Tajaran History: различия между версиями

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[[File:Godblessalmarihadii.png|thumb|400px|left|Picture taken by the Adhomai Chronicle moments before the Assassination of Rhagrrhuzau Al'Mari Hadii. The single most defining moment of this generation of Tajara.]]
[[File:Godblessalmarihadii.png|thumb|400px|left|Picture taken by the Adhomai Chronicle moments before the Assassination of Rhagrrhuzau Al'Mari Hadii. The single most defining moment of this generation of Tajara.]]

Many military generals that had fought for the Republic soon defected under the banner of the Adhomai Liberation Army, the leader of which being '''Rhagrrhuzau Hadii''''s old friend and ally, [[Notable Tajara#Supreme Commander Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan|Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan]], and Adhomai found itself embroiled in yet another global conflict that continues to this day. "His gun was on stun" became the rallying cry of Rhagrrhuzau's fiercest supporters, "Hadiists," as they alluded to how he not only left himself greatly vulnerable during the parade but had even left his energy pistol on stun while he was assassinated.
Many military generals that had fought for the Republic soon defected under the banner of the Adhomai Liberation Army, the leader of which being '''Rhagrrhuzau Hadii''''s old friend and ally, [[Notable Tajara#Supreme Commander Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan|Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan]], and Adhomai found itself embroiled in yet another global conflict. "His gun was on stun" became the rallying cry of Rhagrrhuzau's fiercest supporters, "Hadiists," as they alluded to how he not only left himself greatly vulnerable during the parade but had even left his energy pistol on stun while he was assassinated.

===Adhomai Today===
===Adhomai Today===

Версия от 03:20, 6 января 2021

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  • Расы

  • Pre-Contact History

    For as long as Tajara care to remember, Adhomai had always been under the rule of the nobility. The oldest historical text that exists in Tajaran possession dates back at least three thousand years and talks about the presence of nobles. Many historians agree that the trend of blood rule is more deeply-rooted in Tajaran existence than was before considered.

    The Tajaran history is divided into the following periods: Pre-History, Incarnate Dominion, Migration Period, Warring Kings Era, Gunpowder Age, Steeple Peace, and the Galactic Age.

    The traditional Tajaran calendar uses the start of the Incarnate Age, in 1158 BCE, as its epoch. The current common era year 2463, would be 3621 in the Tajaran Calendar. An entire Adhomian year lasts 182 days, with each day lasting a total of 48 hours.


    The ancient past of the Tajara is poorly documented and historical texts are rare; meticulous combing and destruction of educational material by millennia of harsh rule resulted in total atrophy of most scientific arts in Tajaran society. Little is known about Tajara civilization before 500 BID/1500 BCE.

    The south of Ras'nrr, between the Razhar and Khazan mountains, is the cradle of the Tajaran civilization. The first recorded culture is known as the Proto-Hharar, they were responsible for the invention of agriculture, writing and the foundations of the religion that would develop into the S'rand'marr Worship and the Ma'ta'ke pantheon. The earliest form of government were local monarchies supported by religious authorities; the ruler and their families were considered of divine origin. Most of the settlements were similar to rural fiefs, with the population working for those dynasties in the trade of their protection. Urban centers started to appear around places of worship, with Trizar and Mezuma being the most important ones.

    In 150 BID/1308 BCE a nomadic horde, also known as the Proto-M’sai, migrated into the region of Southern Ras'nrr. Modern archaeological evidence indicates that they were natives from the plains close to the Nraz'i mountains. These new Tajaran people clashed with the sedentary Proto-Hharar. Riding Zhsram into battle and using curved bows as their weapons, they were able to raid the northern territories with little resistance. This threat was only subdued in 25 BI/1183 BCE when the king of Mezuma, Dirrnavirr'Almalik, defeated the nomads in battle.

    Instead of expelling or exterminating the invaders, the Proto-M’sai were assimilated into the Tajaran civilization. They were employed as soldiers and enforcers by Dirrnavirr'Almalik, creating the foundations of the modern M’sai ethnicity. The nomadic leaders intermingled with the Proto-Hharar aristocracy, giving birth to the Njarir’Akhran. Dirrnavirr'Almalik launched a military campaign against the remaining independent territories, subjugating the entire south of Ras’nrr in twenty-five years. At the end of his conquest, Dirrnavirr proclaimed himself as a living avatar of the Sun gods, adopting the title of Incarnate, inaugurating the start of the Incarnate Dominion.

    Incarnate Dominion

    Southern Ras'nrr experienced a long period of prosperity under the rule of the Incarnate, a dynasty of kings that claimed to be the divine manifestation of the Suns themselves. Each Incarnate would adopt the name of Dirrnavirr'Almalik when crowned, affirming to be the continuation of the previous monarch. The fields of metallurgy, science, and religion saw great advances during this age. The holy city of Sana Sahira was founded in 150 AI/1008 BCE, serving as the seat of the main priesthood. The urban population grew exponentially, burdening the peasants with increasing demands for food and other materials. In 180 AI/1003 BCE the Incarnate turned his attention to the Tajaran population living at the eastern mountains of Ras'nrr, the Proto-Zhan-Khazan. In a military effort, he subdued most of their tribes, transferring their population to the fields and mines of the dominion. Those that managed to escape the abduction adopted a nomadic lifestyle, becoming the Rhazar'Hrujmagh.

    It was during this time that the caste system, which is still a living part of the Tajaran society, was institutionalized. Each ethnicity had their place and duties enforced by law, interbreeding was punished with death or exile. This social structure would remain in place for the rest of the Tajaran history, only being challenged in modern times. This era lasted until 800 AI/383 BCE, when harsh winters, plagues, and constant revolts caused the collapse of the dominion. The Incarnate dynasty and title came to an end when the last of the divine Kings was assassinated by a group of rebellious peasants. The kingdom of Mezuma was then split into several city-states and territories controlled by nobles. This disaster marked the start of the Migration Period.

