Skrell: различия между версиями

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The [[Aliose University of Medical Sciences]] is a big player in prosthetics, cloning, and augments.
The [[Aliose University of Medical Sciences]] is a big player in prosthetics, cloning, and augments.

Версия от 16:01, 22 июня 2018

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  • Расы

  • Skrell
    S. Sapiens
    Home System: Jargon (Nralakk)
    Homeworld: Jargon IV (Qerrbalak)
    Language(s): Skrellian (Nral'Malic), Tau Ceti Basic
    Political Entitie(s): Jargon Federation


    An amphibious species whose passion lies in the field of the combined sciences, the Skrell are the oldest and most advanced known species present on the galactic stage. The Skrell evolved on a planet covered in vast swamps and freshwater seas, hence their amphibious qualities. These include moist, pliant, and nearly translucent skin, as well as their vestigial gill slits.

    Skrell are largely asexual, with most seeing reproduction as a process necessary to continue their lineage and nothing more.

    While humanity has largely overtaken the Skrell in the area of system colonization, the Skrell maintain a strong federation of colonies roughly three-quarters the size of human space. They are also the most technologically advanced species in known space, and possess the strongest and most highly trained military of any spacefaring species, though they are hesitant to use it outside Federation space.

    Further Factoids:Notable Skrell The Gliutip’lyaz University

    Heads of Staff

    Skrell can be the following heads of staff:

    • Captain
    • Head of Security
    • Chief Engineer
    • Head of Personnel
    • Chief Medical Officer
    • Research Director
    • Internal Affairs Agent


    • Skrell have their own language that can be used by typing :k before anything you say, and can also be used over the radio.
    • Skrell lack teeth and instead have hardened gums; this leads to them being big advocates on soft foods such as bread, or liquid foods such as soup. Skrell are largely considered to be herbivores, but they have been known to eat many species of insects native to Jargon and add smaller pieces of more common red meats to meals for additional flavor.
    • Skrell have large heads with protruding head tails and due to this they cannot wear normal hardsuit helmets but instead need to wear Skrell hardsuit helmets (found in EVA). Their head tails also make it uncomfortable to wear normal headwear such as hats so most Skrell opt out of that. However, Skrell can wear normal hardsuits due to their body being very similar to a human one.
    • Skrell have the ability to breathe underwater due to them being amphibious.
    • The Skrell have been allies with humanity longer than any other race aboard Aurora has, and as such Skrell workers are some of the most reliable and famed workers for Nanotrasen. They are suitable for any role on station, and older, more experienced Skrell scientists commonly hold experience in a variety of fields (though they are also free to specialize.)
    • A common Skrell take on Basic (the standard station language) is characterized by short, concise sentences, and an elimination of repetitive or non-essential words. You can refer to Mass Effect's Mordin Solus [1] as an example of this.


    Physically Skrell have an average height ranging from 4’5” to 5’1” for males, and 4’5” to 5’5” for females. Skrellian skin looks gelatinous, but in fact has a second layer of a less translucent flesh under the surface. Skrell faces are quite plain and their eyes completely black, leaving it difficult for other species to gauge a Skrell's exact feeling and emotions. Adapted for aquatic life, Skrell are fully amphibious, and are capable of breathing underwater while also possessing superior underwater vision. Their hands and feet are very similar to that of humans, except for a lack of nails and the presence of strong webbing in-between each digit. Due to their amphibian nature, the Skrell lack any real teeth and instead possess hardened gum lines. Instead of a developed nose, Skrell smell through two simple slits sitting in the middle of their face. Skrell bear tentacle-like "head-tails", which possess no muscle tissue, and simply hang down over a Skrell's shoulders. The purpose of these tentacles is to keep the skin close to the neck damp for the incubating of eggs. Tentacles are often adorned with jewels, cloths, chains or plates, as a fashion statement.

    Their diet mostly consists of Qerrbalak-native algae, plants and insects.

    It is difficult for other species to differentiate between male and female Skrell, as the only outwards difference between the two genders is found in tentacle length - female tentacles being slightly longer than male ones. It should be noted that the Skrell have no social concern for gender, which they only see as an issue for the purpose of reproduction. For this reason, Skrell unfamiliar with galactic customs can often confuse the gender of other species, and struggle to adapt to the gendered pronouns of Tau Ceti Basic.

    A healthy Skrell can naturally live up to 200 years, but current medical technology allows them to increase their lifespan to an impressive 300 to 500 years.

