzi, the Church has been leaderless - debating on whether a new High Priest even can be appointed without proof of Unzi’s death, and on which of them should take the mantle of Sk’akh’s most faithful. For years, there were four Archpriests, deadlocked over nearly everything, before Overlord Azui Hutay’zai appointed the first Archpriest of Tza in 2465.

    Akale Roeruz, Archpriest of Tza
    A Sk’akh missionary, Akale Roeruz spent most of his life trying to spread the word of the Great Spirit in the Tza Prairie, to little success. He oversaw a small church in Kutah, for the few Sk’akh faithful of the city, before being appointed as Archpriest of Tza by Overlord Hutay’zai, in the hope of swinging the vote in favour of reparations to the Akhandi Order. Personally, he is reported to be a very traditional Unathi who favours the Aspect of the Fisher, believing in the virtues of diligence and industriousness - which has led to an odd friendship with Overlord Hutay’zai, despite the latter’s strong Th’akh faith and dislike of the Church.

    Koszkahe Oklaal, Archpriest of the Heartlands
    Born to a noble clan of Baandr, Koszkahe Oklaal has risen over decades through the Church’s ranks, having skillfully balanced the demands of the Hegemon, Overlord Sirax and High Priest Unzi for years prior to the latter’s banishment. Now, he has taken on a position as an unofficial representative of the Archpriests in political matters - seeking to rebuild the Church as a power in its own right. He is often criticised for opportunism, with many viewing him as emblematic of entrenched corruption within the Church - but he has skilfully worked within his role, and his supporters claim he is the only reason that the Church remains a political power at all after Unzi’s failure.

    Korza Azandar, Archpriest of the Southlands
    Appointed by Overlord Miazso, Korza Azandar is a passionate and fiery Sinta, who frequently speaks on what he sees as the sacred duty of the Church - to act as spiritual guides to the Unathi people, to show the way that Sk'akh wishes Their children to live. Azandar has a reputation as a man of the people, being photographed speaking with Hearts of Industry during the Jaz'zirt riots of 2465 - an act which led him to speak out on the fear many Sinta had of Hephaestus Industries and its expansion. He has called for a return of the Church as not only a political power, but a military one, believing that the faithful of Sk'akh must have a Church that can defend them against any threat, physical or spiritual. This sentiment, and his reputation, have made him very popular among the common people.

    Kharan Malza, Archpriest of Zazalai
    The only Archpriest not appointed by an Overlord, Kharan Malza was raised to the position of Archpriest in 2462 by High Priest Unzi, after consultation with the lords of the region - believing that a strong Church presence was needed to stand against the growing Si'akh cult. Malza is a militant, having served as a Priest of the Warrior for nearly thirty years prior to his appointment, who has spoken in favor of a reformed Maraziite Order - believing that in times when madness and corruption such as Si'akh and Aut'akh run rampant, the Great Spirit requires an army of the faithful to enforce Their will. Despite this, he was reportedly not a supporter of Unzi's, having later decried the former High Priest as a man who sought personal power and glory, rather than the glory of Sk'akh.

    Iloso Azente, Archpriest of Ouerea
    Called a radical by many, Iloso Azente leads the Church on Ouerea, having been appointed by Overlord Zik'san in 2463. His beliefs have been claimed to verge on heresy, preaching of how Sk'akh blessed the fighters of the Ouerean Revolution and how those who wield power against their own people have abandoned the path of the Great Spirit. Regardless, Azente is charismatic and popular among the Sk'akh community of Ouerea, even if the Church on Moghes may look down on him. Azente is known to have fought in the Ouerean Revolution, though little about his specific participation has ever been unveiled. He is a personal friend of Overlord Zik'san, and has been one of the strongest voices calling for reformation within the Church and the Hegemony itself.

    Priests of the Aspect

    Some Sk'akh priests also try to embody one of the Great Three: a Priest of the Aspect. They become great paladins, skilled doctors or surgeons, or even aquatic farmers. On top of their studies in theology, a Priest of the Aspect takes additional years to study their chosen field on top of this degree or study both fields in tandem. As a result, a Priest of the Aspect is typically older in their relevant field than other entry applicants. However, training into the Sk’akh Church as one of these shamans will guarantee jobs within the Hegemony and abroad due to the high prestige of the institution and their reputation of professionalism and efficiency. Priests of the Aspect are each required to be the gender matching their aspect, with new acolytes required to undergo a highly secretive ritual of transition to further understand the Aspect that they dedicate their lives to.

