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As you walk, run, and spend time on the station, your character's nutrition level will drop. Eating food that contains nutriment, protein, or certain other reagents (see below) will replenish this value. It isn't good to go without food for too long, or to overeat! Keep in mind how much you've eaten and how long it has been since you last ate, and try to stay comfortably full.

Note that nutriment and other reagents need to be metabolized by your body after you've eaten, so if you don't fill up immediately after a meal, you may after a few moments.

Several reagents will increase your nutrition:

  • Very effective: Fats (Corn oil, peanut oil, and triglycerides in meat), caramel, glucose, nutriment (found in most foods), protein (found in meat, cheese, eggs, tofu, and seafood), and k'ois (if you are a Vaurca; it is poisonous otherwise).
  • Somewhat effective: Honey, ketchup, coco powder, peanut butter/roasted peanuts, hot ramen, Hell Ramen, barbecue sauce, garlic sauce, mayonnaise, and batter.
  • Minor increase: Soy sauce, hot cocoa, potato juice, sprinkles, dry ramen, flour, rice, moss, cherry jelly, coffee/tea grounds, alcoholic drinks. There may be others!

Alien species have special dietary needs:

  • Vaurca are only nourished by k'ois paste, which is found in the k'ois products on station. These foods also contain phoron, which the species needs to survive. Consuming any other food reagent will poison them.
  • Unathi are only nourished by animal products: meat, eggs, dairy, and so forth. Though they can eat other foods, these will not provide an Unathi with nourishment. Unathi are sensitive to foods that lower body temperature.
  • Skrell do not have special dietary needs and are not allergic to animal protein. However, they do not have teeth and prefer soft foods.
  • Tajara do not have special dietary needs, but are sensitive to foods that raise body temperature.
  • IPCs do not eat food. They require power from cyborg recharge stations or station APCs.


These icons may appear on your screen when your nutrition level needs attention:

  • A burger with a grey marker means you are too full and will move around more slowly.
  • The yellow marker means your character is getting hungry.
  • If you see the icon of a burger with a red marker on your screen, you will start to move very slowly due to starvation. This effect can be severe and will continue until you eat some food, so head to the chef for a wholesome snack!
    • IPCs that run out of nutrition due to a lack of power will be temporarily immobilized.
    • Vaurca are affected by nutrition like other species, but will also begin to suffocate if they do not replenish their internal phoron supply by consuming k'ois or finding an external source of phoron.

Some things will decrease your nutrition quickly:

  • Sprinting by toggling 'Walk' to 'Run'
  • Vomiting
  • Being cold (by exposure to cold environments or because you were in a cryo tube)
  • Recovering from blood loss
  • Taking Lipozine

Food Recipes

  • Liquids, condiments, ground fruits and vegetables, and eggs that have been cracked into a container are all measured in reagent units. They can be poured directly into the oven or pan (whole eggs can be added directly to a container and are considered a separate ingredient, so be careful!)
  • Sliceable foods can be divided into smaller portions by slicing them with a sharp object. Their reagents are divided equally into the slices. The slices noted here are the maximum number of slices, which you can get by using a precise cutting tool like a kitchen knife, cleaver, or scalpel; crude cutting tools, like axes, shovels, and saws will result in fewer slices.
  • Condiments and reagents can be added to food, possibly increasing their nutrition value or adding some fun extras. A chef can create condiments by grinding up things that contain them and isolating them in the CondiMaster. Condiments let you put ketchup on your fries, salt in your soup, dylovene on your fish fingers, or psilocybin on your xeno burger--the possibilities are endless. Foods hold a maximum of fifty units of reagents.
  • Some poisonous foods can be prepared safely if the poisonous reagent is neutralized or removed somehow (try using syringes!). Experienced chefs only!
  • Poisonous reagents are marked in red text. Reagents which have other, non-deadly effects--like intoxication, sleepiness, or the effects of hot or cold sauce--are marked in blue text.
  • Microwaves do not exist. Most of their functions have been relegated to plates, bowls, and stoves instead.
  • To create most foods, you need a container to mix ingredients. Containers include skillets, saucepans, pots, serving bowls and plates, oven dishes, and deep-fryer baskets.
  • Some recipes must be baked, boiled, fried, or cooked. For these, pick up a container from its appliance, insert the various ingredients, and then put the container back. If the appliance isn't turned on, your food won't cook; turn it on with an alt-click on the appliance, then select the desired temperature.
  • Food is done when it reaches a set temperature; your appliance will sound a helpful ping to notify you. If left too long after it is cooked, it burns; but there is plenty of time to reach the appliance and retrieve the food between cooked and burnt, so don't be afraid to set your fryer, stove, and oven to their max temperatures.
  • Traitor chefs can make some sneaky substitutions:
    • Psychedelic or poisonous mushrooms can be substituted for mushrooms in most mushroom dishes. If your victim gets medical treatment in a reasonable amount of time, they should survive.
    • Poisonous apples (Xenobotany) can be used in all apple dishes, and the final dish will be poisoned. Unlike poisonous mushrooms, cyanide apples can easily kill, since cyanide causes paralysis and heart failure.
    • Slime jelly (Xenobiology) can be substituted for cherry jelly, and will poison the resulting food. Slime jelly is highly toxic; your victim will require intensive medical care to survive.
    • Anything made with meat can be made with human meat. (It's still necessary to emag the gibber before butchering one's murder victims.)
    • Anything made with fish can be made with carp. This will poison your victim with carpotoxin. It will also upset the pharmacist, since carpotoxin can be made into rare chemicals.


Breads, Wraps and Sandwiches

Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes


Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes

Pasta, Rice and Noodles

Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes

Soups and Stews

Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes


Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes


Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes


Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes


Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes


Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes


Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes

Alien Cuisine


Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes


Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes


Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes

Mixed Recipes

Some recipes do not need to be heated, just mixed together. A few recipes can be created by clicking on one ingredient with the other; most require a mixing bowl or other container. Simply stuff the ingredients into a serving bowl or plate, drag the container's sprite onto your character's, and watch the delicious goodies appear in the container. If you can fit multiples of the same recipe into your container, you can even speed up the process: for example, combining six cabbages, three tomatoes, three carrots, and three apples in a bowl before dragging it to yourself will net you three tossed salads.

Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes
Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes
Aesir salad Bowl/Plate 1 ambrosia deus, 1 golden apple 8 Nutriment, 4 Ambrosia Extract, 2 Apple Juice, 1 Bicaridine, 3 Gold, 1 Synaptizine, 8 The Doctor's Delight, 8 Tricordrazine
  • Ambrosia Deus and Golden Apple are mutant plants obtainable from Xenobotany.
Bacon Burger Bowl/Plate 1 bun, 2 bacon, 1 meat 4 nutriment, 8 animal protein, 2.67 triglyceride
Banana Split Bowl/Plate 1 ice cream cone
1 banana
5u milk, 5u ice
5 nutriment, 3 banana juice
Bearburger Bowl/Plate 1 Bun, 1 bear meat 10 animal protein, 5 hyperzine
Big Bite Burger Bowl/Plate 1 Burger, 3 meat
3u egg yolk
4 nutriment, 10 animal protein
BLT Bowl/Plate 2 bread slice, 2 bacon
1 cabbage, 1 tomato
7.75 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 0.25 salt, 11 tomato juice, 0.6 triglyceride
Brain Burger Bowl/Plate 1 Brain, 1 Bun 4 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 6 alkysine, 5 blood
Breakfast of champions Bowl/Plate 1 meat steak, 1 omelette du fromage, 1 sausage 12 animal protein, 8 egg yolk, .64 nutriment, 1 pepper, 1 salt, 2.33 triglyceride
Bun Bun Bowl/Plate 2 Bun 8 Nutriment
Burger None OR Bowl/Plate 1 Bun and [1 Cutlet OR 1 Meatball] 4 nutriment, 2 animal protein, .67 triglyceride
Burrito (Mystery) Bowl/Plate 1 Meat burrito, 1 mystery soup 13 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 1 space spice.
  • Also contains whatever reagents were in the Mystery Soup
Candied Apple Bowl/Plate 1 apple
5u water, 5u sugar
3 nutriment, 2 apple juice, 5 sugar, 5 water
Cheese Burger None OR Bowl/Plate 1 Burger, 1 Cheese wedge 4 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 2 cheese
Cheesy Burrito Bowl/Plate 1 Meat burrito, 1 cheese wedge 6 nutriment, animal protein, 2.5 cheese, 1 space spice
Cheesy Fries Bowl/Plate OR Skillet 1 cheese wedge, 1 space fries 4 nutriment, 3 cheese, corn oil
Chicken Fillet Sandwich None OR Bowl/Plate 1 Bun, 1 Katsu 4 nutriment, 8 animal protein, beer batter, corn oil
Chili Cheese Fries Bowl/Plate OR Saucepan OR Skillet 1 Space Fries, 1 Hot Chili, 1 Cheese Wedge 8 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 2 capsaicin
Classic Hotdog None OR Bowl/Plate 1 Bun, 1 Corgi meat 4 nutriment, 19 animal protein, .33 triglyceride
Creamice Bowl/Plate 1 dirtberry
10u fatshouter milk, 10u ice, 10u sugar
8 nutriment, 11 dirt berry juice, 10 fatshouter milk, 8 ice, 3 oil, 10 sugar
  • Fatshouter milk is available from the bartender.
Doner Kebab Bowl/Plate 1 flat dough, 1 cutlet
1 cabbage, 1 tomato
1u salt, 1u space spice
7 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 1 space spice, 1 salt, 11 tomato juice
Earthen-root Salad Bowl/Plate 1 earthen root, 2 messa's tears, 1 dirtberries
1 sarmikhir
10 nutriment
Eggpop Bowl/Plate 1 bacon, 1 boiled egg 3 animal protein, 2 egg yolk, .33 triglyceride
El Diablo Bowl/Plate 1 spicy meat burrito
10 chili
24 nutriment
Fermented Hma'trra Sandwich Bowl/Plate 2 hardbread slices, 1 fermented hma'trra meat 10 nutriment, 15 seafood protein, 10 ammonia
Fillet -o- Fish Sandwich Bowl/Plate 1 Bun, 1 Fish Fillet 4 nutriment, 6 seafood protein
Fish Sashimi Bowl/Plate 1 fish fillet
5u soy sauce
3 seafood protein, 5 soy sauce
Fish taco Bowl/Plate OR Skillet 1 fish fillet, 1 tortilla
1 chili, 1 lemon
8 nutriment, 7 capsaicin, 10 lemon juice, 3 seafood protein
Guacamole Dip Bowl/Plate 1 tofu
1 chili, 1 lime
1u pepper, 1u salt, 1u space spice
20u nutriment
Hotdog None OR Bowl/Plate 1 Bun, 1 Sausage 4 nutriment, 6 animal protein, .33 triglyceride
Hrikhir Bowl/Plate 1 messa's tear, 1 dirt berries
1u space spice, 5u blizzard ear flour
20 nutriment
Hro'zamal Lard Sandwhich Bowl/Plate 2 flatbread, 1 lard 6 nutriment, 5 triglyceride
Ice Cream Sandwich Bowl/Plate 1 ice cream cone
5u ice, 5u milk
4 nutriment
Jellied Toast Bowl/Plate OR Skillet 1 toasted bread
5u cherry jelly
2 nutriment, 5 cherry jelly
Jelly Burger Bowl/Plate 1 bun
5u cherry Jelly
4 nutriment, 5 cherry jelly
Jelly Sandwich Bowl/Plate 2 bread slice
5u cherry jelly
3.75 nutriment, 1.25 animal protein, 5 cherry jelly, .25 salt
K'ois burger Bowl/Plate 2 Fried K’ois 15 k'ois, 15 phoron
K'ois on a stick None Metal Rod, 1-3 Fried K’ois 6/8/10 k'ois, 9/12/15 phoron
Lortl Bowl/Plate 1 dried q’lort slice
1u salt
2 nutriment, 2 salt
Mashed Earthen-root Bowl/Plate 1 earthenroot
1u pepper, 1u salt
4 nutriment
Mashed potato Bowl/Plate 1 potato 4 nutriment, 11 potato juice
Meat Burrito Bowl/Plate 1 tortilla, 2 meatball
1u space spice
6 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 1 space spice
Meat-kabob Bowl/Plate 2 meat, 1 metal rod 12 animal protein, 4 triglyceride
Nomad Skewer Bowl/Plate 1 adhomian meat, 1 metal rod
1 dirtberry, 1 earthenroot
8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 11 dirt berry juice, 6 earthen-root juice, 3 oil, 3 sugar, 2 triglyceride
Ouerean Fish Log Bowl/Plate 1 fish fillet, 1 boiled rice
1 cabbage
4 nutriment, 10 rice, 6 seafood protein, 5 water
  • Sliceable: 3 Ouerean fish cake
PBJ Sandwich Bowl/Plate 2 bread slice
5u cherry jelly, 5u peanut butter
3.75 nutriment, 1.25 animal protein, 5 cherry jelly, 5 peanut butter, .25 salt
Peanut Butter Toast Bowl/Plate OR Skillet 1 toasted bread
5u peanut butter
2 nutriment, 5 peanut butter
Rat burger None OR Bowl/Plate 1 bun, 1 rat meat 4 nutriment, 5 animal protein, 2 Triglyceride
Reuben Sandwich Bowl/Plate 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 cutlet, 1 Sauerkraut, 2 toast
5u mayonnaise, 5u ketchup
8 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 2 ketchup, 2 mayonnaise
Salsa Dip Bowl/Plate 1 chili, 1 tomato, 1 lime
1u space spice, 1u salt, 1u pepper
20u nutriment
Sandwich Bowl/Plate 2 bread slice, 1 cheese wedge, 1 Meat Steak 3.75 nutriment, 7.25 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, 1 pepper, 1.25 salt, 2 triglyceride
Sarmikhir Bowl/Plate 15u fermented fatshouter milk, 15u cream, 1u space spice 20 nutriment
Sarmikhir Sandwich Bowl/Plate 2 hardbread slices, 1 sarmikhir dip 12 nutriment
Sauerkraut Bowl/Plate 1 cabbage
5u Universal Enzyme
4 nutriment
Spicy Cheese Meat Burrito Bowl/Plate 1 meat burrito, 1 cheese wedge
2 chili
8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 14 capsaicin, 2.5 cheese, 1 space spice
Spicy Meat Burrito Bowl/Plate 1 meat burrito
2 chili
8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 14 capsaicin, 1 space spice
Spicy Ras'val Clams Bowl/Plate 2 Ras'val clam meat
1 cabbage, 1 chili
1u capsaicin, 1u space spice
3 nutriment, 8 capsaicin, 4 seafood protein, 1 space spice
Stuffed Meatball Bowl/Plate 1 cheese wedge, 1 meatball
1 cabbage
4 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, 2 nutriment
Super Bite Burger Bowl/Plate 1 Big Bite Burger, 1 boiled egg, 1 cheese wedge, 1 dough, 1 meat
1 tomato
5u pepper, 5u salt
25 nutriment, 25 animal protein
Supreme Cheese Toast Bowl/Plate 1 [Butter OR nutri-spread OR lard], 1 bread slice, 1 cheese wedge
1u space spice
8 nutriment, .16 animal protein, .63 cheese, .28 salt, .25 space spice, 5 triglyceride
  • Makes 4
Taco Bowl/Plate OR Skillet 1 cheese wedge, 1 cutlet, 1 tortilla 6 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, .67 triglyceride
Tofu Burger Bowl/Plate 1 Bun, 1 Tofu 4 nutriment, 3 tofu protein
Tofu-kabob Bowl/Plate 1 metal rod, 2 tofu 8 tofu protein
Tossed Salad Bowl/Plate 1 apple, 2 cabbbage, 1 carrot, 1 tomato 9 nutriment, 2 apple juice, 10 carrot juice, 5 Oculine, 11 tomato juice
Two Bread Bowl/Plate OR Skillet 2 bread slice
5u wine
3.75 nutriment, 1.25 animal protein, .25 salt, 5 wine
Valid Salad Bowl/Plate 1 meatball
3 ambrosia vulgaris, 1 potato
6 nutriment, 12 Ambrosia Extract, 3 animal protein, 3 bicaridine, 3 kelotane, 11 potato juice
Vegan Burrito Bowl/Plate 1 tofu, 1 tortilla 6 Nutriment, 6 tofu protein
Xenoburger Bowl/Plate 1 Bun, 1 Xeno-meat 4 nutriment, 8 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid


To cook on a stove, the stove must be preheated (ctrl+left click to choose temperature), and the right container must be used. Some recipes, like meatballs, can be mass produced. If reagents are not used in the recipe, they will be left over in the pan. Remove the container from the stove, add all the reagents to it, and put it back on the stove. The stove will "ping" when the food is finished.

Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes
Adhomian Fish Soup Pot OR Saucepan 1 messa's tear
1 sarmikhir dip, 1 fish fillet
10u water
4 seafood protein
Adhomian Stew Pot OR Saucepan 2 adhomian meat
2 dirtberry, 1 Messa's Tear, 1 mushroom
10u water
13.2 nutriment, 12 animal protein, 10.8 dirt berry juice, 6 oil, 4 triglyceride, 4 water
Amanita Jelly Saucepan 5u amatoxin, 5u vodka, 5u water 6 nutriment, 6 amatoxin, 6 psilocybin, 5 vodka, 5 water
Bacon Skillet 1 raw bacon 1 animal protein, .33 triglyceride
Bacon and eggs Skillet 1 bacon, 1 fried egg 3 animal protein, 3 egg yolk, 1 pepper, 1 salt, .33 triglyceride
Bear Chili Pot OR Saucepan 1 bear meat
1 chili, 1 tomato
3 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 3 capsaicin, 5 hyperzine, 2 tomato juice
Bear Stew Pot 1 bear meat
1 carrot, 1 chantrelle, 1 eggplant, 1 potato, 1 tomato
10u water
6 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 5 tomato juice, 5 hyperzine, 5 Oculine, 5 water
Bibimbap Pot OR Saucepan 1 cutlet, 1 egg
1 cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 chantrelle
5u rice, 2u space spice
6 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 3 egg yolk, 3 Oculine, 2 space spice
Bluespace Tomato Soup Pot OR Saucepan 2 bluespace tomato
10u water
5 nutriment, 5 bluespace dust, 24 Singulo, 10 Water
Boiled Egg Pot OR Saucepan 1 egg
5u water
2 egg yolk
Boiled Fjylozyn Pot OR Saucepan 1 fjylozyn
5 water
4 nutriment, 1.75 Toxin, 6.25 Plant-B-Gone
Boiled Rice Pot OR Saucepan 10u rice, 5u water 2 nutriment, 10 rice, 5 water
Boiled Spaghetti Pot OR Saucepan 1 spaghetti
5u water
3 nutriment, 5 water
Borscht Pot OR Saucepan 1 cabbage, 1 white-beet
10u water
8 nutriment, 3 sugar, 10 water
Chantrelle Soup Pot OR Saucepan 1 mushroom
5u milk, 5u water
8 nutriment
Chawanmushi Saucepan 1 chantrelle
6u egg yolk, 5u soy sauce, 5u water
5 animal protein
Chicken Momo Pot OR Saucepan 1 chicken meat, 3 dough slice
2u space spice, 5u water
9 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 2 space spice
Chilied Eggs Pot OR Saucepan 3 boiled egg, 1 hot chili 3 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 3 capsaicin, 6 egg yolk, 11 tomato juice, 2 triglyceride
Chocolate Egg Pot OR Saucepan 1 chocolate bar, 1 egg 3 nutriment, 3 egg yolk
Cold Chili Pot OR Saucepan 1 meat
1 ice pepper, 1 tomato
3 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 7 frost oil, 11 tomato juice, 2 triglyceride
Custard Bun Pot OR Saucepan 1 dough slice
3u egg yolk, 1u space spice, 5u water
6 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 2 egg yolk
Cutlet Skillet 1 raw cutlet 2 Animal Protein, .66 Triglyceride
Dionae Soup Pot OR Saucepan 1 diona meat
1 cabbage
10u water
11 nutriment, 2 radium, 5 water

Illegal in Biesel space.

Diona Stew Pot OR Saucepan 1 diona meat
1 carrot, 1 chantrelle, 1 potato
10u water
8 nutriment, 2 carrot juice, 2 potato juice, 2 radium

Illegal in Biesel space.

Dyn pozole Pot OR Saucepan 1 meat
1 cabbage, 1 dyn, 1 tomato
10u water
8.2 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 10 dylovene, 7 dyn juice, 6.25 dyn tea, 10.5 tomato juice, 2 triglyceride
Earthen-root soup Pot OR Saucepan 2 earthenroot
1u salt, 1u space spice, 10u water
4 nutriment, 10 earthen-root juice, 1 salt, 1 space spice, 4 sugar, 10 water
Earthen-root wedges Skillet 1 chopped earthen root 4 nutriment, 1.2 triglyceride
Egg Basket Skillet 1 bread slice, 1 egg 2 nutriment, .63 animal protein, 3 egg yolk, .13 salt
Fatshouters Bloodpudding Pot OR Saucepan 1 adhomian meat, 1 lard
5u blizzard ear flour, 10u blood
12 animal protein, 7 triglyceride, 5 blizzard ear flour, 10 blood
Fried Egg Skillet 1 over-easy fried egg 3 egg yolk, 1 pepper, 1 salt
Fried K'ois Skillet 1 K’ois 6 k'ois paste, 9 phoron
Fried Rice Saucepan OR Skillet 1 cabbage, 1 carrot
10u rice, 5u soy sauce, 5u water
6 nutriment, 3 carrot juice, 1 Oculine, 5 rice
Green Curry Skillet 2 tofu
1 chili
5u cream, 5u rice, 2u space spice
8 nutriment, 2 capsaicin, 2 space spice, 5 tofu protein
Grilled Cheese Sandwich Skillet 2 bread slice, 1 cheese wedge 3.75 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, .25 salt
Hatchling Surprise Saucepan OR Skillet 3 bacon, 1 poached egg 1 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 2 egg yolk, 1 pepper, 1 triglyceride
Honeyed Toast Skillet 1 bread slice
5u honey
1 nutriment, 2 honey
Hot Chili Pot OR Saucepan 1 meat
1 chili, 1 tomato
3 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 7 capsaicin, 11 tomato juice, 2 triglyceride
Jelly Stew Pot 1 cutlet, 1 slimy fillet, 1 butter
2 chili
10u water
3 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 5 capsaicin, 6 seafood protein, 3 triglyceride
K'ois Jelly Saucepan 1 K’ois Paste
2 K’ois
25 k'ois, 20 Oculine, 20 phoron
K'ois Steak Skillet 1 Fried K’ois 20 k'ois, 15 phoron
K'ois Waffles Skillet 1 K’ois Paste 25 k'ois, 12 phoron
Korlaaskak Skillet 6 fish fillet
1 cabbage, 1 lime
1u space spice
3 nutriment, 10 lime juice, 18 seafood protein, 1 space spice
  • Sliceable: 6 slices
Lo Mein Pot OR Saucepan 1 spaghetti
1 cabbage, 1 carrot
5u soy sauce, 5u water
8 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 3 carrot juice, 1 Oculine
Maeuntang Pot OR Saucepan 1 fish fillet
1 chili, 1 moss
10u water
8 nutriment, 7 capsaicin, 3 seafood protein, 10 water
Meat Bun Pot OR Saucepan 1 dough slice, 1 raw cutlet
1u space spice, 5u water
5 nutriment, 3 animal protein
Meat Pancake Skillet 3 meatball, 1 omelette du fromage 9 animal protein, 8 egg yolk
Meat Steak Skillet 1 meat
1u pepper, 1u salt
6 animal protein, 1 pepper, 1 salt, 2 triglyceride
Meatball Saucepan OR Skillet 1 raw meatball 3 animal protein
Meatball Soup Pot OR Saucepan 1 meatball
1 carrot, 1 potato
10u water
3 nutriment, 18 animal protein, 10 carrot juice, 5 Oculine, 11 potato juice, 10 water
Neaera Stew Pot 1 Neaera Meat
2 eki, 2 guami
5 cream, 10 dyn juice
35 Nutriment, 3 Animal Protein, 4 Dyn Juice, 6 Seafood Protein, 2 Triglyceride
Milosoup Pot 2 soy dope, 2 tofu
10u water
8 nutriment, 6 tofu protein, 10 water
Mint Saucepan 5u frost oil, 5u sugar 1 mint
Miyeokguk Pot OR Saucepan 1 meat
1 moss, 1 seaweed
10u water
8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 2 triglyceride, 10 water
Moghresian Sea delight Pot OR Saucepan 3 egg
15u blood
15 blood, 9 egg yolk
Morozian Brudet Pot OR Saucepan 1 fish fillet
1 tomato
10u water
8 nutriment, 3 seafood protein, 11 tomato juice, 10 water
Moss bowl Pot OR Saucepan 2 moss
3u egg yolk, 5u water
2 nutriment, 3 egg yolk, 6 moss, 5 water
Mystery Soup Pot 1 Burned Mess, 1 cheese wedge, 1 tofu
3u egg yolk, 10u water
Always contains 7 nutriment.

