Sandbox-2:WilliamMurdoch: различия между версиями

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>William Murdoch
>William Murdoch
(Change to new project: Guide to Command update)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
The chain of command represents how orders are distributed throughout the ship. It is part of a power structure: usually seen as the most vulnerable and also the most powerful part of it. Starting from the most authorized, the Captain, through the Head of Department, down to the lowliest subordinate to finally accomplish the task needed, in order to make the ship function as efficiently as possible.
{{Needs revision|reason=Strange formatting all throughout here}}
==At a Glance==
:Command can be one of the most important, and hardest roles to fill. As someone in a command position, you are in charge of some aspect of the station. You are the centerpiece of all that does, and does not get done in your area. Some situations will be simple, and require nothing more than a passing word to deal with. Some other situations, however, will be a living nightmare, that will require your direct, and full attention, communication, and delegation to handle.

The Heads should '''not''' start doing the simplest tasks themselves unless the ship's already beyond saving.
:No pressure, right?

:Command is not a role everyone can fill. Do not be discouraged if you get overwhelmed by stress, or can't keep up your first few times. There is a lot of baggage to carry, and a lot of things you can do wrong, when you will mostly be expected to be the best in your field.
'''Heads can demote their department staff at any time. To do this, use the [[File:Id_console.gif]] ID console with either the [[Executive Officer]] or [[Captain]]'s access to demote the staff member to suspended or assistant.'''
'''So if one of your subordinates isn't acting like an appropriate team player, don't hesitate to show them who's boss.'''

:Not everyone is fit for the role of command, If you think you're the best around and nothing is ever going to bring you down, Take a stroll down down to the forums.
:We have a whitelist system implemented currently, You can apply here.
:Be sure to get some experience on our server in to get your grounding before applying.

[[File:Job tree3.png|1191px|The chain of command]]
==Species restrictions==
:Due to either being racial complications or general rules, Some species are unable to fit certain command roles.
These are the certain roles that have restrictions to them for the time being.

'''Note: The Merchant only holds authority on their own vessel. Outside of their vessel, they hold NO AUTHORITY.'''
*Only Human and Skrell can be Captains.

==Heads of Staff==
===[[Head_of_Security|Head of Security]]===
'''A.K.A. the command staff.''' These are the men and women charged with the administration of the ship. Each of them have general access to each department and the Bridge, the keycard authentication devices, the command radio channel (accessed with :c), the ability to make station-wide announcements, the ability to change alert level, and <s>cool uniforms</s> fax machines.
*Locked from Diona, Vaurca, and G2 IPCs.

===[[File:Captain-nbt.png|64px]] [[Captain]]===
===[[Executive Officer]]===
The Commanding Officer with authority over the entire ship. They are the ultimate decision maker.
*Locked from Diona and Vaurca.

'''Duties:''' The primary duty of the Captain is to keep the ship and her crew safe and functioning. Their actions are expected to be in the best interest of crew, ship, and SCC. The secondary duty is to achieve ship and SCC goals. The way in which a captain satisfies these duties are dependent on each individual captain, however the recommended and primary path is with delegation to other Command staff to leave external interactions (i.e. ship to ship communication) and higher level decisions with their role.
===[[NanoTrasen Liaison]]===
*Locked from Diona and Vaurca. Or as otherwise said by their interest group.

===[[File:Executiveofficer-nbt.png|64px]] [[Executive Officer]]===
===Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, and Research Director===
The Executive Officer is the head of staff for the Bridge and Service department. They manage the ship finances alongside the captain, as well as handle any ID modifications. However, they are '''not''' Second in Command to the captain, '''nor''' immediate acting captain in an emergency.
*Any race besides Vaurca can play them, so long as the character meets the requirements.

'''Duties:'''The primary duties of the Executive Officer are to manage the Service Department and Bridge. This will usually require decisions in regard to ship destination, external communication, and managing vessel shuttles. During ship-based combat, the Executive Officer takes on primary role of coordinating the various Bridge stations, as well as communication with Operations and the Operations Manager to coordinate ammunition and weapons loading.
===Note on Vaurca===
*Vaurca cannot be heads of staff.

Secondary Duties include managing the ship's finances, the modification of IDs where necessary, and offering guidance to the Security Department in absence of the Head of Security.
===Note on privately owned IPCs===
*Privately owned IPCs cannot be head of staff.