    Priests of the Warrior of the Warrior are near-universally highly respected, and form a small, elite fighting force that is on par with some of the finest warriors of Moghes. They go into battle with intricate hymns drawn across their armored plates while chanting to Sk'akh for their blessing in the battle. However, in recent times due to the lack of conflict, many have taken to fighting off malignant ghosts that try to disrupt the lives of the living. Others act as travelling martial trainers, or have taken on positions with the Kataphracts or Navy. Priests of the Warrior usually study techniques of mediation and conflict resolution as their honor and position are often called upon to settle disputes, both violent or otherwise. They are headquartered in Keep Mukari, an ancient Sarakus fortress several days from Baandr, where the priesthood trains for when they are called to battle once more.

    Priestesses of the Healer traditionally study medicine, stating that the anatomy of creatures is sacred and cannot— should not— be altered genetically, mechanically, or otherwise. This is what lends Dominian Unathi away from genetic enhancement; Medicinal Acolytes of the Healer are often the ones who starkly oppose the Aut’akh the most due to their harsh views. They also act as scholars and historians, keeping the records of the Church and its history. They are headquartered in the Simiite Reliquary of To'ha'dat, a vast library holding the complete records of the Sk'akh Church, which is generally very difficult to gain access to for those outside the Church's ranks.

    Priests of the Fisher are also known as Spirit-Guides, a play on words in Sinta’Unathi due to the words for ‘spirit’ and ‘river’ sounding similar. They travel from town to town and offer their expertise to help show new techniques and ways of raising fish in hatcheries. Their goodwill and assistance is seen as a form of missionary work in the Sk’akh Church and is how they keep their reach relevant, even in Th’akh communities within the Hegemony. They are headquartered in Baandr, where they are largely responsible for the upkeep and operation of the Baandr College of Spirits.

    The Maraziite Order

    Also known simply as "the Order," the Maraziite Order was a military order under the command of the High Priest with the right to bear arms and dispense justice against spiritual threats to the Hegemony, following the revelation that a secretive religious cult had infiltrated the Hegemony government. In its short existence, it arrested several hundred individuals and seized many tomes and documents that Maraziite authorities claim are evidence of cult involvement.

    Maraziites were commanded by the High Priest of the Hegemony, directly overseeing a small council of Guildmasters appointed by himself. Prior to the disbanding of the Order, the Guildmasters formed an elite council under the High Priest and advised him on the day to day matters of the Order specifically. They also commanded the overall operations of the Order through their subordinates, the Chapter Masters. Chapter Masters ran individual Chapters of the Order in their specific settlement or City. They oversaw the Maraziite officers and were responsible for the efficient running of their Chapter. Individual officers are merely referred to as Maraziites. The officers are often called the Iron Masks because of their tendency to wear iron masks while on patrol.

    Qualifications to become a Maraziite were, outside the obvious need of being a follower of Sk'akh, at least minor experience in law enforcement, military experience, the priesthood of the Church, or a completed Apprenticeship in a university. After applying, a Maraziite Fledgling was put under a quick, extensive interview and investigation. Upon completion, they were assigned to a Chapter and sent to enforce the law of the Great Spirit upon the souls of the Hegemony.

    Maraziites are now considered an unofficial group— in the eyes of the Hegemony. In the wake of the Izweski Civil War of 2462, High Priest Unzi of the Holy Sk’akh Church and Hegemon Not’zar Izweski turned on each other over accusations of Not’zar’s sibling going missing in a short and fiery conflict. Lords and noble clans were forced to choose between their religion and their Hegemon when blades clashed. The aftermath provided a clear victor: Unzi’s collection of power was not enough to challenge the status quo, and he fled the Izweski Hegemony. Condemned to the Wasteland, hired by the Dagamuir Freewater Company as tail-turners, or taking to the corner of the stars to hide from their dishonor, the Maraziites are pushed out and away from the Church they were formerly a part of.


