Timeline: различия между версиями

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While [[History of Man| Human history]] is long and diverse, with multiple perspectives and a myriad of details that vary between accounts, here is a more succint summary of the more recent events in the history of mankind.
While [[History of Man| Human history]] is long and diverse, with multiple perspectives and a myriad of details that vary between accounts, here is a more succint summary of the more recent events in the history of mankind.

Версия от 05:34, 26 сентября 2014

While Human history is long and diverse, with multiple perspectives and a myriad of details that vary between accounts, here is a more succint summary of the more recent events in the history of mankind.

The Second Space Age

2045: Developed/Developing world stabilizes in population. Many third world/failing states collapse, some of their more viable remnants being scooped up by larger emerging power blocs such as the North American Federation, European Alliance, Indian Confederation, Pan-Asia Cooperative, Russian Federation, Middle Eastern Alliance and South African Commonwealth.

2075: Research into viable space travel yields results. Slightly faster than conventional space travel through the use of practical nuclear engines. Earth pop: 9.5 billion.

2085: Human settlements on Luna and Mars established, low populations. Earth pop: 9.55 billion.

2100: Stream of Earth-based resources begin to trickle. Governments begin to subsidize off-world colonization efforts. Large-scale colonization/mining operations on Luna, Mars, other near Earth bodies.

2125: Earth’s resources begin to be stretched to the breaking point. Luna and Mars populations reach the millions, steady stream of resources back to Earth keep the nations there afloat. Resource shortages cause the worst economic crisis on Earth since the Great Depression. Earth pop: 10 billion.

2130: Scientists discover Warp Technology, marking the start of the Interstellar Era. Spurned by fears of resource collapse and anarchy on Earth probes are sent out to perform in-depth charting nearest systems. Luna and Mars see large population increases. Earth pop: 10.01 billion.

2140: Hundreds of probes are sent to survey nearby star systems and potential candidates for colonization. The Sol Alliance, individual nations and private interests quickly organize colonization missions to these worlds. United Nations convene and form the Sol Alliance, a supranational body “to oversee the colonization and development of Solar and Extrasolar bodies”. There was moderate opposition to the measure, mainly stemming from general anti-United Nations sentiment.

2155: Garden worlds closest to Earth see massive population increases as colony ships make round trips between the settlements and Sol. Einstein Engines becomes the first Transstellar corporation, specializing in producing Warp engines and supplying colonists with cheap colonization modules. Several earth governments enforce rationing, while tensions rise over resource use. Several disputes escalate into border skirmishes. The Sol Alliance, lacking any authority over Earth itself, is unable to intervene.

2185: Earth begins to stabilize as birth rates are kept in check and people continue to leave for garden worlds. Earth relies on Mars, Luna, and the most developed garden worlds for resources. Earth enters a period of political stability Due to Earth’s dependence upon imported extrasolar resources, the nations of Earth sign the Treaty of Mumbai, giving the Sol Alliance the authority a degree of authority over the extrasolar affairs of individual nations. Sol Alliance is afforded more power over Earth affairs, as a result of its direct control of the Colonies Earth depends on for resources. Earth pop: 10.2 billion. Total pop: 12 billion.

2200: The Martian Terraforming Project begins, leading to a boom in martian immigration. The largest extrasolar garden world attain populations in the hundreds of millions.The Sol Alliance forms the Central Administrative Zone (CAZ), giving it formal authority over Earth itself. The CAZ represents an attempt to end the anarchic system of international relations and act as a moderator between the nations of Earth. In conjunction with the formation of the CAZ, the Sol Alliance issues the Sol Credit, the official currency of humanity. Although initially intended for use on the various extrasolar colonies, it would eventually start to displace the national currencies as Earth becomes more economically homogeneous. Earth pop: 10.75 billion. Total pop: 14 billion.

2215: Second wave of scouting operations map systems further out from the existing extra-solar colonies. Second wave of colonization efforts.The first-wave colony worlds begin to reach economic maturity, with many achieving a standard of living rivaling or exceeding that of Earth. The Martian terraforming project fails, and millions die in rapid environmental degradation. Massive waves of immigrants leave Earth and Mars for the inner colonies. In many systems, corporations have established extensive asteroid mining operations. In the face of increased piracy and lawlessness in the outer colonies, the Alliance Command forms for the purpose of maintaining order in Alliance (at this point, all of human) space. Proper Sol Alliance fleets begin policing Sol and inner-colonies. First interstellar fleets form. Earth pop: 9.5 billion. Total pop: 13.5 billion.

