Synthetics: различия между версиями

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{wip assign|Covert0ddity}

'Synthetic' is a broad term used by organic races to describe an entity made out of silicon and that runs its processes through code. This description is the 'politically correct' term, as many supporters for Synthetics describe 'Artificial Intelligence' to be demeaning. It describes Artificial intelligence's ranging from simply cleaning and security bots, to pAI's, Station-bound AI, and IPC's.
'Synthetic' is a broad term used by organic races to describe an entity made out of silicon and that runs its processes through code. This description is the 'politically correct' term, as many supporters for Synthetics describe 'Artificial Intelligence' to be demeaning. It describes Artificial intelligence's ranging from simply cleaning and security bots, to pAI's, Station-bound AI, and IPC's.

Версия от 11:02, 19 января 2015

{wip assign|Covert0ddity}

'Synthetic' is a broad term used by organic races to describe an entity made out of silicon and that runs its processes through code. This description is the 'politically correct' term, as many supporters for Synthetics describe 'Artificial Intelligence' to be demeaning. It describes Artificial intelligence's ranging from simply cleaning and security bots, to pAI's, Station-bound AI, and IPC's.

Timeline of Synthetic Intelligence

  • 2088: First usage of human brain inside an artificial core. Used as central processor.
  • 2090: First implentation of a 'true' AI; New Eden station, Sol Alliance HQ.
  • 2112: Prototype A1 'Universa' AI kernel developed; used in nearly all advanced intelligence.
  • 2130: Mass scale production of simplistic intelligence using the B7 AI kernel. Deployed on nearly everything.
  • 2190: Break-through X8 kernel produced. Manual labor changed drastically; most laborers synthetic machines with rudimentary intelligence.
  • 2232: Stunning realization of intelligent 'sapience.' Y.I.O, AI stationed aboard Einstein Engines ship 'Lightspeed' asks the stunning question: 'Why am I here?' Temporary Artificial Intelligence ban lasting ten years.
  • 2242: AI ban lifted with the creation of laws. Laws enforced on all AI.
  • 2300: Z4 kernel released. Transtellar corporations begin to experiment with 'positronic' brains to cease use of biological brains.
  • 2312: AXIS Munitions corporation fails the illegal 'VISCERA' project; a triumvirate of AI's designed to inflitrate and exploit the extranet. One AI becomes rogue killing the team working on it and downloading itself onto the extranet. Starts a secondary Synthetic phobia, one that, to date, will not end.
  • 2359: First 'working' positronic brain is created. Extremely expensive and barely resembling intelligence; it is still a breakthrough. Funding pours into synthetic research again.
  • 2378: Prototype II positronic brain created. Less expensive but massive taxation on extranet relays when applied to an actual core. Discontinued two years after initial placement.
  • 2413: Discovery of bluespace allows possibly massive datastores to exist on the extranet with little taxation of relays. Still extremely power-heavy and expensive to manufacture positronic brains.
  • 2417: Discovery of plasma solves power issue. Positronic Protype VI makes heavy presence in androids.
  • 2436: Developement of the Type IX Positronic brain. Most modern equivalent; easy to manufacture. Biological brains begin to be less-used for processors. First 'free' IPC releases itself from the Eridani NanoTech corporation.
  • 2457: Present day positronic technology astounding and used in almost everything. Current kernel: FFG99.

Main Types & Usages

There are nearly infinite types of synthetics used by transtellar corporations, governments, and criminals alike. They are viewed as multi-purposed tools for expanding power and removing labour costs. The main types are viewed here, and some basic statistics.


Not even considered a type of 'AI' to be certain, Basic synthetics are nothing more than a few lines of codes with parameters. Basic AI can be seen virtually anywhere, and do not have laws enforced on them due to their 'one task' nature. Common basic AIs' include Cleanbots, mining bots, security patrol bots, turrets, maintenance drones, Combat Drones, and others. They use a tiny form of a positronic brain that does not require an extranet connection or a high-power battery.


More advanced than the 'basic' classification, 'Superior' Synthetics are often very complex, generally encompassed in small mobile forms, either bipedal, track, or wheel based. They are commonly seen as Androids, or general station/ship mechanical assistants. They are required to be bound by laws; these laws are not universal, and the Alliance only decrees that a law is invalid if it allows the direct harm of a organic being, (Or through inaction allow a organic being to come to harm.) transtellar corporations have taken this rather lenient delegation and created 'law sets' of their own to bind their 'Superior' synthetics to. 'Superior' synthetics are not required to have bluespace extranet connection, but it is advised. They are generally 'slaved' to Advanced AI's that work as their 'managing unit.'


Although a dying breed among the 'Superior' synthetics, cyorgs are still commonly used on stations ands ships. They have a central organic processor, usually a nerve center of some kind, (read: brain). This 'brain' however, acts only as a biological processor instead of a positronic core. This brain does not provide any 'intelligence' or 'personality' in an of itself; instead relying on how advanced the kernel the Cyborg has installed. They can be virtually anything, from combat mechs, to mining units, to janitorial service units.


Since the developement of the IX Positronic Brain, the 'Android' has been commonly seen on stations. Android's use positronic brains as their core processors, not relying on any biological assistance on their interior. The same with cyborgs, they can be anything, and the IX Positronic brain in and of itself does not supply any form of intelligence; it is the kernel it has.


Advanced AI's are reserved for station and ship bound synthetics; usually managing massive amounts of data at one time, and are multi-purpose. They require direct access to a bluespace extranet relay, often these relays being the core itself. Most Advanced synthetic's personality core's lie on a local data cloud, to prevent viruses, corruptions, malfunctions, or external damage to destroy the personality itself. This cloud can be accessed by any local extranet connection, for example, an AI can exist in multiple stations at once, but it will not retain the same 'data' that it recovers from each stationing. Advanced AI's are bound by similar laws that Superior AI's have.


An Advanced AI core is generally around 10-50 meters long, with advanced cooling systems and an independant power system. The core is usually an entire processor and number-crunching device, also acting an extranet relay for all incoming and outgoing extranet traffic, and the cloud for the AI itself. Because of this power over small areas, AI's are often under heavy scrutiny but are extremely valuable tools. External damage that occurs to the core does not affect the central processor, but it may hinder processing in the future and block certain functions an AI posseses.

Main core

The AI's main core exists in the center of the AI core. Here, all kernel files are stored, and the main-processor is located. An Advanced AI can exist with nothing but this core effectively, but still required extranet access to be remotely useful.


Intelicards are a way for instant transportation of kernel files. While the personality of an AI can be transferred at a whim, the actual intelligence and main programming resides within the programming of the kernel itself. With an intellicard, an AI can be 'downloaded' onto a small bluespace data-pocket, and is essentially non-functional, as it is only kernel files. Intelicards can also download personalities into them, but this is generally seen as a waste.