Vaurca: различия между версиями

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>Erik Tiber
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=== Fashion & Cuisine ===
=== Fashion & Cuisine ===

Throughout Vaurca history, fashion has remained nearly non-existant. Often going nude or with small garments covering their mouth pieces to prevent any forms of contagions inside, they have do not have as bad as a nudity taboo as other races seem to have. Also lacking any kind of genitalia, they have nothing to be worried about when inside their hives. However, some Vaurca prefer to wear thin blindfold-like cloth over their eyes to prevent the 'extreme light' from giving them headaches or discomfort.

[[File:Sillytajdoodle.png|thumb|alt=An example of Tajaran fashion.|An artist's representation of typical Tajaran fashion.]]
On their homeworld, however, Vaurca that go above-ground, venturing from their massive underground and mountain-based hives are often seen wearing cloth to prevent radiation sickness, despite their natural resistance against radiation.

Throughout Tajaran history, fashion has remained relatively simple. Extravagant vestments fabricated from silk and other high-quality animal hides were restricted exclusively to the nobility, and your standard Tajaran never really cared much for floofy dresses anyway. Given the hardships of Tajaran life and the constant need to do work by hand, the peasantry came to favor practical, well insulated clothing rather than fanciful designs; they were also cheaper to weave, which made things easier on the weaver.
Vaurca that venture EVA, despite their natural tolerance to high/low/vacuum pressure environments, are seen wearing soft-suits, that allow them prolonged times in space for construction, operations, and other EVA activities.

Tajaran typically wear many layers of clothing to protect themselves from the freezing winds of Adhomai. Underwear is long-sleeved pants and a shirt typically woven from thick animal furs and plant fibers and is used as the inner most insulating layer. Then, a Tajaran will overlay multiple garments to create several layers of insulation to stop the loss of body heat. Thick, full-length skirts, pants, and shirts were favored by the peasantry, all in dark colors to retain heat better. Typically pre-discovery and even post-discovery modern clothing consist of thermal underwear, pants for men or long, heavy skirts for women, with thick sweater-like shirts and fur cloaks.
Vaurca cuisine is viewed upon as extremely bland and tasteless to the other species. Generally consisting completely of their genetically engineered fungus that they grow en masse, it is grinded down into a paste, boiled, or eaten raw. It is describes as tasting chalk-like or like iron to Humans, and if eaten too much, some humans can get nauseated.

Similarly, due to the cold temperatures of Adhomai, Tajaran favor warming or hot food that can be consumed quickly before the freezing winds can cool the meal off. Porridges, soups, and chowders consisting of diced meat and vegetables for flavor was the usual meal of a working class Tajaran, coupled with some bread and water or ale. Pre-industrial Tajaran used to have community meals around bonfires to keep their food from cooling off too much.
The fungus, K'soi ('The Substance'), is a white, bulbous mushroom that thrives in any environment it is placed in, apart from overly wet. While it appears this fungus is genetically bred to be so adaptable, it is also presumed it was naturally abundant over the Vaurcae home planet.
However, with the introduction of new technologies - such as higher quality insulation and home heating systems - Tajaran cuisine is being experimented with by chefs who are no longer restricted to compensating for the naturally low temperatures of Adhomai. Historically, culinary creations were reserved only for the nobility, who had better heated homes than the peasantry and more leeway was offered towards not having your meat turn blue in front of you.

===The Arts===
===The Arts===

Версия от 04:49, 21 декабря 2014

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Covert0ddity, Erik Tiber

Vaurca, (Vore-Kah, Vaurca in singular term and Vaurcae in multiple) are bipedal animal-like organisms from the first moon of Sedantis I , vaguely reminiscent of Earth prawn. They have a complex caste system based on three types, and are very prevalent in human space after their first hive-ship contact on [date] 2456. Although tolerated on NanoTrasen stations, they are often discriminated against, and are unwelcome on most human-owned worlds, barring Tau Ceti. To apply to be one of the insect-like Vaurca, apply [later].

Additional information: Sedantis


[fill in later]


To the average human, the Vaurca seem to look like terrestrial prawns, but act like ants, or termites. While their biology looks similar to something like a termite; scientifically, this description is largely superficial. There are three types of Vaurca biologically, and these tend to corrugate with the cultural caste system. There is extreme evidence hinting from all types of Vaurca biologically, that they have augmented themselves and genetically engineered a few of their modern traits, and it is near impossible to predict what they could have been like before they developed these augments.

Type A (Workers)

Biologically, Type A are the most prevalent and can be seen as the 'backbone' of Vaurca societies. Their most prevalent feature is their hardened exoskeleton, varying in colors according to their hive. It is approximately three inches thick among all Type A Vaurca. The Exoskleton provides protection against harsh radiation, solar and otherwise, as well as acts as a pressure-suit, sealing their soft inner core from the outside world. This allows most Type A Vaurca to have EVA periods of around 4 hours or more, assuming they have internals. They are bipedal, with bird-like talon toes. Their legs separate into two parts, that form into what would be their feet, with the end of the 'toes' always touching the ground. Their hands consist of a type of 'grasping' arrangement, two middle fingers with small talons at the end, and two oposable thumbs, a left and a right, on either side of their hand.

