Sandbox-2:WilliamMurdoch: различия между версиями

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>William Murdoch
(Head of Security)
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Строка 2: Строка 2:

The Heads should '''not''' start doing the simplest tasks themselves unless the ship's already beyond saving.
The Heads should '''not''' start doing the simplest tasks themselves unless the ship's already beyond saving.

Строка 89: Строка 87:

Authority over the brig, [[Security Officer]]s, and all personnel of equal rank and below as long as they are within the brig.
Authority over the brig, [[Security Officer]]s, and all personnel of equal rank and below as long as they are within the brig.

'''Required knowledge:''' Processing prisoners, managing Security operations and personnel and keeping the brig secure.
'''Required knowledge:''' Processing prisoners, managing Security operations and personnel and keeping the brig secure.
Строка 103: Строка 100:

Otherwise, he possesses no actual authority over anyone on station and is reliant on ingratiating himself with the command staff.
Otherwise, he possesses no actual authority over anyone on station and is reliant on ingratiating himself with the command staff.

'''Required knowledge:''' The Chain of Command, knowing what your assigned task is from Central Command. Having good social skills.
'''Required knowledge:''' The Chain of Command, knowing what your assigned task is from Central Command. Having good social skills.
Строка 113: Строка 109:
'''Main problems:''' Suspicious Security Officers, non-compliant heads of staff and enemies of the corporation.
'''Main problems:''' Suspicious Security Officers, non-compliant heads of staff and enemies of the corporation.

==Command Voting==
=Command Voting=
All Heads of Staff can initiate a Command Vote. This vote is considered a captain-level decision and can, in certain circumstances, override a Captain's decision or remove them from power. A command vote begins with one or more Heads of Staff declaring what the vote intends to do over the command radio. All Heads of Staff are expected to participate and vote yes, no, or verbally abstain (abstaining through inaction is not counted). All command votes are majority-rules unless stated otherwise. In the event the command vote ends in a tie, the vote automatically fails.
All Heads of Staff can initiate a Command Vote. This vote is considered a captain-level decision and can, in certain circumstances, override a Captain's decision or remove them from power. A command vote begins with one or more Heads of Staff declaring what the vote intends to do over the command radio. All Heads of Staff are expected to participate and vote yes, no, or verbally abstain (abstaining through inaction is not counted). All command votes are majority-rules unless stated otherwise. In the event the command vote ends in a tie, the vote automatically fails.

== Emergency Situations ==
= Emergency Situations =
===Captainship Emergencies===
==Captainship Emergencies==
====Captain Missing in Action====
===Captain Missing in Action===
In this situation, the Captain has gone missing in action but their death has not been confirmed nor denied. In this case, an acting captain can be appointed via command vote. Actions should be taken as soon as possible to locate and confirm the status of the Captain. If the Captain is found to be alive and fit for duty, acting captainship should be relieved and the Captain returned to their position.
In this situation, the Captain has gone missing in action but their death has not been confirmed nor denied. In this case, an acting captain can be appointed via command vote. Actions should be taken as soon as possible to locate and confirm the status of the Captain. If the Captain is found to be alive and fit for duty, acting captainship should be relieved and the Captain returned to their position.
====Captain is Killed====
===Captain is Killed===
In this situation, the Captain has been killed on-duty. The first actions should always be to secure the situation. When the situation is stable enough for a command vote, an acting captain should be appointed and shall serve until the situation is over when acting captainship should be relieved. Alongside this, a situation report regarding the death of the captain should be written and sent to Central Command when possible.
In this situation, the Captain has been killed on-duty. The first actions should always be to secure the situation. When the situation is stable enough for a command vote, an acting captain should be appointed and shall serve until the situation is over when acting captainship should be relieved. Alongside this, a situation report regarding the death of the captain should be written and sent to Central Command when possible.
====Captain Declared Mentally Unfit====
In this situation, the [[Chief Medical Officer]] has determined the Captain to be mentally unfit for command. This ruling is made when the Captain acts in such a way that it risks the well-being of themselves, the crew, or the ship to an unreasonable degree. In this situation, the Captain should be removed from their position and submitted into proper medical care.

Should the situation require an acting captain, one should be appointed when possible.
===Captain Declared Mentally Unfit===
====Captain Declared Physically Unfit====
In this situation, the [[Chief Medical Officer]] has determined the Captain to be mentally unfit for command. This ruling is made when the Captain acts in such a way that it risks the well-being of themselves, the crew, or the ship to an unreasonable degree. In this situation, the Captain should be removed from their position and submitted into proper medical care. Should the situation require an acting captain, one should be appointed when possible.
In this situation, the [[Chief Medical Officer]] has determined the Captain to be incapacitated in such a way that they are unfit for command. Following the Chief Medical Officer's ruling, the Captain should be submitted to medical care and relieved of duty until they are declared physically fit, or an replacement is activated.
===Captain Declared Physically Unfit===
In this situation, the [[Chief Medical Officer]] has determined the Captain to be incapacitated in such a way that they are unfit for command. Following the Chief Medical Officer's ruling, the Captain should be submitted to medical care and relieved of duty until they are declared physically fit, or an replacement is activated. Should the situation require an acting captain, one should be appointed when possible.

