Tajaran Military Structures: различия между версиями

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=== Supreme Commander ===
=== Supreme Commander ===
The Adhomai Liberation Army, from the decentralized confederacy of juntas, to the loose collection of regular army units, to the widespread guerrilla units and deep cover infiltration, all look up to [[Notable Tajara|Supreme Commander Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan]] for direction and leadership.

=== Juntas ===
=== Juntas ===

=== (Unit Placeholder) ===
=== Mrrazhakul (Liberators) ===

=== (Subunit Placeholder) ===
=== Kazarrhaldiye Tajara (Swords of the Tajara) ===

=== Cells and Guerrilla Units ===  
=== Cells and Guerrilla Units ===

== Imperial Adhomian Army (New Kingdom of Adhomai) ==
== Imperial Adhomian Army (New Kingdom of Adhomai) ==

Версия от 22:18, 17 октября 2016

This page outlines the factional military structures of the Tajara on planet Adhomai.

Ground Forces on Adhomai

Republican Army (People's Republic of Adhomai)

The hierarchy of the Republican Army and the organization of their ground forces.

Commander in Chief

The Commander in Chief of the Republican Army is an office held by the President of the People's Republic of Adhomai (Currently President Njadrasanukii Hadii). The Commander in Chief is responsible for the grand strategy of the military. He appoints all ministers in the Ministry of Defense to carry out his policies.

Ministry of Defense

The Ministry of Defense houses the Ministers in charge of each branch of military service as well as their adjutants. They define the military districts under order from the Commander in Chief, as well as appoint staff to manage them. It is the duty of the ministers to translate the policies of the Commander in Chief into functional war plans and operational strategy.

Military Districts

Military Districts are administrative districts based on geography. Each military district is named after each continent on Adhomai, a relic of the interwar period when the People's Republic owned the entire planet uncontested. Appointees to the districts administrate the recruitment, supply, and organization of all troops within their theater of war, as well as designate the fronts of conflicts. Each military district also houses a theater commander who manages all of the fronts under them.


Fronts are areas of operations designated by military districts where field armies are deployed. They exist along large geographical sections of each continent, and are each lead by a frontal commander. The system of combining a shifting geographical area with a command leads to a high degree of inflexibility in the Republican high command, which struggles to redraw the changing jurisdictions frequently. More often than not, the frontal commanders find themselves "in command" of areas behind enemy lines following opposition offensives. This leads to situations such as sending messengers with various notices and garrison units to villages they do not own, only to have them inevitably intercepted and engaged by opposing front-line units. Many army group commanders have begun to falsely report carrying out certain orders in order to prevent needless damage to their units.

Field Armies

There are currently 133 field armies (or armies for short) in the Republican Army. Most field armies are combined arms armies, which utilize artillery, tank, and mechanized vehicle divisions to provide support to infantry divisions. However, there are a handful of concentrated tank armies which are used for spearheading massive offensives. Unlike other contemporary armies in 2458, the Republican Army lacks the ability to have corps level formations. The mass defection in the Adhomai Liberation Army's attempted coup d'etat of the Republic lead to a gutting of the Army's officers. Instead, clusters of divisional formations are grouped together into armies and sent to battle in these inflexible clumps. These circumstances have lead many to view the Republican Army as an inexorable horde which fights all its battles by numbers and attrition, however officials of the People's Republic are quick to right this off as humans projecting their history onto Tajaran politics. They insist that the People's Republic is filled with capable officers and professional soldiers.

Divisions and Brigades

Each field army in the Republican Army is comprised of three divisions, which in turn are each comprised of three brigades. A plurality of divisions are motostrelki, motor rifles, which are motorized infantry units modeled and named after human analogues. This reliance on motor vehicles to transport troops around the battlefield leaves the Republican Army at a stark disadvantage in mountainous and polar regions, where their vehicles break down or are impeded. As a result, many divisions rely heavily on the actions of the Republic's special forces to screen for ambushes and sabotage defenses. The Republic is also renown for its heavy artillery divisions, which begin every operation by softening targets with massive barrages. While these barrages were highly effective in the early days of the civil war, most opposition positions are now arranged in spread out formations with moderate entrenchment to minimize the effects of the artillery. Now, they primarily serve to alert their enemies of an impending attack.

Adhomai Liberation Army

All though the Adhomai Liberation Army is highly decentralized, all of their cells and guerrilla units are loyal to the Supreme Commander, even if they seldom get direct orders like their formal army units.