===[[File:Headofsecurity-nbt.png|64px]] [[Head of Security]]===
==General Guidelines==
The commander of the ship's security team. The master of [[Corporate Regulations]] and enforcer of <s>justice</s> peace. Arguably the second most stressful position behind the captain, the Head of Security handles all matters pertaining to the operation of the security department and the safety of the ship.
:While every command role you may fill will be vastly different in the actions you and your department will take, there are some general binding ideas that can be applied to each and every role that has some sort of commanding role to it. If you wish to be a good leader, following these basic ideas is a must.

'''Duties:''' The primary duties of the Head of Security is to protect SCC assets aboard the ship, including the crew and the ship itself. To achieve this, the Head of Security organizes and commands the security department to address threats quickly and efficiently. The secondary duty of the Head of Security is to maintain order within the crew through the Corporate Regulations. This may include dealing with [[Traitor|problematic staff]] including other command staff who break regulations.
===1. Communicate===
:This guideline is the most important to follow, and it is the one most command staff fail at, hence why this is the first topic to be covered. As command staff, you are first an administrator. Your job is to delegate among your department, ensure tasks are completed, and make sure you subordinates are part of a well oiled machine for when it gets to be crunch time. Make sure you know where everyone is, have people check in, and if there is something the entire station needs to know, remember that each head of staff has a communication console in their office, that you can send an announcement that will be very visible. Not enough people tend to utilize this, and general comms tends to be so filled with clutter, especially in the start of an emergency, that you trying to convey information that way will fall half the time on deaf ears.

===[[File:Researchdirector-nbt.png|64px]] [[Research Director]]===
===2. Be known===
The Research Director is the head of the science department. While not expected to be intimate with every field of science within their department, the Director is often looked to for information and assistance on anything new, unknown, or scientific. Maintenance of the [[AI]] also falls under the oversight of the Research Director as they are the only command member, other than Captains who were previous in the position, who knows how to reset and change the AI core.
:This point goes a bit in hand with Communication. If you do not have a presence in your department, when you try to take control of a situation, or some kind of panic in the department, your voice will be new, and some may not be trusting of this. At the start of a shift, or when you join, try communicating with your department, get a quick idea of who you have under you, and how to best use each of them. Give out orders, even if it is as little as "You know what you are doing, go do it." Making the initial connection with each member of your department can be key to making sure things have structure when you need it.

'''Duties:''' The primary duties of the Research Director is to give guidance to [[Scientist]]s. This may include department wide projects, inter-departmental projects (such as with medical for medicine development), and planning out trips on the Intrepid to support the [[Xenoarchaeologist]]. Secondary duties are focused on maintaining the AI. This may include resetting the AI's laws in the event they are tampered with, or changing the AI lawset to a new version if it is required.
===3. Use the Command Channel===
:Nothing is worse than being uninformed. Many times situations have more than one department involved. For one example, say there is someone who set off a bomb, someone was caught in there, and there was someone sighted with a gun at the site. You have 3 departments involved in this issue now. If the engineers and medics head in, and security has no information about that issue, then the other two departments have been metaphorically thrown in a fire. Coordinate with your fellow command staff, make things happen, and relay important information to your department as needed. As the saying goes, knowledge is power.

===[[File:Chiefengineer-nbt.png|64px]] [[Chief Engineer]]===
===4. Know the Jobs of the Department===
The Chief Engineer is the highest position within the ship's Engineering Department. Usually, the Chief Engineer is the most experienced engineer on the ship and has good knowledge on every system within their vessel. They have access to additional equipment which can help the Engineering Department's efforts as well as the knowledge and experience to deal with structural, atmospheric, and electrical problems that may occur.
:Nothing is worse than someone like a Chief Engineer not knowing how the Supermatter Engine is setup, to name an example. This kind of thing can be outright infuriating when those under your command tell you how to do the basic parts of your job. Not only does it not help with any time efforts of yourself are required in your department's dealings, but it will make those under you much less likely to listen, because they will more than likely lose their trust in your guidance if you don't even know what you are talking about. You do not need to know everything, but you should be able to perform tasks that your department does on a regular basis.

'''Duties:'''The primary duty of the Chief Engineer is to coordinate the various [[Engineer]]s and [[Atmospheric Technician]]s of the ship to maintain and repair the ship's structure and systems. This does include maintaining oversight of the engine of the ship, whether that be the [[Supermatter Engine]] or the [[Tesla Reactor]]. A secondary duty of the Chief Engineer is to design and enact projects to improve the ship if desired.
==Who Does What==
:When asking on the command channel for assistance from another department, it is helpful to know exactly who to talk to. As such, here are some general ideas of what each Head of Staff is for.

