Notable Tajara: различия между версиями

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===The Mist “Mih”===
===The Mist “Mih”===
A yet unknown band member by the public, “Mih” remains anonymous always wearing a mask in public and never speaking. He plays the P'rrama, an old Tajara string instrument, with 8 strings mirrored in a long horn-like pipe that extends to the ground which emits a loud, brass twanging noise described as an over-amped guitar.
[[File:Mih.png|200px|thumb|right|Photo of "The Mist" at the Ti'Amir concert, "If Messa Was Here She'd Be a Whore", circa 2459.]]
A yet unknown band member by the public, “Mih” remains anonymous always wearing a mask in public and never speaking. The public is currently unsure of their gender however multiple people have claimed to have been involved in a relationship with them. They play the P'rrama, an old Tajara string instrument, with 5 strings played with the right hand, while the musician blows into an upper horn which is played by the left hand; the air from this horn travels all the way down where further tone is set by the musicians tail.

'''Most Notable Albums Include:'''
'''Most Notable Albums Include:'''

Версия от 00:50, 26 января 2019

Tajaran history and society has a long list of notable individuals and heroes that are known across Adhomai.

People's Republic

"Comrades, in this struggle we fight to protect the progress we have fought so hard to make in the preceding decades. Our march forever onwards for a classless society must not be stopped by the usurpers who would see us become a brutish military dictatorship, nor those fetid imperialists who would restore the atrocities of the old ways."

- President Njadrasanukii Hadii, in a televised address to the people in 2452.

President Njadrasanukii Hadii

A portrait done of Njadrasanukii Hadii, circa 2458.

Njadrasanukii Hadii was born in 2402 to the noble Njarir’Akhran Hadii line. His mother was Rajjurl Hadii, and his father Tajrhalrr Hadii. He got involved with the military at an early age, becoming a cadet for the Royal Navy at 16 and achieving a commission as a Lieutenant-Commander at 22, and leading his own destroyer as a Captain at 29. During the revolution, he briefly fought for the loyalists but was recalled to the Hadii Citadel to help defend his family's ancestral home. Following the revolution and the Hadii's rise in the new Federal Republic, Njadrasanukii was given the office of Vice-President under his brother Al'Mari Hadii. He assumed the office of president on 2451 after the assassination of his brother. Infamous for his harsh decrees and tendency to betray his word, Njadrasanukii is not trustworthy but holds the planet of Adhomai in his iron grip nonetheless.

Headmaster Harrrdanim Tyr'adrr

Файл:Harrrdanim Tyr'adrr.jpg
A portrait done of Harrrdanim Tyr'adrr, circa 2458.

Harrrdanim was born in 2411 to an M'sai line. He entered military service at a young age, becoming an army cadet at 16. His high intelligence and robust health soon had him successfully enter the Royal Enforcers; the elite all-M'sai special forces available to the nobility. He was taken prisoner during the First Revolution after a brutal battle saw the rest of his squad killed on a botched operation to kill a rebel leader. He was released in 2452, when he was 42. The condition of his release was that he acts as a spy against subversive elements. Soon Harrrdanim became known as one of the most effective and ruthless secret agents available to the government and eventually rose the ranks to become Headmaster of the Information and Strategic Surveillance Service, commander of the internal secret police of Adhomai. He is known and feared across Adhomai and has spawned an entire 'spy thriller' genre in the Republic.

New Kingdom

"Loyal subjects, countrymen, brothers. It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that we must conscript from the provinces in order to maintain our fight in this war. However, you are not alone. Even as the new compulsory service legislature is passed, the aristocrats across the kingdom are likewise mobilized under a new service gentry system, so that all of the kingdom is together in this struggle."

- King Vahzirathaamro Azunja, announcing the beginning of conscription and formalization of the service gentry in 2453.

King Vahzirthaamro Azunja

A painting of King Azunja commemorating the commissioning of the first armored unit in the Imperial Army.