Internally, Type A are very similar to that of an Earth insect. They have an open circulatory system, with their blood covering their digestive system, dual hearts, lungs, and other organs. Their dual hearts provide a significant sloshing motion to prevent the blood from stagnating. Their blood is a copper-based hemoglobin, with a high dependency of sulfer, creating a yellow tinted blood, with a very potent stink. This open circulatory system, however, can lead to wounds that pierce the exoskeleton and minor layer of skin to bleed out unless treated quickly. They function well with an atmosphere of mostly oxygen, nitrogen, and very trace amounts of gaseous plasma. Along their throat they have their breathing apparatus, which is definitely a form of cybernetic implant. This implant converts station atmosphere into a tolerable one, and injects very small amounts of plasma into it.

Type A have large, insect-like eyes that are hyper-sensitive to most forms of light. While they can function in light-heavy environments perfectly fine, most complain about frequent migraines and tendency to get frustrated after long exposures to light like the sun, or even general station phosphorics. This hyper-sensitivity, however, leads to heavily increased eyesight in dark areas, like the tunnels of their cities or the narrow, nearly lightless corridors of their ships. They also have large, insect-like antennae that protrude from their head, above their large eyes. These antennae are used for greater perception of their surroundings and to communicate with each other through subtle movements, or rubbing them together with another Type A. Also acting a sensory and nerve database, when these antennae are lost, they can cause confusion, dizziness, nausea, communications problems, and is extremely painful. Some observations have been concluded with: "It's like watching a drunk man trying to walk."

Their mouth parts are similar to a prawn's, in that they have two large mandibles, with small feelers and chewing parts that come out of the bottom. They click these mandibles together, combined with their vocal chords and pheromones they release, and create their archaic language. Their breathing apparatus also acts a voice synthesizer, allowing them to speak intelligibly, (despite very alien-sounding) human languages.

Type A are created after initial birth, and given a slightly more moist and warmth emphasized nurturing environment before hatching.

Type B (Warriors)

Type B are the second most prominent of the biological parts of Vaurca society. Varying massively in size and specific biological parts, they have, essentially, the same physiology as Type A. Type B can range in size from six feet tall, to twenty eight recorded feet tall. They can be bipedal, quadrupeds, or hextopeds. Despite each Type B's appearance, they have been filed into three general categories.

Type BA

Type BA range generally from 5 feet, to 9 feet tall. Bipedal and usually more exo-skeleton thick, Type BA have exactly the same physiology as Type A, but seem to posses extreme amounts of augments, more aggressive focused. Examining of their exoskeleton reveals two inches thicker, and supporrted with carbon nano-tubes that provide a stronger-than steel natural armor, but allows type BA to move around freely and at will.

Their antennae are modified to have motion sensors and audio + sensory amplifiers, so they can seek out enemies quicker. Their eyes have semi-glass-like coverings over them that protect it from most forms of damages, and also provide a HUD for synchronizing weaponry that Type BA wield. There is evidence of stumps along where their shoulder blades would be, which provides the theory that there may have been wings there at one point. Some Type BA have integrated jet packs there, for easier EVA transport and quick mobilization within gravity.

Type BB

Type BB range from being 6 feet tall to 9 feet tall. They are quadrupedal, and have very thick exo-skeletons. Type BB have generally the same physiology as Type A and BA. They have presence of extremely heavy augmentation to their bodies and mind-system. While most other Vaurca are bipedal, Type BB have four, spindle-like legs, that are extremely strong, made from a different substance than their actual exoskeleton, resembling more metallic than chitinous material. At where the feet of these legs would be, are highly adaptible and flexible graspers that allow a Type BA to scale nearly any surface, including vertical, and sustain little damage from large drops.

On their interior, they come equipped with a bio-generator, taking 'energy' from their bloodstream and heart motions, to help power their equipment, as well as having an tri-implementation of internal, highly efficient high-storage batteries. They have internal adrenal injectors that they can use during high-intensity combat situations, and have blood-clotting formulas to treat wounds faster.

Their exoskeleton is similarly reinforced as Type BA, with carbon nano-tubes and synthetic plating reincforcing the bulk of the chitinous layer, but also has a thin layer of energy shielding that comes from unknown sources within Type BB itself, covering the very most outer layer of exo-skeleton, seeming to have various node-points that spread across Type BB's body.

Weaponry wise, they seem to be mobile weapons platforms, without even needing to wield a weapon. They have two long, razor-sharp arms that come with energy-supplements for eviscerating enemies, two integral energy weapons above their front shoulders that have automated targeting and fast firing speeds, and are often seen with larger mounts on their backs, ranging from Anti-Air cannons, mortars, siege cannons, or a mounted ballistic/energy machine guns.