===[[File:Chiefmedicalofficer-nbt.png|64px]] [[Chief Medical Officer]]===
The Chief Medical Officer is the head of the ship's Medical Department and Medical Bay. Due to the variety of positions and fields under their supervision, the Chief Medical Officer is not expected to know every field beyond a basic understanding that allows them to manage and discuss it, however they are expected to work with their specialized staff members to treat, cure, and advise the crew on any and all health issues. The Chief Medical Officer is the only command member, aside from the Captain, with the power to declare crew members physically or mentally unfit.
*As the person with the highest control of the station, the Captain would be the go to person for what needs to be coordinated, when something should happen, if something should happen, and general ideas of what needs to get done.

'''Duties:'''The primary duty of the Chief Medical Officer is to coordinate the Medical Department in responding to health issues. This may require communication with the Head of Security to coordinate [[First Responder]] and [[Security Officer]] movements or managing the patients that are received in the Medical Bay. The secondary duty of the Chief Medical Officer is to monitor the health of crew and determine if they are physically and mentally fit for service.
===[[Executive Officer]]===
[[Image:HeadOfPersonnel.png|Executive Officer]]
*If you need more personnel in your department, or need someone's contract suspended or terminated, the Executive Officer is your go to person.

===[[File:Operationsmanager-nbt.png|64px]] [[Operations Manager]]===
===[[Head of Security]]===
The Operations Manager is the head of the Operations department. Similarly to the Research Director and Chief Medical Officer, the Operations Manager is not expected to be an expert in every field under their authority, but rather expected to have a general understanding of those fields and the knowledge of how to coordinate them to meet departmental goals. To this extent, the Operations Manager is in charge of the Spark, the mining shuttle used by miners, [[Machinist]]s, [[Miner]]s, and [[Hangar Technician]]s. They are the primary point of contact for anything logistical.
[[Image:Generic_hos.png|Head of Security]]
*For anything that might involve the security of the station the Head of Security should be your best contact.

'''Duties:''' The primary duty of the Operations Manager is to coordinate the Operations department to ensure the material needs of the other ship departments are met. Alongside this, they must coordinate with Medical and the Machinists to ensure all synthetic crew members and patients with non-organic parts are maintained and repaired. The secondary duty is to ensure that the warehouse is sorted and that bounties are being fulfilled.
===[[Chief Engineer]]===
[[Image:Generic_ce.png|Chief Engineer]]
*For anything that might be related to hull integrity, or restoration of atmosphere to an area, the Chief Engineer would be the best person to talk to.

==Other Management Roles==
===[[Chief Medical Officer]]===
While the following jobs have management roles, they are not Heads of Staff and get none of the perks associated with being a Head of Staff.
[[Image:ChiefMedicalOfficer.png|Chief Medical Officer]]
*If coordination for medical recovery and treatment is needed, the Chief Medical Officer is key to getting that done.

===[[File:Warden-nbt.png|64px]] [[Warden]]===
===[[Research Director]]===
The Warden is a subordinate of the [[Head of Security]] and is on equal footing with [[Security Officer]]s and [[Investigator]]s in terms of power. The exception to this, however, is the brig. The Warden holds authority over the brig and its prisoners. All Security Officers must obey commands by the Warden if said commands are in relation to the brig or the prisoners within it. This power can only be overruled by a command member.
[[Image:ResearchDirector.png|Research Director]]
*For any strange happenings, or synthetic software issues, the Research Director would be your best resource.

'''Duties:''' Keep the brig safe, ensure prisoners do not escape and are [[Corporate Regulations|treated fairly]], issue weapons to Officers when necessary, and process incoming detainees.
===[[NanoTrasen Liaison|NanoTrasen Liaison]]===
*For all station directive, corporate regulation, and legal issues please go to the [[NanoTrasen Liaison]] if one is on board. You should try to contact the Liaison or other [[Job_Guides#Station_Command|Command Staff]] before going to CCIAA.