Should the situation require an acting captain, one should be appointed when possible.
=== Captain Removed by Vote ===
====Captain Removed by Vote====
The Captain can be removed by a '''unanimous''' command vote if they are deemed unfit for captainship by the rest of command. In this situation, the captain should be removed from power and treated as suspended from their position. An acting captain should be appointed as soon as possible in replacement. Central Command must be notified as well with details regarding the reason behind the vote for removal.
The Captain can be removed by a '''unanimous''' command vote if they are deemed unfit for captainship by the rest of command. In this situation, the captain should be removed from power and treated as suspended from their position. An acting captain should be appointed as soon as possible in replacement. Central Command must be notified as well with details regarding the reason behind the vote for removal.

=== Appointing an Acting Captain ===
== Appointing an Acting Captain ==
An Acting Captain can be appointed by majority of command. Usually, appointing an Acting Captain is done in Code Red, however one can be appointed for lower alert levels should the situation require it. The acting captain inherits all powers of the Captain, including ultimate authority and the power to appoint interim Heads of Staff. Acting Captainship should be relieved after any present emergencies are concluded.
An Acting Captain can be appointed by majority of command. Usually, appointing an Acting Captain is done in Code Red, however one can be appointed for lower alert levels should the situation require it. The acting captain inherits all powers of the Captain, including ultimate authority and the power to appoint interim Heads of Staff. Acting Captainship should be relieved after any present emergencies are concluded. Within the Captain's office, a spare Captain's ID can be found for the use of the acting captain. This ID should be used to access the Acting Captain briefcase within the Captain's locker, which contains equipment to better identify the individual taking captainship.
Within the Captain's office a spare Captain's ID can be found for the use of the acting captain. This ID should be used to access the Acting Captain briefcase within the Captain's locker, which contains equipment to better identify the individual taking captainship.

=== Interim Heads of Staff ===
== Interim Heads of Staff ==
In the event that a department is lacking a Head of Staff, someone with enough training can be assigned as a Interim Head of Staff by the Captain, Acting Captain, or the Executive Officer.
In the event that a department is lacking a Head of Staff, someone with enough training can be assigned as a Interim Head of Staff by the Captain, Acting Captain, or the Executive Officer.
They assume all responsibilities and powers of said Head of Staff until their services are no longer needed, such as when said Head of Staff is made available or they are demoted. Interim Heads of Staff also hold an equal power in command votes as any other Head of Staff and, until their services end, are treated as another member of command.
They assume all responsibilities and powers of said Head of Staff until their services are no longer needed, such as when said Head of Staff is made available or they are demoted. Interim Heads of Staff also hold an equal power in command votes as any other Head of Staff and, until their services end, are treated as another member of command.

=== Missing Head of Staff ===
== Missing Head of Staff ==
In the event a Head of Staff is not present on-shift, or has gone missing for whatever reason, it is expected that the rest of command does whatever is necessary to fill in the gap within the power structure. This may include Heads of Staff from another department stepping in to give direction, leadership, and help where possible, or the appointment of an interim head of staff.
In the event a Head of Staff is not present on-shift, or has gone missing for whatever reason, it is expected that the rest of command does whatever is necessary to fill in the gap within the power structure. This may include Heads of Staff from another department stepping in to give direction, leadership, and help where possible, or the appointment of an interim head of staff.

Версия от 18:18, 24 марта 2023

The chain of command represents how orders are distributed throughout the ship. It is part of a power structure: usually seen as the most vulnerable and also the most powerful part of it. Starting from the most authorized, the Captain, through the Head of Department, down to the lowliest subordinate to finally accomplish the task needed, in order to make the ship function as efficiently as possible.

The Heads should not start doing the simplest tasks themselves unless the ship's already beyond saving.

Notice: Heads can demote their department staff at any time. To do this, use the ID console with either the Executive Officer, or Captain's access to remote the staff member to suspended or assistant. So if one of your guys isn't acting like an appropriate team player, don't hesitate to show them who's boss.

The chain of command

Heads of Staff

A.K.A. the command staff. These are the men and women charged with the administration of the ship. Each of them have general access to each department and the Bridge, the keycard authentication devices, the command radio channel (accessed with :c), the ability to make station-wide announcements, the ability to change alert level, and cool uniforms fax machines.


The Commanding Officer with authority over the entire ship. They are the ultimate decision maker.