King Azunja was born in 2400 in the city of Kaltir to the noble Njarir’Akhran Azunja line. His father was Farkhanzirhal and his mother Dramahdarmah. Located in the far reaches of Kaltir, the Azunja family line was one of compassion and fair treatment, as only in unity and brotherhood could they hope to survive the harsh far reaches of Northern Adhomai. Their peasants were kept well and treated with dignity, and the nobles, while privileged, never indulged in cruelty. A noble paige since the age of 10, Vahzirthaamro excelled in reading and writing from an early age. He prepared to inherit the family throne as the sole son of his parents until the first civil war of Adhomai ignited in 2421.

When war broke out between the nobility and peasants, house Azunja was hesitant to pick sides, as they disagreed with the morals of both sides. Their distant position in the wild made them capable of ignoring the war until its end, as the Hadii family was placed at the head of Adhomai in 2432. Carrying the flags of the newly founded People's Republic of Adhomai, the Republic's army demanded the surrender of all nobility in Kaltir. The entire populace requested to be left in peace, as the peasantry and nobility there had never declared war on one another. Believing the peasants were utterly spineless and brainwashed, the People's Republic executed all current nobles ruthlessly, scattering the royalty of the region. Vahzirthaamro was placed in prison by his father's retinue of intellectuals, who declared he had to remain hidden amongst the lowest of the low if he wished to stay alive. From that moment on, Vahzirthaamro Azunja knew that peace was impossible so long as a compromise was not made, and a true constitutional monarchy was made the unanimous government on Adhomai.

Word passed amongst the Tajara at the work camps about a possibility that Vahzirthaamro still lived as many pre-war intellectuals gathered with him in private. They spun every possibility of a government, even discussing adopting human political systems as they gathered workers, fighters, poets and philosophers to form an organized nation as they spread their ideas to the guards of the facility, a majority of which who were old peasants under the Azunja family who thought the entirety of the nobility had been executed. Delighted to see his return, they quickly joined his side and swore allegiance to his family once more.

In 2449, in the middle of the night, Vahzirthaamro was released in secret along with the entirety of his retinue, as they quickly spread from town to town, asking for assistance from newly appointed officials and workers. Before long, the reminiscent families of the Kaltir region were happy to rejoin his flock. By 2450 his claim to rule had spread to all of Northern Harr'masir, and the New Kingdom of Adhomai officially seceded as an independent nation under the newly declared King Vahzirthaamro Azunja.

Field-Marshal Rrhazhal Zarkradar'Akhan

A portrait done of a younger Rrhazhal Zarkradar'Akhan in the service of the Azunja dynasty, Circa 2397.

Rrhazhal was born in 2380 to the noble Njarir’Akhran Zarkradar'Akhan line, however, he was a legitimized bastard of a Zhan-Kazan maid. As the youngest of his brothers, Rrhazhal was sent into the service of the Azunja family as King Farkhanzirhal Azunja's servant at the age of 10. King Azunja quickly noticed the young child had a talent for philosophy and strategy. The two had many intellectual discussions together as Rrhazhal quickly became a trusted advisor of King Farkhanzirhal by the time he was 20. At this time, King Azunja decided he trusted Rrhazhal with protecting the life of the newly born Vahzirthaamro. On the eve of the First Civil War, Rrhazhal was tasked with training the peasantry of Kaltir in order to defend their fiefdom and nobility against attackers. When Kaltir was annexed by the People's Republic of Adhomai in 2432, Farkhanzirhal frenziedly ordered Rrhazhal to hide Vahzirthaamro before People's Republic soldiers stormed the palace, killing almost everyone. From then on Rrhazhal Zarkradar'Akhan personally accompanied Vahzirthaamro Azunja as his protector and chief advisor.

In 2450, once the New Kingdom had officially declared independence from the People's Republic of Adhomai, Rrhazhal Zarkradar'Akhan was promoted to the rank of Field-Marshal personally by King Azunja, and today oversees all military operations inside of the New Kingdom of Adhomai. Respected for his tactical skill but notorious for his radical belief that a compromise is not possible and a complete return to the old nobility is Adhomai's only option for peace, Field-Marshal Rrhazhal Zarkradar'Akhan is one of the oldest fighting nobles left on Adhomai.

Ser Mrakhanjurl Ii'rka

Файл:Ser Mrakhanjurl Ii'rka.jpg
A portrait done of Ser Mrakhanjurl Ii'rka, circa 2457.

