Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai: различия между версиями

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Строка 128: Строка 128:
Made shortly after the establishment of the DPRA in 2457, two competing holidays mark the nation's birth. Often, both were delayed until a region could celebrate it safely or were quickly completed to return to the fighting.
Made shortly after the establishment of the DPRA in 2457, two competing holidays mark the nation's birth. Often, both were delayed until a region could celebrate it safely or were quickly completed to return to the fighting.

'''Democratic Revolution Day (July 4th):''' Established on the same day as the declaration of the Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai, this holiday is the preferred celebration of those who support the civilian government. Largely popular in Das’nrra and southern Ras’nrr, this holiday praises heroes of all industries within the republic, not just the army. Figures such as vital civic leaders, medical doctors like Aleksandra Hro’makar, the Father and Mother of the Parivara, and even sanitation workers are praised in speeches given by Harrlala as important parts of Tajaran society. This day is also preferred by the population of Gakal’zaal, who view the civilian government as far more instrumental in their liberation from Unathi lordship. They, alongside the minority of D6’s DPRA population, hold small parties and listen to radio recordings of Harrlala’s speech as they dine on a prepared feast. This is also the chosen holiday for Crevans, where the local casinos and bars host galas for the day.  
*'''Democratic Revolution Day (July 4th):''' Established on the same day as the declaration of the Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai, this holiday is the preferred celebration of those who support the civilian government. Largely popular in Das’nrra and southern Ras’nrr, this holiday praises heroes of all industries within the republic, not just the army. Figures such as vital civic leaders, medical doctors like Aleksandra Hro’makar, the Father and Mother of the Parivara, and even sanitation workers are praised in speeches given by Harrlala as important parts of Tajaran society. This day is also preferred by the population of Gakal’zaal, who view the civilian government as far more instrumental in their liberation from Unathi lordship. They, alongside the minority of D6’s DPRA population, hold small parties and listen to radio recordings of Harrlala’s speech as they dine on a prepared feast. This is also the chosen holiday for Crevans, where the local casinos and bars host galas for the day.  

'''Liberation Day (July 4th):''' The alternative of Democratic Revolution Day, this holiday is celebrated by the Warlords and their supporters alongside the fanatics of Nated. Warlords host military parades to show off their might, captured equipment, and the culture of the regions they rule over. Within Shastar City, however, rallies are held to demonstrate support for Nated to take full control of the government. The Followers of Nated organize these meetings, pumping them up with nationalist rhetoric and whipping them into a fervor. These events often boil into riots and brawls with pro-government protesters. Despite calls from other parties to put a stop to this, Harrlala is yet to make any statements against the demonstrations. Neither has Nated said any official announcement regarding them. Due to the influence of the Liberators in D6, Liberation Day is the holiday most people there celebrate. A massive party is organized in the Great Plaza Warehouse, drawing people from across the city as Tajara drink and fire fireworks and ammunition alike.
*'''Liberation Day (July 4th):''' The alternative of Democratic Revolution Day, this holiday is celebrated by the Warlords and their supporters alongside the fanatics of Nated. Warlords host military parades to show off their might, captured equipment, and the culture of the regions they rule over. Within Shastar City, however, rallies are held to demonstrate support for Nated to take full control of the government. The Followers of Nated organize these meetings, pumping them up with nationalist rhetoric and whipping them into a fervor. These events often boil into riots and brawls with pro-government protesters. Despite calls from other parties to put a stop to this, Harrlala is yet to make any statements against the demonstrations. Neither has Nated said any official announcement regarding them. Due to the influence of the Liberators in D6, Liberation Day is the holiday most people there celebrate. A massive party is organized in the Great Plaza Warehouse, drawing people from across the city as Tajara drink and fire fireworks and ammunition alike.
== Crime ==
Crime rates in the Democratic People’s Republic are considerably higher than in other Adhomian Nations. Political violence is on the rise as the population further radicalizes due to the inherent instability of the DPRA. Clashes between supporters of different parties are common during demonstrations. Banditry is another large problem in rural areas. Deserters and rogue guerillas, taking advantage of the weapons and training given by the Liberation Army, form their own bands to pillage and terrorize the countryside. Corruption is less prevalent in civilian controlled areas but widespread in junta territories.
Because of the xenophobic and isolationist principles of Al’mariism, the Democratic People’s Republic is a safe haven for intergalactic smuggling and extranet fraud. The DPRA is home to a large fleet of smugglers; a phenomenon born from necessity during the Second Revolution’s blockade. These criminals are essential to transport goods and personnel to Liberation Army operations outside of Adhomai. Gangs of online scammers operate with impunity, sending false emails and PDA messages to deceive anyone who is naive enough to believe in the tales of a Tajaran prince offering a share of his fortune. The Al’mariist government tolerates the presence of these elements due to their utility and prosperity they bring to the country.

= Religion =
= Religion =
Строка 290: Строка 296:

Members of the Adhomai Joint Intelligence Committee are trained in sabotage, assassination, and unilateral warfares. Infiltration and subversion of the population is the most favored tactic of the AJIC . Agents are known for using local forces, arming and teaching them how to fight, while introducing them to the Al’mariist ideology. Spies among the diplomatic services are rare, as diplomacy has been neglected until the formal introduction of the DPRA to the galactic community. The presence of AJIC is growing in Biesel, as more sleeping cells are being called into service.
Members of the Adhomai Joint Intelligence Committee are trained in sabotage, assassination, and unilateral warfares. Infiltration and subversion of the population is the most favored tactic of the AJIC . Agents are known for using local forces, arming and teaching them how to fight, while introducing them to the Al’mariist ideology. Spies among the diplomatic services are rare, as diplomacy has been neglected until the formal introduction of the DPRA to the galactic community. The presence of AJIC is growing in Biesel, as more sleeping cells are being called into service.
== Law ==
The Al’mariist justice system is decentralized and relies both on the written law and local customs. Each region has the right to change and introduce its own laws to better fit its population. Judges are admitted through an entrance exam, with the jury made up of locals chosen randomly. Citizens have the right to hire any lawyer they see fit, but the government still offers public defenders for those who can not afford to pay a professional. However, the situation in junta territories is far different. The warlords are free to conduct justice as they see fit. Kangaroo courts and unlawful sentences are common. Magistrates are appointed for their loyalty to the local army leaders.
Law enforcement in the civilian areas is the responsibility of the Public Police Agency, an organization under the direct control of the local governments. This department is tasked with keeping the peace and investigating crimes. Because of the large swathes of land and relatively sparse population in rural regions, the DPRA frequently empowers elected officials to act as law agents. The army fulfills the peacekeeping role in junta territories, with varying degrees of success and fairness.

= Military Forces =
= Military Forces =

Версия от 20:12, 3 февраля 2021

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  • Flag of the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai.

    Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai

    The most pervasive and successful rebellion came from a group calling themselves the Adhomai Liberation Army, a group made up of Tajara from almost every walk of life. This organization opposed corporate claims on Tajaran soil and denounced the mismatched development and governmental negligence as the fault of humanity. They named the nation they were fighting for the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai.

    During the height of the war, reality saw settlements liberated by the Liberation Army ruled by a military junta. Being a supporter of the loyalist government, or having been a collaborator, was grounds for immediate execution by firing squad. Villages often found their supplies seized by Liberation forces for the war effort, and the whole movement was a massive, tenacious military dictatorship under the absolute authority of Supreme Commander Halkiikir Na'ted'Akhan, also known simply as Nated.

    Following the release of their updated 2459 manifesto, the various regional civilian governments which formed under their rule coalesced into The Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai. Authority is still highly decentralized. In January of 2461, a contested election saw Almrah Harrlala become president Contested by the military, the so-called Nated Supremacist Movement launched a putsch that was ultimately foiled by Nated himself, who appealed for the return of civilian government and then resigned his command.

    The DPRA is now lead by President Almrah Harrlala who is struggling to transition what was once a militant insurgency movement into a modern, democratic nation. The government attempts to negotiate with ruling Juntas to voluntarily turn over power to the civilian administration, many of which still refuse, the DPRA's future faces many fundamental changes. The DPRA does, for the most part, try to respect the basic rights of Tajara. Most Tajara under their rule doesn't need to worry about a secret police or being framed for a crime for civil disobedience. Criticizing the Liberation leadership is allowed, and many powerful figures laugh along with searing satire targeted at them.

    Tajara from the DPRA are struggling to find recognition from the major powers of the galaxy. Its citizens (or dissidents) often must go through the dangerous path of being smuggled off-planet with false visas. In more recent times, DPRA citizens are being sponsored by Harrlala's government to go out into the galaxy openly and to show the galaxy what Tajara can achieve on their own terms without being puppets of human megacorporations.


    Capital: Shastar City

    Demonym: Adhomian, Al'mariist

    Official Language(s): Siik'maas, Siik'Tajr, Nal'rasan and Delvahhi.


    The origins of the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai can be traced back to the armed coup against Rhagrrhuzau Hadii by Halkiikir Na'ted'Akhan. The failure in overthrowing the Hadii from power created the Adhomai Liberation Army, a rebellious force that had the mission of replacing the leadership of the People’s Republic of Adhomai in hope of continuing Al’mari’s legacy.

    All land taken by the Liberation Army was transferred to the control of military juntas under the watching eyes of the Supreme Commander Nated. In 2459, following the release of the updated ALA manifesto, the territories controlled by the rebels were coalesced into the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai.

    The transfer of power from the military juntas to the civil government was difficult, with many forces attempting to sabotage the young democracy. In January of 2461, Almrah Harrlala was elected as the president. Her ascension was contested by the military, the so-called Nated Supremacist Movement attempted a coup that was ultimately foiled by Nated himself, who appealed for the return of civilian state and then resigned his command. Despite this, some territories are still under the administration of military juntas.

    The Democratic People's Republic has experienced military success in the Adhomian Civil War. Expelling the People’s Republic out of Das’nrra and securing a ceasefire with the New Kingdom of Adhomai. However, they were unable to fully defeat the Hadiist power, with their final assault being held back by the alien allies of the republicans. Peace was soon established through a ceasefire and an armistice between all three Tajaran powers, where the DPRA has emerged as a recognized state by the galactic community.


    The Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai uses the Credit as their main currency, with the Adhomian knuckles and other local currencies being accepted and widely used by the population.

    The DPRA economy can be described as a mixed system. Most industries and large enterprises are owned by their local government. Citizens are allowed to hold and buy shares from those businesses, allowing all people to have a voice and participate in the nation’s economy. No single person or company is allowed to have more than 10% of the shares in any public enterprise. Private ventures are permitted by the state, requiring little supervision from the authorities.

    The territories of the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai enjoy a moderate presence of factories and industrialized farms, due to the nationalization of megacorporation industries and confiscation of PRA’s public property. Small farmers control most of the agriculture, being granted freedom to organize and practice agriculture as they see fit, without having to answer to the strict republican bureaucracy or the nobility. However, it is a common practice for the armies to confiscate harvests and other products from the farmers.

    The authorities of the DPRA continued many of the social welfare programs created by Al'mari. Bread is freely provided to all citizens who don't make over a certain amount of money. Communal apartment complexes with no rent are present in cities, allowing the poorest urban dwellers to have a residency when they are unable to pay their bills. The life inside of those accommodations is devoid of luxuries, as they are built with low-cost materials and can house many families at once.

    The influence of megacorporations is very limited, as the government of the Democratic Republic sees NanoTrasen and other galactic forces as threats to the freedom of the Tajaran species.

    Culture and Society

    The government of the DPRA seeks to dismantle the ethnic caste system present in Tajaran society. Instead of creating policies and using the force of the state to do so, they believe that this goal can be reached by giving the necessary opportunities and freedom from external influences to the Tajara species. Local autonomy and regional cultures are protected by the authorities. Traditional Zhan communities, rock nomads, and Amohdan lodges are allowed to thrive in the territories of the Democratic People’s Republic. This ideology is known as Al'mariism, as it seeks to preserve the initial ideals of the first revolution.

    Citizens of the DPRA are usually nationalists and arduous defenders of their nation, as many see it as the rightful heir of the first revolution. Freedom and self-determination are considered the main values in society. They believe that only by taking control of their own destiny, the Tajaran people can prosper. Xenophobia is widespread among the natives, as it is common practice to blame NanoTrasen and the human nations for the problems which Adhomai faces. This prejudice is commonly displayed through an isolationist attitude and extreme care when dealing with non-Tajaran elements.

    Former Supreme Command Nated is an important figure to many, due to his role in the second revolution. It is not uncommon to find his picture in homes and workplaces, being revered as the one that carries the torch of Al’mari. Despite his retirement from politics, a cult of personality has formed around him, with some fanatical members claiming that Halkiikir is a prophet sent by the Suns. The relation between the civil government and the military is mixed. Some junta commanders are reluctant in transferring their powers to the newly created state. Confiscation of property and other abuses are also reported in regions where the army still holds some power.

    The Al’mariist basic social unit is very similar to the traditional Tajaran family, but with a larger communal focus. The responsibility to raise and educate the children is not only delegated to the parents but to the community as well. Communal schools and centers play an important role in teaching the local culture and spreading the Al’mariist ideology. Extended families are still common in the DPRA, but are slowly being replaced by nuclear ones thanks to the growth of the urban centers.

    Despite its supposedly revolutionary principles, Al’mariism’s mission to preserve Tajaran tradition has ensured that many prejudices are still alive within the DPRA. Indecency laws and societal pressure are the main ways to oppress anyone who does not conform to expectations. Those who are arrested for deviant behavior in civilian controlled areas will usually be sentenced to state-funded mental health clinics, while the military juntas prefer to jail them without much further consideration. Interbreeding between different ethnicities is not illegal, but it is subject to scorn by the more conservative population.


