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>Burrito Justice
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>Burrito Justice
м (augh)
Строка 91: Строка 91:
|cost = 3
|cost = 3
|usedfor = Spawning manhacks to spur confusion.
|usedfor = Spawning manhacks to spur confusion.
|strategy = It's worth mentioning that they will attack anyone indiscriminately, including you.
|strategy = It's worth mentioning that they will attack anyone indiscriminately, <s>including</s> luckily excluding you, so feel free to toss these around wherever.
|description = A grenade packed with quickly deploying manhacks, ready to shred anything in the way.
|description = A grenade packed with quickly deploying manhacks, ready to shred anything in the way.

Версия от 02:36, 17 апреля 2018

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Burrito Justice

Antagonistic Gear

All gear under this heading can be ordered by anyone with an uplink, provided they know how to unlock and use it and there are enough telecrystals.


The item needs to have the name defined.

9mm ammo
Cost: 1 TC
Used for: Reloading firearms chambering 9mm.
Strategy: Order when needed, stock up, or only order a few to easily dispose of if you get caught.
A magazine storing 10 9mm parabellum rounds.

Cost: 1 TC
Used for: Reloading a dart gun.
Strategy: Create the chemical mix of your choice before ordering these.
Darts that are automatically loaded into the gun from the magazine. Draws from a beaker attached to the gun. Stores 5 darts.

Tommygun Magazine (.45)
Cost: 2 TC
Used for: Reloading firearms chambering .45
Strategy: Order as necessary.
A slim magazine utilizing powerful rounds. Stores 20 .45 rounds.

Tommygun Drum Magazine (.45)
Cost: 4 TC
Used for: Reloading the Tommygun.
Strategy: Order if you have a room to clear out.
A drum magazine with 50 .45 rounds.

Cost: 2 TC
Used for: Reloading revolvers chambering .357
Strategy: Save the loader if you want, they can be reloaded with rounds you didn't use if you accidentally empty your revolver.
A speed loader with 7 .357 rounds.

Cost: 4 TC
Used for: Reloading snipers chambering 14.5
Strategy: Comes in an inconspicuous box that looks like an internals box. Should be safe to carry around if you don't think Security will search boxes.
A box with 7 individual 14.5 rounds.

Grenades and Thrown Objects

Manhack Delivery Grenade
Cost: 3 TC
Used for: Spawning manhacks to spur confusion.
Strategy: It's worth mentioning that they will attack anyone indiscriminately, including luckily excluding you, so feel free to toss these around wherever.
A grenade packed with quickly deploying manhacks, ready to shred anything in the way.

Photon Disruption Grenades
Cost: 4 TC
Used for: Temporarily darkening areas completely.
Strategy: Best used in small rooms with an easy exit.
A box with five grenades designed to disrupt photons and remove light from areas.

Smoke Grenades
Cost: 4 TC
Used for: Providing cover via wall of smoke.
Strategy: Best used while retreating under enemy fire.
A box with five smoke grenades.

EMP Grenades
Cost: 6 TC
Used for: Disrupting/damaging anything electronic.
Strategy: Synthetics and crew with prosthetics will all suffer greatly to a grenade like this.
A box with five EMP grenades.

Frag Grenades
Cost: 12 TC
Used for: Severely injuring biological crew.
Strategy: While expensive, the fact that they explode roughly 70 pieces of shrapnel in all directions more than makes up for the cost.
A box with five anti-personnel fragmentation grenades.

Highly Visible and Dangerous Weapons

Dart Gun
Cost: 5 TC
Used for: Injecting targets with darts loaded with whatever mix you choose.
Strategy: Best ordered when you have an array of chemicals already made. Three beakers can fit on the gun, and it comes with an interface allowing you to mix any of the three into darts.
A small gas-powered dartgun, capable of delivering chemical cocktails swiftly across short distances.

Energy Crossbow
Cost: 6 TC
Used for: Shooting targets with bolts of energy.
Strategy: It recharges itself, so it's a nice weapon to fall back to if your other weapons are empty.
A weapon favored by many mercenary stealth specialists.