Possible other reagents: nutriment, banana juice, blood, capsaicin, frost oil, Oculine, slime jelly, tricordrazine, tomato juice, or water.

Nachos Skillet 1 chip basket, 1 cheese wedge 10 nutriment, 2.5 cheese, 1 salt, corn oil
Nettle Soup Pot OR Saucepan 1 nettle, 1 potato
3u egg yolk, 10u water
3 egg yolk, 11 potato juice, 10 sulphuric acid, 5 tricordrazine, 10 water
  • Nettles from Xenobotany.
NT Muffin Skillet 1 plump helment biscuit, 1 sausage, 1 fried egg, 1 cheese wedge 3 Nutriment, 5 Animal Protein
Omelette Du Fromage Skillet 2 cheese wedge
6u egg yolk
8u egg yolk
Onion Soup Pot OR Saucepan 1 onion
10u water
5 nutriment, 3 onion juice, 10 water
Over-easy fried egg Skillet 1 egg
1u pepper, 1u salt
3 egg yolk, 1 pepper, 1 salt
Pan-cooked Bacon Skillet 1 [Butter OR Nutri-Spread], 6 raw bacon 1 animal protein, 3.67 triglyceride, .17 salt
  • Makes 6
Berry Pancakes Skillet 1 flat dough
1 berry
8 nutriment, 11 berry juice
Pancakes Skillet 1 flat dough 8 nutriment
Poached Egg Saucepan OR Skillet 1 egg
1u pepper, 1u salt, 1u space spice, 5u water
1 nutriment, 1 pepper
Popcorn Saucepan 1 Corn 3 nutriment, 3 corn oil
Porkbowl Saucepan 1 bacon
10u rice, 5u water
4 animal protein, 6 rice
Qilvo Pot OR Saucepan 1 slimy meat
2 seaweed
5u cream, 10u water
5 nutriment, 3 cream, 3 seafood protein, 5 water
Queso Dip Saucepan OR Skillet 1 cheese wedge
1 chili, 1 tomato
1u pepper, 1u salt, 1u space spice
20u nutriment
Ras'val Pasta Pot OR Saucepan 1 earthenroot
1 ras'val clam
5u water
6 nutriment, 6 seafood protein
Razir Noodles Saucepan OR Skillet 1 egg, 1 worm fillet
1 lime
1u salt
3 nutriment, 8 seafood protein, 3 egg yolk, 5 polytrinic acid, 3 hyperzine
Red Curry Skillet 2 cutlet
5u cream, 5u rice, 2u space spice
8 nutriment, 7 animal protein, 2 space spice
Red Sun Special Saucepan OR Skillet 1 cheese wedge, 1 sausage 6 Animal Protein, 2.5 Cheese, .33 Triglyceride
Rice Pudding Pot OR Saucepan 5u milk, 10u rice 4 nutriment, 5 milk, 10 rice
Risotto Pot OR Saucepan 1 chantrelle
10u rice, 1u space spice, 5u wine
9 nutriment, 1 animal protein
Sausage Skillet 1 cutlet, 1 meatball 6 animal protein, .33 triglyceride
  • Makes 2
Sinta Pudding Pot OR Saucepan 1 butter
15u blood, 5u coco, 10u sugar
1 nutriment, 1 animal protein, 15 blood, 3 coco, 1 salt, 9 sugar, 20 triglyceride
Slime Soup Pot OR Saucepan 5u slime jelly, 10u water 5 slime jelly, 10 water
Spaghetti Pot OR Saucepan 1 spaghetti
2 tomato
5u water
7 nutriment, 22 tomato juice, 5 water
Spaghetti & Meatballs Pot OR Saucepan 2 meatball, 1 spaghetti
5u water
4 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 5 water
Spesslaw Pot OR Saucepan 4 meatball, 1 spaghetti
5u water
4 nutriment, 12 animal protein, 5 water
Spiced Shrieker Wings Saucepan OR Skillet 2 bat wings, 1 butter
2 chili
2.7 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 14 capsaicin, 20 triglyceride, 1 salt
Steamed Crab Legs Pot OR Saucepan 1 crab legs, 1 nutri-spread
1u salt, 10u water
2 nutriment, 6 seafood protein, 1 salt
Stew Pot 1 meat
1 carrot, 1 chantrelle, 1 eggplant, 1 potato, 1 tomato
10u water
9 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 10 carrot juice, 5 Oculine, 11 potato juice, 6 tomato juice, 5 water
Stewed Soy Meat Saucepan 2 soy dope
1 carrot, 1 tomato
8 nutriment, 10 carrot juice, 5 Oculine, 11 tomato juice
Stuffed Fish Fillet Saucepan OR Skillet 1 cheese wedge, 1 fish fillet, 1 roe sack 3 nutriment, 2 cheese, 7 seafood protein, possibly 3 carpotoxin
Toasted bread Skillet 1 bread slice
1u triglyceride
2 nutriment
Toasted Sandwich Skillet 1 Sandwich 3.75 nutriment, 7.25 animal protein, 2 carbon, 2.5 cheese, 1 pepper, 1.25 salt, 2 triglyceride
Tomato Soup Pot OR Saucepan 2 tomato
10u water
5 nutriment, 22 tomato juice, 10 water
Tomato Soup [Blood] Pot OR Saucepan 30u Blood 2 animal protein, 30 blood, 5 water
Tortilla Skillet 5u flour, 5u water 6 nutriment
Tunneler Meategg Pot OR Saucepan 1 hardbread slice, 1 adhomian meat, 1 tunneler egg 3 egg, 7 protein, 5 nutriment
Vegetable Soup Pot OR Saucepan 1 carrot, 1 corn, 1 eggplant, 1 potato
10u water
9 nutriment, 10 carrot juice, 3 corn oil, 5 Oculine, 11 potato juice, 10 water
Veggie Momo Pot OR Saucepan 3 dough slice
1 cabbage, 1 carrot
2u space spice, 5u water
13 nutriment, 3 carrot juice, 1 Oculine, 4 space spice
Waffles Skillet 2 dough
10u sugar
8 nutriment, 10 sugar
Wish Soup Pot OR Saucepan 20u water 10 water, 25% chance of 8 nutriment
Yellow Curry Skillet 2 peanut, 1 potato
5u cream, 5u rice, 2u space spice
8 nutriment, 2 space spice
Zantiri Pot OR Saucepan 1 eki, 2 guami
10u water
8 nutriment, 6 water
Zkah'nkowa Pot OR Saucepan 1 Adhomian Meat
10u blood, 5u blizzard-ear flour, 1u pepper, 1u salt
25 animal protein, 5 blizzard ear flour, 10 blood, 1 pepper, 1 salt, 2 triglyceride
  • Sliceable: 5 slices


