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>Dea Tacita
(Created page with " <p dir="ltr" style="line-height: 1.15; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; ...")
>Dea Tacita
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Строка 173: Строка 173:
<h3><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Traitors</span></span></h3>
<h3><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Traitors</span></span></h3>


<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.15;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;"><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Tau Ceti is a private fief, one completely open to immigration, emigration and trade of any sort. &nbsp;This openness, allows allows individuals of less than honest means to insert themselves into the infrastructure of Nanotrasen and her administration. &nbsp;In the wild-west of Tau Ceti, to the wise N.T. employee, watching your back is a necessity and trust is hard to come by.</span></span></p>
<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.15;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;"><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Tau Ceti is a private fief, one completely open to immigration, emigration and trade of any sort. &nbsp;This openness, allows allows individuals of less than honest means to insert themselves into the infrastructure of Nanotrasen and her administration. &nbsp;In the wild-west of Tau Ceti, to the wise N.T. employee, watching your back is a necessity and trust is hard to come by.</span></span></p>
Строка 179: Строка 179:
<h3><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">The Syndicate</span></span></h3>
<h3><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">The Syndicate</span></span></h3>


<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.15;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;"><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">A coalition of less powerful corporations, planetary governments, Private military Groups and even a handful of Sol Senators. The Syndicate is an organization dedicated to the destruction of Nanotrasen to repay the lives they&rsquo;ve ruined in their endless hunt for profits.</span></span></p>
<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.15;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;"><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">A coalition of less powerful corporations, planetary governments, Private military Groups and even a handful of Sol Senators. The Syndicate is an organization dedicated to the destruction of Nanotrasen to repay the lives they&rsquo;ve ruined in their endless hunt for profits.</span></span></p>
Строка 187: Строка 187:
<h3><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">The Vox</span></span></h3>
<h3><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">The Vox</span></span></h3>

<p>[[image:Vox Lineup.jpg.jpg]]</p>
<p>[[image:Vox Lineup.jpg]]</p>

<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.15;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;"><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">An odd species to be sure, the Vox are barely known and even less understood. &nbsp;With no organized government known of, no clear political or military agenda. &nbsp;They&rsquo;re often looked upon as a force of nature, appearing randomly, raiding a colony and vanishing on their lightning fast skipjacks before a response force can arrive. &nbsp;Their raiders, while not the most intelligent are certainly cunning. &nbsp;</span></span></p>
<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.15;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;"><span id="docs-internal-guid-2421b67f-ca5a-86db-d4e9-8e8f93e88cc4"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">An odd species to be sure, the Vox are barely known and even less understood. &nbsp;With no organized government known of, no clear political or military agenda. &nbsp;They&rsquo;re often looked upon as a force of nature, appearing randomly, raiding a colony and vanishing on their lightning fast skipjacks before a response force can arrive. &nbsp;Their raiders, while not the most intelligent are certainly cunning. &nbsp;</span></span></p>

Версия от 17:25, 12 августа 2014

The year is 2456CE (Common Era), and Humanity has spread amongst the stars like a plague, in less than 400 years, Humanity has left crumbling Earth and clawed her way across the stars, more than 100 light years in all directions. Sheparded on this path by the charismatic and effective leaders of the Union of Sol, for more than a century things looked bright for Humanity and her children. Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti, Sirius, Epsilon Eridani and dozens more systems fell under her possession, nearly a hundred garden worlds in-all. But, the lower nature of Humanity was not vanquished.


Rebels across Human space, yearning for the independence their forefathers once held. Rose up in arms for years, bringing war into the hearts and minds of Humankind after a century of peace. The Union held firm in these wars, but her back was broken by her childrens' betrayal. Knowing that attempting to stand her ground would warrant a return to the dark ages of the past, Mankinds' government withdrew, leaving all worlds, all humans outside of the 30ly 'safe zone' around Sol to fend for themselves.   


In the wake of the Unions’ withdraw, three dozen ‘empires’ have awoken, clawing their way from single colonies to star-spanning empires covering light years, Humanity had found itself fractured once again.  Beyond these empires lay countless ‘outer colonies’, too weak to conquer each other yet too strong to be conquered.  

However, Humanity is not alone in this vast sea of stars.  The amphibious Skrell, feline Tajara, reptilian Unathi and plant-like Dionaea are but a few of the races of this galaxy.  Some, like these are supportive to the fate of mankind, others apathetic and a select few horrors actively seek their destruction.  Compared to the wroth of your fellow man, these horrors are but mosquitos to the majority of Humanity, as is it widely known. That Humanity is its’ own worst enemy.  

It is an age of progress, it is an age of death an age of war, it is the age of Mankind.  

The Trade zone

Welcome to the Tau-Ceti free trade zone, the sole Nanotrasen administered system within the Sol safezone. You are assigned to the N.S.S. (Nanotrasen Science Station) Aurora in orbit of the N.T. run colony world of Beisel.  