    Migration Period

    Due to the difficult conditions at Southern Ras’nrr, several nobles families accompanied by their serfs and retinues migrated to other regions of Adhomai, creating their own kingdoms, towns, and fiefs. The rest of Ras'nrr was settled by the first wave of migrants, establishing societies similar to the ones that they experienced in the south. Amohda and Das'nrra were reached using paths of ice created by the harsh winters. The first settlers of those islands organized themselves into villages based around fishing and archaic shipwright. The continent of Harr'masir was left uninhabited during this period, even if Amohdan sailors were aware of its existence.

    The lack of central leadership strengthened the priesthood, changing the religion that venerated the deceased God-King into the church of S'rand'marr. The concept of the Incarnate as the avatar of the Suns was abandoned, with Dirrnavirr'Almalik being considered only prophet or a great leader by the priests. The theology of the faith shifted to justifying the existence of the caste system, alongside legitimizing the rule of the nobility. The Migration Period came to an end in 1270 AI/88 CE with the foundation of Shastar kingdom in Das'nrra. With the severe winters coming to an end, the new monarchies started to expand and compete with each other, inaugurating the Warring Kings Era.

    Warring Kings Era

    This age was marked by the expansion and the constant warring between the monarchies established after the end of the Migration Period. Advances in farming, medicine, and construction techniques allowed the population numbers to blossom once more, encouraging further territorial expansion. The countless kings started to compete with each other, subjugating all independent towns and cities found in the way. The power and importance of the nobility grew even stronger, with most of the population being forced into a state of servitude in the fields.

    The system of serfdom characteristic of this age named Ras'nrr Model by historians, would be enforced until the end of the first Tajaran civil war. Zhan-Khazan and Hharar peasants would work in large plantations and mines owned by the Njarir’Akhran nobles. Serfs had no political rights, social mobility or access to education. The M’sai were the designated martial caste, serving as soldiers and law enforcers under the service of the nobility. The few existing cities were usually inhabited by free artisans, unlanded nobles, merchants, clergy, or philosophers. Most of the major conflicts happened between 1270 AI/88 CE and 1900 AI/718 CE, at this point most of the territories were under the control of the major monarchies. A long period of relative peace followed, with trade between countries starting to flourish. Crevus in the Kingdom of Das’nrra, initially a small fishing town founded during the Migration Period, was indispensable in establishing naval trade routes between Das'nrra, Ras'nrr, and Amohda. The richest nobles families in Crevus played an important role in the kingdom's politics at the time, influencing the king into investing in ambitious expeditions to explore the seas of Adhomai.

    In 2107 AI/925 CE the first colony, a settlement that would become the city of Baltor, was founded in Harr'masir as a result of an expedition financed by the Kingdom of Das'nrra. For the next few years, several other colonies were established into the continents by many of the Adhomian kingdoms. This new competition for territories sparked another period of conflicts, referred to as the Colonial Wars of Harr'masir, between those states. Many peasants and nobles families were relocated to these new lands, serving as their settlers and guardians. The politics of displacement and the constant warfare created a powerful feeling of resentment in the colonists of Harr'masir.

    The Colonial Wars of Harr'masir came to an abrupt end in 2378 AI/1286 CE, when an ambitious Rhazar'Hrujmagh caravan elder started a campaign of conquest against the nations of South Ras’nrr. Tajrhalrr Jrruzhani was a famous nomad mercenary of his time, that managed to acquire a large fortune under the service of the Kingdoms of Mezuma and Nazira. Using his experience and wealth he was able to unite several nomadic caravans under his control.

    Tajrhalrr Jrruzhani waged war against Mezuma and Nazira, subjugating both by making use of a mobile force of Zhan Nomads armed with bows and spears. The Rhazar'Hrujmagh created the title of Almalik’Rhazar, meaning “King of the Mountains”, denoting his rule over all of his people. The Nomadic domain disintegrated after the death of Tajrhalrr, divided between his sons and generals. While the kings of Ras’nrr turned their attention to the Nomadic threat, many nobles administrating the colonies at the east saw this as an opportunity. The continent of Harr'masir erupted into several wars of independence. Those conflicts would last until 2512 AI/1420 CE, resulting in all nations, except the Kingdom of Nal’tor, losing their territories at Harr'masir.

    This later period of violence favored the development of new military technologies, among them the invention of gunpowder, rustic firearms, and cannons. The first use of field guns in 2537 AI/1445 CE marked the end of the Warring Kings Era. This new discovery changed the battlefields of Adhomai, inaugurating the Gunpowder Age.

    Gunpowder Age

    The Gunpowder Age was marked by the slow replacement of traditional Adhomian battle tactics and weapons, which included melee weapons and crossbows, in favor of cannons and primitive firing lines. The Kingdoms of Amohda, Nal’tor, and Das’nrra were the first countries to make use of this new technology.

    During this period, many kings had the ambition of uniting their continents or regions under their rule. This aspiration gave birth to large and powerful states, with each of their rulers claiming to be the Kings of Kings. Long and destructive wars were waged with the goal of uniting those territories. The use of massive cannons barrages, early firearms, and bayonet charges were a common sight in battle. The Suns War of Harr'masir is an example of one of those early conflicts. Three mains empires emerged during this period; the Empire of Amohda, the Empire of Das'nrra, and the Empire of Ras'nrr.

    Even with technological advances, the Adhomian society was stuck with their old feudal system. The tension between nobility and the peasantry increased due to new burdens brought by recent military campaigns. The first writings against the serfdom and caste systems started to appear around 2800 AI/1732 CE, with those early revolutionaries being dealt with violence by M'sai enforcers. Draconian laws and sanctions were introduced against those that defied the status quo. Relations between the ruling class and commoners were precarious, believed to have stemmed from harsh rulers and laws. Technological and cultural knowledge and breakthroughs had begun to trickle down from the noble families to the peasantry. The invention of the printing press in 2824 AI/1756 CE favored the spread of anti-monarchist pamphlets. Owning a copy of an unapproved text was a capital crime.