Type BC

Being very different from the other Types of Vaurca, but inherently similar to Type B, Type BC are somewhat of a phenomenon. They are completely mechanical, ranging from airborne, to land-based, to water and submarine based, they are essentially vehicles piloted by lobotomized Vaurca Type A and B nerve centers.

They are created from invalid Type A and B, and are used in warfare, transportation, exploration, and many other uses, similar to how Humans use many vehicles for their own endeavors. Some are even reported to be entire fighter-frigate sized space-ships.

Type C (Breeders)

Type C are the rarest among Vaurca, in that they make up around 2-3% of their entire species. They consist of two parts, male and female to Human standards, and each part has a very unique acting on their specific hive.

Type CA

Type CA are an extreme anomaly compared to other races around known space. Acting as the female counterpart of Type C Vaurca, they are generally hosted within large Iron Wombs that automatically artificially inseminate, and ensure eggs are transported to hatcheries and nurseries unharmed. Physically, type CA are blobulous, with thousands of tiny cilia along their underside to assist them with movements if required. The have a large feeding tube protruding from their front, and alongside that feeding tube, a neural tube that can connect to any Vaurca, barring Type CB.

This neural tube connects any given Vaurca access to the collective conscious, and allows for instantaneous sentient possession by the millions of multiple 'personalities' stored within Type CA's body. Type CA are theorized to act as a form of Virtual Reality connection hub, where anything can be simulated and created. Type CA are often seen around many 'Unbound' Vaurca, transferring information and replacing personalities.

Type CB

Type CB are the second, and male counterpart, of Type C Vaurca. They are essentially exactly the same as Type A Vaurca, but they sport large functional wings that allows them to fly through the air at high speeds, theorized to allow them to get around their home planet to find mates quicker.


The Vaurca have evolved from small, hive-like entities that seemed to group together in tight, nomadic hives and wander their home planet in search for large growths of their primary food substance, a rampant and non-nutritious fungus entity known through their language as K'ois, (Translated to: The Substance). There is evidence of them evolving from small insects, and through unknown means rampantly increasing in size and numbers some time before pre-sentient history. This may be due to a sudden introduction or increase of Oxygen in the atmosphere.

The Vaurca evolved into their current form roughly 200,000 years ago, before developing agriculture 60,000 years ago. Thousands of years were spent fighting over the few areas of rich farmland on the planet. Their arid and sparse environment drove them to develop advanced methods of genetic and technological augmentation. Approximately 15,000 years ago, the first Vaurca craft left their solar system. In the time since, they have radically modified their genome and appearance, leading to the development of the current system of castes. Evidence of the early appearance of Vaurca before their augmentation is sparse, but what sources exist do suggest that Type A Vaurca most closley resemble their 'natural' appearance without augmentation. It is suggested that the current concept of a Queen has changed from its original meaning, with the methods of influence changing from primarily using chemicals and pheremones to control the population to the creation of large paradise-like virtual realities in which the vast majority of the Vaurca population spends its entire existence. In the modern day, the Vaurca have used their technology to allow their few physical workers to serve the hive with extreme efficiency and unquestioning loyalty.

Sleep Cycle

Vaurcae sleep cycle is a very hard to one to predict. While it seems like most of all Types of Vaurca don't actually sleep at all, there is evidence of, a few hours per standard day, the Vaurca enter a stasis-like state in that their mind shuts off and they stay still. This is similar to how a robot can enter 'sleep mode' and it is theorized that this time is used for sorting memories and useful information in a specific, Bound or Unbound, Vaurca.


Fashion & Cuisine

Throughout Vaurca history, fashion has remained nearly non-existant. Often going nude or with small garments covering their mouth pieces to prevent any forms of contagions inside, they have do not have as bad as a nudity taboo as other races seem to have. Also lacking any kind of genitalia, they have nothing to be worried about when inside their hives. However, some Vaurca prefer to wear thin blindfold-like cloth over their eyes to prevent the 'extreme light' from giving them headaches or discomfort.

On their homeworld, however, Vaurca that go above-ground, venturing from their massive underground and mountain-based hives are often seen wearing cloth to prevent radiation sickness, despite their natural resistance against radiation.

Vaurca that venture EVA, despite their natural tolerance to high/low/vacuum pressure environments, are seen wearing soft-suits, that allow them prolonged times in space for construction, operations, and other EVA activities.

Vaurca cuisine is viewed upon as extremely bland and tasteless to the other species. Generally consisting completely of their genetically engineered fungus that they grow en masse, it is grinded down into a paste, boiled, or eaten raw. It is describes as tasting chalk-like or like iron to Humans, and if eaten too much, some humans can get nauseated.