Mrakhanjurl was born in 2422 in a Zhan-Khazan family in a small village outside Olska. He received little education nor traveled far outside his village. As soon as he came of age at 16 he joined the rest of the village mining bauxite ore to be shipped to Olska to make aluminum. He eventually lost both parents to lung cancer from the mine's poor ventilation before he was 23. In 2452, when he was 29, he traveled with a dozen other Zhan-Khazan miners several miles to Olska to join a protest against the new legislation of President Hadii that was meant to crack down 'subversive elements' that many felt were unfair to Zhan-Khazan. The army was called in and brutally repressed the demonstration, which saw Mrakhanjurl narrowly escape with his life. He returned to his village to find that it had been torched by the republican army for housing subversive agitators.

Mrakhanjurl mourned the loss of his village and was picked up by rebel militia, who revealed that they had managed to provide early warning to the village and evacuate over a dozen people, but the army had managed to find and kill all but a handful of survivors. In gratitude for the rebels dying for his village, and to avenge the deaths, Mrakhanjurl joined the armed resistance that eventually joined itself under the New Kingdom of Adhomai. In a very short few years became a remarkable marksman, gaining the most recorded kills of any Tajara sniper. Current New Kingdom estimates put Mrakhanjurl's kill count at 285, 32 of those enemy PRA snipers.

Mrakhanjurl also managed to evacuate countless of civilians from Republic territory to northern New Kingdom holdings. During the famous Rout of the 2nd Battalion, in which New Kingdom defenders unsuccessfully attempted to prevent Republican forces from capturing Baltor, Mrakhanjurl assumed command of the 4th Company after both its leading officers had been killed by sniper fire. Despite a serious gunshot wound to the leg Mrakhanjurl began shouting orders and rallied the shattered defenders, who were the last line of defense between the advancing Republic forces and thousands of refugees attempting to flee the city. The Rally of the 4th Company on 2456 successfully managed to delay advancing Republic troops long enough for thousands more refugees to escape into New Kingdom territory who would otherwise face atrocity.

For his bravery and growing fame (which was now considered too important to risk in the war effort) Mrakhanjurl was given the Hero Of Adhomai medal, the highest honor in the New Kingdom, as well as being the first Zhan-Khazan in history to be given the noble rank of Ser. He remains a hero to the Zhan-khazan and the New Kingdom.

Crown Heir Shumaila Azunja

A photo taken of the heiress during military practice, circa 2460.

Shumaila Azunja was born in 2431 in the region of Northern Harr'masir, as the daughter of one kingdom’s princes. She survived the Republican slaughter by being hidden away among the peasantry, being raised in secrecy by individuals still loyal to the old ruling dynasty. Shumaila participated in the royalists circles since her youth, and joined the New Kingdom’s rebellion as an officer in the army. Shumaila distinguished herself as a military commander while serving with the Imperial Adhomian Army, reaching a position of command within the Jabrut Almumalik. She played an important role in the offensive of 2459 and the defense of the Vlrralkhzazhul line, being known among the troops as “The Storm of Harr'masir”, for her resolve in the battlefield and undying devotion to her soldiers.

In 2460 Shumaila was elected as the Crown Heir of the New Kingdom of Adhomai, the chosen successor of King Vahzirthaamro. A large fraction of the population is still wary of the King’s choice, as a heir with a military background could mean the continuation of the war, but most of the Parliament and nobility supports Shumaila due to her accomplishments and bloodline.

Adhomai Liberation Army

"We are soldiers. We are fighters. We are war. We have forsaken the corrupt and decaying corpse of the xeno-loving People's Republic. We have left our homes and our families, but our cause is righteous. The suns are with us! The vile usurper of my friend and comrade Al'mari will have justice delivered to him! We will spill the blood of our enemies until our struggles are seen and heard, and we WILL retake OUR Republic!"

- Supreme Commander Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan, the day after the coup de tat began, 2451.

Supreme Commander Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan

A portrait photo of Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhani saved from State purging and censorship, circa 2451.

Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan was born in 2409 to an M'sai family in Nal'tor. The son of a royal enforcer, Halkiikijr interacted with many Njarir children in his early life. Halkiikijr grew to resent their narcissism, but prepared to inherit his duty as a loyalist enforcer nonetheless. When the First Civil War of Adhomai ignited in 2421, Halkiikijr fought for the loyalists alongside the Hadii family. Becoming a battle-brother of Rhagrrhuzau Hadii, or better known as Al'Mari Hadii, Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan stood with the Hadii family's decision to become informants for the rebels for their freedom and assured political rule. When the Civil War ended in 2432 and Al'Mari Hadii was sworn into office, Halkiikijr was made a Commander of the Tajaran Navy in return for his servitude to the Hadii family. Al'Mari supposedly made promises of swearing in Halkiikijr as the next president of the People's Republic once the political climate on Adhomai had stabilized. The legitimacy of this claim is not know, but what is known is that Al'Mari was assassinated during a military parade in 2451 and Njadrasanukii Hadii, vice president of the People's Republic, quickly swore himself in as the successor of the presidency. Outraged at the assassination and accusing Njadrasanukii of treachery against his own family, Halkiikijr tore himself free from the leadership of the People's Republic and swore to reclaim his rightful throne as the leader of a new nation; the Adhomai Liberation Army. Supreme Commander Nated'Hakhan's movement to reclaim Adhomai grows larger every day, with many conservative Adhomai convinced that S'rendarr and Messa fight for him through his two right hand men, Kahan Hro'rammhad and Kyff Hotak.

Commander Kahan Hro'rammhad

Kahan Hro'rammhad was born in 2413 to the Hharaar family of Hro'rammhad as an only child and without a mother. A peasant from birth in the population-heavy region of D'as'ral, he was taught the values of honor and goodwill from his father, Ha'masdra, a well known peasant teacher in the village. Kahan became somewhat of a hero to the other peasant children of the village, fasting for days on end so that the other children could eat. As the education of peasants was illegal in many regions of noble-controlled Adhomai, Ha'masdra was caught and marked for death by the royalty of D'as'ral when he was caught teaching peasants. Before he could be executed, Ha'masdra was scheduled to be shuttled off world by humans along with other intellectual enemies of the state. However, he was caught by Royal Enforcers and put to death in what would come to be known as the D'as'ral massacre. The crowd, a majority composed of students of Ha'masdra, stormed the stage and killed every noble in the plaza. Kahan grieved for the loss of his only family and was adopted by the rebels of the village. Raised by the students of Ha'masdra, Kahan learned to fight and kill around the age of 14.

By the time Kahan Hro'rammhad turned 18, he was in charge of a platoon-strength cavalry element for the rebels. He fought only with a sword, often hopping off of his steed and challenging his opponents to individual duels. He became a hero of the rebellion for his honor, charm, bravery and tactical skill. He is most famous for his efforts in the battle for Hrrat'fal in which an entire battle group of rebel soldiers was pinned in the middle of Hrrat'fal valley near the Nraz'i mountain range. Under constant mortar and heavy weapons fire, the rebels were unable to move as they were picked off one by one. Sent to reinforce the pinned rebels, Kahan sensed the valley was a death trap early and sent his soldiers into the mountains undetected to search for the enemy weapons. Appearing alone at the rebel encampment, Kahan individually formed a diversion as the distracted People's Republic allowed the rebels to flee. Drawing their fire by riding in untraceable patterns and announcing himself as a rebel leader, Kahan revealed the People's Republic positions as his soldiers deployed in the mountains near instantly seized the now visible emplacements. The rebel soldiers, as well as the loyalist prisoners, believed he was invincible for drawing an entire mountain range of fire without being torn to pieces. As such, the prisoners all volunteered to personally serve under him, worshipping him as an invulnerable instrument of S'rendarr's will.

