NanoTrasen Corporation: различия между версиями

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To do this, the chip is implanted in the frontal lobe to act as a synthetic neurotransmitter. Unique programming allows the implant to not only create its own electrical synapses, but to interact with neurons to create judgement and personage in a patient that benefits Nanotrasen's image, with minimal detriment to the patient's well-being.
To do this, the chip is implanted in the frontal lobe to act as a synthetic neurotransmitter. Unique programming allows the implant to not only create its own electrical synapses, but to interact with neurons to create judgement and personage in a patient that benefits Nanotrasen's image, with minimal detriment to the patient's well-being.

Negative side effects from the loyalty implant are uncommon in standard operations, but expected. Short-term effects can include anxiety, headaches and insomnia, while long term side effects include more serious disorders such as a permanent impact on decision making. This is public knowledge and it is for these reasons that loyalty implants are deactivated via an automatic network when the patient is not working.
Negative side effects from the loyalty implant are uncommon in standard operations, but expected. Short-term effects can include anxiety, headaches and insomnia, while long-term effects include more serious disorders such as a permanent impact on decision making. This is public knowledge and it is for these reasons that loyalty implants are deactivated via an automatic network when the patient is not working.

Though unlikely, it is possible that a loyalty implant be overridden by stress or strong emotions. If patient's loyalty implant is overridden (or when it is simply faulty), it is advised to remove the faulty implant through surgical means and replace it with a functioning one.
Though unlikely, it is possible that a loyalty implant be overridden by stress or strong emotions. If patient's loyalty implant is overridden (or when it is simply faulty), it is advised to remove the faulty implant through surgical means and replace it with a functioning one.

Версия от 19:36, 14 декабря 2017

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  • '"NanoTrasen is the leader in all things Phoron... And more! Across the galaxy we provide the finest Phoron-combustion generators and Phoron byproducts, such as the Supermatter engines and singularity fields to bring power to your neighborhood! We continue to make significant advances in other major fields ranging from the hydroponics, to genetic research, to information technology and robotics! As a proud employee of our corporation, we encourage you to take active part in continuing to advance our our scientific knowledge for the good of the human race, and your pay check!"


    NanoTrasen is the corporation the player works for. Formerly a biotech research company, its size, influence, and wealth exploded to previously unthinkable heights after the discovery of Phoron and bluespace. It has a net worth of 730 trillion credits and 440 million employees.

    NanoTrasen remains an extremely controversial mega-corporation. It's accused of buying Tau Ceti outright, bribing politicians, and preforming illegal experiments and research in the unexplored or lawless Frontier of human space. They're rumored to have their hands in every level of Tau Ceti's government and have a reputation of treating their workforce poorly in the name of the bottom line. The corporation is also suspected of inflaming entire wars on Ahdomai and Moghes for the purpose of manipulating the species' into lucrative deals.

    The headquarters of NanoTrasen is currently Mendell City, on the planet of Biesel, in the Tau Ceti Star System. Its primary administrative center, however, remains the orbital Central Command, also known as the NTCC Odin.

    The NanoTrasen family.

    NanoTrasen maintains a direct presence in over 75% of human states with manufacturing sectors, R&D, and orbital facilities.

    Corporate Structure

    Miranda Trasen currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer. She was appointed by the Board of Directors in 2443 to replace her deceased father, Xavier Trasen. She is the ultimate authority in the Corporation and the majority shareholder in the corporation, making her the wealthiest human in the galaxy.

    The Board of Directors, a group of 27, act as supervisors and appoint the Chiefs of Staff, who in turn report to the Board of Directors. They manage the macro-level, general policies of the corporation. Its decisions are binding but its authority is shared with Miranda Trasen.

    The Chiefs of Staff are 8 individuals that are the highest authority in the separate field of operations in NanoTrasen. They are:

    Rook Keller, 67, Chief Research Director.

    Wilhelm Gunther, 56, Chief Security Officer.

    Marcus Mathers, 60, Chief Naval Director.

    The hierarchy of the NanoTrasen Corporation.

    Quix Repi'Weish, 209, Chief Personnel Director.

    Andrew Reynolds, 55, Chief Relations Director.

    Mori Takachika, 53, Chief Legal Director.

    Yehtlas Mualt-Quaat, 218, Chief Medical Director.

    Nigel Brent, 59, Chief Engineering Director.

    Authority is then delegated to Sector Command, which is comprised of the Duty Officers and CCIA. They, in turn, have their authority delegated to individual Station Command personnel.

    Loyalty Implants

    Used commonly by NanoTrasen as a means of reducing risk and ensuring trustworthy leaders, the loyalty implant is a minuscule piece of technology with a single job: to influence a patient's decision making and judgement to suit Nanotrasen's needs.

    To do this, the chip is implanted in the frontal lobe to act as a synthetic neurotransmitter. Unique programming allows the implant to not only create its own electrical synapses, but to interact with neurons to create judgement and personage in a patient that benefits Nanotrasen's image, with minimal detriment to the patient's well-being.

    Negative side effects from the loyalty implant are uncommon in standard operations, but expected. Short-term effects can include anxiety, headaches and insomnia, while long-term effects include more serious disorders such as a permanent impact on decision making. This is public knowledge and it is for these reasons that loyalty implants are deactivated via an automatic network when the patient is not working.