The fungus, K'soi ('The Substance'), is a white, bulbous mushroom that thrives in any environment it is placed in, apart from overly wet. While it appears this fungus is genetically bred to be so adaptable, it is also presumed it was naturally abundant over the Vaurcae home planet.

The Arts

Of all arts, music is one of the most highly valued by Tajarans. Stemming from the long-standing ban on most literature in their society, song and dance remained one of the only ways for Tajaran to express themselves through words. Composers and musicians were traditionally held in high regard amongst Tajaran, and in place of books the fanciful song-stories of traveling bards were one of the few ways the public could remove themselves from their lives.

Theatre was also equally important in the life of a pre-discovery Tajaran. Given that, with the lack of books, there was little to keep your usual worker entertained, the ability to watch and enjoy a riveting drama or hilarious comedy was heaven. Theatres and performing halls can be found in almost every Tajaran village, and are often constructed to rival even the main seat of town council or government in architectural beauty. For example, the D'na'tel Hall in the Tajaran capital was one and a quarter larger than the seat of government prior to human sanctioned expansions. Dating back to the late Renaissance Era, it was constructed from high quality marble and many sculptures of characters and scenes from various popular Tajaran plays were meticulously hand-carved into the walls by sculptor Nasir Ka'nira.

However, literature itself - that is to say novels - have never been looked kindly upon by the Tajaran public. Though this closed way of thinking is starting to shift with the greater introduction of literacy amongst Tajaran as a whole, many elders still harbor bitter feelings about books in general. They were almost universally considered a symbol of oppression and luxury by pre-revolution Tajaran, given the fact that only the nobility were taught en masse how to read, and that every family had it's own private expansive library that even learned peasants had to pay out of pocket to access. This led to a widespread destruction of much of historical Tajaran text following the uprising, as revolutionaries took it upon themselves to purposely gather and burn whatever books they could after taking a noble stronghold.

Politics & Religion

There are a handful of faiths on Adhomai, but the majority religion is the worship of S'rendarr and Messa, the names of both suns in the Tajaran home system. Ancient Tajaran were believed to worship the suns as gods, believing their light to be the only thing keeping the planet from freezing over entirely. Over time, this faith matured into a system of beliefs suited to the peasantry; looking down upon the acts of betraying your fellow worker and attempting to foster unity and understanding amongst its followers. It is believed by many that S'rendarr is the god of life and the day, as the bigger of the two suns, and he is associated with good happenings and is most often prayed to. Contrastingly, Messa, the blue sun, is the goddess of the night and death; whenever she eclipses S'rendarr, all followers partake in religious rituals that ask Messa to spare them from whatever ill tidings she may bring.

Despite being the majority religion, there exist several others. Namely, the second largest religion is the worship of the Snow God Ma'ta'ke, which dates back to ancient Tajaran times. A figure of legend, Ma'ta'ke is believed to have been the head of a hardy clan of mountain dwellers that regularly came to the aid of another clan who was constantly plagued by bandits and wild animals. He is revered as fierce warrior capable of fighting a platoon of men by himself, but also as a kind soul, for the records of his dealings with other clans show understanding and kindness. Similar to the followers of S'rendarr and Messa, those who believe in the Snow God preach unity and understanding for the betterment and longevity of Tajaran as a species.

At one point, a religion was established heralding the nobility themselves as gods by certain devout loyalits, but this faith has all but been completely erased following the uprising. Individuals who were recorded to believe in or are suspected of being a member undergo persecution and even in some cases death sentences. With most loyalists either in hiding or killed during the uprising, and all places of worship destroyed, any intelligent Tajaran would never admit to being, or attempt to defend, a member of this faith.

Due to the Tajaran's history as an oppressed species, they have grown to be more open minded and liberal with each other than other races, like humans. Homosexuality amongst Tajaran is as a majority a non-issue, and racial or gender descrimination is mostly nonexistant. Historically, the peasantry made due by uniting themselves as a workforce which has bred an intimate inter-person relationship amongst the families of most villages, towns, and cities. Irregardless of the size of the population, pre-uprising Tajaran were often well acquainted with families that may have lived on the other side of town. Arranged marriages were extremely common and were ways to improve relationships amongst families. However, this traditional practice has met with extreme criticism following post-uprising debates.

As a whole, the Tajaran could be described as a communistic species, given their history of oppression. Proponents of revolution are still present on Adhomai following the puppet government that has been set up, and tensions are still high and heated amongst some prominent factions and the federal government. However, the Hadii are a clever bunch and have ensured to appease Tajaran not only by entirely overhauling the legal system to bring it in line with other species', but to pass edicts and other bills that play to the Tajaran's desire for fair and equal treatment. There are three major political parties on Adhomai; the Loyalist party, which is made up of Hadii members as well as other politicians that support and agree with the federal government, the People's Party, who contrastingly oppose the federal government due to its overarching nature and liken it to previous times under the nobility, and then Humanist Party, who want to give humanity a greater role in Tajaran politics and even allow them to govern the planet as part of the Sol Union.