    Due to its decentralization and ideals clashing with the People’s Republic, the lands administered by the Adhomai Liberation Army are free to enjoy a high degree of autonomy when it is regarding their culture, and cuisine as well. Tajaran traditions, such as the community meals around bonfires, are a common sight on territories occupied by the Liberation army. Peasants enjoy greater freedom under the control of the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai, being allowed to organize and practice agriculture as they see fit, without having to answer to the republican bureaucracy or the nobility. However, it is a common practice for the armies to confiscate harvests and other products from the farmers in junta controlled regions.

    Unlike the People’s republic, there is no attempt in creating a single monolithic culture by the Democratic People’s Republic, and due to such, regional dishes flourish. Snow Strider’s meat is favored, in contrast with the more industrialized Fatshouters alternative, because of the valorization of the M’sai hunting traditions. Smuggling also plays an important role in the cuisine of the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai, resulted from the imposed blockade by the Republican Navy around the planet. It is not unheard of chefs trying new aliens ingredients and dishes, brought from other planets by the large smuggling system.

    Notable Dishes

    Scout Ration: a highly nutritious mixture of meat, fat, and Adhomian berries prepared in the shape of a sphere and wrapped with wax paper. Originated among M’sai explorers and hunters in need of high-energy food. It remains popular among the ranks of the Adhomai Liberation Army due to its long shelf life.

    Cone Cake: a spongy, sugar-coated cake that's baked on a spit shaped like a cone, giving it a signature look. Often sold alongside Azvah due to similar preparation methods, the difference between them being the unique shape, the crisp, flaky outside, and the tooth-aching sweetness of the dish that turns some foreigners away.

    Nomad Skewer: a recipe popularized by the increasing Rhazar'Hrujmagh presence in DPRA territories. It is made by cooking meat and vegetables in metal skewers stuck to the ground close to bonfires. Because it is usually prepared outdoors, it is common for local communities to gather around the fire while the meal is being prepared.

    Military Nutrition

    The Adhomai Liberation army, being an amalgamation of regular army units, militia groups, and undercover agents, does not have any standard set when the subject is military nutrition. Depending on the area where one army might operate, its commanding officer, and available resources, rations might range from industrialized goods to foraging and hunting. It is a common practice for armies to confiscate villages' productions, something that can cause resentment among farmers when their lands are occupied by the liberation army, to feed their soldiers.


    Most of the fashion present in the territories of the Democratic People's Republic is inspired by traditional Tajaran clothing and local trends. Overalls lined with silk, shirts with a layer of fur or pants with hand-made holes. Lighter and cheaper materials are favored by the population, that has less access to human-produced good in comparison to the average republican citizen.

    The lack of vigilance by Hadiist authorities has allowed minorities, such as the Rock Nomads, to express themselves by wearing traditional garments. Fur hats and coats have become a symbol among those that embrace the way of life of their ancestors, rejecting the new Tajara proposed by the PRA.


    The music in the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai typically deals with the return to the Tajara tradition, the desire of uniting the Tajaran people, and the resistance against foreign influence. Folks instruments are very common, alien equipment is seen as inferior and a sign of decadency. Artists are free to perform and publish their work without asking for governmental authorization, but they may face repercussions from authorities in junta controlled areas. Censorship is uncommon in civilian controlled states, producers enjoy a far larger degree of freedom within DPRA territory than anywhere else on the planet. However, backslash is very common against pieces considered indecent. Bloodstorm is an example of a very controversial band.

    Adhomai Liberation Army war songs exalt the courage of their fighters, painting them as champions of freedom that will dispose of the Hadiist tyrant and free Adhomai from the alien grasp. The calling of every able Tajara to take up arms and rise up is also another common theme in their music.


    Books are still seen with suspicion by the majority of the Al’mariist population, due to their relationship with the nobility that once controlled Adhomai. Despite this, interest in literature is on the rise with the most political-minded Tajara in the DPRA. Censorship is considered light in areas controlled by the civil government; only texts offending the morals and religion will likely be suppressed. Writers in Junta territory will likely face far more scrutiny by the Liberation Army.

    Democratic People’s Republic literature usually deals with the political scenario of the nation, the call for the liberation of the Tajara people, and the growing religious sentiment.

    Notable Books

    • In Defense of Al'mari's Legacy: the political manifesto that laid the foundations of the Al’mariist ideology, written by Supreme Commander Nated briefly after the coup attempt. The book denounces the rise of President Hadii as a betrayal of Al’mari’s vision for Adhomai. The text is infamous for its xenophobia; alien influence is blamed as the main source of the Tajara’s problems.
    • Manual of the Adhomian Guerrilla: a book of unknown authorship aimed towards the training and preparation of freedom fighters. Written during the First Revolution, it was later adopted and updated by the Adhomai Liberation Army. The manual contains instructions on how to build makeshift firearms and prepare improvised explosives. Copies were smuggled in or airdropped upon PRA cities during the Second Revolution.
    • The Soldier of Mztel’mir: a novel set during the early stages of the Second Revolution. It tells the story of a Republican soldier, Maher, and his defection to the Adhomai Liberation Army. The book describes Maher disillusions with the Hadiist regime, and the ultimate betrayal of his brigade through the assassination of their assigned commissar. The text ends in a cliffhanger as the protagonist and fellow guerilla fighters are ambushed by a larger enemy force.


    While television is not widespread as it is in the PRA, it has found moderate success in the urban areas. Due to the lack of strict censorship in areas controlled by the civil administration, producers have a higher degree of freedom. Political satire, tabloid newscasters, and war stories are the most popular genres in Al'mariist television. Cinema has also found a niche among the population, those productions are commonly screened during amateur film festivals before making their way into tv channels. Alien shows are forbidden from being broadcast in the DPRA.

    Notable Shows

    • Obratsov Puppet Show:: a televised puppetry show. String puppets made out of wood and cloth are used to tell traditional stories. Tales about the Mata’ke Gods, folklore tales, and historical events are the main subjects of the plays. Despite the association of puppets with younger audiences by humans, the Obratsov theater is aimed towards all kinds of public.
    • Adhomai Today: a political satire show hosted by Juh’ari Ka’juuhrl, a Crevan comedian. Episodes are a mixture of sketches and talk-show interviews, where the host makes fun of events or the guests. The show’s focus is on the political scenario of the Democratic People’s Republic and Adhomai as a whole. Ka’juuhrl is known for not sparing anyone, even the Junta leaders. Due to his criticism of the Adhomai Liberation Army, his show is banned in the majority of the military-controlled territories.
    • When Summer Came to Nazira: a blockbuster directed by Arzjun Haurjuhr. The movie follows the story of Haujarl Zakul, a young farmer living with his family outside the village in an ambiguous era before human contact. The protagonists engage in the revolution against the nobility, assembling a diverse group of Tajara from all walks of life. Its anti-tyranny message was seen by some as an expression of the director’s own viewpoint on the People’s Republic. Despite being filmed in Tau Ceti, the picture was a success in the DPRA.