  • Before you can use the oven, it must be preheated. Ctrl+click and select your preferred temperature to turn it on. Preheating takes several minutes, but after a short while it can be used to cook even if not fully preheated. The food will cook more slowly until preheating is complete. Examine the oven while next to it to see how hot it is.
    • You can alt+click the oven to open and close the oven door.
    • If the oven door is left open, heat will escape. Make sure it's closed, especially when cooking and preheating.
  • To add a single food item to the oven, use the food directly on the oven, which will place it into an empty oven tray. If you want to cook a recipe that requires multiple ingredients, remove one of the oven trays, put all recipe ingredients into it, and then put the tray back in the oven.
  • The oven can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single tray.
    • Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods.
  • When not making a recipe, the oven can also be used to just bake any food, which will cook it, giving it a nice brown color.
  • The oven can also be used for Combination Cooking, which allows you to make custom bread, pies, cakes, and pizzas with whatever fillings/toppings you want. To do this, right click and Choose Output, select the combine target, and then insert an oven tray full of ingredients.
    • The quantity of stuff used to make an item will determine the size of the result.
    • Combination Cooking can only make one item at a time - whatever output is set will only work for the next item cooked.
Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes
Adhomian Bread Oven 1 flatbread
1 dirtberry
1u space spice
5 nutriment
Adhomian Hardbread Oven 3 adhomian bread
1u space spice
15 nutriment, 1 space spice
Amanita Pie Oven 1 flat dough
5u amatoxin
5 nutriment, 5 amatoxin, 1 psilocybin
Apple Cake Oven 2 apple
15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk
15 nutriment
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Apple Pie Oven 1 flat dough
1 apple
5u sugar
5 Nutriment, 2 Apple Juice, 5 Sugar
Bacon Cheese Flatbread Oven 4 bacon, 2 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough
2 tomato
7 nutriment, 5 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, 22 tomato juice, 1.333 triglyceride
Baguette Oven 2 dough
1u pepper, 1u salt
6 Nutriment, 1 pepper, 1 salt
Banana Cream Pie Oven 1 flat dough
1 banana
5u sugar
4 nutriment, 10 banana juice, 5 sugar
Banana-nut Bread Oven 3 dough
1 banana
5u milk, 15u sugar
20 nutriment, 20 banana juice, 5 milk, 5 sugar
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Berry Clafoutis Oven 1 flat dough
1 berry
5 nutriment, 11 berry juice
Berry muffin Oven 1 dough
1 berry
5u milk, 5u sugar
5 nutriment
Birthday Cake Oven 1 candle
15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk
20 nutriment, 10 sprinkles
  • Sliceable: Makes 5 slices.
Bowl of Roasted Peanuts Oven 10 [Peanut OR Dry Peanut] 15 ground roasted peanuts, 5 peanut oil
Brain Cake Oven 1 brain
15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk
5 nutriment, 10 alkysine, 25 animal protein
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Bread Oven 4 dough
1u salt
15 nutriment, 5 animal protein, 1 salt
  • Sliceable: Makes 8 slices.
  • Bread slices can be turned into custom sandwiches by combining them with any food item.
Brownies Oven 10u brownie mix, 3u egg yolk 8 nutriment, 2 brownie mix
  • Sliceable: 4 pieces
Bun Oven 1 dough 4 nutriment

Buns can be turned into custom burgers by combining them with any food item.

Carrot Cake Oven 3 carrot
15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk
25 nutriment, 10 Oculine
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Cheese Cake Oven 2 cheese wedge
15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk
10 nutriment, 15 cheese
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Cherry Pie Oven 1 flat dough
1 cherry
10u sugar
4 nutriment, 10 cherry jelly, 11 sugar
Chocolate Cake Oven 2 chocolate bar
15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk
20 nutriment
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Chocolate Rikazu Oven 1 adhomian bread, 1 chocolate bar
5u cream
8 nutriment, 5 cream
Chocolate Truffle Oven 1 chocolate bar
2u coco, 5u cream
6 coco powder
  • Makes 4
Cone Cake Oven 15u blizzard ear flour, 5u fatshouters milk, 15u sugar, 5u water 15 nutriment, 15 blizzard ear flour, 5 fatshouters milk, 10 sugar, 5 water
Cooked Donk Pocket Oven 1 Donk Pocket 2 nutriment, 2 animal protein, 5 tricordrazine
Cookie Oven 1 dough, 1 chocolate bar
10u milk, 10u sugar
2 nutriment, 3 sugar
  • Makes 4
Cosmic Brownies Oven 1 ambrosia vulgaris
10u brownie mix, 3u egg yolk
8 nutriment, 4 ambrosia extract, 2 bicaridine, 4 brownie mix, 2 kelotane, 2 toxin
  • Sliceable: 4 pieces
Cracker Oven 1 dough slice
1u salt
2u nutriment, 1u salt
  • Also obtainable by butchering a parrot.
Cream Cheese Bread Oven 2 cheese wedge, 2 dough 6 Nutriment, 15 Cheese
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Croissant Oven 1 dough
5u milk, 5u salt, 5u water
4 nutriment
Donk Pocket Oven 1 dough, 1 meatball 3 nutriment, 3 animal protein
  • Makes 2
Eggplant Parmigiana Oven 2 cheese wedge
1 eggplant
6 nutriment, 5 cheese
Enchiladas Oven 1 cutlet, 1 tortilla
2 chili
8 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 14 capsaicin, .66 triglyceride
Fatshouter Fillet Oven 1 adhomian bread, 4 adhomian meat, 1 lard
2 earthen-root
5u blizzard ear flour, 5u Messa’s mead, 1u pepper, 1u salt, 1u space spice
10 nutrients, 10 protein, 5 Messa's mead
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Flatbread Oven 1 flat dough 3 nutriment
Fortune Cookie Oven 1 dough slice, 1 piece of paper
5u sugar
3 nutriment, 5 sugar
  • The recipe will not work unless something is written on the paper.
Fruit Rikazu Oven 1 adhomian bread
1 Messa's tear
5u sugar
8 nutriment, 2 honey, 5 kelotane, 5 sugar
Garlic Bread Oven OR Skillet 1 bread slice, 1 butter
5u garlic sauce
5 nutriment, 3 garlic sauce
Golden Apple Streusel Tart Oven 1 golden apple
10u flour, 5u milk, 5u sugar, 3u egg yolk
8 nutriment, 5 gold
Ham & Pineapple Pizza Oven 1 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough, 2 pineapple rings
1 tomato
30 nutriment, 4 animal protein, 5 cheese, 5 pineapple juice, 6 tomato juice
  • Sliceable: 6 slices.
  • Pineapple rings can be bought from snack vendors.
Honeybun Oven 1 dough
5u honey
3 nutriment, 5 honey
Hardbread Pudding Oven 1 earthenroot
2 hardbread
5u cream, 5u sugar
30 nutriment, 15 cream
K'ois muffin Oven K’ois Paste 15 k'ois, 15 phoron
Key Lime Pie Oven 2 lime
10u flour, 5u milk, 5u sugar, 3u egg yolk
16 nutriment
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Lasagna Oven 2 flat dough, 2 meat
1 eggplant, 2 tomato
12 nutriment, 12 animal protein
Lemon Cake Oven 2 lemon
15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk
20 nutriment
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Lime Cake Oven 2 lime
15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk
20 nutriment
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Loaded Baked Potato Oven 1 cheese wedge
1 potato
3 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 2.5 cheese, 11 potato juice
Lortl Oven 1 q’lort slice
1u salt
2 nutriment, 2 salt
M’sai scout ration Oven 2 Adhomian Meat
2 Dirtberry
1u salt
4 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 5 triglyceride
Margherita Oven 4 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough
1 tomato
35 nutriment, 9 cheese, 6 tomato juice
  • Sliceable: 6 slices
Meat Pocket Oven 1 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough, 1 meatball 3 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 1.25 cheese

Makes 2 pockets.

