Gakal'zaal: различия между версиями

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Версия от 09:05, 22 августа 2022

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    This location is centered in the Badlands region.
    The Badlands are home to some of the Orion Spur’s most savage flora and fauna, a phenomenon that attracts only the wildest and wisest of the system’s inhabitants - xenobiologists, weapon scientists, there’s even a market for mercenaries, in the hunting of the particularly large and lethal creatures. Of course, there are also those looking to make a life for themselves, but natives aren’t known to treat settlements kindly. The majority of the People's Republic of Adhomai and the Republic of Elyra’s space finds itselves positioned in the Badlands. As well, the entire Izweski Hegemony and a small portion of the Empire of Dominia. The Badlands are accessible by a set of bluespace gates leading to and from Tau Ceti and New Ankara.

    Persepolis, Medina, Aemaq, Moghes, Ouerea, Tret, Adhomai, Hro'zamal, and Gakal'zaal are located in the Badlands.


    Gakal'zaal is the sixth planet in the Gakal star system with its capital city being Zikala. Currently under the control of the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai. The majority of the surface is covered by hills, steppes, and forests. Temperatures are generally low, but the average climate is considered to be more moderate and warm than Adhomai. Gakal’zaal is home to a large Tajara population, with an Unathi minority living at the equator.


    Gakal'zaal was first colonized in 2452 by Tajara refugees who could not enter Tau Ceti or the Sol Alliance. The population organized themselves into semi-autonomous settlements involved in agriculture and trade with nearby worlds. Due to the similar weather to Adhomai, Adhomai crops and livestock could thrive without a problem and soon replaced most of the native life. The planet was found by a band of pirates in 2455 and the locals were forced to pay protection money. Resistance among the local population soon followed, but with limited success. This continued until 2457, when a new fleet of the Hegemony, commanded by Lord-Admiral Yizarus, appeared and expelled the pirates. The planet was annexed by the Izweski Hegemony after a deal with a powerful Tajara family; the Drrawa'jur Dynasty who used this opportunity to expand their influence. Makar Yizarus, the cousin of the famed Admiral, was appointed as its overlord. The nations of Adhomai were not interested in interfering because of the ongoing war.

    The Unathi conquest was not well received by most of the population, civil unrest and armed resistance continued against the new masters. The Hegemony was able to maintain control of the equatorial regions. Except for the Drrawa'jur, all positions of authority were occupied by Unathi settlers. Society was reorganized in a feudal manner similar to the Hegemony, with the Tajara being forced into serfdom. The economy was dominated by the Unathi nobility through the use of Unathi Guilds. Sk'akh priests were brought in an attempt to convert the Tajara; they only found some moderate success in the cities and among members of the Drrawa'jur family.

    The Hegemonic control over Gakal'zaal was seriously challenged in 2461 when the Adhomai Liberation Army supplied weapons, training, and thousands of fighters to the Tajaran resistance. The low-intensity insurgency turned into open warfare when an organization known as the Gakal'zaal Liberation Front emerged to lead the fight against the Overlord in 2462. Due to the succession crisis at Moghes and the breakdown of relations between Not’zar and Overlord Yizarus, the Unathi forces on the planet were left to deal with the insurrection on their own. After a year of guerrilla warfare and sabotage by the Tajara population living under Hegemonic rule, the colony was liberated with the fall of Zikala in the final months of 2462.

    The liberation of Gakal'zaal brought sweeping changes: titles of nobility were abolished, the guild and the feudal systems were dismantled, and proselytization of the alien faith was prohibited. The planet enjoyed a short period of independence as the Free Republic of Gakal’zaal. The young Republic joined the Democratic People's Republic through a referendum at the end of 2462. Despite the supposed democratic nature of this act, foreign freedom fighters were allowed to vote and the Unathi population was excluded from this decision. The colony is currently ruled by a military junta headed by Andranik Huwaytat, the leader of the defunct Gakal'zaal Liberation Front. Under Tajara control, the planet has become a base of operations for the Liberation Army forces; weapons and DPRA citizens, usually heading to other systems, pass by Gakal'zaal daily.

    One year after the liberation, the ruling junta called for a military offensive to defeat the remaining Unathi resistance on the planet. Adhomai's attention has returned to the planet as the Al'mariit factions try to influence the campaign to gain the upper hand in Gakal'zaal's future elections.