    Despite the best efforts of the monarchies, a large underground ring of revolutionaries was formed in the Empire of Das’nrra. Philosophers, merchants, peasants, and a few landless nobles were united against the old ways. This movement was lead by a Tajara known as Purrjar Ekhranrar. A revolt happened in 2945 AI/1877 CE, with several cities experiencing combat between imperial troops and rebels fighting against the monarchy.

    The other kingdoms, fearing the victory of rebellion, sent military expeditions to help the Empire of Das’nrra. The revolution was defeated in 2951 AI/1883 CE, with the revolutionaries defeated and Purrjar Ekhranrar hanged for his crimes. The regimes, now aware of more dangerous enemies than themselves, created a way to secure their rule over Adhomai. The Steeple was established in Nal'tor. An internal embassy where the countries of Adhomai would resolve their disputes through diplomacy, creating a robust intelligence system aimed at subduing any threat to the world order. This event started the Steeple Peace.

    Steeple Peace

    The Steeple Peace is a period marked for centuries of peace between the Adhomian kingdoms, slow and controlled development of technologies, and systematic repression of the population. The tension between the peasantry and nobility continued to worsen, resulting in further enactment of more harsh regulations. Adhomai underwent a form of industrialization with the creation and proliferation of the steam engine in 3022 AI/1954 CE. This forced the peasants into harsh new laborious professions, digging in mines and working 18 hour days building rail lines for private use by the Njarir’Akhran nobility. Laws were soon enacted that banned any commoners from utilizing electricity or riding on trains.

    Thirty years before the human discovery of Adhomai, the deep-seated mistrust between peasants and nobles had reached an all-time high. The Tajaran species was trapped in a technological bubble forced upon them by their nobility. At the height of their industrial revolution only a few years prior, the leadership at the time became wary of the unification of many Tajaran workers who demanded greater rights, seeing themselves in what could be accounted as another 'Renaissance' era and result in more 'enlightened' individuals straining their already crumbling control over the populace.

    The realms of education, science, and luxury found themselves under severe restrictions, and your basic Tajara was forced into almost twenty-hour workdays with the minimal time afforded for eating and sleeping on the job. Analysis of the noble houses proves that during this time in Tajaran history, the nobility had never been worth more in Sol credits than before. This is attributed to the fact that rather than modernizing Adhomai the nobility had seen fit to confiscate and use these fruits of scientific thinking for themselves.

    Automobiles are considered one of the best examples of this. The first automobile is recorded to have been created in 3360 AI/2292 CE. Using a combustion engine much like primitive human vehicles, with extra anti-freezing measures and thick treads, one of the first functional automated cars had been produced by a collection of Tajaran engineers and scientists, at the behest of the nobility. These large creations were considered by many older Tajara to be a symbol of negligence and gluttony by their leaders. Workers were never provided with such things; they were forced to transport themselves through Adhomai's harsh winter conditions on foot or by using designed 'snow bicycles', regardless of how far they were from their place of work.

    Further restrictions of the rights of the individual Tajara were enacted by a furious nobility after several instances of violence against Njarir’Akhran, but specific information on these incidents has been lost. Legislations were introduced against 'workers unions' as well as any sort of illicit groups; a permit was required to form anything from hunting parties to agencies. In this whirlwind of political turmoil, a fresh generation of Tajara were growing up, deprived of what most humans consider to be 'basic rights'. As they grew older and angrier, the nobility saw fit to continue tightening their control over their subjects until a civil war was almost inevitable. Like a powder keg ready to blow, only a single spark was needed to light the flame.

    This came in the form of human discovery in 3576 AI/2418 CE. A Sol Alliance funded expedition into the Tajaran home system discovered the pre-space age species and their homeworld of Adhomai. The first contact with these aliens started the Galactic Age.

    Modern History

    First Contact

    Political map of Adhomai before the first contact

    Lush with untapped resources and potential workers, Adhomai was an attractive prospect for many human super corporations, especially NanoTrasen. Because of their slow technological progress, most of Adhomai's valuable minerals remained untapped by mining or drilling. It was due to this that several corporations attempted to insert themselves into the dealings of Adhomai.

    However, the nobility felt incredibly threatened by what they considered 'intrusions' by humanity and completely refused diplomatic access to their planet. The Alliance stepped in, initially unwilling to interfere in a pre-space age society, and, reluctantly, the super corporations were forced to abandon their wishes to stake claims on Adhomai's resources - at least in the open. In the year 3578 AI/2420 CE, a group of Tajaran intellectuals - considered rebels by the state - were shuttled off-world by a still unknown entity. Given asylum in the Sol Alliance, they met and discussed much with human scientists and officials. Tensions between the Alliance and Tajaran nobility rose after such an event and they accused the humans of harboring terrorists.

    Eventually, these rebels were returned to Adhomai with supplies and weapons. Fed with new ideals of personal freedom and 'rights afforded to all' by their influential human friends, the seeds of revolution were sowed among the Tajaran populace, spread by word of mouth. Workers, doctors, teachers, even soldiers that were questionably loyal to the nobility were swayed by these promises of freedom and equality. Meetings in the basements of dark taverns or barns were common, and relations between the nobility and their peasants were at the lowest ever recorded in Tajaran history.

    The Uprisings

    It took little more than a year for a formal uprising to be staged. On 3579 AI/2421 CE, after the nobility had captured one of the original Tajara that had been shuttled off-world, he was sentenced to be publicly hanged by the neck in front of their peasants to show just how serious they were about keeping control. Ultimately, many historians believe this to be a highly egregious mistake. Rebels in the audience, armed with advanced off-world weapons, proceeded to open fire on loyalist forces and kill a nobleman in the process. This event, called the D'as'ral Massacre (so named for the city it took place in) by the nobility was all the excuse they needed to enact martial law.