Once the First Civil War of Adhomai ended in 2432, Kahan retained his rank of Lieutenant-Commander of the People's Republic but spent most of his time caring for the orphans created by the extensive fatalities of the First Civil War. After the assassination of Al'Mari Hadii, Kahan grew resentful of the unfair treatment of the Zhan Khazan under the new president Malik Hadii. Before long the Second Civil War of Adhomai had broken out, and Kahan Hro'rammhad defected alongside Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan under the banner of the Adhomai Liberation Army. Supreme Commander Nated'Hakhan recognized Kahan from before the war and quickly grew even fonder of his unmatched bravery and tactical skill, and made Kahan secondary commander of the Adhomai Liberation Army. Kahan is yet to have been beaten in individual combat and is considered the greatest swordsman in all of Adhomai. He currently serves as one of two right-hand men of Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan next to Kyff Hotak, whom Kahan is known to publicly resent for his cruelty. The men under Commander Kahan Hro'rammhad are known to have an utmost expect for his selfless bravery and mercy, most even going so far as to worship him as an embodiment of S'rendarr's mercy and benevolence.

Commander Kyff Hotak

Little is known of Kyff Hotak or his origins, but the extent of his cruelty is somewhat of legend on Adhomai. What is known has mostly only been documented by Captain Kahan Hro'rammhad of the Liberation Army. Said to be born in the year 2410 to a family of peasants in the central regions of Adhomai, Kyff was quickly made aware of the harsh reality under the rule of the Njarir. He was forced to witness the trading of his sisters and the deaths of his brothers in brutal tournaments for the entertainment of the ruling class. He was barely eleven once the First Civil War of Adhomai broke out in2421, and the first catastrophic battles of the war took place in his village. The members of his family quickly perished in the fighting, brutally executed by the nobility or killed in barrages. Before long he was supposedly the only living family member left, his once dignified M'sai fur black with soot and ash as he scoured the ruins of his once great village for years, maiming loyalist troops with unimaginable ferocity and strength.

The earliest traceable record of Kyff Hotak in the People's Republic archive dates back to 2428 when a full platoon of loyalist troops were fired at from the ruins of a damaged noble library. Taking cover outside the building, the loyalist soldiers reportedly began to take casualties from seemingly all directions in slow succession. By the time they were able to identify the source as a single quick rebel who was zipping from cover to cover in a circle around their position, a third of their unit had been killed. A single radio operator managed to radio in the nature of their situation before he was presumably killed. When reinforcements arrived, they found the library burnt to the ground and the charred bodies of the platoon inside of the ruins. The village was abandoned to the rebels not long after.

No further sightings of Kyff Hotak were reported until the start of the Second Civil War of Adhomai in 2451. When Supreme Commander Halkiikijr Nated Hakhan of the Adhomai Liberation Army demanded a call to arms against the vicious Malik Hadii, Hotak was one of the first to join the side of the rebels once more. Quickly rising to the rank of Commander, Hotak was given special control over all stealth operations of the People's Republic. His M'sai fur has been forever stained a dark gray from the ashes he covered himself in during his battles against loyalist soldiers in the ruins of his home village. He is known to be genocidal in his orders, putting entire villages to the torch for their allegiance to the People's Republic. His hatred for all rulers is immense, and even his own men fear him as an avatar of Messa's wrath who will live forever to unleash unimaginable hell on the tyrannical.


Rikdar Al'Manq

Файл:Rikdar Al'Manq.jpg
A self-portrait done of Al'Manq, circa 2455.

Rikdar was born on 2429 the noble Njarir’Akhran Bayan line in Nal'Tor, with Bayan being his birth name. However, his parents were disappeared by Republic secret police in one of the frequent purges of Njarir’Akhran and he was put into state-run foster care. He has raised in the House Of Young Patriots orphanage until he was adopted at 14 to Hharar parents and took their last name of Al'Manq. As he was going to school his parents and teachers immediately took notice of his artistic abilities and interest in painting, which the orphanage had initially tried to discourage. On 2446, when he was 18, Rikdar won an art contest where he submitted a portrait of his Environmental Geology teacher and gained a prestigious scholarship in the Nal'Tor University of The Arts, a state-funded institution.

Rikdar attended the university for several years, though his studies were sometimes interrupted or delayed by the periodic waves of anti-Njarir’Akhran demonstrations and violence that gripped the campus. However, he quickly became a prodigy amongst his peers. Al'Manq's style of oil painting and doing portraits became a sensation in the capital, with the mayor and several city officials requesting their portraits done.

Rikdar graduated university on at 20 years old in 2450 with a Bachelors of Arts. Having already received several high-profile commissions, including the then-President Al'Mari Hadii, whose portrait was done a week before his death.