    The politics of the Sk’akh Church have been tied to the Hegemony since the days of the Sarakus, with Archpriests having wielded nearly as much influence as Overlords in the past. Every recorded Izweski Hegemon has been crowned in the Scept of Skalamar, and part of the Hegemon’s full title is “Chosen By The Grace Of Sk’akh”. The Church has historically been tied to Izweski education, and played a major role in the enforcement of the Sinta’Unathi language across the Hegemony. Traditionally, the High Priest of Sk'akh has always had a seat as one of the Hands of the Hegemon - though this position is currently unfilled, due to the absence of a High Priest.

    With the rise of High Priest Unzi, the Church wielded incredible power, with the Maraziite Order acting with near-impunity against heretics, blasphemers and enemies of the faith. This would be short-lived, however, as Hegemon S’kresti crushed the Church during their attempted coup in 2462. Since then, the Church has floundered, with much of its political power lost and a strict prohibition from Hegemon Not’zar preventing the rebuilding of a military force outside of the existing Priesthood of the Warrior. The Maraziites are condemned to exile, with many having fled Moghes to act as pirates or mercenaries in the wider Orion Spur.

    It would be a severe mistake, however, to discard the Church’s role in politics due to their current state. Many lords and commoners alike are devoutly Sk’akh, and its influence can be felt nearly anywhere that Unathi can be found, from Gakal’zaal to Biesel. Though the Hegemony may not hold much influence in offworld Unathi communities, the Church maintains a great deal of influence on most worlds with large Unathi populations, with the Grand Priest of Valkyrie technically having the largest diocese in the entire faith. Sk’akh missionaries work to spread the faith in traditionally Th’akh regions such as the Tza Prairie and the Torn Cities, and the faithful increasingly call upon the Church to defend them from the threats which plague the modern age. With the Archpriests finally breaking their deadlock and moving towards raising a new High Priest, the Church is moving to restore its status as a political power once again.

    Notable Locations

    The Sk'akh Church is an ancient institution, with many sacred sites across Moghes. Beyond the spiritual, there are several scepts and strongholds of Church influence throughout Hegemony space, the most notable of which are responsible for hundreds of thousands of the faithful.

    The Third Scept of Skalamar

    Also referred to as the Great Scept, the Third Scept is the center of the Church - home to the High Priest, and the spiritual rock upon which the faith is built. It has been destroyed twice in Unathi history - once in a time long before the Hegemony, and a second time during High Priest Unzi's attempted coup of the Hegemon. Regardless, it has been rebuilt each time, and the full wealth and power of the Church is on display within its hallowed halls. It is an enormous building, home to hundreds of priests and acolytes, and as well-protected as any lord's castle. Though a city of Skalamar's size holds dozens upon dozens of smaller scepts and churches, the faithful will flock from every corner of the city to worship at the Great Scept.

    It is believed that the Scept is built upon a holy site, the place where Sk'akh stood in the days before time and issued Their doctrines to the Sinta'Unathi. While historians have called the literal possibility of this into question, the truth remains that the Scept is one of the oldest buildings in Skalamar - and by some accounts, even predates it, with the First Scept believed to have been built in a city that stood long before Skalamar itself was ever built. It has been burned, besieged and assaulted before, but it remains an unrivaled monument to the Church, and the power it still holds.

    Keep Mukari

    Located several days north of Baandr, Keep Mukari is the headquarters of the Priesthood of the Warrior. Once a fortress built by the Sarakus Hegemony to guard against assault from one of its many rival kingdoms, the Church acquired it during the War of the Honored Alliance. The specific structure is not widely known, as only initiates of the Warrior are permitted to set foot inside - but it is known to be highly fortified and home to hundreds of battle-hardened priests at any given time. The last time that the fortress saw a direct siege was during the Contact War, when a Traditionalist Army managed to cross the Zazalai Mountains and attempted to capture Keep Mukari. The fortress held for three weeks, until the army of Baandr was able to lift the siege. During High Priest Unzi's reign, the Maraziite Order petitioned to be granted Keep Mukari - a request which was repeatedly denied.