    Though unlikely, it is possible that a loyalty implant be overridden by stress or strong emotions. If patient's loyalty implant is overridden (or when it is simply faulty), it is advised to remove the faulty implant through surgical means and replace it with a functioning one.


    Formed in 2346, NanoTrasen Biomedical, now the NanoTrasen Corporation, was a leading trans-stellar research corporation specializing in Genetic Engineering and medical research.

    Nanotrasen started out as a small company, whose research was mostly based around gene-therapy in the heart of human space, Mars. NanoTrasen was effective at patenting methods that lead to more cost effective medical coverage plans for business use, primarily through aggressive business tactics than personal research brilliance. Many minor medical research facilities ended up on the unpleasant end of Xavier Trasen's desire to make a name for himself and shark-like approach, and were bought out and taken apart for his company's capitalization. By the end of the decade, NanoTrasen became a trans-stellar entity.

    On 2417, NanoTrasen discovered Phoron in the Tau Ceti star system in the Romanovich Cloud. This new resource allowed the generation of immense amounts of electricity and could be used as fuel for FTL travel, out-dating everything that had come before it. NanoTrasen began exploiting this new resource aggressively, setting up numerous stations and outposts in Tau Ceti to exploit the resource while sending out many new probes and drones to discover more.

    Research facilities, stations, ships and other installations were being built faster than ever. NanoTrasen, capitalizing on it's newfound wealth managed to bankrupt and absorb many other companies on a larger scale that ever before (one of the only known organizations to escape this fate being the Providence Foundation). This only further increased NanoTrasen's power and scope, ratcheting it up to the status of a true super-corporation, the most powerful business-empire in the known galaxy.

    Stations, Merchant Fleet and the Fleet Security Force.

    The NanoTrasen corporation maintains a large fleet of ships and stations for varying purposes ranging from research to transport to medical to exploration. These ships form the backbone of NanoTrasens financing transporting personnel, cargo and research from system to system, planet to planet and back again.

    The military arm of this fleet is known as the NanoTrasen Navy, which is overseen by the Chief Naval Director and his Sector Commanders. Utilizing ships from simple patrol frigates to the impressive drone carriers like the NMV Icarus that patrols the space around the Aurora and Exodus. Some ships even have attachments of ERT teams that can respond across their system.

    Every mega-corporation has some sort of orbital fleet to protect their assets, but NanoTrasen is notable in that it is the only mega-corporation that fields a fleet its size completely independent of government contracts of subsidies. In fact, the Republic of Biesel in Tau Ceti lacks any form of fleet and relies on NanoTrasen completely to deter pirates and other threats, to which they pay hefty fees for. This has lead to NanoTrasen being accused of fielding a mercenary army, one that could have the potential to put pressure on traditional governments of the galaxy if used poorly...


    NCV - NanoTrasen Corporate Vessel
    NSS - NanTrasen Space Station
    NMV - NanoTrasen Martial Vessel NTCC - NanoTrasen Central Command NTHQ - NanoTrasen Headquarters

    Some of it's largest and/or most expensive holdings are listed below.

    Prefix Name Type Role Location
    NTCC Odin Station Central Command Tau Ceti
    NSS Baldr Station Central Command Sol
    Research Services
    NSS Aurora Station Phoron Research and Mining Station Tau Ceti
    NSS Redemption Station Biochemical Research Station Tau Ceti
    NSS Antlia Station Xenobiological Research Station Tau Ceti
    NSS Apus Station Xenobiological Research Station Sol
    NSS Ara Station Defence Research Station Sol
    NCV Clark Ship Exploration Vessel
    NCV Asimov Ship Exploration Vessel
    NCV Von Braun Ship Super Freighter
    NCV Archimedes Ship Super Freighter
    NCV Amundsen Ship Super Freighter
    NCV Armstrong Ship Super Freighter
    NCV Anchieta Ship Super Freighter
    NCV Baudin Ship Probe Carrier
    BioMedical Services
    NSS Canes Venatici Station Hospital Station Tau Ceti
    NSS Canis Major Station Hospital Station Sol
    NSS Canis Minor Station Medical School and Research Station Tau Ceti
    NSS Carina Station Triage Center Sol
    NSS Pheonix Station Triage Center Tau Ceti
    NCV Tesla Ship Hospital Ship
    NCV Maxwell Ship Hospital Ship
    NCV Curie Ship Cryostasis Freighter
    Security Services
    NSS Cephus Station Processing Station Sol
    NCV Murphy Ship Transport
    NCV Cato Ship Transport
    NMV Patton Ship Patrol Vessel
    NMV Brooke Ship Patrol Vessel
    NMV Icarus Ship Drone Carrier Tau Ceti
    NMV Oceanus Ship Escort Cruiser
    NMV Poseidon Ship Escort Cruiser
    NMV Apollonius Ship Escort Cruiser
    NMV Gloria Verdantes Ship Escort Cruiser
    NMV Sierra Ontago Ship Escort Cruiser
    NMV Xavier Trasen Ship Escort Cruiser
    NMV Vern Clerk Ship Escort Cruiser
    NMV Gelligaer Ship Response Cruiser
    NMV Glynneath Ship Response Cruiser
    NMV Paladin Ship Response Cruiser
    Telecommunication Services
    NSS Orion Satellite Interstellar Communications Array Sol
    NCV Volans Ship Repair Freighter
    Power Services
    NCV Abũbuwanikon Ship Mobile Power Facility Tau Ceti

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