Force Gloves
Cost: 8 TC
Used for: Punching the heck out of everything.
Strategy: A good thing to order if you're not confident in firearms and would like to just stab everything instead.
These gloves bend gravity and bluespace, providing a boost to your melee damage output by 2.5x

Energy Sword
Cost: 8 TC
Used for: Stabbing everything when all else fails.
Strategy: The go-to melee weapon. The sprite is quite small which can be both good and bad. Deals about 30 brute.
May the force be within you.

Silenced 9mm
Cost: 8 TC
Used for: Taking care of business... quietly.
Strategy: Doesn't do that much damage, but it's easy to overwhelm someone if you unload a full magazine into them.
A silenced, small pistol for quiet business.

Exosuit Rigged Laser
Cost: 8 TC
Used for: Obliterating everything with intense light.
Strategy: Obviously this should only be bought if you have access to a Ripley exosuit.
While not regulation, this inefficient weapon can be attached to working exo-suits in desperate, or malicious, times.

Kneebreaker Hammer
Cost: 7 TC
Used for: Breaking knees, obviously.
Strategy: Deals 20 brute damage, so if you wanted to interrogate someone, just aim for their hands or feet. May also double as a crowbar.
A heavy hammer made of plasteel, the other end could be used to pry open doors.

Cost: 12 TC
Used for: Taking care of business loudly.
Strategy: Uses powerful .357 magnum rounds. Want someone dead quick? Use this.
The classic Necropolis Industries .357 revolver, for when you only want to shoot once.

Tommy Gun
Cost: 14 TC
Used for: Taking care of multiple instances of business quickly.
Strategy: Has multiple firing modes. Be sure to use them, since 5 round bursts can be inaccurate on top of wasting a lot of ammo.
A classic Thompson submachine gun, ya see? Uses .45 rounds.

Land Mine
Cost: 5 TC
Used for: Dispatching intrusive crew.
Strategy: Probably best used on choke points. Just don't accidentally trap yourself in a corner with them. A verb should come up with the ability to hide them under items on the same tile.
An anti-personnel explosive device used for area denial.

EMP Land Mine
Cost: 4 TC
Used for: Same as a regular mine but for synthetics.
Strategy: May be a good idea to place these near sensitive equipment.
An EMP mine capable of disrupting anything electronic.

N2O Land Mine
Cost: 7 TC
Used for: Releasing anesthetic gas upon detonation.
Strategy: A good way to safely capture biological crew. Gas masks are capable of filtering out N2O.
A sleepy mine that disperses N2O into the atmosphere.

Power Fist
Cost: 4 TC
Used for: Punching people. Hard.
Strategy: On top of granting stronger punches, this also knocks foes back.
A metal gauntlet with a piston-powered ram on top for that extra punch in your punch.

Clawed Gauntlets
Cost: 5 TC
Used for: Shredding people.
Strategy: Given that they're sharp, the target will almost certainly start bleeding. They're also slightly armored.
A pair of metal gauntlets outfited with menacing sharp blades.

Wrestling Manual
Cost: 6 TC
Used for: Learning how to wrassle.
Strategy: Wrestling is always fun. Use this for gimmicks in the holodeck.
A manual designated to teach the user about the art of wrestling.

SolCom Manual
Cost: 6 TC
Used for: Learning how to combat things better.
Strategy: It's martial arts. Nothing can go wrong. Nothing.
A manual designated to teach the user about the martial art of solarian combat, a style based on traditional human martial arts.

Anti-materiel Rifle
Cost: 25 TC
Used for: Eliminating armored targets.
Strategy: This rifle doesn't play around, and neither does the price tag. Don't waste this on cannon fodder, aim for the big wigs in bullet proof armor.
A portable anti-armour rifle fitted with a scope, the PTR-7 is capable of punching through windows and non-reinforced walls with ease. Fires armor piercing 14.5mm shells.

