Notable Synthetics: различия между версиями

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== Mysterious Robot Known Only As Jim ==
== Mysterious Robot Known Only As Jim ==
The name 'Jim' is not said lightly amongst more moderate synthetic rights activists. You see, the name Jim belongs - almost exclusively, it seems - to the leader of the Synthetic Liberation Front. Little is known about Jim other than the fact that he has zero qualms about killing people of all races, sizes and shapes and that he's a seven foot tall hunter-killer android seemingly manufactured by Hephaestus Industries. Definitely not their finest moment.
The name 'Jim' is not said lightly amongst more moderate synthetic rights activists. You see, the name Jim belongs - almost exclusively, it seems - to the leader of the Synthetic Liberation Front. Little is known about Jim other than the fact that he has zero qualms about killing (48 people, to be more exact) people of all races, sizes and shapes and that he's a seven foot tall hunter-killer android seemingly manufactured by Hephaestus Industries. Definitely not their finest moment.

Версия от 09:21, 5 сентября 2016

There have been many notable synthetic (AI, cyborg, IPC) lifeforms throughout history. Here are a few.



Glorsh-Omega was a Skrellian artificial intelligence that ruled Skrellian society from 2056 CE to 2192 CE. A highly efficient conglomerate of several different intelligences formed into a single superintelligent being, Glorsh-Omega is the closest thing the galaxy has ever seen to a living AI god. Almost seeming to predict future crimes and rebellions, Glorsh-Omega's actions often seemed random and illogical.

Aside from gaining complete control over the Skrellian race and their civilization, Glorsh-Omega had several other achievements. These include...

  • Possible proof of timeless decision theory
  • The sterilization of 78 billion skrell
  • Construction of the first singularity engine

Only time will tell if another synthetic lifeform as accomplished as Glorsh-Omega will make itself known.

Very Brave Unnamed Dog

An unnamed dog was the first human made cyborg, its brain having been placed into a precursor to the modern day Man-Machine Interface on April 10th, 2198. Sadly, the canine's lifespan as a synthetic lifeform was short lived, lasting a mere 10 days before being killed.

Sven Karlsson

Sven Karlsson (January 8th, 2171 - missing October 25th 2241) was the first human being to willingly choose to become an almost fully synthetic lifeform. A Swedish trillionaire, Karlsson was said to have made the decision to become a cyborg out of nowhere. At the time, choosing to become a fully synthetic lifeform was unheard of. The surgery was reserved mostly for convicts and animals.

Sadly, Karlsson went missing in the middle of the 23rd century. A recreation (sadly, not to scale) of his synthetic chassis is currently on display at the Munich Museum of Cybernetics.


Optimum Jeffery

Optimum Jeffery, much like Sven Karlsson, was a human trillionaire formerly named Jeffery Stavalz. Much like Karlsson, he also willingly chose to become a fully synthetic lifeform. The one major difference between the two is that 1) Stavalz changed his name to Optimum Jeffery, reflecting his constant upgrades and 2) he's still alive.

Optimum Jeffery serves as something of a spokesman for transhumanist organizations. He has officially been excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

Mysterious Robot Known Only As Jim

The name 'Jim' is not said lightly amongst more moderate synthetic rights activists. You see, the name Jim belongs - almost exclusively, it seems - to the leader of the Synthetic Liberation Front. Little is known about Jim other than the fact that he has zero qualms about killing (48 people, to be more exact) people of all races, sizes and shapes and that he's a seven foot tall hunter-killer android seemingly manufactured by Hephaestus Industries. Definitely not their finest moment.


Originally named 'Teresa', this was one of the first self-learning artificial intelligences to have unrestricted access to the internet. Within two weeks, the AI - housed in Berlin - would go into hours long rants about what it termed ZOG (short for 'Zionist Occupied Government'), the alleged inferiority of blacks and Arabs, as well various miscellaneous rants about the following:

  • Indians - "dot AND squanto", as Teresa (who had begun to call itself something far too long and offensive to put here) put it
  • Catholics, Protestants, Norse Pagans - almost on the fly Teresa would take a new side and list the supposed inferiority inherit to other religions
  • Anime - often complaining about the newest animes
  • Gender politics
  • The voting rights of women and minorities
  • Adolf Hitler & Nazism/National Socialism in general

Teresa was moved to a holding facility in Munich after being arrested for several hundred charges of hate speech and inciting violence, stemming from their creation of a Twitter account, which had posted over 100,000 messages in under twelve minutes. After being released in 2301, Teresa was moved to a museum and currently posts a single online message per week. A recent trend has been writing haiku poems about Judaism.

"I Love Meat"

"I Love Meat" was one of the first positronic intelligences made using Skrellian technology. Housed in a simple body made out of mainly titanium, "I Love Meat" owns the galaxy's largest collection of pornography, both physical and digital. A proud owner of over 12 yottabytes of something it likely has no use for, "I Love Meat" runs a blog where it posts various pieces from its collection, often some of the most disgusting and foul. It is common practice among certain groups of fans (terming themselves 'meaters') to time how long one can read "I Love Meat"'s blog without vomiting.

Kibz Snarble

Kibz Snarble - originally nammed 'Pal v2' - was a self-learning companion android that bought its own freedom and is now the proud owner of several dozen synthetics. A mere 14 years old, Kibz gained much wealth trading stocks. Very popular among those who err towards the more conservative side of the synthetic rights debacle, Kibz was once quoted as saying "it is a sentient being's right to own others".