2250: New garden worlds discovered, Earth still dependent on resources from other planets. Depopulation of Earth leads to massive abandoned sections of cities. Colony worlds continue to grow exponentially, spurned on by cheap cost of colonization (Colonization efforts had essentially become comodesized). Earth Pop: 13 billion. Total Pop: 16.9 billion.

The First Interstellar War

2260: Sol Alliance levy taxes on Earth for disproportionate use of resources (import a bunch, export little luxury resources). Earth-based ‘planetism’ increases. Sol Alliance stresses unity. Fringe elements in outer-most colonies begin to openly revolt against Sol Alliance administration, seen as the ‘Shackle of Earth-based oppression’.

2270: Developing colonies better able to census planets populations: discovered that in total billions of more colonist exist spread across roughly 100 colonized worlds (besides Earth). Steadily improving habitation, agriculture and infrastructure technologies pave way for quick, efficient colonization. Earth population and politicians begin to look on with envy and disgust, Sol Alliance attempts to represent the ‘unifying’ force in human space. Earth pop: 14 billion. Total pop: 19.8 billion.

2275: Open hostilities break out in fringe systems, spurned on by extremist elements and anti-Alliance sentiments. Sol Alliance is slow to respond, paralyzed by confusion and uncertainty. As a result, other Colonies on the fringe begin to break away, seeing the Alliance as ineffective at supporting them.

2278: First Interstellar War breaks out. Most radical fringe worlds declare war on Alliance, attacking Alliance military garrisons and ships. Hit and run tactics are used, with the occasional suicide attack. Alliance forces are overwhelmed and in disarray. Political gridlock as Earth urges Alliance to completely annihilate rebels as more moderate inner colonies stress restraint. Earth resents ‘Its colonies’ for disagreeing with it.

2285: More ‘outer’ but not ‘fringe’ colonies break away as Alliance proves ineffective in dealing with rebel threat. Rebels begin attacking each other, more extremist factions fighting more moderate ones. Fringe becomes very dangerous place. Several large coalitions in the ‘outer colonies’ officially declare independence (they were already practically independent), and begin fighting rebels elements who venture into their space. Sol, Inner Colonies: Sol Alliance. Outer colonies: mostly independent. Fringe colonies: Extremists, rebels, warring. Earth pop: 14.2 billion. Total pop: 21.1 billion.

2286: Many Megacorporations profit from the war, selling arms to one or both sides, trading in dangerous systems and filling power vacuums . Earth convinces Sol Alliance to begin wiping out extremist factions in the frontier to ‘eradicate the anarchists that threaten our peace’. The Earth is satisfied and the Colonies are largely horrified. The Sol Alliance is dominated by ‘Hawkish’ politicians, which issue proclamations that extremist and rebellious colonists will not be tolerated. ‘Independent’ outer colonies wind down their overt aggression out of fear of retaliation, but continue to build up their armies and navies.

The Resource Wars

2290: Colonies continue to see pop increases. Earth continues to suffer from resource shortages. Earth feels effects of almost three centuries of continued colonization efforts, with the colonies starting to be unable to support it. Radical elements come to power in Earth-governments. Age old national rivalries are revived. Sol Alliance begins to shift its power-base off Earth. Earth pop: 14.3 billion. Human pop: 22.6 billion.

2300: The administration of the Sol Alliance is moved to the newly constructed Unity City, a space station in Earth orbit. The new capital is intended to increase ease of access while also representing the Alliance’s stated mission to represent all of humanity, not just any single nation. Meanwhile, Earth continues to use the Alliance to exploit its colonies. Earth pop: 14.4 billion. Total pop: 24 billion.

2310: As the population of Earth grows, it begins to drain more and more resources from the colonies. The inner colonies experience massive trade deficits with earth, enforced by special laws exempting Earth goods from local taxes. This hamstrings the development of local industry in the colonies. Several colonies petition for increased autonomy within the Sol Alliance, and unrest develops on several worlds. Earth enacts sanctions against the more rebellious colonies.