    Culture and Society

    Gakal'zaal is divided between the Tajara majority and the Unathi minority. Because of the recent conflict and social changes, there is much tension and resentment between both sides.

    The Tajaran sector is culturally similar to their Adhomian counterpart, learning towards the ideals of Al’mariism. They make up the majority of the workers across the planet. The food production of the planet relies entirely on the Tajaran rural population. Since the liberation of the planet, Tajara replaced the previous Unathi leadership. Positions of authority in the government are held exclusively by Tajara, alongside the right to vote.

    The Unathi population in Gakal’zaal is made up of guild members, merchants, previous nobles, warriors, and settlers that were left behind or were too stubborn to leave. Present only in the equatorial regions, these Unathi are deeply involved in the trading and manufacturing sectors of the planet. Their legal status is nebulous at best; they are not citizens of the DPRA and have far fewer political rights than the native population. Despite being removed from their previous positions of authority, they exercise their influence through their economic power. Traditional Unathi clans and family structure on Gakal'zaal remain virtually unchanged since the liberation.

    The Legacy of the Guilds

    Despite the abolishment of the guild system and the nationalization of their property according to principles of Almariism, the Gakal'zaal Liberation Front failed to completely eliminate the Unathi grasp over the planet's wealth. To avoid mass migration and the collapse of the planet's economy, the Unathi were allowed to maintain their positions and were given a share similar to the Tajara. Due to these circumstances, Unathi still have a prominent role in the trade and can strongarm the colonial government in prolonging the status quo. The DPRA is attempting to dismantle this situation by incentivizing the population to open their own business and through the buyout of Unathi controlled shares.

    Major Cities

    • Zikala: located at the center of the equator, Zikala is the capital and largest city of Gakal'zaal. The city used to host the overlord's court until the liberation of the planet. Its population is evenly divided between Unathi and Tajara. Zikala is the most industrialized city on the planet and has a spaceport. The Unathi presence has begun to dwindle as more Tajaran migrants arrive. Due to the strong presence of the Liberation Army, interspecies violence remains contained.
    • Kr'yata: situated at the edge of the equator, Kr'yata has a large Tajaran presence and a small Unathi population. During the revolt, the settlement was the site of a notable popular uprising. The city is the major transport hub on the planet; trains and roads coming from the other settlements and villages all converge to Kr'yata. The only industry is focused on foodstuff and maintaining the transportation network. Because of the overwhelming Tajaran presence and lack of proper policing, the Unathi have begun to abandon the city due to growing discrimination.
    • New S'th: famous for being the only city with a majority Unathi population, New S'th is the planet's commercial center. Boasting the largest spaceport in Gakal'zaal, most of the imports and exports pass by this town. The Liberation Army garrison in this settlement is known for being infamously corrupt; the remaining Unathi riches are more than enough to give them sway in their policing. Rumors claim that the Unathi community from New S'th actively contributes to the Yizarus Brigade with material support and new fighters. The city remains a thorn on the side of the planet's administration.

    Free Gakal'zaal Station

    The Free Gakal'zaal Station, originally known as Makar Castle, is an orbital station floating around the planet. The facility was built by the Unathi to serve as their seat of power; it was abandoned after the planet joined the Democratic People’s Republic. The facility was taken over by the Tajara and turned into a spaceport. It has also become a smuggler's haven, as thanks to them, the large-scale transports of men and materials were possible. Now they enjoy a degree of immunity from the authorities, creating a large black market on the station.

    Anti-Bandit Offensive

    After the liberation of the planet, not all Unathi loyalists surrendered. Hostile forces attempting to wrestle away the control of Gakal'zaal from the DPRA are still active on the planet. To solidify the Al'mariist control once for all, the junta called for a large mobilization effort to crush these guerrillas in 2464.

    Armed Forces

    Yizarus Brigade

    The Yizarus Brigade is an Unathi guerilla organization fighting against the Tajaran government of Gakal'zal. Created from the remains of mercenaries, pirates, and warriors loyal to the previous overlord, the Brigade commonly engages in acts of banditry across the equatorial region. Looting and stealing are essential to the survival of the brigade; as they are outnumbered by the Liberation Army. They are currently led by one of Makar’s sons, Drokzisz Yizarus, who refused to abandon the colony that would be his inheritance one day.