    However, they found themselves in a cornered position. Weapons and supplies were being shipped in off-world by mysterious benefactors, and their collections of scientists and engineers had either fled to safety being noblemen themselves or took up arms and joined the revolution. Without significant scientific presence to deconstruct or understand these new human weapons or support the war effort, the conflict resulted in a string of rebel victories that drew closer and closer to the capital cities of each providence. Fighting was extremely fierce and atrocities were recorded by both sides.

    Among the noble families, the largest and nearly the most powerful was a dynasty called the Hadii. Their castle was amongst the best defended in the region and the battle to take it was waged for six months of non-stop fighting. As it became increasingly clear to them that they were eventually going to be overrun, the Hadii struck a deal with the rebel leader; in return for complete immunity from the war, as well as persecution, they afforded the revolutionaries with unique tools and even blueprints of other families' castles, pointing out weak points and infiltration spots.

    It was this turn coating that tipped the revolution in favor of the peasantry. Armed with this new information, they made use of radio systems previously restricted for nobility to methodically and ruthlessly end their uprising by murdering most of the noble families, and whatever soldiers and civilians remained loyal to them. By 3588 AI/2431 CE the revolution had finally come to an end with a total of more than 92 million casualties with more than half of that being loyalist forces and 40 million civilian deaths. Many Tajaran cities and villages were utterly destroyed by vicious fighting as well as bombardment by uncaring nobles. An informal ceasefire was declared between the factions, though skirmishes were still common.

    Outcome of the Revolution

    Following this total upheaval of Tajaran society, rebel leaders met with Hadii noblemen and discussed how to form a government, given that only the Hadii were experienced with the ruling. Human corporations took an express interest in this; the Hadii was one of the few noble families that saw profit in human stakes on Adhomai, and many back-room deals were made until ultimately the Hadii were placed at the head of Tajaran government in 3589 AI/2432 CE, and ushered in a new federal republic: The People's Republic of Adhomai. The Tajaran public was markedly distressed by this turn of events, and fearing another uprising, human intervention again helped defuse the situation. The Hadii promised that it would not be like it was before.

    NanoTrasen, suspected by many conspiracy theorists to be behind the funding and supplying of Tajara during the war, holds claim to most of Adhomai and has a monopoly over most of the planet's valuables. Collaboration between them, the Sol Alliance, and the Jargon Federation has resulted in more technological advances in Tajaran society recently than ever before in their recorded history. Approval ratings for the current leadership rose in response.

    However, serious problems remained. Rhagrrhuzau Hadii suddenly began to back out of the People's Republic's agreed-upon business deals with NanoTrasen, all of which saw a massive amount of Tajaran natural resources exported. Citing humanity as greedy and destructive, Rhagrrhuzau made clear his intentions to make Adhomai independent until it was ready to take on the burden of interstellar politics.

    The Second Revolution

    The disagreements and hatred of the Hadii republican government had led to insurrection and treachery between Adhomai's major power figures since Rhagrrhuzau Hadii's new economic policies were revealed. Many Tajaran business contractors - just recently denied their ability to sell ludicrous amounts of natural resources and workers to the massive human megacorporation, NanoTrasen - felt threatened by the reforms of the Hadii government and its first President, Rhagrrhuzau Hadii. On 3608 AI/2451 CE, during a military parade, President Rhagrrhuzau was assassinated by a young Zhan-Khazan radical. A known secret service agent of the People's Republic, the radical was sentenced to death for his treachery, brought on by the violent tendencies of his Zhan-Khazan genetics. His brother and vice-president Njadrasanukii Hadii quickly assumed the office of the presidency and immediately passed brutal laws that punished the Zhan-Khazan and 'subversive elements'. NanoTrasen was invited back to Adhomai and menial workers were sold en masse to NanoTrasen workplaces while the rights to the bountiful natural resources of Adhomai were sold off to NanoTrasen. Public hangings and firing squads became the norm once again.

    Picture taken by the Adhomai Chronicle moments before the Assassination of Rhagrrhuzau Al'Mari Hadii. The single most defining moment of this generation of Tajara.

    Many military generals that had fought for the Republic soon defected under the banner of the Adhomai Liberation Army, the leader of which being Rhagrrhuzau Hadii's old friend and ally, Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan, and Adhomai found itself embroiled in yet another global conflict. "His gun was on stun" became the rallying cry of Rhagrrhuzau's fiercest supporters, "Hadiists," as they alluded to how he not only left himself greatly vulnerable during the parade but had even left his energy pistol on stun while he was assassinated.

    Adhomai Today

    The Tajaran homeworld has suffered plenty in the three decades since the end of the First Revolution. With the sudden injection of advanced technology into their relatively simple life, the discrepancy between modernized cities and outlying areas could not be more obvious. While the Tajaran capital boasts the most modern developments with sleek skyscrapers, advanced connections and phone lines, as well as hospitals and schools, the further you get from the larger cities, the more apparent it is that things are not quite so flashy. Expanding infrastructure remains difficult, as most public funds are seized for use by the military or used to repair infrastructure damaged by shelling or bombings.

    There is a steady stream of money being fed into the People's Republic of Adhomai. NanoTrasen, as per its agreement with the president, has set up mining and logging operations on Adhomai using the local workforce for the most menial of tasks. In return, company-funded clinics and schools are slowly being spread out and build in needy areas. Tajaran resource operations are now all but nonexistent; the buildings that were once part of the nobility's small gathering efforts have now been refurbished and are being used by NanoTrasen.

    Literacy has risen to its all-time high on Adhomai, and with the assistance of the Alliance, teachers have been brought in from off-world to educate the younger generation of Tajara. However, this number has begun to decline as the dangers of working on Adhomai are beginning to become common knowledge. Special establishments for older students have also been constructed to assist the elder generation in being brought to the same level of education, but NanoTrasen has not expressed significant interest in this; these people make up the brunt of their low-paid workforce and they want to ensure that they are kept that way.