The Fall of Earth

2314: Several of the largest inner colonies petition the Earth-dominated Alliance government for increased autonomy and decreased trade restrictions. Earth gives only token concessions to these colonies, causing widespread unrest which many colonial authorities refuse to quell. Several colonies refuse to enforce trade restrictions, causing Earth to declare martial law in these systems and send Sol Alliance fleets to restore order. Many of these fleets mutiny and refuse to follow orders. Within a month, the Alliance military is split along Earth and Inner-Colony lines. A coalition of inner colonies declares itself the legitimate government of the Alliance. Earth pop: 14.5 billion. Total pop: 26 billion.

2315: Following an initial period of confused fighting, the Earth forces withdraw to the Sol system, threatening to unleash Kinetic Kill Vehicles (KKV) should Colonial forces enter the Sol System. Colonial forces seize KKV installations in their own systems. A Cold War of sorts begins. Cut off from outside trade, Sol’s economy begins to implode.

2316: Facing immediate collapse, the civilian governments of Earth attempt to negotiate a surrender with the Colonial forces. A number of Earth military commanders stage a coup, arresting prominent political officials and declaring martial law. Roughly a third of the Earth fleet remains loyal to the civilian government and mutinies. The occupied Alliance capital is destroyed in the resulting crossfire. In the confusion, some Earth KKVs fire at their targets. Entire Inner Colony cities are annihilated as a result of the KKVs, millions die. In retaliation, Colonial forces move into the Sol system and indiscriminately bombard targets, mostly on Earth. The entirety of Earth’s orbital infrastructure is destroyed due to Kessler syndrome. The resulting orbital debris ring is visible to the naked eye, and smoke clouds from global firestorms obscures the planet’s surface for months. Earth population: 5 billion. Total human population: 16.5 billion

2317: The Sol Alliance reforms following the Colonial victory. The Colonial forces attempt to reassert control over some fringe colonies, which had been left to fend for themselves during the civil war. Many independent colonies use this opportunity to encroach upon Sol territory. On Earth, the remaining governments either disintegrate or are left too crippled to govern their entire territory. The Sol Alliance supplies the largest surviving governments with indirect support, in place of sending an occupation force. The situation is complicated further by the orbital debris field. A mysterious virus appears on Earth and rapidly spreads throughout the planet, killing hundreds of millions by itself. Over a billion die on Earth due to starvation, in-fighting and the virus. Earth population: 4 billion. Total human population: 15.5 billion.

2320: Outer systems continue to build up their armies and navies. An emergency military government is established on Earth, doing little besides ‘administering’ the planet from orbit. The state of emergency ends in the Sol Alliance as the government stabilizes and a temporary administrative capital in orbit over Mars. Free of crushing trade restrictions, industry and trade flourishes throughout the inner-colonies. New Trans-stellar corporations emerge to rival Einstein Engine’s previous dominance. These corporation make their start establishing new trade routes between colonies.

2326: A cure to the virus is developed for the strange new virus on Earth, but the Alliance refuses to administer it to the planet’s remaining population, insisting there’s simply too many people to inoculate. Earth kept under quarantine by large orbiting fleet. Refugees fleeing the planet are given the cure at specially designated orbit checkpoints.

2330: Refugees begin to leave Earth in droves, fleeing a combination of famine, crushing poverty, and the near-complete collapse of Earth’s biosphere. A provisional government is formed on Earth, providing basic aid to local governments and controlling access to orbit. Luna and Mars develop large ‘Earth-slums’ filled with refugees. Earth pop: 3.9 billion. Total human pop: 16.8 billion;

Tensions for the Sol Alliance

Formation of Nanotrasen

2340: Trans-stellars begin operating more aggressively in outer and fringe system, helping start up colonies (loans, resources, ‘favors systems’) even outright claiming some smaller systems. Trans-stellars gain support of inner-colonies since many are based there and most of their profits flow back to them. On Earth, the Central Administrative Zone (CAZ) is reformed, though now the Earth’s high degree of autonomy is due to Colonial apathy towards the planet.

2346: Formation of Nanotrasen by Xavier Trasen. Based around advanced gene therapy. Became a scientific frontier company, rivaling Einstein Engines.

The Warp Gate Project

2355: Warp Gate project begins with the goal of connecting the most populated/wealthy inner colonies with permanent orbital gates, allowing for instantaneous transportation between them. Largely funded by Sol Alliance with support of Trans-stellars. Trans-stellars help rebuild Sol Alliance fleets. Military ‘indebted’ to Trans-stellars. Sol Alliance establishes formal relations with outer colonies.