    Radio remains the most popular mass media outlet in the Democratic People’s Republic, owing to its simplicity and versatility. Used to spread the news of Nated’s coup, the radio played an important role in the coordination of the Liberation Army during the Second Revolution. Widespread both in the cities and fields, the radio is present in the life of all families. Several independent stations emerged without the restrictions imposed by the past Hadiist regime. Outside of typical Adhomian radionovelas, folk music and political programs make up the bulk of the broadcasts.

    Notable Radio Stations

    • Radio Free Adhomai: a state-funded radio station that broadcasts news and political discussion to all of Adhomai. It attempts to undermine the Hadiist and Monarchists governments through their own blend of propaganda; the spread of news, usually falsified information, and supposedly state secrets to the citizens of these nations. The station is also known for interviewing all kinds of political activists in the DPRA, including radical and ultra authoritarian elements.
    • Crevus Radio Center 27: the largest music-based radio station in the DPRA. Located in the city of Crevus, it broadcasts a large variety of music genres through its many channels. Despite being famous for its folk music, it is the radio that introduced Bloodstorm to the general public of Adhomai.

    National Holidays

    Made shortly after the establishment of the DPRA in 2457, two competing holidays mark the nation's birth. Often, both were delayed until a region could celebrate it safely or were quickly completed to return to the fighting.

    • Democratic Revolution Day (July 4th): Established on the same day as the declaration of the Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai, this holiday is the preferred celebration of those who support the civilian government. Largely popular in Das’nrra and southern Ras’nrr, this holiday praises heroes of all industries within the republic, not just the army. Figures such as vital civic leaders, medical doctors like Aleksandra Hro’makar, the Father and Mother of the Parivara, and even sanitation workers are praised in speeches given by Harrlala as important parts of Tajaran society. This day is also preferred by the population of Gakal’zaal, who view the civilian government as far more instrumental in their liberation from Unathi lordship. They, alongside the minority of D6’s DPRA population, hold small parties and listen to radio recordings of Harrlala’s speech as they dine on a prepared feast. This is also the chosen holiday for Crevans, where the local casinos and bars host galas for the day.
    • Liberation Day (July 4th): The alternative of Democratic Revolution Day, this holiday is celebrated by the Warlords and their supporters alongside the fanatics of Nated. Warlords host military parades to show off their might, captured equipment, and the culture of the regions they rule over. Within Shastar City, however, rallies are held to demonstrate support for Nated to take full control of the government. The Followers of Nated organize these meetings, pumping them up with nationalist rhetoric and whipping them into a fervor. These events often boil into riots and brawls with pro-government protesters. Despite calls from other parties to put a stop to this, Harrlala is yet to make any statements against the demonstrations. Neither has Nated said any official announcement regarding them. Due to the influence of the Liberators in D6, Liberation Day is the holiday most people there celebrate. A massive party is organized in the Great Plaza Warehouse, drawing people from across the city as Tajara drink and fire fireworks and ammunition alike.


    Crime rates in the Democratic People’s Republic are considerably higher than in other Adhomian Nations. Political violence is on the rise as the population further radicalizes due to the inherent instability of the DPRA. Clashes between supporters of different parties are common during demonstrations. Banditry is another large problem in rural areas. Deserters and rogue guerillas, taking advantage of the weapons and training given by the Liberation Army, form their own bands to pillage and terrorize the countryside. Corruption is less prevalent in civilian controlled areas but widespread in junta territories.

    Because of the xenophobic and isolationist principles of Al’mariism, the Democratic People’s Republic is a safe haven for intergalactic smuggling and extranet fraud. The DPRA is home to a large fleet of smugglers; a phenomenon born from necessity during the Second Revolution’s blockade. These criminals are essential to transport goods and personnel to Liberation Army operations outside of Adhomai. Gangs of online scammers operate with impunity, sending false emails and PDA messages to deceive anyone who is naive enough to believe in the tales of a Tajaran prince offering a share of his fortune. The Al’mariist government tolerates the presence of these elements due to their utility and prosperity they bring to the country.


    The Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai possesses no official religion, being a secular state by its constitution. Most of the population identify themselves as followers of the S'rand'marr Worship or the Ma’ta’ke pantheon.

    Foreign missionaries are forbidden from proselytizing in the territory of the DPRA, but aliens are still allowed to practice their religion without any legal constraints.


    Siik’maas is recognized as the official language of the Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai, used in all official documents and taught in the schools. Siik'Tajr, Nal'rasan and Delvahhi are classified as official regional languages, being spoken and spread by local learning centers and communities.


    Southern Rasn'rr

    Southern Rasn'rr is well known as the cradle of Tajaran civilization. Trizar and Mezuma are the oldest surviving cities of the Tajara, and the homes of ancient city-states and empires. Ancient temples are interspersed with modern architecture in the cities and can be found on the summits of nearby mountains. The natives of this region tend to be highly traditional and conservative, proud of their storied history. The towns and farms are populated by a mixture of all races, but primarily Hharar. Both religions of S'rand'mar and Ma'ta'ke originated from the area. The juxtaposition of the old world and modernity is greater here than anywhere else. Every day people drive past classic palaces on their way to work, and market bazaars that have stood for countless generations sell bootlegged holodisks and alien oddities. Terror activity in the region was once pronounced, as the locals overwhelmingly sided with the conservative sentiments of the Adhomai Liberation Army.

    Northern Ras'nrr

    Due to its proximity to the core Hadiist lands, Northern Ras’nrr suffered heavy destruction during the Second Civil War. To stop the rebels from capturing the city of Al’mari, scorched-earth tactics were used extensively by the Republican Army; autogyros bombers and artillery strikes turned the roads and bridges into rubble. The few farms that escaped destruction routinely had most of their crops confiscated by the Liberation Army. The situation escalated into famine with the firebombing of Ron’tul and the nuking of Quizosa; refugees fleeing from both catastrophes overloaded the already fragile countryside. The situation worsened in the final years of the war, as the conflict turned into a bloody stalemate. After the Second Revolution, most of the region is still in ruins and struggles to maintain itself. The reconstruction effort is currently slow and suffers from heavy interference from the ruling junta.

    Ahem Kah’nrir

    Kah’Nrir was born in 2407 to a long line of royalist Hharar who had faithfully served a noble family in Shastar City. When the first revolution broke out, Kah’Nrir wanted to join the loyalist forces but was denied on account of his age. Instead, his parents kept him home-schooled, instilling in him the teachings of Njarir worship. In 2426, Kah’Nrir met with Al’Mari Hadii and immediately abandoned his parents' Royalist sentiments, joining with Hadii and his liberation efforts. In 2448, before the assassination of Al'Mari, he was attacked by a Njarir-Akrhan student with a wrench, putting him into a coma. While Kah’Nrir recovered later that year, had to undergo extensive rehabilitation, and was sent on sick leave to, at the time, a small coastal town, Shungsta. When the news of a second war came to him, it was he who assumed command of the local militia and regrouped with the main ALA army group. He was the most vocal proponent of not abandoning the Ras’nrr offensive. This had catapulted him to the position of Rhaza-Akhran, for his undying loyalty.