Meat Rikazu Oven 1 adhomian meat, 1 adhomian bread
1u pepper, 1u salt
5 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 1 pepper, 1 salt, 2 triglyceride
Meat-Pie Oven 1 flat dough, 1 meat 3 nutriment, 10 animal protein, 2 triglyceride
Meatbread Loaf Oven 3 cheese wedge, 3 dough, 3 meat 10 nutriment, 20 animal protein, 7.5 cheese, 6 triglyceride
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Meatpizza Oven 1 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough, 1 meat
1 tomato
10 nutriment, 44 animal protein, 10 cheese, 6 tomato juice
  • Sliceable: 6 slices
Morozian Flatbread Oven 1 flat dough
1 tomato
1u salt
10 nutriment, 1 salt, 11 tomato juice
Moss dumplings Oven 1 dough
2 moss
3 Nutriment, 3 Moss
  • Makes 2
Muffin Oven 1 dough
5u milk, 5u sugar
6 nutriment
Mushroom Pizza Oven 1 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough
5 chantrelle, 1 tomato
35 nutriment, 5 cheese
  • Sliceable: 6 slices
Neaera Brain Loaf Oven 1 Neaera Brain
10 Cream
6 Seafood Protein, 10 Cream, 2 Triglyceride
Orange Cake Oven 2 orange
15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar, 9u egg yolk
20 nutriment
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Oven-cooked Bacon Oven 1 [Butter OR Nutri-Spread], 6 raw bacon 1 animal protein, 3.67 triglyceride, .53 nutriment, .17 salt
  • Makes 6
Plate of Sugar Tree Candy Oven 1 dough
2 sugar tree fruit
5u fatshouter milk, 3u egg yolk
26 nutriment
  • Makes 26 candy cubes.
  • Get fatshouter milk from the bartender.
Plump Helmet Biscuit Oven 1 plump helmet
5u flour, 5u water
5 nutriment, 5 water, 5 flour; 10% chance of adding 3 nutriment and 5 tricordrazine
Plump Pie Oven 1 flat dough
1 plump helmet
8 nutriment; 10% chance of adding 5 tricordrazine
Poppy Pretzel Oven 1 dough
1 poppy
5 nutriment, 1.5 bicaridine
  • Makes 2
Pumpkin Pie Oven 1 flat dough
5u pumpkin pulp, 2u pumpkin spice, 10u sugar
15 nutriment
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Quiche Oven 1 cheese wedge
9u egg yolk, 10u flour, 5u milk
10 nutriment, 10 cheese
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Rib Plate Oven 1 meat
5u honey, 2u space spice, 1u pepper.
6 animal protein, 5 honey, 1 pepper, 2 triglyceride
Roast Diona Oven 1 diona meat
1 apple
2 space spice
6 nutriment, 2 Apple Juice, 10 Dionae Powder, 2 Space Spice
  • Sliceable: Makes 3 slices.
  • Illegal in Biesel space.
Roasted Dirtberries Oven 1 dirtberry
1u space spice, 5u sugar
4 nutriment, 4 caramel sugar, 11 dirt berry juice, 3 oil, 1 space spice, 5 sugar
Roffle Waffles Oven 2 dough
5u psilocybin, 10u sugar
8 nutriment, 8 psilocybin, 10 sugar
Soy Wafers Oven 1 soybean
10u flour
10 nutriment
Spacy Liberty Duff Oven 5u psilocybin, 5u vodka, 5u water 6 nutriment, 6 psilocybin
Stuffing Oven 1 Bread
1u pepper, 1u salt, 5u water
10 Nutriment
Stuffed Earthen-root Oven 1 earthenroot
1 sarmikhir dip, 1 hardbread slice, 1 zkah'nkowa slice
8 nutriment, 7 protein
Tofu-Pie Oven 1 flat dough, 1 tofu 8 nutriment, 3 tofu protein
Tofubread Oven 3 cheese wedge, 3 dough, 3 tofu 30 nutriment, 7.5 cheese, 9 tofu protein
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Tofurkey Oven 1 Stuffing, 2 Tofu 41 nutriment, 6 tofu protein, 3 soporific
Tunneler Souffle Oven 1 sarmikhir dip, 1 tunneler egg
5u blizzard ear flour
3 egg, 5 nutriment, 5 cream
Vanilla Cake Oven 9u egg yolk, 15u flour, 5u milk, 15u sugar 20 nutriment
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Vegetable Pizza Oven 1 cheese wedge, 1 flat dough
1 carrot, 1 corn, 1 eggplant, 1 tomato
25 nutriment, 4.5 carrot juice, 2.5 cheese, 12 Oculine, 6 tomato juice
  • Sliceable: 6 slices
Vegetable Rikazu Oven 1 adhomian bread
1 earthen-root
5u blizzard ear flour
8 nutriment, 5 blizzard ear flour, 5 earthen-root juice, 2 sugar
Xeno-Pie Oven 1 flat dough, 1 xeno-meat 3 nutriment, 10 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid
Xenomeatbread Oven 3 cheese wedge, 3 dough, 3 xeno-meat 10 nutriment, 20 animal protein, 2 cheese, 18 polytrinic acid
  • Sliceable: 5 slices
Xuq'qil Oven 1 cheese wedge, 1 slimy meat
1 plump helmet.
4 nutriment, 3 cheese, 3 mollusc protein, 3 seafood protein