Cost: 10 TC
Used for: Shredding everything and everyone.
Strategy: A powerful saw capable of ruining anyone's day. Requires two hands to operate.
A robust tree-cutting chainsaw intended to cut down various types of invasive spaceplants that grow on the station.

Steel Throwing Star
Cost: 2 TC
Used for: Throwing sharp and pointy pieces of metal at people.
Strategy: I guess if you wanted more weeb on top of your weeb you can order this and watch stars embed into wounds.
A sharp, perfectly weighted piece of metal.

Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons

Subversive Soap
Cost: 1 TC
Used for: Slipping pursuers.
Strategy: Someone chasing you? Drop this behind you. They'll probably slip over it.
An untrustworthy bar of soap. Smells of fear.

Cigarette Kit
Cost: 2 TC
Used for: Flashing, smoke bombing, poisoning, healing... a whole lot.
Strategy: Cigarettes are pretty good to use in a bind, especially when guns are being pointed at your head and you're about to be arrested. Just ask for a smoke.
Various cigarettes with different reagents.

Random Toxin - Beaker
Cost: 2 TC
Used for: Poisoning.
Strategy: Food works as a reagent container. Take a syringe and inject poison into the target's food and watch them suffer. May contain mindbreaker, space drugs, carpotoxin, impedrezine, or zombie powder.
An apple will not be enough to keep the doctor away after this.

Detomatix PDA Cartridge
Cost: 4 TC
Used for: Remotely bombing PDAs.
Strategy: PDA bombs don't actually do a whole lot of damage, but it's good for making your intentions clear to your target.
A cartridge that makes other PDAs blow up!

Paralysis Pen
Cost: 6 TC
Used for: Paralyzing.
Strategy: Probably best used when you're alone with someone, otherwise everyone will wonder why someone dropped dead directly in front of you.
An inconspicuous pen full of zombie powder.

Concealed Cane Sword
Cost: 9 TC
Used for: Looking old, but dangerous.
Strategy: No one expects the old, innocent grandpa to stab them in the back! Exploit the benefit of the doubt bestowed upon you.
An old cane to help with walking.

Sleepy Ring
Cost: 7 TC
Used for: Proposing to someone you really want asleep.
Strategy: It injects 15u of Chloral Hydrate the moment it's worn. Just make sure you don't put it on.
A ring with a secret inside!

Stealth and Camouflage Items

No-Slip Shoes
Cost: 1 TC
Used for: Avoiding slips.
Strategy: Best worn when combined with flooding hallways full of lube, soap, and bananas.
A pair of brown shoes. They seem to have extra grip.

Bug Kit
Cost: 2 TC
Used for: Bugging rooms and people to listen in on them.
Strategy: Don't believe someone? Bug their office or work place. Configured by whacking bugs with the bug monitor. Activating the bug in hand will tell you the monitoring frequency.
Nothing to see here.

Agent ID Card
Cost: 3 TC
Used for: Avoiding AI tracking, stealing access, renaming.
Strategy: A pretty safe item to buy, gives you access to syndicate facilities, lets you rename and set your job, and can copy access from another card.
An ID capable of a variety of things.

Chameleon Kit
Cost: 5 TC
Used for: Stealth.
Strategy: Good for impersonating ranks and the like.
Contains chameleon jumpsuit, hat, suit, shoes, backpack, gloves, masks, glasses, and a gun that can all be configured and changed!

Voice Changer
Cost: 5 TC
Used for: Impersonation.
Strategy: This is, for the most part, just a gas mask. Activate in-hand to set what voice you want to impersonate.
A face-covering mask that can be connected to an air supply. It seems to house some odd electronics.

Cost: 8 TC
Used for: Hiding.
Strategy: Want to leave sec officers stumped? Scan any object and activate in hand to camo yourself as that object. Note that anyone trying to interact with whatever you're impersonating as will cause the disguise to fail.
A device that scans and impersonates.

Devices and Tools



Hardsuit Modules




Specialized Items

Mercenary Only

Ninja Only