    Today Kah’Nrir is known as the most unstable Junta leader. He is under the impression that Al’Mari Hadii lives but has gone into hiding. He believes that until all aliens, degenerates, royalists, and the pretender (Njadrasanukii Hadii) are removed, Al’Mari will not return. Kah’Nrir’s undying loyalty was simply extremist fanaticism, and even now he forces civilians to dig through rubble attempting to find Al’Mari Hadii, or at least his opponents. Many have called to have him removed from the office, but no one wants to know what he’d do if that came to pass.

    Kah’Nrir holds the broken west and shards slip through his fingers every day. Northern Ras’nrr has seen the worst of the war and its populace is demoralized and musters a weak workforce. Kah’Nrir’s erratic behavior is not helping the situation and both Nated and Harrlala do not want to risk a skirmish this close to a PRA border. Worryingly, it seems Kah’nrir’s ideology has taken seed among his ranks, who are seemingly more loyal to him than the Democratic Republic.

    Island of Amohda

    Amohdan swordsman wearing traditional garments.

    The island of Amohda is a curious location on Adhomai for having a history nearly as ancient as Southern Rasn'rr. For over a thousand years, life on Amodha was characterized by constant maritime war as navies clashed along the coasts and raided their rival city-states. Many settlers began to move inland to escape the constant warfare and piracy. As the population of the island interior began to boom, the kingdom of Amohda emerged. Unlike the coastal settlements which focused on marine invasions and naval warfare, Amohda pioneered land warfare and dominated its rivals with advancements in wartime tactics; this allowed for the development of a warrior culture that survived nearly intact until the first revolution. Swordsmen would roam the island in search of challenges and duels, perfecting their abilities with the famous Amohdan sword.

    As the development of firearms changed the warfare of Adhomai, the Amohdan swordsmanship transformed itself into a martial art. Lodges were created for generations of M'sai and Njarir Tajara to learn the ways of the Amohdan blade, a skill that would only ever be used during bayonet charges. The stability brought by the Steeple Peace age allowed them to practice without needing to face any real combat. Dueling was a popular sport until the birth of the People’s Republic. Swordplay and lodge gatherings were outlawed after the first revolution. The island was renamed Chaniska by the channel which separates it from Harr'masir, as well as a prominent military base established by the People's Republic.

    The civil war allowed the return of the practice of Amohdan Swordsmanship and the re-opening of the Lodges. During the conflict, the island was divided between DPRA and NKA loyalists. The Democratic People’s Republic was able to secure the island during the last period of the war through a ceasefire agreement with the New Kingdom. Amohda is currently controlled by a military junta, formed by traditionalists that support the region’s autonomy before the Al’mariist republic.

    Rahman Hadjuk

    Born in 2431 into a family of Hharar, Rahman was raised during the interwar period as a son to a well-off railway inspector. His high grades guaranteed him a very swift ascension, and so in 2449 he enrolled into Kaltir Law Academy. His study was cut short, however, when Rhagrrhuzau Hadii was assassinated. Hadjuk took quick action, purchasing passage aboard the earliest boat to Amohda to help his family. During the Amohdan rebellion after the Armistice was signed, Rahman Hadjuk led multiple decisive strikes as a leader of the Al’Mari's guerrilla troops and was subsequently named the Rrhaza-Arkhan of Amohda. His first steps were to build a memorial for ALA’s youth veterans and commission eight hundred miles of barbed wire.

    Hadjuk is the youngest Junta leader, but not inexperienced. He is known as an excellent logistician and a ruthless anti-royalist. When his sister was wounded and scarred by a loyalist’s blade, his previously lax demeanor changed. He is now determined to choke every crown supported out of Amohda, turning every road and city into a long series of military checkpoints.

    Hadjuk admires Muhr’Fal and trusts him completely to handle the borders of DPRA and NKA, while he himself deals with Amohdan loyalists. On the other hand, his disdain for K’marr is well known, to the point that some have questioned his assignment to Adhmoda by Nated. Hadjuk himself has stated that he has no reservations to “Dragging that mutt down from his throne to lie with the rest his men".

    Southern Harr'masir

    Southern Harr’masir is characterized by its fertile plains and low population density. Outside of its few urban centers, life in the region is remarkably rural and linked to ranching traditions. Due to being one of the last areas to be colonized by the Tajara, it’s known for its wilderness and the ruggedness of its settlers. South Harr’masir’s history is known for its constant rebellions, from the days of the Colonial Wars to the Second Revolution’s uprisings. Even after the Republican conquest of the Adhomai, the Grand People's Army dedicated a substantial amount of personnel and equipment to pacify the countryside.

    Cattle are the lifeblood of the South Harr’masir region; a large part of its population is employed in the husbandry industry. A regional fascination emerged around the M’sai and Hharar herders: the idolization of the rugged and survivalist way of life of these workers. While the ranchers are seen by outsiders as uncontrollable bandits, to the natives, the N’hanzafu herder is a heroic figure usually involved in revolts against all sorts of oppressors. An idyllic depiction of these heroes is one of the untamed riders leading a life of adventure in the countryside, with a hand in the saddle and the other holding a rifle. During the Liberation Army uprising, the Harr’masir ranchers threw their support behind Nated and joined the guerrilla cells en masse. Despite their rebellious tendencies, they are not interested in pursuing further independence due to the autonomy already given to them by the government and the diplomatic approach of the local junta.

    Muharajuurl Muhr’Fal

    Muharajuurl Muhr’Fal, a M’sai, was born in 2419 into a poor peasant household in Southern Harr’masir. He had an unfavorable opinion of the nobility, despite his father being a staunch loyalist. When his father was scheduled to be arrested and executed for disobeying orders, Muhr’Fal killed the presiding officer with a digging shovel. He then subsequently deserted to the Republicans and assisted in organizing the “Liberated People of Harr’masir” in the Revolution's name. After the assassination of Al’Mari Hadii many years later, Muhr’Fal refused to march under the banner of the PRA, instead defecting and taking the entire city of Sren’dul with him to the ALA.

    Muhr’Fal was the first Junta leader to come into power on Adhomai and the only one to be publicly receptive to criticism. Thanks to his diplomatic efforts, citizens of Harr'masir enjoy a relatively carefree traditional herding lifestyle owing to his staunch opposition to rampant industrialization and modernization.