===[[File:Corporateliaison-nbt.png|64px]] Human Resources Assistant===
{{Gameplay Guides}}
The Human Resources Assistant is the on-ship assistant for the SCC Human Resources department. While they do not hold any power over the ship or crew directly, they can be seen on occasion conducting interviews with crew members that are involved in Incident Reports.
'''Note:''' The Human Resources Assistant role is restricted to staff members (primarily CCIA) and should not, in any way, be impeded or affected by the round unless given permission by staff. Doing so is considered an OOC offense and can be addressed by Admins.
'''Duties:''' Conduct investigations regarding Incident Reports.
=Command Voting=
All Heads of Staff can initiate a Command Vote. This vote is considered a captain-level decision and can, in certain circumstances, override a Captain's decision or remove them from power. A command vote begins with one or more Heads of Staff declaring what the vote intends to do over the command radio. All Heads of Staff are expected to participate and vote yes, no, or verbally abstain (abstaining through inaction is not counted). All command votes are majority-rules unless stated otherwise. In the event the command vote ends in a tie, the vote automatically fails.
= Emergency Situations =
==Captainship Emergencies==
===Captain Missing in Action===
In this situation, the Captain has gone missing in action but their death has not been confirmed nor denied. In this case, an acting captain can be appointed via command vote. Actions should be taken as soon as possible to locate and confirm the status of the Captain. If the Captain is found to be alive and fit for duty, acting captainship should be relieved and the Captain returned to their position.
===Captain is Killed===
In this situation, the Captain has been killed on-duty. The first actions should always be to secure the situation. When the situation is stable enough for a command vote, an acting captain should be appointed and shall serve until the situation is over when acting captainship should be relieved. Alongside this, a situation report regarding the death of the captain should be written and sent to Central Command when possible.
===Captain Declared Mentally Unfit===
In this situation, the [[Chief Medical Officer]] has determined the Captain to be mentally unfit for command. This ruling is made when the Captain acts in such a way that it risks the well-being of themselves, the crew, or the ship to an unreasonable degree. In this situation, the Captain should be removed from their position and submitted into proper medical care. Should the situation require an acting captain, one should be appointed when possible.
===Captain Declared Physically Unfit===
In this situation, the [[Chief Medical Officer]] has determined the Captain to be incapacitated in such a way that they are unfit for command. Following the Chief Medical Officer's ruling, the Captain should be submitted to medical care and relieved of duty until they are declared physically fit, or a replacement is activated. Should the situation require an acting captain, one should be appointed when possible.
=== Captain Removed by Vote ===
The Captain can be removed by a '''unanimous''' command vote if they are deemed unfit for captainship by the rest of command. In this situation, the captain should be removed from power and treated as suspended from their position. An acting captain should be appointed as soon as possible in replacement. Central Command must be notified as well with details regarding the reason behind the vote for removal.
== Appointing an Acting Captain ==
An Acting Captain can be appointed by majority of command. Usually, appointing an Acting Captain is done in Code Red, however one can be appointed for lower alert levels should the situation require it. The acting captain inherits all powers of the Captain, including ultimate authority and the power to appoint interim Heads of Staff. Acting Captainship should be relieved after any present emergencies are concluded. Within the Captain's office, a spare Captain's ID can be found for the use of the acting captain. This ID should be used to access the Acting Captain briefcase within the Captain's locker, which contains equipment to better identify the individual taking captainship.
== Interim Heads of Staff ==
In the event that a department is lacking a Head of Staff, someone with enough training can be assigned as a Interim Head of Staff by the Captain, Acting Captain, or the Executive Officer.
They assume all responsibilities and powers of said Head of Staff until their services are no longer needed, such as when said Head of Staff is made available or they are demoted. Interim Heads of Staff hold an equal power in command votes as any other Head of Staff and are treated as another member of command until their services end.
== Missing Head of Staff ==
In the event a Head of Staff is not present on-shift, or has gone missing for whatever reason, it is expected that the rest of command does whatever is necessary to fill in the gap within the power structure. This may include Heads of Staff from another department stepping in to give direction, leadership, and help where possible, or the appointment of an interim head of staff.

Версия от 03:24, 4 апреля 2023

This section or article needs revising.
Reason: Strange formatting all throughout here

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At a Glance

Command can be one of the most important, and hardest roles to fill. As someone in a command position, you are in charge of some aspect of the station. You are the centerpiece of all that does, and does not get done in your area. Some situations will be simple, and require nothing more than a passing word to deal with. Some other situations, however, will be a living nightmare, that will require your direct, and full attention, communication, and delegation to handle.
No pressure, right?
Command is not a role everyone can fill. Do not be discouraged if you get overwhelmed by stress, or can't keep up your first few times. There is a lot of baggage to carry, and a lot of things you can do wrong, when you will mostly be expected to be the best in your field.