    Due to the lingering effects of the Synthetic Singularity's utilization of biological warfare, a sizable percentage of Skrell are completely sterile. Thanks to the intense research efforts of Skrellian doctors and scientists, modern Jargon specialists have the capability to at least partially reverse these effects in half of all Skrell. The extensive treatments and investments needed to undergo the treatments for the genophage give the reality that only about a third (33%) of Skrell are able to have children. These Skrell can have 1-3 children in their lifetime, whereas pre-genophage Skrell could have 8 eggs hatch at a time. Without treatments, effected eggs remain inert, not developing.

    Volvuunt Qixqalau

    The disorder is named "Volvuunt Qixqalau," which in a dead Skrellian language translates to "protruding branchia." As the name implies, it is a mutation in which the branch-like gills extend out from the neck, instead of than the internal gills covered by slits that skrell are normally born with. Skrell with this Volvuunt Qixqalau are born with it, and it cannot be developed over time.

    Skrell affected by Volvuunt Qixqalau can suffer relatively little with a disorder, and the external gills can even be more effective underwater due to the increased surface area. However, due to the very delicate nature of the fillaments, they are prone to injury, infection, and can make it difficult to wear certain articles - some Skrell have such trouble with the gills that they are corrected by surgery, which is a lengthy and risky procedure due to the rarity of the disorder, and the sensitivity and delicate nature of the area, but technological advances and skilled surgeons make it incredibly possible.

    Research as to how the mutation occurs been mostly inconclusive, showing that it can only be caused by inherited genetics. Censuses show that prevalence of this mutation has decreased dramatically since the Synthetic Singularity due to the loss of life, and Skrell affected by Volvuunt Qixqalau make up only 22% of the Federation's population.


    A duo of Skrell scientists at work in a research lab. Although they encounter issues communicating with other species, Skrell are highly social by nature.

    The Skrell language, Nral'Malic, can be best described as a series of hums, warbles, or croaks. While Skrellian would not make sense to other species, it can display a wide variety of emotion and meaning that Tau Ceti Basic cannot. When learning other languages, Skrell tend to forego grammatical structure, which they mostly simplify for the sake of efficiency. Additionally, most inflections and nuances that carry tone and emotion in foreign languages are lost to them, due to the wide differences between the nature of Skrellian and other tongues. It is notable that two Skrell conversing in their own language can communicate perfectly underwater.

    Though mainly a scientific species, Skrell have interest in other forms of culture. Skrell artists are fairly prevalent, and martial arts also form a fairly widespread Skrell interest. Skrellian arts often (but not always) focus on the mind. For example, a recent movement focuses on how the mind interacts with the world around them.


    While many people believe that Skrell are heartless and have no emotions, the truth is actually quite the contrary. Skrell convey emotions the same way humans do, through movement, tone of voice and language used. Due to Humans' limited audial receptors, however, the many tones a Skrell can project are lost to all non-Skrell, and thus Skrell have a very difficult time expressing emotion to other species. In contrast, when matched with another of their kind, communication is so seamless that two parties involved in a discussion would almost be able to guess each others' thoughts at times, simply through the variety of vocal tones used in conversation. The most common Racial slurs that are used against Skrell are, “Frog”, ‘Squid”, “Waterboy” and various other creatures that have aquatic relation. Skrell tend not to react to these insults however, not out of indifference, but because they are often prideful and would prefer not to lose face through confrontation. This kind of emotional reaction is quite common in Skrell; Skrell are reputed for choosing not engage in a fight or a challenge unless they were certain of their own victory. Among other things, this has led to the Skrell military having the best victory-defeat ratio in the Galaxy.


    Main articles: Skrell (Culture), Skrell (Factions & Politics)

    A Skrell city on the homeworld of Jargon IV. Of ascetic design, Skrell buildings attempt to meld into the environment rather than overtake it.

    Although colonial Skrell culture exhibits some regional differences, the culture of the Jargon Federation's core systems is highly unified. Skrell place a great importance on technological and scientific development, believing the key to a species' survival resides in their ability to move forward and adapt to new situations. There is a high pressure on the average Skrell to perform, both for the advancement of the Skrell race and for personal glory and recognition. Although automation of many labor-intensive tasks has become a mainstay of Skrell society, leading to an ever-growing interest and quasi-romanticization of research-related professions, Skrellian life is still dependent on the contribution of some under-appreciated but highly crucial manual labor workers. Nevertheless, Skrell have begun outsourcing some of their manual labor to other species such as humans and Tajarans.