    Being flanked by two allies would ease any leader's mind, but Muhr’fal considers the NKA the least of his worries. K’marr’s behaviour has already threatened this careful balance he holds. Muhr’Fal, however, refuses to publicly acknowledge K’marr’s illegal activities or wrongdoings, knowing fully well that it could escalate into a deposition and a possible conflict. The placing of Hadjuk onto Amohda has thus, as Muhr’Fal himself put it, come at an inopportune time.

    Din'aak Mountains

    The Din’aak mountains are located at the very south of Harr’masir; it is a remote mountain range surrounded by a dense forest. Winters are long and sunless in the region. Due to the geographic isolation and hostile environment, life in the area has changed little since the First Revolution. Little interest in the region by previous Hadiist authorities have also contributed to this stagnation. Abandoned castles are common in this part of Adhomai; folk tales claim that many of these structures are haunted by the ghosts of their former residents. Dirt roads coming from Southern Harr’masir turn into badly maintained forest trails as they approach the mountain range.

    The valleys between the Din’aak mountains are home to an insular Tajaran community. The population is scattered between rural settlements and has little contact with the outside world, with the exception of a few government officials and the sporadic traveler. The inhabitants are known for their extreme aversion to the external world, preferring to avoid any kind of influence that may threaten their traditional way of life. This behavior has earned them a reputation of being secretive and extremely hostile to foreigners. Stories of pesky tourists being chased by armed mobs or vanishing during the night are common. The Din’aak mountains are subject to much speculation by outsiders, with many claiming that the Tajara living there are attempting to hide something or are involved in the cult of Raskara. Despite this isolation, younger Tajara - inspired by what little galactic news reaches this far away place - occasionally leaves the area to explore the rest of Adhomai or even the galaxy. This trend has left behind many bitter parents and an aging population.

    The Din’aak mountains are currently controlled by a military junta. The population joined the Liberation Army uprising under the promises of autonomy and of being left alone to their own devices, which the local Junta happily provides. Virtually all army forces in the region are made up of local militias.

    Alexeii K’marr

    Alexeii K’marr, was born in Southern Harr’masir where he grew up as a son of a fisherman. Precious little is known about K’marr’s childhood beyond persecution he suffered as a result of being a half-breed M’sai-Hharar mix; no other information is given until 2422, where he is recorded to have been “wanted for the theft of the crown’s goods.” Later in his life, K’marr joined arms with the rebel forces, helping in sabotage, smuggling, and illegal trade of weapons. After the first revolution, K’marr was officially inducted into the army and given the command of a platoon but was labeled a seditionist that same year and arrested for misuse of platoon assets.

    Around 2452 he managed to successfully mount an insurrection inside a worker camp within the Din’aak Mountains. K’marr and his inmates proceeded to seize the nearby garrison and recruit from the local population, many of which were relatives of the inmates there. After this, K’marr pronounced his loyalty to the ALA, and led many successful raids and asset seizing missions against the PRA.

    Alexeii K’marr is an enigma among the Junta leaders. No one knows what his political standing is, and while his leadership position was provided as a result of the strong feelings of loyalty his troops and citizens have towards him, many suspect he’ll turncoat as soon as it profited him. Alexeii leaves the locals alone, having very good relations with them and allowing them to live their weird isolated lives, as long as they don’t tell anyone about the mysterious cargo ships that park in the woods.

    The same can’t be said about his neighbours, Muhr’Fal and Hajduk; the former having already led a few border skirmishes when a few of K’marr’s smuggling friends tried selling illegal goods to the Southern Harr’masir soldiers. The latter view him as nothing more than a common thief whose tail is too short for his coat, ready to squash him the second Supreme Commander Nated orders it.

    Major Cities

    • Shastar City: the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic, serving as the political center of the nation.The largest urban sprawl in Das’nrra and a major center of the revolution during the Second Civil War. The city is heavily industrialized, focusing on the production of electronics and motor vehicles. The presence of the military is kept at a minimum since the end of the war, with most of the law enforcement being handled by the civilian police. Shastar has many pre-contact palaces that were reused as government buildings, including the Das'rra Imperial Palace where the Armistice of Shastar was signed. The Shastar Technical University is one of its most renowned learning centers.
    • Mztel'mir: a coastal town famous for its breweries and history of sieges. The city has a long tradition of producing gin and mead, being the lead producer of alcoholic beverages in the DPRA. Victory Gin was once made in Mztel’mir until the breakout of the Second Civil War, but its production ceased since the start of the conflict. Its inhabitants have the fame of being rebellious and stalwart defenders of their home; they repelled countless sieges during the first and second civil wars. Shumaila is the patron god of Mztel'mir.
    • Crevus: a semi-autonomous city, known as a place of incredible vice and wealth. Casinos, bars, smoke shops, and other unsavory businesses line every street corner. Crevus is the only location in the Democratic People’s Republic where mega corporations are allowed to operate and aliens are free to visit.
    • Mezuma: a historic city, it served as the capital of the Incarnate dominion in ancient times. The town avoided any major industrialization, preserving most of its pre-contact architecture. Ancient architecture is seamlessly blended with modern styles, displaying an amalgamation of the Adhomian past and present. The city attracts the attention of archeologists and scholars with its abundance of ruins and historical sites. Mata’ke is the patron god of Mezuma.
    • Trizar: one of Adhomai’s oldest settlements. Unlike Mezuma, this city experienced much devastation during the Second Civil War. Most of its historical sites did not escape destruction, with many old ruins and buildings being outright destroyed during the war. Trizar’s main economic activity is mining; as it is near to Rhazar Mountains' most rich deposits. The wealth brought by mineral extraction has been slowly helping the reconstruction efforts. The city is home to the Trizar State Medical Academy.
    • Quizosa: originally a Hadiist military base that housed military prototypes and weapons of mass destruction. Quizosa was captured by the Liberation Army in 2458; a move that would result in the Republican Army deploying a hydrogen bomb to deny them access to the weaponry. The explosion would destroy the base, killing most of the rebels and the refugees that set camp close to it. The site remains uninhabited, but it attracts the attention of medical professionals and scientists that seek to study the effect of radiation.
    • Ron'tul: once an important Republican industrial center, dedicated to the production of military hardware. The city was firebombed when the People’s Army retreated from it in 2458. The town remained abandoned for the rest of the war. Its ruins exposed to the elements while scavengers picked off whatever remained. Only after the Armistice some of its past citizens have attempted to return and start rebuilding it.
    • Shungsta: a small settlement near the coast of the Su'’add ocean at first, this city was changed drastically by the Second Civil War. With the destruction of Ron’tul and Quizosa, Shungsta was flooded by refugees. Without the proper structure and enough housing for everyone, a large refugee camp emerged around it. The town was conquered by the Liberation Army in the final year of the conflict, causing further damage to it and worsening the conditions in the camps. The city is currently controlled by a military junta that struggles to solve the overpopulation problem.
    • Amohda: the largest city on the island of Amohda, the historical capital of the empire that controlled the entire region before the First Revolution. The town was the stage of infighting between rebellious and royalist forces factions, a situation that came to an end after the ceasefire with the New Kingdom. Amohdan swordsmanship lodges are a common sight on its streets; as they were only allowed to open its doors after the Republican presence was expelled. The city is now the seat of the military junta that controls most of the island. Amohda also houses a museum entirely dedicated to recording and preserving its unique history.
    • Sren'dul: the main center of the Adhomai Liberation Army in Harr’masir. Its inhabitants joined Nated’s revolution during its early years, conducting a long guerrilla campaign against the Republican forces. The city is known for its textile industries and carpet weaving, with its artisans still utilizing traditional methods to fabricate the rugs. It is the capital of the military junta that controls the southern region of Harr’masir.
    • Dolor: an industrial town focused on the production of consumer goods. The population sided with the People’s Republic at the start of the conflict. However, their minds changed as the Republican Army proved itself to be inefficient in containing the constant attacks and guerilla activity in S’ren’dul. Curfews and other draconic measures were put in place to curb the unrest. Dolor was captured by the Liberation Army with the help of its denizens, who rebelled against the Hadiist garrison as the rebels advanced towards the city.