Language & Naming

Native Tajaran names are usually difficult for humans and other species to pronounce properly; as such, older Tajaran prefer to take names (whereas young Tajaran are given them at birth) that they find they themselves are able to pronounce and are also phonetically pleasing. For many, these are names derived from Arabic or Russian backgrounds, as they are the easiest for their inhuman mouths to pronounce. Traditionally, Tajaran names included their clan name, and some Tajaran carry over this tradition and have their 'middle' name be their clan name.

As with all other species who work in Human-centric environments. Tajara are expected and required to have passed a prerequisite test to test their comprehension of Tau-Ceti basic, the operating language of NanoTrasen and most transstellar corporations, in addition to most major sovereign entities. Admittedly the passing levels of these comprehension tests are quite low, but are high enough to ensure basic conversation between what will likely be a multi-species crew. However, private communication in Siik’Mas or Siik’tajr is not forbidden by NanoTrasen regulations and is often used to hold conversations between Tajara on the crew.

Though there are a variety of languages used by the Tajara, among the foremost of this vast plethora of languages is Siik’mas and Siik’tajr.

Siik'maas is theorized to have been the ancient language of Tajaran, the 'religious' language shared between most Tajaran from their onset as a species. Despite Tajaran society evolving to a point where religious devotion became less encouraged, the universal service language used in all churches and worship sessions became the most common for Tajaran and almost every Tajaran knows how to speak it. It has been taught as the primary educational language amongst most Tajaran ethnicities since the Renaissance era and continues to be the most prevalent language on Adhomai since.

It is capable of being spoken by a learned human, as it is not as reliant on body language as Siik'tajr or the other native languages on Adhomai. However, just as Tau Ceti basic is difficult for Tajaran to master given their muzzle structure, Siik'maas is the same to humans, since they lack the proper biology to perform certain inflections properly. Despite it focusing more on spoken word than others, some of the vocabulary requires subtle body movements that are challenging for humans to grasp, no less perform. Even if one were to learn these movements, they tend to be sluggish and slower, giving the speech a sort of 'drunken' feeling. Tajaran speaking this over the radio often find themselves in similar positions.

Siik'maas is the federal language of the People's Republic of Adhomai. However, several groups of Tajaran ranging from scholars to traditional followers of the old ways are attempting to revive older languages such as Nal'rasan, Devahhi, Ya'ssa and other such languages.

Siik’tajr is the opposite of Siik’mas completely. A recent construction, it has seen more use recently following the overthrowing of the plutocracy. It was birthed from the necessity for a language that was difficult for law enforcers to understand, enabling revolutionaries to converse privately without having their conversations monitored or overheard. Revolutionary radicals have been a part of Adhomai's history for a long while, but were always small; however, when the Great War broke out, Siik'tajr saw widespread use by rebel forces during military operations similar to Navajo radio operators. It is a combination of Siik'mas and the more body language inclined Nal'rasan, a language traditionally used by farmers. It is not normally used in daily life due to its complexity, it is often maintained as a secondary language, especially for families who fought in the Great War.

Pro-human groups within Tajaran society have repeatedly attempted to push Cyrillic or Latin characters as 'easier to use' rather than the native Tajaran alphabet. However, the vast majority of Tajaran use the old Siik alphabet and it is the federally enforced alphabet taught in schools, the original alphabet learned Tajaran have been using for centuries. It has undergone certain modifications since the Great War to remove the influence of the plutocracy, and has made a widespread comeback with increasing literary levels amongst the Tajaran public.

Tajara as a rule tend to roll the “R” sound, extending it. They also tend to refer to themselves in the third person perspective instead of the traditional first person ( “He has completed his work instead of “I have completed my work) though Tajara who have spent a large amount of their lives in space or among other species may overcome this trait with great difficulty. Most Tajara will only speak to someone in the first person if it is someone they trust substantially. The occasional “slip up” can still be expected however, as being surrounded by a mostly Human crew can occasionally confuse them into using first person.



Hharar – Highlander

“The Typical Tajara”

Hharar Physiology

Hharar, as the first Tajaran ethnicity who Humanity came in contact with is generally viewed as the 'typical Tajaran', which is reinforced by their numerical superiority over the other groups. Additionally, given their large numbers and capabilities, they most often serve in governmental positions and as ambassadors to other races; this leads to them being taken as the 'face' of the Tajaran race, as it were.

Hharar trend towards being the most intellectual of all Tajaran groups, and as such their physical prowess is significantly reduced. On average, they are on par with most humans as far as intelligence and physical strength go. However, in most cases their IQ is slightly lower than your usual human, which is generally attributed to the sub-par schooling and education Tajaran received prior to the Great War. Irregardless, many xenophobic groups use this as ammunition in their arguments targeting the Tajaran, when in actuality the Hharar are considered to be extremely creative and innovative.