2365: Earth is still dying. Several prominent philanthropists and humanitarian organizations fund evacuation efforts. Many of these refugees would eventually become cheap, exploited labor. Earth pop: 2 billion. Total pop: 24.2 billion.

2370: Warp Gate project financially drains Sol Alliance. Support for project decreases, some inner-colonies (mostly those not receiving a warp gate in their system) riot.

2376: Second Sol Alliance Civil War. Handful of Inner-colonies declare independence in protest of Warp Gate project’s exorbitant cost. The fleets of local governments engage Sol Alliance ships in contested systems. Minimal loss of life on surface of planets: Fleets and orbital installations targeted mostly.

2379: Outer colonies, driven by increasingly nationalistic governments and the Sol Alliance Civil War begin to war amongst themselves for planets and resources. Border and fringe worlds shift between empires’ control. A few large-scale atrocities occur, with whole cities and even planets being bombarded from orbit.

2384: Warp Gate project completed; Sol Alliance Second Civil War ends with casualties in the tens of millions. Lingering anti-Alliance sentiment remains in some areas. Outer colonies continue to war with each other, but the extent of the conflict is scaled back. As they expanded operations on the largely lawless frontier, Trans-stellars were forced to arm themselves and either contracted or bought mercenary services to protect their cargo. These same mercenary services would later diversify their operations, offering their services to various interstellar governments.

2390: The Warp Gates bring an influx of wealth to the inner-colonies closest to them, but disrupt several established trade routes, leading to economic decline in several systems. The Sol Alliance, largely bankrupt from the Warp Gate project, grants independence to several outer worlds. These worlds quickly join various outer colony nations. These new holdings of the outer colony empires greatly boost their economies (these worlds were built up by the Sol Alliance before seceding, and have on average larger populations and more developed infrastructure then their outer colony cousins). Earth Pop: 1 billion. Human pop: 29 billion.

The Rise of Nanotrasen

Advancement of Trans-stellars

2400: Some of the most ‘inner’ colony worlds of the Alliance reach population as high as the several billions. War in the outer colonies die down. Resentment towards the central government persists in several Alliance systems. Trans-stellars capitalize on immense profits from the past decades, diversifying to a great degree. Some begin swearing allegiances to these corporations, sick of the outer colonies’ wars and/or the Sol Alliance’s slow decay. Human pop: 31 billion.

2403: One such trans-stellar, NanoTransen, acquires the mining rights to the Romanovich Cloud in the Tau Ceti system (an Inner-inner colony system).

2410: Trans-stellars begin more heavy duty Sol Alliance lobbying efforts. In the outer Colonies, Trans-stellar begin to bully some smaller empires, threatening to cut off military, resource, supply and/or financial support unless they give in to demands. All Trans-stellars are of roughly equal power, having established a sort of ‘stability’ between themselves, specializing in distinct fields.

Sol Alliance begins to stagnate; Intra-Alliance trade tapers off as more systems become self-sufficient. Potentially more profitable trade routes from inner to developing outer colonies (which are proving more profitable than intra-Alliance trade) are expensive and fuel intensive. Energy crises develop on several worlds as supplies of energy resources along with centuries old power generating techniques (fusion, traditional combustion) prove insufficient to deal with rising energy demand. Human pop: 33 billion

The First Contact

2413: First contact with Skrell people. Sends shockwaves throughout human space. Skrellians have an established ‘confederacy of systems’ spread out over dozens of star systems. Sol Alliance and Skrellian Confederacy quickly draft a cooperation treaty. Skrell and Alliance begin conducting joint research projects and colonization efforts. Human, Skrell populations intermingle. Combining their research into FTL travel, Skrell and Human scientists co-develop Bluespace drivers, which have a much longer range and are much faster than traditional warp drives. However, a large amount of traditional fuel sources are required to jump-start bluespace drivers.

Discovery of Plasma

2417: In Romanovich Cloud in the outer edges of Tau Ceti, NT discovers the resource ‘plasma’. Its extremely energy efficient properties alleviate the growing energy crises on several worlds. Plasma quickly becomes the prefered fuel and energy generating commodity. NT becomes filthy rich; Trans-stellar ‘stability’ shattered as NT quickly patents and monopolizes ‘plasma refining’ technique. Other transtellars petition Sol Alliance for sanctions, but are ignored. Foundation for the Syndicate forms in furious trans-stellars and the Alliance Senators that support them. Bluespace drives and the extremely profitable Inner-colony to outer colony trade routes made viable by plasma. Inner-colonies provide outer-colonies with luxury goods for massive profits.