    When the military officers and their loyal followers split from the People’s Republic, they poached Republican military equipment and technology. Equally, as more and more territory seceded from the Republicans, the DPRA found themselves in possession of vast swathes of land that had seen moderate investment from the central government, and thus inherited industrialized farms and large factories without having to construct them. However, due to the decentralized nature of the DPRA, the spread of technology across its territory is stunted and uneven.


    Government deregulation and local independence have contributed to a stagnation of civilian or non-military technology. When the juntas took control of Republican territory, cities and towns that had already received investment from the central government were repossessed. Yet, a vast majority of urban population centers within the Democratic Republic are antiquated compared to sister cities in the Hadiist nation. The average DPRA citizen is unlikely to own a car, but if they do it is almost certain that the vehicle is on average at least a decade old. Overcrowding in population centers is typical, as the construction of new homes is arduous and expensive.

    Apartment blocks are typically crammed full of families who enjoy frugal or spartan conditions. The Democratic Republic’s focus on traditionalism, however, has helped a new wave of Neo-Tajara architectural design and fashion. Furniture, buildings, clothes, and what new automobiles are produced are created with local traditions in mind. While the juntas do not necessarily focus on the development of their urban centers beyond what is necessary, local wealthy private business owners do. Much investment is made in public entertainment.

    Movie theaters and radio stations are the big things in the Democratic Republic. Most families can afford a radio for their homes, which besides broadcasting music can also carry news and even radio dramas. In lieu of this, movie tickets are cheap, and a growing arthouse scene focusing on telling traditional Tajara stories has many directors rising to household names as they produce blockbuster movies that, while unable to meet the production and design qualities alien films do, entertain and satisfy a populace who have little else in the way of an escape. Televisions are not commonplace amongst the average citizen.

    But with their focus on the military, the Democratic Republic’s food industry is of paramount interest to the juntas. While farmers are not subject to the intense pressure they may face in the Hadiist nation or the New Kingdom, the state does tend to confiscate large portions of their harvest to fuel the hungry military battalions spread across the DPRA’s territory. Some farmers came into possession of the large, industrialized farms that were repossessed following the secession from the Republic, but those who were not so lucky are at least better off than their New Kingdom counterparts, having access to basic tools like tractors, combines, and so on.


    Some megacorporation installations within the Democratic Republic’s territory were seized for the state and their workers extradited; this included some medical facilities. During its formative years, however, the DPRA never truly hurt for experienced doctors or surgeons. Owing to the Liberation Army’s guerilla tactics, units typically had combat medics assigned to them who throughout the course of the Civil War obtained much experience in treating battlefield injuries. And, with the territory changes that came with the end of the war, the Democratic Republic came into possession of the Trizar State Medical Academy, opening its doors to a new wave of young students.

    Many experienced veterans of the Civil War, after lessened education requirements, have taken up teaching in the Trizar Academy, and others returned to civilian life to staff clinics and hospitals with dwindling staff. Unfortunately, beyond the few megacorporation facilities already in their hands, the Democratic Republic does not enjoy the same level of medical advancement that their Hadiist neighbors do. Cryogenic cells, laser-tipped instruments, genetic treatment - these are all atypical of most DPRA hospitals, which primarily rely on the old methods of treatment to care for their people. Herbal medicines, primitive instruments and long recovery times are common.

    The strict isolationist policy adopted by the unified government and the local xenophobia amongst Tajara in the Democratic Republic make it impossible to acquire alien medical technology or even allow the Interstellar Aid Corps to assist. As such, most hospitals have to make do with what they have and aren’t exactly provided the budget to expand either, given the focus on military advancement that the juntas have. Nevertheless, the Democratic Republic is home to many bright medical minds who came to prominence in the wake of the nuclear bomb deployed by the Republic, and the horror of nuclear war has inspired a generation of young people to find a place for themselves in the medical profession.


    A lot of military equipment in the Democratic Republic could be considered second-hand. Large quantities of their mechanized infantry, aircraft, weapons, and vehicles are the same that the Republicans use, owing to the fact that the secession movement was mainly carried out by military leaders. The Democratic Republic invests a significant amount of research and industry into reverse-engineering and the production of these Republican designs, as at the time of the secession, they lacked the ability to mass-produce this equipment on the same scale the Republicans could. And what they could not reverse-engineer or produce on their own, they stole and pilfered from their surrounding neighbors.

    However, what the Democratic Republic lacks in industrial might, they more than make up for in research and development. Multiple types of improvised weapons have become a staple of their guerilla tactics or espionage activities, from makeshift mortars to cheap silenced pistols. Scientists strive night and day to attempt to reverse-engineer Republican designs and equipment with moderate success, further contributing to the strength of the Democratic Republic’s army. The technological gap between them and their Hadiist neighbors is a top priority of most juntas.

    Yet, the juntas themselves are a roadblock to much of the Democratic Republic’s advancement. There are significant in-fighting and interpersonal conflicts between the many juntas that control territory and cities in the Democratic Republic, leading certain garrisons and local soldiers to receive differing levels of equipment based on their proximity to development labs and their relationships with the junta controlling said development lab. Some units are still using old, second-hand Republican equipment that requires constant upkeep and repair due to the age of said equipment.

    The Liberation Army revealed its nuclear weapons program in 2463. Build through espionage and theft of Hadiist's assets, the true extent of the nuclear program remains a secret. Available intelligence suggests that the installations are haphazardly built and geared towards building an arsenal as quickly as possible.


    The Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai is a presidential republic with a multi-party system. The leadership and organization are extremely decentralized, with each regional entity being granted a lot of authority to conduct their own business as they see fit. The president is an elected position and serves a four-year term.

    Each state is able to elect their own governors, that acts as their spokesperson before the national assembly. All states are granted the privilege of dictating their own laws and public development, with little interference from the main government.