Deep Fryer

  • Before you can use the fryer, it must be preheated. Right-click and select Toggle Power to turn it on. Heating up takes a while, so be sure to do it early. Prepare other ingredients while it warms up!
  • The deep fryer has an oil level that you should keep an eye on - cooking efficiency will fall as it drops, and it starts off at a randomized level. For optimal cooking, keep the oil topped up to the maximum.
    • You can find a spare tank of cooking oil in the cold room behind the kitchen. If you need more, you can order one from cargo.
  • To add a single food item to the fryer, use the food directly on it, which will place that item into an empty fryer basket. If you want to cook a recipe that requires multiple ingredients, remove one of the fryer baskets by clicking the fryer with an empty hand and put all your ingredients into the basket. Once everything for the recipe is inside, put the basket back in the fryer.
  • The fryer can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single basket.
    • Many fryer recipes require an ingredient to be coated in batter or beer-batter for the recipe to work. To coat an item in batter, hold the item and click on the batter.
    • Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods.
  • The fryer can also be used to just "deep fry" any food, which will cook it, give it a nice brown color, and add some extra nutrition to it.
  • Food fried in the deep fryer will usually have a small, random amount of corn oil added to the final product.
  • Food that is battered before being fried will usually have a small, random amount of the appropriate batter in the final product.
Result Container Recipe Reagents & Notes
Avah Fryer 1 cheese slice, 1 dough
5u fatshouter milk, 5u sugar
7 nutriment, 5 cheese, 5 fatshouters milk, 5 sugar, corn oil
  • Fatshouter milk is available from the bartender.
Basket of Chips Fryer OR Skillet 1 tortilla
1u salt
10 nutriment, 1 salt
Battered Sausage Fryer Sausage (Battered) 6 animal protein, .33 triglyceride, batter, corn oil
Burned Mess Fryer OR Oven OR Stove Created when you leave a finished item in the oven, stove, or fryer too long. 1 toxin, 3 carbon
Chicken Nugget Fryer 1 chicken meat
5u flour
4 nutriment
Corn dog Fryer 1 sausage (Battered) 4 nutriment, 6 animal protein, 2.2 batter, 1.5 corn oil
Cuban Fish Sandwich Fryer 1 dough, 1 fish fillet
1 chili
4 nutriment, 7 capsaicin, 3 Seafood Protein, corn oil
Donut Fryer 1 dough
10u sugar
3 nutriment, 5 sugar, corn oil; 30% chance of adding 2 sprinkles
  • Makes 2
Donut (Jelly) Fryer 1 dough
10u sugar, 10u cherry jelly
3 nutriment, 5 cherry jelly, 1 sprinkles, 5 sugar, corn oil; 30% chance of adding 2 sprinkles
  • Makes 2
Earthen-root Fries Fryer 1 chopped earthenroot 4 nutriment, 1.2 tryglyceride
Fish & Chips Fryer OR Skillet 1 fish fillet, 1 space fries 4 nutriment, 7 seafood protein, corn oil
Fish Fingers Fryer 1 fish fillet (Battered) 7 seafood protein, batter, corn oil
Fried Mushroom Fryer 1 Plump Helmet (Beer Battered) 4 nutriment, 2 animal protein, corn oil
Funnel Cake Fryer 10 batter, 5 sugar 10 batter, 5 sugar
Jalapeno Popper Fryer 1 chili (Battered) 2 nutriment, 7 capsaicin, batter, corn oil
K'ois donut Fryer 1 Fried K’ois 15 k'ois, 10 phoron, corn oil
  • Makes 2
Katsu Fryer 1 chicken meat (Beer Battered) 6 animal protein, beer batter, corn oil
Mini-avah Basket Fryer 1 adhomian meat, 1 dough
5u blizzard ear flour, 1u space spice
9 nutriment, 9 protein
  • Makes a basket of 3
Onion Rings Fryer 1 dough slice
1 onion
5 nutriment, 3 onion juice, corn oil
Pisang Goreng Fryer 2 Banana (Battered) 8 nutriment, corn oil
Pizza Crunch Fryer 1 pizza (Battered) 35 nutriment, 5 cheese, batter, corn oil
  • Sliceable: 6 slices
  • Can be made with any whole pizza; final reagents depend on pizza used.
Risotto Balls Fryer 1 Risotto (Battered)
1u pepper, 1u salt
2 Nutriment, 1 pepper, 4 rice, 1 salt
Roe fritters Fryer 1 roe sack
10u batter
3 Nutriment, 5 batter, 6 seafood Protein
Space Fries Fryer 1 raw potato sticks 5 nutriment, corn oil
Sweet and Sour Pork Fryer 1 bacon, 1 cutlet
10u batter, 5u soy sauce
16 nutriment, 3 animal protein, 10 batter, 5 corn oil, 5 soy sauce, 1 triglyceride
Wing Fang Chu Fryer 1 xeno-meat
5u soy sauce
6 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid, 5 soy sauce, corn oil


You can coat food in batter before putting it in the deep fryer!

  • Nearly everything you can fry can be coated in batter.
  • Put all of the ingredients of the batter in a container to create the batter, then use a food item on the container to cover it in batter.
  • The ingredients for the batter can be mixed in any kind of container.
Result Recipe
Batter Mix 10u flour, 2u salt, 5u water, 3u egg yolk
Beer Batter Mix 5u beer, 10u flour, 2u salt, 3u egg yolk

Intermediate Ingredients

Some ingredients need special preparation. Animals need to be butchered, items need to be cut up into smaller pieces, and dough needs to be flattened with a rolling pin.

Result Tool Recipe Reagents & Notes
Carrot Fries Knife Carrot 3 nutriment, 3 Oculine
Chopped Earthen-root Knife Earthen-root 3 nutriment
Dough Slice Knife Flat Dough 2 nutriment, .33 animal protein.
  • Makes 3.
  • Sliceable: Makes 1 Spaghetti
Flat Dough Rolling Pin Dough 3 nutriment
  • Sliceable: Makes 3 dough slices.
Hardbread Slice Knife Adhomian Hardbread
  • Makes 6
Hardbread Bun Knife Hardbread Pudding
  • Makes 4
Ice Cream Cone Ice Cream Cart [Various ingredients] 3 nutriment
K’ois Paste Rolling Pin Fried K’ois 15 k'ois, 10 phoron
Raw Bacon Knife Raw Cutlet 1 animal protein, .33 triglyceride
  • Makes 2
Raw Cutlet Knife Meat 2 animal protein, .67 triglyceride
  • Sliceable: Makes 2 raw bacon
Raw Potato Sticks Knife Potato 3 nutriment
Soy Dope Knife Soybean 2 nutriment
Spaghetti Knife Dough Slice 3 nutriment
Nutri-spread Biogenerator 80 Biomass


Butchering turns animals into ingredients. You have three ways to butcher animals:

  • The gibber. This large machine, located in the kitchen cold room, will turn any animal into its component parts. Click and drag the animal to the gibber to put it in; click on the gibber to turn it on. If the animal in question is a human, monkey, or similar creature, the gibber produces organs and limbs as well as meat. These organs and limbs can be eaten or ground up for animal protein, but often contain toxins. There is a safety guard that must be disabled before humans can be put into the gibber.
  • The meat spike. Smaller animals can be put on the meat spike by grabbing them (Grab intent) and clicking on the meat spike. Then they can be butchered by clicking on the meat spike.
  • Cleaver and table. Animals can be put on a table and butchered with a cleaver. Be aware that humans, monkeys, and similar creatures cannot be butchered this way, and butchering other animals with a cleaver is inefficient.
  • Clams, Barnacles, Molluscs and Ras'Val clams are grown in hydroponics trays, and are butchered by hitting them with a hatchet or knife.
Result Animal (Yield) Reagents & Notes
Adhomian Meat Farwa (4) or Schlorrgo 3 Animal Protein
Bat Wings Swarm of Space Bats (6) 1 Animal Protein
Bear Meat Bear (5), Space Bear (5) 12 animal protein, 5 hyperzine
Brain Monkey and monkey-analogues; humans
Carp Meat Space Carp, Gnat 3 seafood protein, 3 carpotoxin
Chicken Meat Chicken 6 Animal protein
Corgi Meat Corgi (3) Animal protein
Crab Legs Crab 2 seafood protein
Diona Nymph Meat Diona Nymph 10 Dionae Powder
Fish Fillet Available in the kitchen cold room 3 seafood protein
Hma'trra fillet 6 animal protein
Huge Mushroom Slice Walking Mushroom 3 nutriment, 3 psilocybin
Meat Most animals and people. The gibber will not accept people unless emagged. Synthetic meat can be created from the Biogenerator in hydroponics, or made by mixing blood and clonexadone. Varying amounts of animal protein and triglyceride. Standard meat from the back room has 6 Animal Protein and 2 Triglyceride.
  • Sliceable: 3 Raw cutlet
Neaera Brain Neaera
Neaera Eyes Neaera
Neaera Kidneys Neaera
Neaera Liver Neaera
Neaera Meat Neaera
Ras'val Clam Meat Ras'val Clam 2 Seafood Protein
Rat Meat Rat 5 Animal protein, 2 Triglyceride
Roe Sack Space Carp (1) 3 seafood protein, 3 carpotoxin
Slimy Fillet Cosmozoan 3 Cosmozoan protein
Slimy Meat Clam, barnacle, or Mollusc (1) 3 mollusc protein
Tomato Slice Killer Tomato 3 nutriment
Worm Fillet Cavern Dweller 6 seafood protein, 6 polytrinic acid, 15 hyperzine
Xeno-Meat Greimorian (3) or Xenomorph 6 animal protein, 6 polytrinic acid

Reagents/Condiments/Recipes from Blending or Mixing

To mix reagents, put them in the same container. You will hear a bubbling sound if mixing is successful.

  • To see exactly what you've mixed, use a beaker and then add it to a nearby All-In-One Grinder or ChemMaster machine.
  • Grinding a completed food item in the grinder reduces it to the reagents inside.