    Simiite Reliquary

    Located in the city of To'ha'dat, the Simiite Reliquary is the headquarters of the Priesthood of the Healer, and one of the oldest libraries on Moghes. It contains the near-complete historical records of the Church, including many pieces of information that have long since been lost to the knowledge of other scholars. Only anointed Priestesses of the Healer are permitted inside the archive, though any who come seeking knowledge may request a specific volume from the priestesses who keep the facility - a difficult task when its contents are only known to its keepers. Little information is known about the Reliquary, though it is enormous and believed to extend deep underground, having been renovated in the 22nd century to protect its contents in the event of a potential nuclear strike. The keepers of the Reliquary are chosen from among the most dedicated Priestesses of the Healer, and traditionally serve for life.

    Baandr College of Spirits

    Located in the city of Baandr, the Baandr College of Spirits is one of the main educational institutions of the Church. Those seeking to become priests are required to earn a Mastery of Sacred Theology from the College, and many among the more devout nobility will often study there. Unusually for Unathi institutions, it has traditionally been open to noble and commoner alike - though earning entrance without joining the clergy was always far easier for the former than the latter. It is maintained by the Priesthood of the Fisher, and the order is traditionally headquartered there, with many of the priesthood taking teaching positions at the College.

    First Scept of Valkyrie

    The center of Sk'akh worship in Tau Ceti, the First Scept of Valkyrie is one of the largest offworld Sk'akh institutions, rivalling even the Great Scept in its stature. Located in the Valkyrie Exchange Terminal, Sk'akh Unathi from across the moon will often travel there for services, with many of them viewing it as an imporant lifeline connecting them to their cultures and homeworld. The Grand Priest of Tau Ceti dwells in the Valkyrie Scept, and is responsible for the oversight of other Sk'akh scepts and churches throughout the system. Though a mere Grand Priest, the leader of the Valkyrian Church has influence to rival the Archpriests, and there has been increasing demand among the Bieselite faithful calling for the official appointment of an Archpriest of Tau Ceti.

    Religious Holidays

    Day of the Warrior

    Held at the start of Versakh, and traditionally observed on December 9th by the human calendar, the Day of the Warrior is a time of vigorous feasting, drinking, and celebration of the life which the Warrior defends. Traditionally, the day is celebrated with public contests of skill and strength, with sport duels and grand melees being common. Many Unathi folk heroes are said to have won the eye of a lord at a Warrior’s Day festival, and from there risen to find honor and glory in battle. Later in the evening, it is traditional to write and burn prayers to Sk’akh, as well as messages to the spirits of those who died in battle, thanking them for their honor and diligence in defending those who remain on Moghes.

    Among Sk’akh Guwandi, the Day of the Warrior is a time of peace, when the mission of an honorable death is discarded and no Guwandi may draw their blade. It is spent in meditation and reflection upon a Guwandi’s disgrace and dishonor, and in prayer to Sk’akh that when they finally reach an honorable death, they may be granted entrance to the Beastlands.

    Day of the Healer

    Held in the cold of Travakh, August 14th by the human calendar, the Day of the Healer is a day of charity and goodwill. Traditionally, the faithful either donate resources or volunteer to assist those less fortunate, showing veneration of the Healer through good works and kindness. Later in the evening, displays of music and singing are customary, as the Healer is believed to be pleased by such things. A Healer’s Day celebration is considered a time to reflect on the beauty and fragility of life, and to give aid to those who need it. Traditionally, it is a time for Guwan to plead their cases before their clan or another, in the hopes of finding atonement for their life of dishonor.

    The Day of the Healer holds special significance to many Unathi after the Contact War, and is often filled with songs and prayers to heal the wounds of Moghes. To Unathi offworld, it has become emblematic of peace and hope, that one day their homeworld might be mended.

    Day of the Fisher

    Held in the middle of Kasavakh, March 12th by the human calendar, the Day of the Fisher is considered a time for rest, reflection and community. Clans will traditionally gather, and Unathi away from home will often seek to return to their ancestral lands to spend time with clan and kin. Priests of the Fisher will travel Moghes, preaching the word of Sk’akh, and the importance of clan, kin and people in maintaining the order of the world.

    Among the clans themselves, feasting, drinking and merriment are traditional, as well as the exchange of gifts. A Fisher’s Day gift is traditionally handmade, and of spiritual significance to the recipient - though in the modern age, the giving of pre-purchase gifts has become somewhat more common. Offworld Unathi will make the effort to return to their clans on Moghes if they can afford it, and if not will simply make contact as best as they can - the root of the holiday is togetherness and community, after all.