Not everyone is fit for the role of command, If you think you're the best around and nothing is ever going to bring you down, Take a stroll down down to the forums.
We have a whitelist system implemented currently, You can apply here.
Be sure to get some experience on our server in to get your grounding before applying.

Species restrictions

Due to either being racial complications or general rules, Some species are unable to fit certain command roles.

These are the certain roles that have restrictions to them for the time being.


  • Only Human and Skrell can be Captains.

Head of Security

  • Locked from Diona, Vaurca, and G2 IPCs.

Executive Officer

  • Locked from Diona and Vaurca.

NanoTrasen Liaison

  • Locked from Diona and Vaurca. Or as otherwise said by their interest group.

Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, and Research Director

  • Any race besides Vaurca can play them, so long as the character meets the requirements.

Note on Vaurca

  • Vaurca cannot be heads of staff.

Note on privately owned IPCs

  • Privately owned IPCs cannot be head of staff.

General Guidelines

While every command role you may fill will be vastly different in the actions you and your department will take, there are some general binding ideas that can be applied to each and every role that has some sort of commanding role to it. If you wish to be a good leader, following these basic ideas is a must.

1. Communicate

This guideline is the most important to follow, and it is the one most command staff fail at, hence why this is the first topic to be covered. As command staff, you are first an administrator. Your job is to delegate among your department, ensure tasks are completed, and make sure you subordinates are part of a well oiled machine for when it gets to be crunch time. Make sure you know where everyone is, have people check in, and if there is something the entire station needs to know, remember that each head of staff has a communication console in their office, that you can send an announcement that will be very visible. Not enough people tend to utilize this, and general comms tends to be so filled with clutter, especially in the start of an emergency, that you trying to convey information that way will fall half the time on deaf ears.

2. Be known

This point goes a bit in hand with Communication. If you do not have a presence in your department, when you try to take control of a situation, or some kind of panic in the department, your voice will be new, and some may not be trusting of this. At the start of a shift, or when you join, try communicating with your department, get a quick idea of who you have under you, and how to best use each of them. Give out orders, even if it is as little as "You know what you are doing, go do it." Making the initial connection with each member of your department can be key to making sure things have structure when you need it.

3. Use the Command Channel

Nothing is worse than being uninformed. Many times situations have more than one department involved. For one example, say there is someone who set off a bomb, someone was caught in there, and there was someone sighted with a gun at the site. You have 3 departments involved in this issue now. If the engineers and medics head in, and security has no information about that issue, then the other two departments have been metaphorically thrown in a fire. Coordinate with your fellow command staff, make things happen, and relay important information to your department as needed. As the saying goes, knowledge is power.

4. Know the Jobs of the Department

Nothing is worse than someone like a Chief Engineer not knowing how the Supermatter Engine is setup, to name an example. This kind of thing can be outright infuriating when those under your command tell you how to do the basic parts of your job. Not only does it not help with any time efforts of yourself are required in your department's dealings, but it will make those under you much less likely to listen, because they will more than likely lose their trust in your guidance if you don't even know what you are talking about. You do not need to know everything, but you should be able to perform tasks that your department does on a regular basis.

Who Does What

When asking on the command channel for assistance from another department, it is helpful to know exactly who to talk to. As such, here are some general ideas of what each Head of Staff is for.



  • As the person with the highest control of the station, the Captain would be the go to person for what needs to be coordinated, when something should happen, if something should happen, and general ideas of what needs to get done.

Executive Officer

Executive Officer

  • If you need more personnel in your department, or need someone's contract suspended or terminated, the Executive Officer is your go to person.

Head of Security

Head of Security

  • For anything that might involve the security of the station the Head of Security should be your best contact.

Chief Engineer

Chief Engineer

  • For anything that might be related to hull integrity, or restoration of atmosphere to an area, the Chief Engineer would be the best person to talk to.

Chief Medical Officer

Chief Medical Officer

  • If coordination for medical recovery and treatment is needed, the Chief Medical Officer is key to getting that done.

Research Director

Research Director

  • For any strange happenings, or synthetic software issues, the Research Director would be your best resource.

NanoTrasen Liaison

  • For all station directive, corporate regulation, and legal issues please go to the NanoTrasen Liaison if one is on board. You should try to contact the Liaison or other Command Staff before going to CCIAA.

Шаблон:Gameplay Guides