The Hharar as a group are usually the following colors

Beaver Brown (RGB 159, 139, 112) Kochiba (RGB 107, 68, 35) Taupe (RGB 72, 60, 50)

There are variations and of course exceptions to this rule, however Taupe is the darkest a Hharar gets and Beaver is as light as they get. Most Hharar are also spotted with lighter brown or white spots across their upper chest and torso. Some Hharar females can even be calico in rare occasions, this is almost always hereditary on the maternal side, meaning the mother has to also be calico for her daughter to be, though this is not absolute and Calico mothers can have normal brown daughters.

Hharar Culture

Given that the Hharar are the most populous of the Tajaran ethnic groups, their culture is generally the most ubiquitous on Adhomai and in the psyche of the galaxy at large when thinking of 'Tajaran society'. The religion involving the worshipping of S'rendarr and Messa is thought to have been propogated by ancient Hharar and the original noble lines to have started from them. This has led to many of the less populous ethnic groups to look down upon the Hharar, with some extremists going so far as to blame them for a lifetime of enslavement.

The Hharar are the stereotypical 'worker' Tajaran. This fact is reinforced by their history as the brunt of the workforce used by the plutocracy, as they were easier to control and force into unpleasant conditions than some of the other ethnic groups. As such, they tend to give their respect to superiors easier than other Tajaran might. Most loyalists during the Great War were of Hharar descendence. Further, the familial system of Tajaran clans is also thought to have been a Hharar invention; the structure of clans and the introductions of arranged marriages are traditions started long ago that have encompassed many Tajaran of other ethnic groups marrying into Hharar families.

Siik'maas and Siik'tajr are the primary languages descended from the ancient and venerable language of Hhar'Tol. Hhar'Tol or 'Hill speak' is a nearly dead language almost never used in modern Tajaran society. The sole remnants of the language can be found in many ruins left in the Highlands of ancient Hharar villages and cities. Some schools created by the Hadii offer Hhar'Tol as an available language for students and attendees to learn.

Since their liberation, the Hharar have been found to hold positions of middle or high wealth, owing to their intellectual capabilities. They are described as loyal workers who are passionate and not afraid to voice their opinions. Given their history as the plutocracy's major workforce and the largest part of the Tajaran 'peasantry', they are typically well-rounded individuals with more appreciation of older traditions than other Tajaran ethnic groups.


Zhan-Khazan - Mountain-Keeper

“The Workhorse”

Zhan-Khazan Physiology

Zhan-Khazan are the second most populous of Tajaran ethnicities, and are considered to be the backbone of the Tajaran workforce. Their history as an ethnicity is one not well documented; very little historical texts describing them were preserved in the wake of the Great War, and archaeological dig sites are difficult to preserve given the climate of Adhomai. What is known, however, is that the Zhan-Khazan were at one point a race of cave-and-mountain dwelling Tajaran that traditionally were entrusted with physical work like mining, farming, ranching, and logging.

Because of their history of hard work and the way they adapted to harsh mountain life, Zhan-Khazan are more physically intimidating than their close relatives, the M'sai. Featuring more toned, muscular bodies, thicker fur coats, and a heavier body weight, they are well-suited to tasks requiring brute strength and heavy lifting. They are by no means less intelligent than the Hharar, but most Zhan-Khazan do not pursue the same type of work. Zhan-Khazan make up a significant amount of Tajaran employed in resource gathering, construction, civil jobs such as law enforcement and even culinary work such as butchering.

Zhan-Khazan as a group are usually the following colors

Blue-Grey (RGB 34, 37, 50) Dark Gray (RGB 30, 30, 30) Chocolate (RGB 94, 38, 18)

Zhan-Khazan fur patterns are remarkably simple, usually consisting of only dark solid colors or at the most ticked fur or tabby stripes. They are capable of lighter colors and more varied fur patterns, but these are rare, recessive traits present in pure Zhan-Khazan bloodlines. Those that breed outside of their ethnicity have a higher chance of passing on their dark fur, as their genes are more dominant compared to other ethnic groups. These genes are present in both male and female parents.

Zhan-Khazan Culture

For most of Tajaran history, Zhan-Khazan were tasked with more difficult work as they were more suited to physical labor than their brethren. They were subject to harsher punishments and more repressive mandates as the plutocracy viewed them as lesser to other Tajaran. Faced with work that segregated them from most settlements, the Zhan-Khazan have grown to be incredibly protective of their families and their own and follow traditional family values closely. Things like arranged marriages, inter-clan courting and gift-giving, and clan alliances were and are exceedingly common for Zhan-Khazan, and they support a close family life style. Those who go against their family face exile from their small, tight-knit communities. Zhan-Khazan also hold their co-workers in similar high regard, though not as much as blood ties.