    The second revolution came to an end in 2461, after a decade of warfare between the three factions. The People's Republic of Adhomai was driven off from many of its past territories, having to rely on the help of a coalition of allied states and mercenaries to stop the enemy offensive. After months of bloody defenses, guerrillas attacks, and complete stagnation of all fronts, a ceasefire was signed with the support of Tau Ceti and Jargon. An armistice, known as the Armistice of Shastar, was signed by the three factions shortly after. With the recognition of the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai and the New Kingdom of Adhomai by the galactic community and the enforced peace, the three Tajaran powers are eager to compete with each other for supremacy through a cold war.

    Timeline of Modern History

    At the dawn of the new century, the Tajaran people were at peace. For centuries the old monarchies of Adhomai maintained a balance of power, carefully averting anything greater than small-scale conflicts through cooperation and manipulation. In time, this intricate system of international politics centralized into one building within the city of Nal'Tor, the Steeple. This building which started as an international embassy to coordinate diplomacy and maintain the balance of power gradually became the seat of power for the new world order. By the 25th century, all of the world's monarchies existed under an informal international confederation which acted with collective security to end rebellions, police hot zones across Adhomai, and curtail the distribution of newer technologies to the masses. A repressive culture of anti-intellectualism and adherence to a tradition kept the lower classes from organizing or attempting any large scale rebellions. The literacy rate across the species was less than 20% and literature is still frowned upon by most of society to this day. Most history and stories were told orally by Kraszarrumalkarii, named after a Ma'ta'ke god of storytelling. The high end of technology was on par with early 20th century Earth, however, industrialization was still dawning and only catered to the rich. The majority of the planet remained agricultural workers with most goods crafted by skilled artisans rather than factories. On the underbelly of society, small numbers of disenfranchised nobles privately sought to change the status quo- some with a bleeding heart and others with personal gain in mind.

    Pre-War Era

    2418: A Sol Alliance funded expedition arrived in the S'rand'marr system and made the first contact with the Tajara. The first landing was made in Crevus and local nobles entertained the alien visitors. The meeting was kept a secret but rumors spread on the Das'nrra continent. A few weeks later, diplomats from the Sol Alliance and the Nralakk Federation met with Adhomai's global community in Nal'Tor to establish diplomatic ties. Each representative was given apartments in the Steeple to serve as a working embassy. The international nobility continued to keep the meetings with aliens a secret, but someone leaked the information to the outside world and rumors swept the cities. The governments finally decided to make formal announcements about the discovery of aliens, sending shock waves through urban centers across Adhomai. Rural peasantry remained apathetic, but across the first week, six thousand Tajara killed themselves from the shock of the event. Nobility actively inhibited the proliferation of alien media to the masses but were quick to negotiate trade deals for high technology oddities. After several mega-corporations, especially NanoTrasen, attempted to lure several states into imperial ambitions the Steeple successfully petitioned the Sol Alliance to prevent open interference with the governments of Adhomai.

    2420: Groups of Tajaran intellectuals, primarily young nobility and high-standing Hharar, conspired for liberalized governments. Many took refuge off the planet where they learned of human ideals, and returned to Adhomai to spread them. Small scale insurgencies broke out across the planet as the stability of the old order began to show cracks. The language of Siik'tajr was born as a means of covert communication between dissidents.

    The First Revolution

    2421: The Great Revolution erupted following the D'as'ral Massacre. Nobles across the planet declared martial law in retaliation and mobilized their armies.

    In southern Rasn'rr', disgruntled and oppressed Zhan-Khazan populations along the Zhan mountains joined forces with impoverished dilettante Njarir-Ahkran seeking to restore former glory. The ancient city of Mezuma became the birthplace of the "People's Emancipation Movement." Weeks later, the city of Trizar joined the movement after a coup d'etat. After a hasty organization, the rebel army moved north and besieged Nazira.

    In the city of Orul, factories were closed by the military for their role as meeting places for dissidents to meet and organize. The workers were all sent home without pay. An event known as the "Poorhouse Riots" occurred as the starving and impoverished took to the streets. After three days of violence, the city was conquered by its rebellious poor which formed the "Republic of Free Tajara." All Njarir-Ahkran who failed to evacuate were executed.

    2422: The city of Nazira was taken by the People's Emancipation Movement. Rebel units continued to enforce martial law and rationed food. Soup kitchens and bread lines became hotbeds for riots, many ending in massacres by the rebel military. Recruitment into the rebel military surged following the introduction of incentives that offered better food rations for soldiers and their families. Noble forces made several offensives over the next two years from Mal'jor military base, in order to retake the city. None succeeded in reaching the city outskirts, despite large casualties on both sides.

    The city of Orul was reconquered and occupied by loyalist forces based out of Zatushka. The Republic of Free Tajara carried out a series of insurgent activities ranging from sniper attacks of officers to using improvised explosive devices on the streets. Unable to bear the burden of witnessing the crimes against Tajara and citing "unprecedented barbarity," the noble in charge of the occupying forces withdrew from the city. His name was Tajrhalrr Hadii. The Republic of Free Tajara propagandized the event as having repulsed monarchist invaders and began rapidly reconstructing their war potential.

    2424: The Republic of Free Tajara and the People's Emancipation Movement formed a unified "Rasn'rr Confederacy of Free Republics." The new confederacy launched a coordinated offensive to conquer the equatorial region of the Rasn'rr continent.

    The Das'nrra continent balkanized as various regional nobles attempted to secure the throne for themselves. The Empire was weakened from providing large amounts of financial support to monarchist forces on Rasn'rr, and the Imperial Military had to be recalled from B'urr where it had been preparing the defense of the city. The Emperor himself disappeared during the fighting and was never seen again. An international coalition of monarchist forces formed and attempted to restore order on the continent.