    Skrell do not disregard other sentient species as much as they consider them on a different plane of development from their own. Although they maintain a close relationship with Dionaea, and lucrative business and research partnerships with humans, they tend to look down upon Tajaran and Unathi as if they were children, yet to make the necessary social developments for their species to be considered on the same level as other spacefaring empires.

    Skrell highly value logic, and rarely make rash decisions. Additionally, although they lack the humans' drive for ambition and expansion, they believe themselves to prize adaptability very highly, being willing to modify themselves through the use of implants and genetic engineering without hesitation, and going out of their way to colonizing the most hostile of planets through a mix of ingenuity and perseverance, as long as they can make a scientific or economical gain from it. Paradoxically, they are also very conservative about their own scientific and cultural customs, being unwilling to admit mistakes due to the amount of effort they put in making the "right" decisions. For a Skrell, having to admit error is devastating.

    Skrell have many mediums of entertainment in their pop-culture. Among these is the ever popular concept of infotainment. Although their range of emotions is largely undetectable by other races, Skrell pride themselves on their ability to convey accurate facts with one another in amusing ways. From this appreciation for the spoken word came a popular trend in Skrellian news systems. Newscasters and Anchors are challenged not only to present the most accurate information, but to put their own inflections on it and present it in interesting ways without jeopardizing the integrity of their "stories" for the public. Often times, these reports have as much of an effect on a Skrell listener as a stand up comic may have on a human listener. Sadly, much of the wordplay and wit is lost upon other races due to its dependence on the Skrellian language and emotional spectrum.

    Following first contact with humans, many Skrell chose to study the history and culture of this new and excitingly different race. As the Skrell came to know Humanity, they quickly developed a taste for their arts. Among the first human works to explode into popularity was Human Classical music. The first songs to ever be played on piano in Federation space were the composer Ludwig van Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" and the band Styx's "Come Sail Away". The songs were played by a human dignitary for several Federation officials shortly after first contact.

    Skrell designs are highly ascetic in nature. It would be improper to assume that domains such as fashion, architecture and art are neglected by the Skrell, although the sleek, refined lines and preference for white and chrome found their designs has been found to be somewhat off-putting to other species.

    Pop Culture

    It is an open secret that pop culture has been subtly influenced by the federal government since even before the First Federation. Officials use money, influence, and government policy to steer the direction of the Jargon’s pop culture. Despite this, Skrell are rabid consumers of media. There are four major areas of Skrell pop culture.

    In film and cinema, the government offers productions huge subsidies if it has a moral message. The biggest and most popular films are about plucky heroes defying the odds using family and friend support structures, belief in the self, and personal growth. The hero’s journey arc is very popular in Skrell storytelling. Comedy remains popular as well. The humor tends to revolve around deadpan styles that use incredibly subtle nuance, inflections, and word choice that are nearly impossible for non-Skrell to pick up on, leaving it a bizarre and frustrating genre for humans.


    The make-up and style of Skrellian cuisine varies wildly due to the amount of planets that make up the Jargon Federation, and make use of all of the different biomes. On average, Skrellian dishes are largely water-based, being made up of different kinds of aquatic creatures and plants. While some flora and fauna can be successfully transplanted to different worlds, the process is carefully monitored out of fear of upsetting the environment. Because of this, hydroponics and animal farming techniques are used to minimize the use of expensive imports and keep planetary environments safe.

    For more information, see Skrellian Cuisine

    Naming System

    Name additions are a common facet of Skrell culture. While not necessary in Jargon society, it is common for a Skrell to add a name, word, or phrase to their name at some point in their lifetime. Every Skrell is born with two names. (Ex: Weashbi Jrugl) Name additions are added to the end of either name. Skrell traditionally only add one addition to the end of each name. Adding more than one addition to the end of a name is seen as poor form, as it lowers the significance of all other name additions.

    The significance of such name extensions varies greatly, but the most basic rule governs pronunciation and helps to suggest the connotation of the addition.

    Typically a “-” before an addition denotes a feeling of respect. This is often used with names that are meant to pay remembrance to figures, events, or locations. In spoken Skrellian, the presence of a - is pronounced by allowing a moment between the Skrell’s original name and the addition. In other words, the dash is treated as if it were a space between two words.