Until recently, the Union has been in a state of collective isolation allowing no trade and no immigration or emigration.  However, the isolationist party has lost power and the new administration has opened up the border to trade, which is centralized in the Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani free trade zones, where traders and transstellar companies can hawk their wares under laissez faire policies (Under the benevolent watch of N.T and the E.F. of course.)

The most common currency in Human space is the Union of Sol credit, which is created and minted by the Union of Sol and it’s constituent territories.  It is represented by Cr (as in 5,000Cr).  While technology is relatively advanced living standards in some areas of the frontier are deplorable, some colonies even exist in a purely agricultural state, completely incapable of reaching off-world.  

Gettin’ Paid

Tau Ceti, since its’ transfer to Nanotrasen control, has essentially been transformed into Nanotrasens’ private playground in the safe zone.  However, N.T. HQ is far in the depths of the colonies and as such, direct control of their fief is nigh impossible.  Full background checks are  unlikely to turn up much, even with Union assistance as many flood into the trade zone from the barely governed frontier colonies.  This byzantine situation has allowed many unsuitable individuals into high positions as loyalty in this realm is ‘by your word’ and promotions come quick to those who prove capable.  

Titans among the Stars


Home System: Sol

Homeworld: Earth

Majority Languages: Tau Ceti Basic, Sol Common

Capital of largest Entity: New Geneva, Earth - Sol


Humanity, the children of Sol or whatever you wish to call them.  Are the most prevalent species in known space, with more territory under their control than all other known species combined.  They are the owners of most transstellar corporations and are generally noted as the most common species in explored space.  Disunited and warring, few meaningful terms can used to describe the species as a whole  

Humanity has largely gotten over its problem regarding sexism by this age, with females being seen as equals to males, though some pockets of stubbornness remain.  


Home System:  Jargon (Nralakk)

Homeworld: Jargon IV(Qerrbalak )

Majority Languages: Skrellian, Tau Ceti Basic

Capital of Largest entity:  Subrellek, Qerrbalak, - Nralakk

An amphibious species whose passion lies in the field of the combined sciences, the Skrell are the oldest and most advanced species present on the N.S.S. Aurora.  Their world is covered from pole to pole in massive swamps, bogs and the occasional jungle.  A world where their amphibious qualities are quite well used.  Gender is meaningless to the Skrell, as they don’t have an attachment to sexuality as Humanity does.  Simply being another task taken to ensure the production of children.  

While Humanity has largely overtaken the Skrell in the realm of colonization, the Skrell maintain a strong confederation of colonies roughly 3/4th the size of the Sol safe zone, making them one of the largest entities in known space.  


Home System: Uueoa-Esa

Homeworld: Moghes

Majority Languages: Sinta Unathi

Capital of Largest Entity:Yuesea, Moghes, - Uueoa-Esa

The fierce and warlike Unathi are a reptilian race, a relative newcomer to the stars.  Unlike all other known species, the Unathi are not the first species to live upon their world,  before them came a more advanced race that plunged their jungle world into nuclear fire and turned it into the desert world it is today.

Unathi have strict gender lines which are well defined and breaking them is highly taboo. Leading to the most sexist society of any known species.

The Unathi are least advanced of all known species, barely capable of reaching orbit, let alone colonizing another world due to their fractured status and infighting.  


Home system:  S’randarr

Home world: Adhomai

Majority Languages: Siik’maas, Siik’Tajir

Capital of largest entity:  Hadii’Tamij, Adhomai - S’randarr

The newest species to the stars to be employed upon N.S.S. Aurora, the Tajara are a species fresh out of bondage.  Until very recently the species was enslaved by their own leaders and only escaped with support from Human transtellars and empires.  They are a felinoid species from the cold world of Adhomai in the S’randarr system.  

Their world in the past was generally quite rich minerally and culturally, but decades of slavery destroyed both of those as education was eliminated and entire clans destroyed, and entire mountain ranges excavated to fuel the Overseer regime.  

Both sexes fought equally in the revolt against Overseer oppression, which has earned the females who were previously somewhat oppressed to be elevated to equal in Tajaran society.  




Home System: Epsilon Ursae Minoris

The dionaea are a stellar oddity of sorts, each ‘individual’ in-fact being a collective of omnivorous, extremely slow metabolism plant like creatures that in themselves are clusters of smaller organisms.  This race is rather odd as they express a great degree of flexibility in their structure, capable of assuming  hundreds of shapes and sizes.  From an individual nymph to giant ‘hives’ in space consisting of thousands of nymphs.  They were discovered in orbit of a trinary star system by Skrell explorers in 2294, which made it nigh impossible to contact them due to this hostile environment  

Dionaea, are asexual as they spread via seeds. And when in their early ‘nymph’ state, they are known to take blood samples of nearby creatures in-order to evolve and learn quicker than they would without such samples.  As they and the Skrell have the closest relationship, it is not totally unknown for Skrellian civilian explorers to travel in habitat modules encased in a dionaea gestalt.  With these craft, they spread their warbly call across the cosmos.