Supreme Commander

The Adhomai Liberation Army, from the decentralized confederacy of juntas, to the loose collection of regular army units, to the widespread guerrilla units and deep cover infiltration, all look up to Supreme Commander Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan for direction and leadership.


Mrrazhakul (Liberators)

Kazarrhaldiye Tajara (Swords of the Tajara)

Cells and Guerrilla Units

Imperial Adhomian Army (New Kingdom of Adhomai)

The command and unit structure of the Imperial Adhomian Army. Every formation and unit has a patron noble in command, analogous to a regimental system.


The current Field-Marshal of the New Kingdom of Adhomai is Field-Marshal Rrhazhal Zarkradar'Akhan, who was appointed by King Azunja of the New Kingdom of Adhomai. The position is held by appointment from the King, who is also able to take the position for himself if he so chooses. The Field-Marshal has supreme authority over the Imperial Adhomian Army, managing all theaters of operation and giving orders to the Mrraka'te'almalik (Will of King) nobles and their retinues. Unlike the Adhomai Liberation Army or the Republican Army, the Imperial Army is highly centralized and relies heavily on the orders of the Field-Marshal to coordinate with other units.

Mrraka'te'almalik (The Will of the King)

The Imperial Army has three Mrraka'te'almalika (Wills of the King or Wills for short) lording over its forces. Each will serves a role similar to a theater commander, controlling all the Jabrut Almumalik which they raised as levies from their lands within the New Kingdom and giving orders to all nobles who owe fealty to them. The positions are always formally held by grand dukes, however they often appoint commanders to rule in their stead if they are unable to fill the role with all orders signed as "By the Will of the King."

Jabrut Almumalik (The Kingdom's Might)

The Jabrut Almumalikii (The Kingdom's Mights or Mights for short) are command positions of groups of Alyad'almalikii. The posts are held by princes, dukes, and sometimes notably powerful counts under the three grand dukes who muster and fund all the forces in their domains. These commanders serve to manage the formations of Alyad'almalikii, as well as to relay the orders of their Mrraka'te'almalik and to manage their supply lines. Their careful and meticulous planning is integral to maintaining the army's organization, and their sub-commanders rely on the orders passed down to them to continue operation. As with the previous higher positions, the more prominent nobles often appoint specialists to carry out their duties if they believe themselves incapable, however lower nobles are often part of a service gentry and are therefore unable to delegate away their positions.

Alyad'almalik (Hand of the King)

Alyad'almalikii (Hands of the King or Hands for short) are all of the minor nobles and service gentry who command formations of Alam'ardii which are typically similar to field armies. Unlike most armies, these are primarily infantry-based units as the New Kingdom lacks the production capacity to have widespread motorized and mechanized units. A handful of Alyad'almalikii are armored units with outdated and prototypical interwar tanks which are usually held in reserve behind the front lines and used as cavalry to attack enemy flanks or respond to opposing armored assaults.

Alam'ard (Blood of the People)

The Alam'ardii (Bloods of the People, or Bloods for short) are large units of soldiers levied, equipped, and paid by their nobility landlords. In the early days of the New Kingdom's secession, the Alam'ardii were professional soldiers only. Large groups of old M'sai who had served the nobles in the first revolution and their sons, tired of the extremist ideologies and longing for the old ways, flocked to the cause of King Azunja. As Njarir in hiding began resettling into the New Kingdom, many were assigned lands and given commands of these old Alam'ardii based on the capabilities they demonstrated, creating the foundation for the entire structure of the Imperial Army and landed nobility. As manpower issues began to strain the New Kingdom with the continuing war, King Azunja and parliament were forced to instate conscription, obligating every household to contribute an adult Tajara to the war effort. In compromise to the poor strata and to address the issue of an insufficient officer corps, the government formalized and cemented the service gentry "so that all of the kingdom is together in this struggle." The Bloods are almost all infantry, utilizing primarily defensive tactics with dug in positions, fortifications, and trenches. Due to the primarily polar climate of the majority of the New Kingdom's land holdings, the Imperial Army has found utility in keeping cavalry Alam'ardii which can gallop through snow and either position dragoons or charge into enemy flanks. There are few artillery Alam'ardii positioned along defensive lines where incoming armored attacks are suspected. Most of the Imperial Army's artillery are outdated direct fire canons which are re-appropriated for anti-armor uses.

Naval Forces on Adhomai

Republican Navy (People's Republic of Adhomai)



Adhomai Liberation Army

New Kingdom of Adhomai

Special Forces

People's Republic of Adhomai

A Republican special forces paratrooper with a weapon imported from human space.

Adhomai Liberation Army

New Kingdom of Adhomai