    The use of “‘“ before an addition signifies a more personal connection to whatever the addition means to the named Skrell. This is pronounced by simply treating the addition as if it were just a part of the name’s root. It is said as if it were one word.


    Skrell society has always placed a special significance on the bonds between an individual and the people they interact with. The shift from regional dialects to Nral’Malic saw a change in the words used to describe these ties, but the feelings they convey have remained the same for much of history. The concept of partnerships whether fraternal, platonic, or appreciative carry with them a weight that has only grown over the recent centuries.

    The Nral’Malic language begins each name for a partnership with the same root word, Quualt. This word signifies a partnership or a shared bond with another person, and is typically used with a qualifying word tacked on at its end. These qualifiers specify the nature of the partnership which the phrase is describing. The following are a few of the more commonly used utilizations of Quualt.


    The Skrell term for a single person who is one’s chosen partner, friend, and mate. Despite the logic oriented nature of most Skrell, romance is quite alive in Nralakk. From a mutual appreciation to a longstanding partnership, many combinations of events can lead a prospective couple to begin viewing their relationship as a possibility for lifelong partnership. Courting typically takes years to get to this level, as two individuals seek to truly know each other as well as they know themselves. If their bond grows into a harmonious and mutual rapport, they may consider becoming one another’s Quualt'Shriapt. The connotation of this word shows not only the closeness of the two involved, but also their exclusive intention to have children together.


    The term most commonly used to refer to a valued or treasured coworker. In sharing common goals, proximity, and interests, many Skrell come to feel a special connection with the people they work with closely.


    This word is used most in junction with the Human word “friend” but denotes a very specific form of friendship. Oftentimes, a person who is referred to as one’s “Quualt’Xizos” is someone who the speaker did not expect to form a bond with but has come to value highly. This can be for a number of reasons ranging from an initial mutual disdain to a simple perceived lack of convenience or statistical unlikelihood. This expression was especially prevalent shortly after first contact as Skrell referred to their new acquaintances of the previously unknown Human race. Among the most common literal translations: “A dear friend who was earned” and “An unexpected friend.”


    This phrase refers to a bond one has formed due to situational circumstances. The word “Pluux” in this context conveys a temporary nature in one’s partnership, but this not always meant to be negative. This situation is seen as transitional, leading to longer lasting bonds after sufficient time has passed. This could refer to a business partner one is currently working with, a former rival one is patching things up with, a relative stranger one is becoming acquainted with, or a valued friend one feels distanced from.


    This is a bond by resemblance or blood. “Tiapt” in this case refers to one’s genetic foundations. “Quualt’Tiapt” is a broad catch-all term that applies to both near and distant relatives.

    Notable Information


    Modern Skrell are extremely secular people. However, they have two dominant faiths in their species that the majority of Skrell follow. In these modern times faith has become more of a part of culture rather than for the sake of spiritualism itself. There are many hundreds of variations, intepretations, and individual faiths (or a lack of faith) but there are nevertheless two dominant faiths of the species that the majority of Skrell follow.

    Qeblak is an ancient Skrell faith that dates back before even written records. Qeblak has no official church or religious leaders, with the modern form of the faith being more of a deep feeling that many Skrell have over their place in the galaxy. Despite the stereotype that Skrell are logical above all else, Qeblaks still place a strong ceremonial importance on astrology and the study of constellations. Skrell may not actually believe that their lives are determined by constellations of distant stars, but they still feel a connection to their study. Skrell horoscopes are often used as moral lessons or for guidance on how to live life well. Qeblaks also feel that the greatest possible state of living for a Skrell is living a life dedicated to unlocking the many mysteries of the universe. Qeblak also encourages the respect of the worlds that Skrell find, and emphasizes the importance of the potential of every Skrell and their ability to learn and improve.

    Weishii, the second dominant faith of the Skrell, is a more modern faith which was born shortly after the Glorsh Rebellion. Its official founding date is 2320 CE, only a year after the Federation was reunified. The faith’s structure is largely informal, with its doctrine focused on the relationship between Skrell themselves rather than the fates told by the stars. As Skrell rebuilt and reinvented old technologies to be operated by Skrell rather than solely run by machines, their society too began to place greater attention to the significance of each individual. What began as separate structures of support and cooperation between survivors grew into a common trend of regular meetings between increasingly driven individuals. Today, Weishiians believe that science itself is a spiritual endeavor, and they place spiritual importance in it. Weishiian scientists often perform small ceremonies with the discovery of new elements or other scientific endeavors, celebrating the feat and offering thanks to their peers and (often historic) predecessors for attributing to their ability to make such strides. The faith’s name itself, Weishii, comes from a combination of the Skrellian words for the abstract idea of Progress and Togetherness.