    The military base at Baltor severed ties with its government across the ocean at Nal'Tor. The base became the home of a military dictatorship under its M'sai general. The rogue general marched on the Kingdom of Kaltir, seeking to rapidly expand his holdings. The city of Olska was taken by surprise and brutally subjugated. The Kaltir Expeditionary Force, which has been deployed to Das'nrra to suppress noble revolts, was recalled to the Harr'masir continent.

    2425: Loyalist forces left B'urr to oncoming rebels without a fight. The city of Tampiska as well as vital roads to Nal'Tor were heavily reinforced by these units, and the navy stationed at B'urr were deployed to aid loyalist forces for the Das'nrra Empire.

    Rebels based out of Orul overran Mal'Jor military base. The loyalists retreated to Tampiska, further enhancing its fortifications. Rather than pursuing, the Orul Rebels changed their focus northward and besieged Zatushka. This siege would later be discovered to be a feint for a different offensive.

    The Kaltir Expeditionary force seized Baltor through the first major amphibious assault in Tajaran history. The city of Olska was liberated by the end of the year, with cheering citizens praising the King and celebrations filling the streets.

    A peasant revolt from the rural areas around Dolor seized the city, naming themselves the "Liberated People's of Harr'masir." Their coastal area to the west was quickly assaulted by the Kingdom of Amodha, which sought to reconquer their ancestral lands.

    2426: The surviving monarchies adopted the Sol Alliance Credit as their official currency in an attempt to curry favor for international support. The move failed to gather public support as many Tajara did not have enough wealth to afford the currency trade-ins.

    The Siege of Tampiska began after months of artillery battles. Hordes of rebels attacked the city in waves as building to building combat lead to the bloodiest urban conflict of the war.

    Citadel Hadii, the stronghold of the Hadii Family, came under siege in a surprise attack following an arduous rebel march through the Nraz'i mountains. The small garrison of the immense citadel held strong until forces recalled from the abandoned Zatushka base broke the rebel siege. Tajrhalrr Hadii died in the fighting, leaving his eldest son, Rhagrrhuzau Hadii, at the head of the Hadii dynasty. Rebel forces that had taken Zatushka followed the recalled army and renewed the siege shortly after the last was broken. The siege only ended when the young Rhagrrhuzau Hadii struck a deal with the rebels, giving blueprints to other noble fortresses, information about other armies, and loyalty in exchange for immunity and protection. Forces of the Hadii family withdrew from Das'nrra and began subjugating monarchist forces north of Hadii lands.

    Fighting on Das'nrra led to the collapse of most noble families involved in the fighting. The coalition of noble forces from across Adhomai which sought to restore order was forced to disband as rebels on various homefronts forced the withdrawal of each army. Based out of the capital of Shastar City, anti-monarchist rebels calling themselves the Das'nrra Resistance Movement formed and gained momentum against the tired noble armies.

    The Liberated People's of Harr'masir surrounded and destroyed the invading army of the Kingdom of Amohda, before moving northwards to defend against an offensive by the Kingdom of Kaltir.

    2427: The Das'nrra Resistance Movement rapidly absorbed much of the continent, marketing themselves as a beacon of stability and sanity among the autocratic madness. By employing principles of Tajarism and providing humane treatment of occupied populations, the movement became popular among the masses who had suffered through the atrocities of the noble infighting. Any noble families who did not surrender were executed, while their subjects were treated with kindness as liberated Tajara.

    The Kingdom of Amodha began a second invasion of the western coast of Harr'masir, seeking to put the pressure on the rebels to aid the Kingdom of Kaltir. The armies of Kaltir defeated the Liberated Peoples of Harr'masir, besieging the retreated army at Dolor.

    The Hadii Faction subjugated the northern areas of Rasn'rr' before stationing their soldiers at various fortresses and beginning large scale mobilization of populations under the control. The Faction lobbied successfully under Confederate Command to place the Republic of Free Tajara and all of its holdings under the Hadii's jurisdiction.

    2428: The Das'nrra Resistance Movement and the Rasn'rr Confederacy formed an alliance and became the Western Coalition of Free Adhomai. The resistance movement finalized its conquest of the Das'nrra continent and began naval bombardment of Nal'Tor. Near the end of the year, of Siege of Tampiska drew to a close. The Siege of Nal'Tor began after the last remaining western monarchists retreated to the city.

    The armies of the Kingdoms of Amodha and Kaltir joined together for the Siege of Dolor, but the rebels manage to maintain their defense.

    2429: The Western Coalition of Free Adhomai and the Liberated People's of Harr'masir formed an alliance, changing their name tentatively to the Coalition of Free Adhomai. Navies of the Western Coalition sailed west across the Nas'kin Ocean to invade Kaltir. The force was intercepted by the navies of the Kingdom of Kaltir supplemented by the Kingdom of Ahmoda, which had crossed the Ras'val canal. Monarchist navies were triumphant, sinking most of the rebel fleet. A second rebel fleet sailed east across the Sum'add Ocean and blockaded Amodhan ports.

    The city of Dolor was retaken by nobility forces. All rebels and their sympathizers were offered amnesty. Although many accepted, some refused on ideological grounds and were imprisoned for treason.

    2430: The city of Nal'Tor was taken by rebel forces after the surrender of its defenders. The rebel fleet prepared for a large scale amphibious invasion of Harr'masir. Weakened by a year of starvation from the blockade of its ports and the destruction of the fishing operations, the Kingdom of Amodha defeated by a combination of peasant revolts and invading rebels. The island became the staging point for a planned invasion of Harr'masir as rebel forces gathered.

    The fleet of the Kingdom of Kaltir engaged rebel naval forces on the western coast of Harr'masir south of Baltor. After the battle lasted over 72 hours, the Kingdom's navy was finally sunk.