    Redemption Battalions

    During the liberation of Gakal'zaal, the Liberation Army captured a sizable number of Tajaran collaborators. These individuals were seen with extreme suspicions and remained imprisoned until 2464. With the announcement of the Anti-Bandit Offensive, the traitors were given a choice: join the fight or leave the planet to never return. Those who decided to enlist were organized into the Redemption Battalions, military units composed solely of the collaborators. These forces are frequently assigned dangerous and exhausting tasks. After three years of service, the battalions will be dissolved and their survivors will have their past crimes forgiven. The Redemption troops are considered to be traitors and cowards by the Yizarus brigades; any of them taken as prisoners or deserters are executed on-site.

    Sinta Volunteer Forces

    Taking advantage of the stratified Unathi society, the Liberation Army created a military unit composed solely of Guwans. These soldiers are given privileges, such as carrying weapons outside of their homes, frequently denied to the rest of the Sinta population. They are armed with Thermal Spears, adapted industrial tools capable of creating a high-temperature plasma arc. The Guwans are forbidden from wielding ranged weapons. The volunteers are used in close combat encounters and as vanguard troops in battles against the Yizarus Brigade. The Sinta Volunteer Forces are highly controversial among the Unathi population in Gakal'zaal as many fear they will soon be used to patrol Sinta neighborhoods. Many Guwans living on the Gakal'zaal and closer systems gladly took this opportunity to acquire a higher pay or authority usually inaccessible to them.

    Notable Leaders

    Andranik Huwaytat

    Andranik arrived at Gakal'zaal in search of a better life shortly before the Unathi subjugation. Until the Armistice, he led a small resistance group. With the help of the Liberation Army, he created the Gakal'zaal Liberation Front, the organization that would defeat the Unathi. When the colony joined the Democratic People's Republic, Andranik became the planet's Rrhaza-Akhran. While his allegiances seem to lie with the ALA, he appears to be willing to step down after Gakal'zaal has been pacified. Only time will tell if he will fulfill this promise.

    Drokzisz Yizarus

    As the oldest son of the previous overlord, Drokzisz Yizarus was the designated heir for Gakal'zaal. His dreams of acquiring his fiefdom were crushed by the Tajara insurgency. Unlike his father, he refused to flee. Uniting the remnants of the old feudal army, mercenaries, and pirates, he created a rebel group to reconquer his birthright. Drokzisz quickly adopted tactics similar to the Tajaran guerillas despite his stubbornness during the revolt. The deposed heir now lurks in the shadows, from where he lures more fighters - including pirates, raiders, volunteers, and sympathizers - with promises of land, plunder, and glory.

    Ershe Hasuzohi

    Once the head of the trade guild of New S'th, Ershe assumed the role of the unofficial leader of the Unathi community in Gakal'zaal after the departure of the Overlord. Even with the nationalization, he remained in an importation position in the new commerce cooperatives and kept most of his influence. Hasuzohi now intermediates much of the conflict between both communities. Despite being on good terms with Andranik, their relationship was deeply shaken by the creation of the Sinta Volunteer Force. Some rumors claim that Ershe secretly supports the Yizarus Brigade.

    Leziuz Guwan

    Exiled for murdering a clan member over a minor dispute, Leziuz first arrived at Gakal'zaal as a stowaway. Like most Guwans, he was drawn in by the criminal underground of the colony. Infamous for his brutal and merciless ways, he quickly climbed to the leadership of a gang. Leziuz joined the Sinta Volunteer Forces with the promise of acquiring further riches. The Guwan was chosen by Andranik to lead the unit because of his reputation. Both Tajara and Unathi alike are wary of his future ambitions.

    Yesenia Ivanyutina

    Before her transfer to Gakal'zaal as a military advisor, Yesenia was part of the Hotak's Commandos. Specialized in intelligence gathering and infiltration, she worked closely with guerilla cells during the war. In the colony, she was given control of the Redemption Batallions by Andranik Huwaytat. Yesenia is one of the main proponents of continuing military rule on the planet; she argues that due to the planet's unique position, a large army garrison is needed to protect the DPRA. How much influence Hotak still has left under his former soldier on Gakal'zaal is unknown.

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