    A map of Jargon IV, unlabelled to show the terrains and landmasses.

    Political Structure

    Following the Skrell's long tradition of political councils, the Jargon Federation operates as a centralized union of solar systems. Councillors represent Skrell interests at various levels organized in a clear hierarchy, which ranges from systems, to planets, to countries, to states. Overseeing it all is the Grand Councillor, which governs the entire federation and is elected every decade.

    Members of the federation are elected through popular vote, and given weight proportional to the amount of population they represent. Regions and countries in the Federation are given a relatively high level of autonomy, as they are expected to make reasonable and informed decisions regarding the governance of their assigned territories (the Grand Councillor doesn't have time to oversee hundreds of planets!) Matters of colonization, space exploration, and inter-species diplomacy are currently overseen on a federal level.

    Major Systems

    The Jargon Federation exerts control over some 1236 planets spread across 800 star systems, representing over 48 billion Skrell citizens. Of those 1200+ planets, only about 500 are colonized with permanent settlements, the rest being used mainly for a mix of mining (of metals and gases), and scientific research. Half of the Skrell population, representing 24 billion individuals, is concentrated in the core system of Jargon.

    The Skrell capital city, Kal'lo, is located on their swampy homeworld, Jargon IV (also colloquially known as Qerrbalak). The planet, other than being home to the headquarters of the Jargon Federation, is also famous for its large underwater cities, such as Eriuyishi and Gli'morr.

    Jargon V (known as Aliose) forms another important home for Skrell in the system. Many research laboratories have been built in the planet's extensive underground system, and Skrell native to Aliose commonly develop an abnormally pale skin coloration due to the world's significantly colder climate.

    A map of Jargon IV, labelled.

    The majority of the planets in Skrell space have been terraformed to suit their nature. A typical Skrell planet is covered in swamps, jungles, and the occasional large body of water. On planets where this kind of extreme terraforming is not possible, the Skrell construct large biodomes and habitat structures.

    For more information, see Notable Skrell Systems and Locations


    The most common misconception about the Jargon Federation is that their military is almost non-existent. The truth, however, is closer to the opposite. While The Jargon Federation Navy is only two thirds the size of the Union of Sol's, the Skrell's incredible technological advances have made their military the most effective in the known galaxy. Most of the Skrell's strength is derived not from numbers, but from the advanced technology and firepower of their ships, and from their mastery of battle tactics and logistics. Their vat-grown Tup commandos are especially feared for their infiltration capabilities and combat prowess.

    Tup commandos reach their level through one of two basic ways. The first and most common manner for modern Tups is through birth, with Tups being grown through scientific means and trained from the moment they are born. Vat-grown Tup commandos live the entirety of their career locked within that position. Skrell who choose to study and serve with the Jargon military do occasionally rise to the rank of commando. Vat-grown Tups are denoted with a 'Tup at the end of their name upon birth while those who rose to the rank take on the name addition -Tup upon promotion.

    Implants and Genetic Modification

    Augments are commonplace for Skrell. Most, if not all, have tried procedures that modify fertility rates due to the genophage, and there are various other modifications available that serve practical purposes.

    Members of the Jargon Navy, for example, are highly modified. Footsoldiers and Tups alike are equipped with various augments that better their prowess in combat, improving upon their speed, cognitive abilities, reaction time, and even hand-eye coordination. Soldiers in high positions are also equipped with electronic implants not unlike the "loyalty implants" used by Nanotrasen, and is seen as a necessary precaution despite tests and other preventative measures taken by the Jargon Federation to ensure that soldier's loyalty.

    Many of these augments are also available to civilians, though not requisite as they would be for soldiers. The civilian population is generally more fond of more simple improvements, such as ambidexterity, genetic hearing and eyesight repair, in addition to the aforementioned modifications to have children. The younger generation has developed a fondness for cosmetic implants and body modification, counter to the Skrellian culture of prioritization of constructive endeavors. There is a recent trend where skrell can have small, colorful LED lights implanted just under the skin, forming designs that range from simple dots in a line to elaborate tattoo-like images. The procedures surrounding these are more expensive than other implants would be, but the end results are unique and impressive.

    The Aliose University of Medical Sciences is a big player in prosthetics, cloning, and augments.