    2431: All Adhomian monarchies except the Kingdom of Kaltir were overthrown by rebels. Following what is considered the end of the "Great Revolution," most of the rebel groups joined under Rhagrrhuzau Hadii's faction to form the People's Republic of Adhomai.

    The city of Orul, the People's Emancipation Movement, and other proponents of confederacy rose in rebellion to the federalization of the Coalition of Free Adhomai. The city of Orul was quickly and brutally occupied by the armies of the Hadii Faction which had remained home as the defensive force for the Rasn'rr Continent. Soldiers of the Dasn'rra Resistance Movement, which had joined under the Hadii's rule, suppressed units of other forces where they had all gathered on Amodha. The newly formed Republican Army under Hadii's command marched south to suppress the undefended cities of the People's Emancipation Movement and cement the rule of the People's Republic.

    2432: The Hadii Faction was able to finalize the suppression and subjugation of all other rebel groups and began preparing to resume the amphibious invasion of Harr'masir.

    The Kingdom of Kaltir capitulated to People's Republic rule before an invasion could be performed. Despite popular requests for amnesty and peace from the Kingdom, many of the nobility were executed. Farkhanzirhal Azunja imprisoned his 32-year-old son, Vahzirthaamro Azunja, in order to hide him during the executions. The People's Republic of Adhomai became the lone global government of Adhomai.

    Interwar Period

    2433: The recently formed People's Republic of Adhomai obtained a charter from the Central Bank of the Sol Alliance. This charter allowed them to retool the Nal'Tor mint for printing Sol Alliance Credits.

    The Second Revolution

    2449: Vahzirthaamro Azunja and his retinue of intellectuals were released from prison in secret in the middle of the night. They traveled the Kaltir region, gathering support for an independence movement. Copies of a constitution with the title "The New Kingdom" circulated by underground printing presses, and were praised by many locals for its generous civil liberties. Rumors spread of a New Kingdom of Adhomai. People's Strategic Intelligence Service Agents were unable to locate and take Azunja into custody.

    Citing humanity as destructive and greedy, President Rhagrrhuzau Hadii announced a series of new economic policies that eliminated many deals favorable to NanoTrasen. He openly denounced human imperialism and proclaimed that Adhomai must be independent.

    2450: Having gathered widespread support across Harr'masir, Azunja and his loyalists began an open rebellion against the People's Republic, calling themselves the "New Kingdom of Adhomai". Many supporting Njarir-Ahkran were given nobility and assigned land to govern based on their prior involvement in the movement and their friendships with King Azunja. The Dymtris Line was hastily constructed to block the isthmus leading into the Kal'tir region. The New Kingdom lost the majority of its territory in the first year and millions fled northward as refugees to avoid brutal reprisals.

    2451: President Rhagrrhuzau Hadii was assassinated during a military parade in Nal'Tor by a Zhan-Khazan secret service agent. His brother and vice president, Njadrasanukii Hadii, assumed office. The 2449 economic reforms of Rhagrrhuzau Hadii were rolled back by Njadrasanukii.

    A map of Adhomai in 2458

    The former head of the armed forces, Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan, attempted a coup with many other generals but failed. The Adhomai Liberation Army was formed by these rebels.

    2457: Starlet Yasmin Piaf performed the "Heavensward" Tour. Anti-ALA sentiments are infused into the highest-grossing musical tour in Tajaran history.

    2458: The Adhomai Orbital Defense Navy ended its last lease for old NanoTrasen ships following the launch of the PRS Njarir and PRS Vostak. Anti-Piracy operations in the space around Adhomai were conducted solely by the AODN without foreign aid.

    The People's Republic of Adhomai introduced conscription following the loss of Tampiska to Liberation Army forces. The surge in military manpower resulted in the retaking of Pur'r by the Republican Army. The city of P'urr was renamed to its prewar name, "B'urr".

    A four Mt nuclear weapon was deployed against the headquarters of Liberation Army forces in the Quizosa military base, north of Ron'Tul in the Rhazkjara mountains. The nuclear attack caused international outrage and lead to diminished foreign support for the People's Republic. Ron'Tul was firebombed by the People's Republic of Adhomai, and much of the city was destroyed. Liberation Army forces withdrew and the city was occupied by the Republican Army.

    Rehabilitation programs are established by the People's Republic of Adhomai, seeking to purge subversive and humanized elements among its population. Several labor camps are created in the republican territory. Homosexuals, dissidents and political enemies are arrested and interned in those installations in the following months.

    On the Harr'masir continent, The Dymtris Line was overrun by a Republican Offensive. The Republican Army was repulsed by the Imperial Army when it was forced to retreat to deal with insurrections by rebel forces. Highly coordinated mass guerrilla attacks orchestrated by the ALA swept the People's Republic, creating a week of chaos and bloodshed. Lines of communication and infrastructure were crippled long enough for the Liberation Army to make considerable gains.

    2459: The People's Republic's colony of Hro'zamal is founded in the Nrrahrahul system.

    Tajara Rights Act of 2459 is passed by the People's Republic Congress, improving working conditions on labor camps, providing better medical relief efforts for refugees from areas of conflict, and reducing homosexuality to a misdemeanor.

    Imperial Parliament of the New Kingdom of Adhomai was bombed by a suspected ALA radical. King Vahzirthaamro Azunja was hospitalized for a month, and Field-Marshal Rrhazhal Zarkradar'Akhan remained in the hospital for a year. Enough members of parliament were killed to default the Kingdom to a temporary absolute monarchy. After completing offensive operations, the New Kingdom of Adhomai began construction of the Vlrralkhzazhul Line to consolidate their gains.

    The various civilian governments under Adhomai Liberation Army rule were brought together under the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai. Within months of its creation, the DPRA effected large-scale repairs and improvements to electrical infrastructure.

    A map of Adhomai in 2459

    2460: The Republican Army is expelled from Das'nrra by a rebel offensive. Republican forces manage to evacuate by sacrificing the Republican Guard.