Duties: The primary duty of the Captain is to keep the ship and her crew safe and functioning. Their actions are expected to be in the best interest of crew, ship, and SCC. The secondary duty is to achieve ship and SCC goals. The way in which a captain satisfies these duties are dependent on each individual captain, however the recommended and primary path is with delegation to other Command staff to leave external interactions (i.e. ship to ship communication) and higher level decisions with their role.

Executive Officer

The Executive Officer is the head of staff for the Bridge and Service department. They manage the ship finances alongside the captain, as well as handle any ID modifications. However, they are not Second in Command to the captain, nor immediate acting captain in an emergency.

Duties:The primary duties of the Executive Officer are to manage the Service Department and Bridge. This will usually require decisions in regard to ship destination, external communication, and managing vessel shuttles. During ship-based combat, the Executive Officer takes on primary role of coordinating the various Bridge stations, as well as communication with Operations and the Operations Manager to coordinate ammunition and weapons loading.

Secondary Duties include managing the ship's finances, the modification of IDs where necessary, and offering guidance to the Security Department in absence of the Head of Security.

Head of Security

The commander of the ship's security team. The master of Corporate Regulations and enforcer of justice peace. Arguably the second most stressful position behind the captain, the Head of Security handles all matters pertaining to the operation of the security department and the safety of the ship.

Duties: The primary duties of the Head of Security is to protect SCC assets aboard the ship, including the crew and the ship itself. To achieve this, the Head of Security organizes and commands the security department to address threats quickly and efficiently. The secondary duty of the Head of Security is to maintain order within the crew through the Corporate Regulations. This may include dealing with problematic staff including other command staff who break regulations.

Research Director

Equal rank with all other non-captain Heads of Staff. Due to AI access, often promoted to acting Captain if there is neither a Captain nor a HoP. Oversees research efforts with authority over Scientists, Roboticists, and Geneticists. Maintains the integrity of the AI and its Cyborgs.

Required knowledge: Know how R&D works, how to upgrade machines, how xenobiology works, how genetics work and how robotics work.

Round-start to-do list: Make sure every sector is taken care of and fill in if needed. Ask if there are miners around and request the minerals the upgrades and Robotics both need.

Main tasks: Doing researches. Watching over the cyborgs, the AI and the Science Team, and act accordingly. Upgrading machines across the station.

Main problems: Bombs made in ordnance usually get sneaked out and exploded. Check on them from time to time. Malfs, emagged borgs and Mechs used irresponsibly.

Chief Engineer

Equal rank with all other non-captain Heads of Staff. Oversees the maintenance of the station, with authority over Station Engineers and Atmospheric Technicians. Authority over Telecoms maintenance.

Required knowledge: How the telecommunications, atmospherics, solars and the supermatter work. How to deconstruct an APC.

Round-start to-do list: Have your team start the supermatter correctly and have power flowing to the station. Make sure the atmospheric system is set up correctly.

Main tasks: Listening the radio for people yelling about station damage and delegating your engineers there with appropriate tools and materials.

Main problems: The station is bound to have explosions or at least mfinor holes in it during the shift. Learn how to tackle the exploded telecommunications -situation and you'll be irreplaceable in more than one shift, guaranteed.

Chief Medical Officer

Equal rank with all other non-captain Heads of Staff. If a Head of Staff is acting medically unstable, it is the CMO's duty to disable and treat them till they are once again fit for duty (which could be never). Oversees station-wide medical issues with authority over the Surgeons, Chemists and Medical Doctors.

Required knowledge: How to perform surgery. Formulas for the most common medicines. How to prepare and administer clean SEs.

Round-start to-do list: Make an announcement to the crew about maxing out their suit sensors so you'll be able to help them when they get in trouble. Check that the cryogenic tubes get set up, possibly with a more efficient mixture of chemicals from the chemist.

Main tasks: Check the Crew Monitoring Console from time to time for dead/dying people.

Main problems: Medical jobs are a common choice for new players seeking a relevant role. So when not absent, dead, or traitorous, expect your staff to need constant babysitting and guidance on how to perform even basic treatments.

Operations Manager

Equal rank with all other non-captain Heads of Staff. In charge of the station's finances and supply sector which delivers materials, food, medicine, weapons, mail and other goods. Has authority over the Cargo Technicians and Shaft Miners.

Required knowledge: Managing Cargo Tech's, how to operate the Cargo Bay.

Round-start to-do list: Check how many Cargo Tech's are on shift, get them doing something useful such as collecting crates.

Main tasks: Processing crew order requests.

Main problems: Hostile and impatient crew members, syndicate sympathizers, miners not appreciating you taking some plasma for points, inept cargo techs, miners dying in the first five minutes, hostile fauna, and Security. Depending on your loyalty to the station you will either face problems from Security or revolutionary's/ cultists/ the grey-tide. People telling you that you're not a "real head", even though you're not.