    The civil population and the military are each able to vote for an elected representative. These individuals serve for one-year terms and have the power to vote on decisions made during official assemblies.

    The nationwide government is a unicameral legislature that typically meets daily. Meetings are hosted in Shastar City with governors and officials who are abroad participating through holoconferencing. During meetings, a speaking order is used to propose legislation to be voted on. Generally, the most important officials speak first. Speaking order is as follows; the president is first, then ex-presidents, governors, former governors, and finally the elected representatives.

    The following parties operate in the government of the DPRA:

    • Free Tajaran People's Party: this party encompasses most of the military and authoritarian elements. They seek to weaken the autonomy of governors in favor of a strong central government, overseen by the ex-supreme commander. Members of this organization hold the most nationalist and xenophobic views; defending the return of the war against other Adhomian nations and isolation before the galactic community. They consider rapid industrialization as the best choice for Adhomai in regards to its economy, even if it is to the detriment of the environment. This party is lead by ex-interim president Brajrr Alnadruskiy.
    • National Adhomai Worker's Party: this party is composed of urban workers and intellectuals. They aim to increase the autonomy of the states, placing less importance on the decisions made by the national assemblies. Members of its organization hold far more moderate views; seeking to honor the Armistice of Shastar while recognizing that maintaining a healthy and independent relationship with other foreign powers is needed. This party is lead by president Almrah Harrlala.
    • Followers of Nated: an organization formed by fanatical supporters of Nated who claim he is a divine avatar of the Suns or Mata'ke. They support a dictatorship under the guidance of Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan, stripping away any semblance of democracy from the Democratic People's Republic. Members of this party oppose any form of peace or negotiation with the other Tajaran factions, or diplomacy with alien powers. They are known for hosting the most radical elements of DPRA's political scenario.
    • Amohdan Free Lodge: this minor party is represented by Amohdan nationals. They push for the independence of Amohda as its own state, usually siding with other parties that may help them in reaching their goals. However, they are divided between two different sides; one that sees democracy as the best option for the island, while others believe that restoring the monarchy would be better. This organization was the main supporter of the ceasefire with the New Kingdom of Adhomai. This Party was banned after the Amohdan uprising of 2462.
    • Adhomian Blue Party: this minor party is formed by farmers and students. Instead of worrying about the Armistice or the composition of the government, their main goal is to preserve the environment of Adhomai. Industrialization and armed conflict are considered a major threat to the nature and beauty of the planet. Members of this organization are also vehemently opposed to the presence of NanoTrasen.

    Adhomai Joint Intelligence Committee

    Created shortly after the war through the combination of guerrilla cells, spies, and other undercover forces under the control of the Adhomai Liberation Army, the Adhomai Joint Intelligence Committee is the foreign intelligence service of the Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai. The agency has the mission of helping liberate the Tajara people from the oppression of alien regimes, collecting strategic information, and acting against the rival Tajaran nations. The AJIC does not deal with internal threats, local law enforcement forces are usually used to deal with any organized crime or domestic terrorism.

    Members of the Adhomai Joint Intelligence Committee are trained in sabotage, assassination, and unilateral warfares. Infiltration and subversion of the population is the most favored tactic of the AJIC . Agents are known for using local forces, arming and teaching them how to fight, while introducing them to the Al’mariist ideology. Spies among the diplomatic services are rare, as diplomacy has been neglected until the formal introduction of the DPRA to the galactic community. The presence of AJIC is growing in Biesel, as more sleeping cells are being called into service.


    The Al’mariist justice system is decentralized and relies both on the written law and local customs. Each region has the right to change and introduce its own laws to better fit its population. Judges are admitted through an entrance exam, with the jury made up of locals chosen randomly. Citizens have the right to hire any lawyer they see fit, but the government still offers public defenders for those who can not afford to pay a professional. However, the situation in junta territories is far different. The warlords are free to conduct justice as they see fit. Kangaroo courts and unlawful sentences are common. Magistrates are appointed for their loyalty to the local army leaders.

    Law enforcement in the civilian areas is the responsibility of the Public Police Agency, an organization under the direct control of the local governments. This department is tasked with keeping the peace and investigating crimes. Because of the large swathes of land and relatively sparse population in rural regions, the DPRA frequently empowers elected officials to act as law agents. The army fulfills the peacekeeping role in junta territories, with varying degrees of success and fairness.

    Military Forces

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai’s military is the Adhomai Liberation Army.

    The Adhomai Liberation Army is one of the most important elements of the DPRA, as it was the force that allowed the creation of the republic. Due to this, military commanders were allowed to control most of the territory, creating powerful juntas that only now are being dissolved in favor of a civil rule. While most of the ALA’s composition is comprised of guerrilla fighters, the main core of the army is formed by the remnants of the officers and soldiers that followed Nated in his coup attempt against the PRA. This grants them a supply of well-trained combatants and mechanized divisions.


    While behind the People’s Republic in regards to technology, the Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai makes excellent use of any weapon they can obtain or create. Stolen and makeshift guns are commonly found in the hands of their guerrilla soldiers, while the main core of the liberation army uses typical republican weapons. Favoring practicality and reliability, the weaponry of the ALA is easily adapted to whatever type of warfare is being conducted. Armored vehicles and tanks are also other dangerous tools in the rebels’ arsenal.

    Weapons are widespread among the DPRA population, with most households having at least one rifle or some heirloom gun. There are very few restrictions in acquiring or carrying firearms, with only explosives and weapons of mass destruction being reserved for the military.

    Notable Weapons

    • Ho'taki Marksman Rifle: a recent invention by the Shastar Technical University, created through the reverse engineering of captured Tsarrayut’yan rifle. The Ho’taki marksman rifle is a semi-automatic sniper rifle, designed to serve as squad support and snipping tool. Introduced at the start of the offensive of 2460, the rifle was issued to the feared Das’nrra Marksmen.
    • Mrrazhakulii Suppressed Pistol: created as a disposable and concealable weapon, the Mrrazhakulii suppressed pistol is a firearm with a silencer integrated as part of its barrel. Carried by guerrilla forces and spies, those guns are used in assassination and subterfuge operations. Due to using cheap and available materials, such as recycled iron and tires, countless of those pistols were distributed among cells and ALA soldiers.
    • Hotak's Foldable Shotgun: named after the infamous commander and his unit, this single-shot shotgun has been designated to be carried by infiltration agents and freedom fighters. The Hotak’s shotgun can be folded in half, allowing easy concealment under coats and other pieces of clothing. Special holsters are currently being fabricated, as the armistice has allowed the gun to enter the civil market.
    • Battalion Buster: improvised mortars made out of diesel barrels or mead casks, those weapons were built by guerrilla cells in PRA controlled territory. With varying levels of design, ranging from near immobile artillery to shoulder-mounted guns, the battalion buster is used in irregular warfare and attacks against buildings. Regular shells and improvised explosives are used as ammunition by the ingenious forces of the ALA.
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