    The New Kingdom announces the New Crown heir; Shumaila Azunja.

    The Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai and the New Kingdom sign a ceasefire. Royalists forces evacuate Amohda, allowing the Adhomai Liberation Army to control it as part of their agreement.

    The campaign for DPRA president begins, with a dispute between National Adhomai Worker’s Party and Free Tajaran People’s Party.

    2461: Almrah Harrlala, the leader of the National Adhomai Worker’s Party, wins the DPRA elections. A coup attempt against her government by the military is thwarted with the help of Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan.

    Zhan nomads forces of Harr'masir are united by Rustam Harmaliik, claiming the title of Almalik’Rhazar. Rustam and his people join the New Kingdom of Adhomai's war effort after losing support from their ALA allies.

    A successful offensive is launched by the New Kingdom of Adhomai against the People's Republic at Harr'masir. Republican forces are expelled from the continent after the siege of Olska.

    Sol Alliance forces and Orbital Defense Navy engage each other in a short space skirmish, caused by the dispute on the lease rights of a spaceport. Sol Alliance imposes an embargo against the People's Republic, cutting all military aid and weakening their economy.

    The city of Dolor is liberated by the forces of the Adhomai Liberation Army.

    The People's Republic of Adhomai is attacked by the Adhomai Liberation Army and the Royal Navy, triggering the creation of the S'rand'marr Coalition. Allied states, NanoTrasen, mercenaries, and volunteers join the PRA in their defense against the rebels. Orbital Fleet's ships and crews are recalled to Adhomai to help in the defense. The Steeple is destroyed during the bombardment of Nal'tor by the Royal Navy.

    The rebel's offensive is thwarted by the Coalition, turning the conflict into a bloody war of attrition. A ceasefire, under the supervision of the Coalition and the Jargon Federation, is arranged between the three Tajaran factions.

    An armistice, known as the Armistice of Shastar, was signed by the three Adhomian factions shortly after the ceasefire. Peace is established on the planet, but the future of the Tajaran species is still uncertain with the possibility of a cold war on the horizon.

    Adhomian Cold War

    2461:President Almrah Harrlala denounces the Unathi occupation of Gakal'zaal, raising the tension in the colony through the support of the rebels.

    The Republican Orbital Fleet returns to Hro'zamal and discovers that a civil war broke out in the colony. Rebels, under the leadership of the previous Colonial Guard Commander, were attempting to secede from the People's Republic by overthrowing the loyalist government. Kosmostrelki forces land on the planet and cause the insurgents to flee into the jungle, starting a guerilla campaign.

    2462: The New Kingdom of Adhomai establishes the Nomadic Host of the Southern Borders. While considered a sound decision by the military, many are unsure of the Nomads' true loyalties.

    The low-intensity resistance to the Unathi presence in Gakal'zaal becomes a full-blown insurrection as the Liberation Army sends supplies and fighters under the guise of being volunteers. The Gakal’zaal Liberation Front is formed.

    Grand People's Army expeditionary force lands on Hro'zamal. The rebels now rely on smugglers for supplies, trading the planet's fauna and flora with them.

    The New Kingdom approaches NanoTrasen and other Megacorps. Internal tensions rise as the commoner's party pushes for more popular representation in the government.

    The first major proxy conflict in the Adhomian Cold War takes place in the Republic of Biesel. Tajara agents fight among themselves to secure supplies and influence in Tau Ceti. It ends with a four day battle between the factions of Little Adhomai, the conflict comes to an end due to the intervention of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion. The population of Tajara in Tau Ceti becomes increasingly divided and radicalized as result.

    Tesla spine and limbs are released to Republican citizens for testing.

    President Hadii announces the conclusion of the rehabilitation program as the People's Republic begins to relax on the oppression of its internal opposition.

    War in Gakal'zaal escalates as the PRA intensifies its anti-guerrilla campaign. The rebels start to show signs of factionalism as they begin to disagree with their leader.

    Father Walid Al'qat dies and is succeeded by Valyan K'rrirran. The new father brings in some reforms to the Church structure.

    Tensions in the New Kingdom results in a crisis as the cities are taken by protestors demanding the creation of electable positions in the Parliament. The Kingdom's leadership remains paralyzed due to the King's inaction. The situation worsens as the military attempt to get involved in it. The crisis comes to an end as King Azunja concedes to popular demands and announces the elections for the Chamber of Commoners.

    Tau Ceti becomes the stage of a shadow war between the Cult of Raskara, the Kin of S'rendarr, and the Society of the Hidden Dusk. The factions fought against each other over an artifact being brought to the system for a museum exhibit. The forces of the Sun Church managed to secure the artifact in the end.

    Due to the Izweski Hegemony political situation, the Unathi in Gakal'zaal are left to deal with the rebellion on their own. The rebels make steady progress in defeating the Overlord's forces, more weapons and volunteers enter the planet.

    Following a rejected plea for independence, the military junta of Amohda rises up in an attempt to secede from the Democratic People's Republic. While the civilian government and the Liberation Army are unable to agree on a plan at first, this crisis is defused by the return of the Supreme Commander Nated. Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan is given control of the military after a vote by the National Assembly.

    The New Kingdom of Adhomai's elections for the chamber of commoners happens. The Royal Party secures the leadership, followed by the Officers and Commoners parties. The King retires temporally from the political life due to health reasons, the Crown Heir takes the reign as a regent.

    Zikala, the capital of Gakal'zaal, is occupied by the Liberation Front. The rebels declared the Free Republic of Gakal’zaal, the first Tajaran nation outside of S'rand'marr

    Amohdan rebels are defeated by an invasion of the island orchestrated by Supreme Commander Nated. Separatists continue to fight through guerilla warfare.

    Gakal'zaal joins the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai after a referendum. The future of the Unathi population on the planet remains uncertain.

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