Many Zhan-Khazan worship the Snow God, and scholars believe this faith was invented by this ethnic group. Small shrines are a common sight amongst settlements of or having a high population of Zhan-Khazan, and they hold very active, evangelical services. As such, many Zhan-Khazan take the teachings of the Snow God to heart, including unification amongst Tajaran. They care immensely about the future of their species and most do what they can for the betterment of Tajaran as a whole. Zhan-Khazan are highly valued agricultural and mining experts, and they make up almost seventy percent of the farmer and rancher population of Adhomai.

Like all other Tajaran, Siik'maas and Siik'tajr are the 'official' language of the Zhan-Khazan, but they were the inventors of the lesser dialect of Delvahhi. This language is still widely used in religious ceremonies dedicated to the Snow God and amongst settlements comprised mostly of Zhan-Khazan. It is also the favored language of farmers, who have adopted it in the wake of government intrusions into the agricultural industry of Adhomai.


Njarir’Akhran - Nobleman

"The Blood Rulers"

Njarir'Akhran Physiology

The Njarir'Akhran, or simply the Njarir, are the ethnic group that made up the majority of the plutocracy prior to the Great War. Their lineage can be traced from careful breeding between Hharar and M'sai, leading to where they currently are today. Following recent events on Adhomai, Njarir make up less than ten percent of the population, though reports see that number reducing slowly between honor killings and hate crimes given their close relation to the Tajaran nobility. Easily identifiable by their large ears, fluffy tails, luxurious fur and slender, elegant features. Njarir suffer persecution and rejection from certain proponents of Tajaran society because of their bloodline.

Historically, Njarir comprised almost the entirety of the Tajaran nobility. Efforts were made to keep noble lines purebred, even if it led to inbreeding in clans. Those who married outside of or slept outside of their bloodline were generally disowned by their family and forced into peasant life. This accounts for practically all surviving Njarir outside of those in the Hadii clan, who serve in important parts of the federal government. As the most learned of all Tajaran ethnic groups, they boast high intelligence and have a propensity towards the arts and sciences. Many have fled Adhomai only to be offered cushy jobs elsewhere working for the Alliance, other factions, or transstellar corporations. These individuals are looked down upon even more.

Njarir'Akhran are usually the following colors

Orange (RGB 238, 64, 0) Cinnamon (RGB 160, 82, 45) Ruddy (RGB 138, 54, 15) Cream (RGB 205, 175, 149)

In stark contrast to their brethren, Njarir tend toward very bright, colorful fur patterns. Typically, their fur color ranges from reddish browns to cream colors, and they do not generally have dark fur. Siamese patterns as well as tortoiseshell or patched tabby patterns were valued amongst Njarir bloodlines, and those with more intricate fur patterns were revered and admired by their fellow noblemen, and it was considered an attractive trait in a female. Despite all this, these patterns have been shown to be recessive genes in Njarir, and the most common fur pattern is simply stripes.

Njarir'Akhran Culture

Due to their history as the ruling class of Tajaran, many records pertaining to Njarir practices and culture were destroyed in acts of insubordination. This, coupled with the widespread burning of Njarir literature and destruction of castles, villas, and chateaus, has led to a loss of critical information in ancient Njarir practices. What is known, however, is that only a handful of Njarir were ever part of the peasantry. As stated previously, keeping the bloodline pure was almost mandated amongst the noble clans and anyone who broke this rule was exiled to a life as a peasant. Other stipulations were agreed upon to ensure the 'nobleness' of a family member. One could not marry a peasant, or involve themselves in peasant affairs unless it proved a problem to productivity. To be seen in public, a nobleman or woman were obligated to wear fanciful clothing to show their status and were discouraged from physical contact with the peasantry.

Following the Great War, almost every noble family was systematically exterminated. The only noble clan still in power is the Hadii, who serve in the Tajaran government. It has proved exceedingly difficult to acquire testimony or records from living Hadii members, who wish not to anger the Tajaran public any further due to the still unstable post-revolution period on Adhomai. Relics recovered from Njarir ruins, however, suggest that at one point they were highly religious, giving credence to the theory that these noble clans evolved from religious leaders.

Siik'maas was the widely spoken language of Njarir, though amongst themselves they preferred to use the Ya'ssa dialect. Presumed to be the traditional language of the nobility, it uses a more refined alphabet and speech pattern believed to have evolved from a less-used ancient language. Hadii members have been recorded to still use this language, though ultimately with the widespread annihilation of noble families, this language has fallen into disuse and is not taught or provided as a language able to be learned.


M'sai - Hunter

"The Soldier"

M'sai Physiology

As the third (though only by a small margin) populous Tajaran ethnic group, the M'sai were at one point the hunters for ancient Tajaran and evolved to have lithe, slender forms, and light fur that hid them in the blizzards on Adhomai. As Tajaran society advanced, M'sai could be found in many roles related to combat, including law enforcement and military service. Not all M'sai resign themselves to these positions, however, and enjoy helping Zhan-Khazan on the country farms or performing civil duties in cities from garbage disposal to cargo inspections.