Introduced to Humanity by the Skrell, the Dionaea enjoy warm relations with the vast majority of Human empires and governments.  



Integrated Positronic Chassis, or IPCs for short. Are a recently created artificial species, engineered and designed by roboticists at Nanotrasen Biomedical.  They have existed for roughly the last twenty years and have only in the last five or so gained any rights or privileges.  After working long and hard in corporate service, and after amassing a large stock of credits, an individual IPC is allowed to purchase itself and buy itself to freedom.  

Gender is pointless to IPCs, though some can and do prefer a certain pronoun to another.  Personality quirks can ensure one acts more ‘feminine’ and another more ‘masculine’. The vast majority however are gender neutral and more mechanical in their personality.  

IPCs have yet to prove themselves as a ‘race’ and as such, command positions are highly restricted to them.  All but the first few models are utterly restricted from command positions, and even these are rare.  


Файл:Kocass Fem.pngФайл:Kocass Male.png

Home System: Hiisnivi

Home World:  Sonhadra

Major Languages: Sini

Capital of Largest Entity: Niisivis, Sonhadra - Hiisnivi

The newest species in explored space, the Kocasslani are a hostile, zealous race with an intense racial hatred towards the Skrell due to an unfortunate expedition taken into their territory.  Evolving alone in a patch of space that is known for being extremely habitable and resource rich by their standards, the Kocasslani regard their sector as literal ‘heaven’ and see any alien presence within as damning.  

Gender has a role within Kocasslani caste systems, but it isn’t as intense as in Unathi culture. Males are simply seen as being more capable at feats of passion and fury, while women are seen as more fitting for administration or the priesthood.  No roles are forbidden to male or female, but social taboos make integration hard.   

Kocasslani are utterly hostile and antagonistic towards Humanity, the Skrell and to some extent other races.  As such, the only Kocasslani on-station would be exiles, missionaries or explorers.  

Important Groups

Transstellar corporations

These corporations are the main entities in the frontier colonies, and to some extent the inner colonies.  They are massive corporations founded by private interests who lend out their PMCs, manufacture goods, do research and a plethora of other things.  They are privately owned governments, ruling their systems like knights of old, ruling over their fief with little care for those within.  

There are a number of major transstellars, all of which are owned by Humans.  The eight major ones are Nanotrasen Biomedical, Osiris Atmospherics, Einstein Engines, Ward-Takahashi GMB,Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, Hephaestus industries and Gilthari exports.  

The Empires

The inner colonies are splintered roughly into three dozen empires, each controlling between 1-12 systems and anywhere from a single to dozens of garden worlds.  They are fractured nations, belligerent and aggressive towards their neighbors.  With living standard generally far below Sol standards as wars have bled their systems dry.  

There are three dozen major empires, a handful of these are as follows.  The United Colonies of America, The Saris Free Trade Zone, Alliance of Halis, League of Draconis, Raksa Pact, Principality of Caladbolg, Confederation of Elyria,The New British Empire, Suzerainty of Tamil and the Royal Republic of New Oranje

The Union of Sol

The once central government of all of Humanity, the Union of Sol is now a shadow of their former glory. Though still the most powerful state in Human space, until recently the Union was an isolationist state licking their wounds after a series of bitter civil wars tore her systems asunder and forced her to withdraw to her current space.   

Her government has recently seen a shift, as the isolationist ‘sol’ party has been ousted and the new administration has opened the borders to trade, built-up the military and signed a dozen military pacts with inner colonial empires.  The overall feeling in the Union is that she's heading on a war path, but with who is the question.  A question few seem willing to answer  

Shadows in the Darkness

As previously mentioned, there are those who’d rather not see Nanotrasen turn a profit in the free trade zone.  From the former senators of Tau Ceti angry at their removal, rival corporations envious of N.T.s’ success, the anti-N.T. syndicate and numerous other forces that wish to cripple Nanotrasens’ operations.  


Tau Ceti is a private fief, one completely open to immigration, emigration and trade of any sort.  This openness, allows allows individuals of less than honest means to insert themselves into the infrastructure of Nanotrasen and her administration.  In the wild-west of Tau Ceti, to the wise N.T. employee, watching your back is a necessity and trust is hard to come by.

The Syndicate

A coalition of less powerful corporations, planetary governments, Private military Groups and even a handful of Sol Senators. The Syndicate is an organization dedicated to the destruction of Nanotrasen to repay the lives they’ve ruined in their endless hunt for profits.

Well trained and equipped, the syndicate commandos are a force to be reckoned with.

The Vox

An odd species to be sure, the Vox are barely known and even less understood.  With no organized government known of, no clear political or military agenda.  They’re often looked upon as a force of nature, appearing randomly, raiding a colony and vanishing on their lightning fast skipjacks before a response force can arrive.  Their raiders, while not the most intelligent are certainly cunning.  

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