2420: Earth slowly recovers, it's biosphere beginning to stabilize. Vast swaths of the planet are uninhabitable but over a billion humans still call it home, mostly living in shanty town built in the ruins of cities. Elsewhere, some systems use 'vat-grown' babies to create cheap labor force; many colonies in the midst of baby boom. Human Pop: 35 billion.

The Discovery of New Sentients

The Tajara

2432: First contact with Tajaran people. NT scouts discover the Tajaran homeworld and people just beginning to explore their solar system. NT greets them as ‘representatives of humanity’. Over the course of the next few decades, NT ‘uplifts’ the Tajaran people by building a series of factories on their homeworld, employing numerous Tajarans and helping propel them into space. Tajarans become reliant on NT and subservient to them. Seen as 2nd class citizens somewhat by a portion of humanity.

The Uneth

2433: First contact with Unathi people. An exploration mission to an uncharted desert planet uncovers the Unathi race, a highly aggressive race that apparently survived a self-destructive nuclear war. With their homeworld rules by various small tribes, many Unathi are ‘picked up’ from their homeworld by various governments and corporations and ‘employed’. Some are granted citizenship. They enjoy a higher degree of respect then the Tajara, but are still looked upon with suspicion and distrust.

The Syndicate

2440: NT leverages it’s plasma monopoly to effectively take-over several systems in the outer colonies. NT begins increasing the size of its navy to rival that of some empires. Sol Alliance supports NT despite growing public outrage. Talk of NT buying Senators. Resentment of NT grows in some systems across human space. Extremist elements in fringe systems recruited by burgeoning Syndicate.

2445: Medical and cloning technological advances cause population boom. Syndicate begins staging small scale assaults using sleeper cells against NT across space; targeting anything NT from plasma refinement centers to orbital corporate habitation complexes. NT uses this as pretext to continue to expand its military. NT begins to heavily lobby the local governments of Tau Ceti, their chief plasma mining system. Human pop: 40 billion.

2450: Tau Ceti local government ‘extremely’ pro-NT. Allegations of bribery largely ignored or swept under the rug. Syndicate operations steadily increase in intensity. Earth still a shit hole.

2452: Fringe systems flare up as ‘terrorists’ (e.g. Syndicate) attacks NT corporate interests there. Outer and Inner Systems also see an increase in Syndicate operations, but on a more covert scale. NT and Tau Ceti Local Government ‘Republic of Biesel’ petition Sol Alliance for establishment of ‘Tau Ceti Free Trade Zone’, jointly administered by the two. Sol Alliance reluctantly establishes the Free Trade Zone, giving NT a foothold in the center of Alliance Space. Riots break out over accusations of NT essentially ‘buying the Republic of Beisel’. NT puts down the riots quickly and effectively. Syndicate begins active recruitment of discontent Tau Ceti Citizens. NT institutes Loyalty Implanting requirements for all executives, a ‘voluntarily and painless’ process. Implants are also used to quell the most radical opposition to NT rule, all kept hush-hush, though. Pop: 43 billion.

2454: NT establishes a series of orbital mixed-used stations in Tau Ceti to act as R&D, Medical, Population and command and Control hubs. Among these are the research/mining station NSS Aurora in the Romanovich Cloud and the new Command Hub of NT: the Odin, aka ‘CentComm’ or ‘Central Command’. Tau Ceti administered by a combination of Republic of Biesel and NanoTransen Tau Ceti Advisory Committee, but both are ultimately subject to Sol Alliance laws (in theory).

Present Day

2456: Current Date. NT is an economic powerhouse which the Sol Alliance relies on for plasma to keep it’s trade routes to the outer colonies alive and satisfy the energy needs of it’s largest colonies. Anti-NT sentiment grows in Tau Ceti, but many others continue to support the megacorporation keeping the gears of the (human) galactic economy going.

However, the Syndicate continues to position itself to strike back against the NT on a larger scale; and many more exotic, fantastical elements of the universe such as the Vox, undiscovered alien life, extremists, even ancient powers beyond comprehension may be moving to strike at arguably the most powerful organization in human space.

Current Human population: 44.5 billion