Characterized by their thin, slender forms, the M'sai are deceptively light; by Tajaran standards, they are thin. With less but thicker fur and a thinner layer of body fat, they aren't as well-insulated against Adhomai's cold as their brethren. However, this gives them the bonus of being speedier, and their bodies are designed to be aerodynamically compatible with the harsh winds of Adhomai. Where a Zhan-Khazan would stumble as he weathered the winds, a M'sai can easily and quickly sprint through without being affected. The product of millenia of breeding between Zhan-Kazan and Hharar, the M'sai are agile, intelligent, and have quick reaction times, making them ideal for high stress work.

M'sai are usually the following colors

White (RGB 238, 223, 204) Ivory (RGB 205, 205, 192) Wheat (RGB 205, 186, 150) Silver (RGB 192, 192, 192)

M'sai tend toward subtle fur patterns, such as ticked fur or spots. Their lighter colors are dominant genes and usually express themselves in cross-ethnic children, overwriting the parent fur color - except in the case of mating with a Zhan-Khazan. The dark and light colors mix, leading to a diluted shade of the darker fur. As they evolved to be hunters in the snow, dark fur colors tend to be suppressed in their children, as previously stated.

M'sai Culture

M'sai are known to typically be mild-mannered, but can also be prone to more aggression than their brethren. M'sai make up a significant portion of the People's Army of Adhomai, with a 2454 census giving a total of sixty-two point eight percent of soldiers, airmen, and sailors having been M'sai. They are very loyal to their friends and family, but aren't as overt about it as the Zhan-Khazan. With wide eyes and acute senses, they make great soldiers, with vision adapted to compensation for the heavy blizzards that plague their home planet. They are also great survivalists, and are capable of scrounging food for themselves via hunting.

Historically, they were employed by the plutocracy to aid in hunting and ranching, though the majority made up the armies and guards of cities, villages, and towns. They also made excellent scouts, and during the Tajaran's Renaissance period, were part of cartography teams assigned to record and draw maps of then-unexplored territory in the northern regions of the planet. In the town of Davistok, a silver statue of the explorer D'nante was commissioned by its noble family for having discovered the land there the wealthy trade city was built; they were held in higher regard by the nobility who viewed them as closer cousins than the other ethnic groups.

Siik'maas and Siik'tajr were always widely used by M'sai, but the body-focused language of Nal'rassan was their creation. Because the mrowling and vocal expressions of Siik'maas could sometimes alert prey to their presence and drive them away, hunting parties adopted this language to prevent such a thing from occurring. Rebel sects saw the use of this language and took made use of it for covert discussions and the transmission of highly classified information before and during the Great War.

Adhomai Today

The Tajaran capital.
The Tajaran capital of Nal'tor has seen great developments in recent years.

The Tajaran homeworld has suffered plenty in the only three decades since the end of the revolution. With the sudden injection of advanced technology into their relatively simple life, the discrepancy between modernized cities and outlying areas could not be more obvious. While the Tajaran capital boasts the most modern developments with sleek skyscrapers, advanced connections and phone lines, as well as hospitals and schools, the further you get from the larger cities, the more apparent it is that things are not quite so flashy.

Many Tajaran villages and even some cities show remnants of war; where many buildings and monuments once stood, rubble and artrillery craters are all that remain. Landmines scattered throughout the wilderness are still active and provide dangers to hunting parties or travellers, and abandoned bunkers and artillery emplacements litter the countryside. Trenches and battle sites are still being discovered, and every other week you hear a rumor about how someone had their leg blown off after stumbling into a mine field.

There is a steady stream of money being fed into the Tajaran government. NanoTrasen, as per it's agreement with the president, have set up mining and logging operations on Adhomai using the local work force for the most menial of tasks. In return, company funded clinics and schools are slowly being spread out and build in the needy areas. Tajaran resource operations are now all but nonexistant; the buildings that were once part of the nobility's small gathering efforts have now been refurbished and are being used by NanoTrasen.

Literacy has risen to its all time high on Adhomai, and with the assistance of the Alliance, teachers have been brought in from off world to educate the younger generation of Tajaran. Special estbalishments for older students have also been constructed to assist the elder generation in being brought to the same level of education, but NanoTrasen has not expressed significanti nterest in this; these people make up the brunt of their low-paid workforce and they want to ensure that they are kept that way.

There are still several proponents of revolution that oppose the current government, but in the light of the previous, incredibly bloody war that rocked Adhomai, no armed conflict has been reported as of yet. Calling themselves the 'Followers', this group of revolutionaries are made up of Tajaran from almost every walk of life. Opposing corporate claims on Tajaran soil and citing mismatched development and governmental negligence as the fault of humanity, they aim to 'free Tajaran from the new shackles imposed upon them by the corproate overlords' and return Adhomai to a 'free, prospoerous planet like our ancestors dreamed of'.