Processed Reagents

Reagent How to Obtain
Amatoxin Process Fly Amanita
Animal Protein Process meat or protein-containing foods.
Blood Draw with a syringe; or, process organs and limbs.
Capsaicin Process chili peppers. Capsaicin causes discomfort when eaten.
Cherry Jelly Process cherries.
Coco Process cacao fruit.
Corn oil Process corn from the garden. Found in a tank in the cold room. Can be spread on the floor as a lubricant to slip people!
Egg Yolk Process an egg or crack an egg into a container.
Frost Oil Process an ice pepper (Xenobotany).
Flour Process wheat from the garden, or pour directly from a flour sack.
Garlic Juice Process garlic.
Grape Jelly Process grapes.
Grape juice Process grapes.
Ground roasted peanuts Process Bowl of Roasted Peanuts
Honey Product of beekeeping (ask the gardener); or, process Messa's Tear.
Blizzard Ear Flour Process blizzard ears
Nutriment Process almost any food.
Peanut Oil Process roasted peanuts.
Pepper Process peppercorn. Extra pepper mills are in the bar, or can be ordered in a Kitchen Supply Crate from cargo.
Psilocybin Process Reishi
Pumpkin Pulp Process Pumpkin
Rice Process Rice. Ground rice is what is used in most recipes, rather than the whole plant.
Sugar Process white beet or sugarcane.
Triglyceride Process Butter or Nutri-Spread.
Universal Enzyme Some bottles can be found on the kitchen counter.

Mixed Reagents

Reagent Recipe
Barbecue Sauce 1u garlic sauce, 2u ketchup, 1u sugar
Beer 5u corn oil, 5u Universal Enzyme (Catalyst)
Brownie Mix 5u cocoa, 5u flour, 5u sugar
Cold Sauce/Frost Oil Process ice peppers (Xenobotany). Lowers body temperature and removes capsaicin from your body quickly.
Garlic Sauce 1u Corn Oil, 1u Garlic Juice
Ketchup 1u sugar, 2u tomato juice, 1u water
Mayonnaise 10u corn oil, 3u egg yolk, 2u lemon juice
Peanut Butter 5u ground roasted peanuts, 1u salt, 1u sugar
Pumpkin Spice 2u pumpkin pulp, 8u space spice
Salt 1u sodium, 1u hydrochloric acid (ask the chemist). Extra salt shakers are in the bar, or order more from Ops.
Soy Sauce 4u soy milk, 1u salt, 5u universal enzyme (Catalyst)
Space Spice Two bottles are found on the kitchen counter; order more from Ops.
Vodka 5u potato juice, 5u Universal Enzyme (Catalyst)
Wine 5u grape juice, 5u Universal Enzyme (Catalyst)

Mixed Foods

Food How to Obtain Contains
Butter 20u cream, 1u salt 20 triglyceride, 1 salt
Cheese Wheel 40u milk, 5u universal enzyme (catalyst) 20 cheese
  • Sliceable: 8 cheese wedge
Chocolate Bar 2u coco, 2u [Milk OR Soymilk], 2u sugar 2 nutriment
Dough 3u egg yolk, 10u flour 3 nutriment
Fermented Hma'trra 1 Hma'trra meat, 5u Universal Enzyme 20 seafood protein, 10 ammonia
Raw Meatball 3u animal protein, 5u flour 1 Animal Protein
Tofu 10u soymilk, 5u universal enzyme (catalyst). 3 tofu protein

Junk Food

When there's no chef, the chef is serving toxic glop, or the chef is trying to murder you and your friends, most people resort to one of two things: grazing on produce, or the vending machines.

Junk food requires no chef or machinery, but it's generally not as filling or as interesting.

Item Source Reagents & Notes
Ad-Mints Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine
Contains 6 Mint
1 mint
Bread Tube Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 6 nutriment, 3 salt
Can of Pineapple Rings Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine
Contains 6 Pineapple Ring
2 nutriment, 3 pineapple juice
Candy Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 3 nutriment, 3 sugar
Carps Ahoy! Miniature Cookies Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine
Contains 6 Miniature Cookie
.5 Nutriment
Cheesie Honkers Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 4 nutriment, 3 cheese, 6 salt
Chips Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 3 nutriment
Cup Ramen Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 30 dry ramen
Hot Ramen Mix 3u Dry Ramen, 1u water Makes 3u Hot Ramen
Hell Ramen Mix 1u capsaicin, 6u Hot Ramen

Raises body temperature.

Makes 6u Hell Ramen
Chocolate Bar Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 2 nutriment
Creamy Spongecake Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 4 nutriment, 4 sugar
Getmore Raisins Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp vending machine 6 nutriment
Go-Go Gwok! Authentic Konyanger moss Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 4 nutriment
K'ois Bar Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. 10 Filtered K'ois, 15 Phoron
Koko Bar Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 4 nutriment, 7 koko reed juice, 3 sugar
LiquidFood Ration Biogenerator; Mining reward vending machine 10 nutriment, 3 iron
Lollipop Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 2 sugar, 20 [fruit] juice
Maps salty ham Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 6 animal protein, 6 salt
Mo'gunz Meat Pie Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 2 nutriment, 12 animal protein, 4 salt
Monkey Cube Stocked in Science and Medical; created via biogenerator Run under water in the sink to create a monkey.

Also comes in Stok, Farwa, and Naera varieties.

Nutri-Cakes Hack a Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. 4 nutriment, 5 The Doctor's Delight
Packed Rice Bowl Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 5 nutriment
Organic K'ois Bar Hack a Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine. 10 K'ois, 15 Phoron
Phoron Rock Candy Obtained from the lunchbox loadout item for Vaurca 25u Phoron

Poisonous to everything except Vaurca.

Razi-snack corned beef Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 10 animal protein, 3 iron, 6 salt
Rice Ball Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 3 nutriment
Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 4 animal protein, 3 salt
SkrellSnax Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 10 nutriment
Tuna Snax Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine 4 seafood protein
V'krexi Snax Purchase from Getmore Chocolate Corp. vending machine.
Contains 6 V'Krexi Taffy
.5 V'Krexi Taffy

Advanced Cooking

Some reagents in finished recipes are poisonous or have undesirable effects. If you're a traitor that may be the point, but if you're just feeling fancy you may want to try and serve these items safely. A little creative chemistry or careful preparation can help get rid of the dangerous reagents in your food.

Any piece of food can contain up to 50 units of reagents.

  • Reagents can be removed from food with a syringe and separated using the CondiMaster in the kitchen. After removing undesirable reagents, the rest can be injected or poured back into the food.
  • Some poisonous reagents will react with other reagents to create non-toxic results. When neutralizing reagents this way, make sure to get the amounts right.
Reagent How to Neutralize
Blood Blood is not necessarily poisonous. It is always the same type as the person it was taken from, and if the type is incompatible with the recipient, it will cause a rejection reaction.

O-negative blood is always safe. Alcoholic drinks created with blood of any type are safe. Be sure there is no blood left over after the reaction. Blood can also be neutralized with clonexadone (1 unit clonexadone to 5 units blood), which creates synthetic meat.

Carpotoxin Anything made with carp meat will have carpotoxin in it.
Carpotoxin reacts with copper and cryptobiolin to form rezadone, a wonderful healing medicine with minor side effects. The pharmacist most likely wants your carpotoxin.
Radium Found in roast diona. This will cause radiation poisoning. Add 1 unit of dylovene per unit of radium, which will react to form hyronalin, an anti-radiation medicine.
Sulphuric Acid Neutralize each 1 unit of Sulphuric acid with 5 units of wine (creates Acid Spit, an alcoholic cocktail).
Polytrinic Acid You're serious about serving that xeno meat, huh? Well, don't serve it plain; polytrinic acid will poison, burn, and generally kill your customers in a gruesome manner. Polytrinic acid will react with foaming agent and either iron or aluminum to create metal foam, and 10 units of polytrinic acid with 20 units of plasticide will create plastic. When working out how to do this, remember that plasticide is poisonous and metal foam can be chipped through with a kitchen knife.
Phoron Really, now? You could neutralize phoron by adding 2 rum and 1 vermouth per unit, but eating phoron is still a bit of a waste.