Other Management Roles

While the following jobs have management roles, they are not Heads of Staff and get none of the perks associated with being a Head of Staff.


Subordinate to the Head of Security.

Authority over the brig, Security Officers, and all personnel of equal rank and below as long as they are within the brig.

Required knowledge: Processing prisoners, managing Security operations and personnel and keeping the brig secure.

Round-start to-do list: Ensure the brig is secure, check if there is a HoS/Sec Officers present.

Main tasks: Keeping the brig as secure as possible, ensuring no one attempts to loot the brig, keeping prisoners in check and ensuring they are released on schedule.

Main problems: Non-compliant Security Officers. HoP handing out Armory access. People attempting to break into the brig.

Centcom Official

Depending on his rank, he may have the authority to dismiss the Captain from his position, or even outrank the Captain.

Otherwise, he possesses no actual authority over anyone on station and is reliant on ingratiating himself with the command staff.

Required knowledge: The Chain of Command, knowing what your assigned task is from Central Command. Having good social skills.

Round-start to-do list: Inform the command staff of your presence.

Main tasks: Whatever Central Command assigned you.

Main problems: Suspicious Security Officers, non-compliant heads of staff and enemies of the corporation.

Command Voting

All Heads of Staff can initiate a Command Vote. This vote is considered a captain-level decision and can, in certain circumstances, override a Captain's decision or remove them from power. A command vote begins with one or more Heads of Staff declaring what the vote intends to do over the command radio. All Heads of Staff are expected to participate and vote yes, no, or verbally abstain (abstaining through inaction is not counted). All command votes are majority-rules unless stated otherwise. In the event the command vote ends in a tie, the vote automatically fails.

Emergency Situations

Captainship Emergencies

Captain Missing in Action

In this situation, the Captain has gone missing in action but their death has not been confirmed nor denied. In this case, an acting captain can be appointed via command vote. Actions should be taken as soon as possible to locate and confirm the status of the Captain. If the Captain is found to be alive and fit for duty, acting captainship should be relieved and the Captain returned to their position.

Captain is Killed

In this situation, the Captain has been killed on-duty. The first actions should always be to secure the situation. When the situation is stable enough for a command vote, an acting captain should be appointed and shall serve until the situation is over when acting captainship should be relieved. Alongside this, a situation report regarding the death of the captain should be written and sent to Central Command when possible.

Captain Declared Mentally Unfit

In this situation, the Chief Medical Officer has determined the Captain to be mentally unfit for command. This ruling is made when the Captain acts in such a way that it risks the well-being of themselves, the crew, or the ship to an unreasonable degree. In this situation, the Captain should be removed from their position and submitted into proper medical care. Should the situation require an acting captain, one should be appointed when possible.

Captain Declared Physically Unfit

In this situation, the Chief Medical Officer has determined the Captain to be incapacitated in such a way that they are unfit for command. Following the Chief Medical Officer's ruling, the Captain should be submitted to medical care and relieved of duty until they are declared physically fit, or an replacement is activated. Should the situation require an acting captain, one should be appointed when possible.

Captain Removed by Vote

The Captain can be removed by a unanimous command vote if they are deemed unfit for captainship by the rest of command. In this situation, the captain should be removed from power and treated as suspended from their position. An acting captain should be appointed as soon as possible in replacement. Central Command must be notified as well with details regarding the reason behind the vote for removal.

Appointing an Acting Captain

An Acting Captain can be appointed by majority of command. Usually, appointing an Acting Captain is done in Code Red, however one can be appointed for lower alert levels should the situation require it. The acting captain inherits all powers of the Captain, including ultimate authority and the power to appoint interim Heads of Staff. Acting Captainship should be relieved after any present emergencies are concluded. Within the Captain's office, a spare Captain's ID can be found for the use of the acting captain. This ID should be used to access the Acting Captain briefcase within the Captain's locker, which contains equipment to better identify the individual taking captainship.

Interim Heads of Staff

In the event that a department is lacking a Head of Staff, someone with enough training can be assigned as a Interim Head of Staff by the Captain, Acting Captain, or the Executive Officer. They assume all responsibilities and powers of said Head of Staff until their services are no longer needed, such as when said Head of Staff is made available or they are demoted. Interim Heads of Staff also hold an equal power in command votes as any other Head of Staff and, until their services end, are treated as another member of command.

Missing Head of Staff

In the event a Head of Staff is not present on-shift, or has gone missing for whatever reason, it is expected that the rest of command does whatever is necessary to fill in the gap within the power structure. This may include Heads of Staff from another department stepping in to give direction, leadership, and help where possible, or the appointment of an interim head of staff.