Al'Manq managed to survive the resulting chaos across Adhomai following the assassination of Al'Mari Hadii by the nature of his celebrity status, but his popularity remains confined within the major cities.

At only 29 years old in 2458 the Al'Manq Style has already become a famous style of painting across Adhomai. The Al'Manq Style is noted for its use of rich oil-based paint that focuses on portraits and profiles. The colors are often bold or show rich texture and color. The hands of Tajara are painted without being anatomically correct. Critics blast Al'Manq's apparent inability to draw hands correctly but Rikdar has stated that it's his personal style. This has influenced other artists, and many attempting to pay homage to Al'Manq draw hands as stubby.

Rikdar remains extremely popular on Adhomai. The People's Republic remains a quiet supporter of his work, and state officials pay him handsome commissions for their portraits to be done, though they frown on him taking commissions from New Kingdom officials as well. The Adhomai Liberation Army has painted Rikdar as just another nobleman and several members of the Liberation Army have given open contempt for his work.


Bloodstorm is a famous and infamous DPRA Heavy Metal Band which has surged in popularity with the younger “denier” generation. those in this generation are categorized by their refusal of modern Tajara convictions but also human influences, instead of turning to their roots.

Vargir Stenovich “Godslayer”

The lead guitarist of the group, Vargir Stenovich is known as the spokesperson of the band and the most controversial figures. Admitting to being a Raskara cultist in public and calling out the Parivara on their “bedding with the government”. Vargir has been involved in numerous scandals including protesting military parades, playing one of his songs next to a work camp without permission, and lastly ingesting drugs on live television and proceeding to slander the ALA for bombing the NKA parliament.

Photo of Al-Atil at the Mztel'Mir concert, "War Is Fuck, Let's Do It", circa 2459.

Janos Al-Lung “Drowner”

Janos is the bassist of Bloodstorm and the only band member without a criminal record. He has frequently butted heads with Stenovich over the political extremities the band goes through to discredit not only PRA and NKA but also DPRA.

Al-Atil Csihar “Nightmaster”

The vocalist, Al-Atil, is known for his “mrowl”, a high, long, yelp which is recorded as the loudest sound produced by a Tajara. He loves to interact with the public and often stays behind on the podium to sign autographs and fans, the latter of which he uses black spray paint.

Cecil Kernov “Bloodletter”

Cecil is the Drummer and has the longest time served behind bars. Kernov has his nickname for a reason as he’s been charged with armed assault. He had brutally assaulted a fan who had climbed on stage with a drum, getting it stuck on said Tajara’s head and pushing him off the stage with a dropkick.

The Mist “Mih”

Photo of "The Mist" at the Ti'Amir concert, "If Messa Was Here She'd Be a Whore", circa 2459.

A yet unknown band member by the public, “Mih” remains anonymous always wearing a mask in public and never speaking. The public is currently unsure of their gender however multiple people have claimed to have been involved in a relationship with them. They play the P'rrama, an old Tajara string instrument, with 5 strings played with the right hand, while the musician blows into an upper horn which is played by the left hand; the air from this horn travels all the way down where further tone is set by the musicians tail.

Most Notable Albums Include:

The Freezing Blizzard - An early, traditional album, mediocre without employment of the P'rrama.

War Is Fuck, Let's Do It - The core most popular album drawing similarities between war and love.

If Messa Was Here She'd Be a Whore - First anti-Parivara album created, criticizing their ignorance towards women and discrimination of female priests.

We Live in a Society - WLiaS describes pure hatred of every single faction present not even sparing Sol or Tau Ceti.

Shell In, Spine Out - Another anti-war album, describing the life of a dying soldier.

S'rrendar Loves You Except He Doesn't - Repeated hatred of Parivara, slander and is famous for having a recording of Cecil attacking a fan with the drum.

If You're Old You Should Die - Scolding critique of the old leading system and a call for the younger generation to disregard the politicians and tear it all down.

Human cat artwork belongs to Alexander Zavaliy, and artwork used for Al'Manq's portrait belongs to Eldar Zakirov. Portrait of Nated taken from Bloodstorm picture made by Coalf.