Sol Alliance

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Official Title(s): "The Alliance of Sol and her Colonies" (SC)

Motto: "

Capital: Alliance of Sol Administrative Station "Nova Concrodia"

Demonym: Raksan

Official Languages: Sol Common, Tau Ceti Common (dialect of Sol Common), variety of intrasystem languages


  • 2445 Census: 17,835,259,702
  • 2565 Est.: 18,240,727,139

Systems: Sol, Sirius, Altair, Procyon, Alpha Centauri, Sigma Draconis, Eta Cassiopeiae, Delta Pavonis, Epsilon Indi, Ophiuchi, Van Maanen, Barnard, Wolf, Lalande, Luyten, Groombridge, Cancri, Gliese

Drives on the: Varies per System


Type: N/A; No Single, United Government

Executive: N/A

Legislature: Council of States (Rājya sabhā)

  • 1470 seats; sub-divided into 7 regional Conclaves of 210 Councilors each

Judicial: The Raksa Unified Court

  • 27 Supreme Adjudicators
  • 373 Superior Adjudicators; sub-divided into 7 regional courts of 39 seats


Military strength: Massive, under-equipped Army; Large, Rag-tag navy

Power Projection Ability: Medium-High


Official Currency: Raksan Rupee

Accepts Union of Sol Credit: No

GINI Coefficient: 33.9

Standard of Living: Varies among member states


Ethnic Groups:

  • 22% Banjara
  • 11% Chakma
  • 5.2% Jat
  • 5.1% Tamil
  • 4.3% Gurjar
  • 47.6% Other (Humans of various descent)

Religion: Secular; Religious Freedom; Variety of Religions


The Raksa pact, as it is known officially is a large colonial empire located in the inner-colonies on the border of the Sol safe zone. It is bordered by the Suzerainty of Tamil, The Principality of Caladbolg and the League of Draconis. It is an oddity in interstellar affairs as it is not a solid sovereign entity, instead being a large alliance of independent colony worlds who collectively act as the Raksa pact in foreign affairs.

The Pact is a highly diverse society, with hundreds of distinct ethnicities and nationalities within it's constituent states. With the largest specific ethnic group consisting of only 22% of the population, and hundreds of minorities making up the vast majority of the population. It's only intercolonial organization are it's army, navy and a single legislative branch known as the “Council of States” which consists of a single representative from each of it's 27 colonies and settlements.

Due to it's unique nature, The Raksa pact has no single classification in the Bank of Sol for it's income status or industrialization state. Though the vast majority of the constituent colonies are in the 'early industrialization' stage and are universally developing quite rapidly in comparison to the rest of the colonial states. This, along with it's large size (second only to the Union of Sol) makes it quite a force to be reckoned with in interstellar affairs.

The Raksa pact, as previously mentioned acts in most realms (save foreign affairs and defense) as a number of independent entities who have unique local laws, maintain their own police forces and largely have their own culture and some planets even maintain unique languages. It is a diverse and extremely heterogeneous society that makes it an interstellar oddity.

The origin stories of the various constituent colonies of the pact are complicated and long-winded safe to say. However, the pact itself was a much simpler affair. When the numerous states that now make up the pact say their neighboring colonies being swallowed up by foreign, hostile empires. They decided that they would not share that fate, and so bonded into a military defense pact that has since evolved into the current Raksa Pact.

The pact has a massive and unwieldy military that's only advantage is in it's sheet brute strength and force of numbers. It's soldiers are on-average only lightly armored and armed with substandard weaponry at best, while it's ships are either cobbled together, lightly armed or purchased from foreign powers. Despite this, it can be a devastating force in conventional warfare if led properly. And in it's many deployments in interstellar conflict, it has performed beyond expectations.

The Raksa pact's foreign affairs policy is precisely this, stay independent. All other tasks are considered secondary and all other policies are aligned to support and strengthen the Pacts' unity and independence. It has a reasonable amount of influence in the affairs of other empires and uses this to ensure Raksan economic dominance in the Inner-colonies.