Empire of Dominia

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  • Dominian
    H. Sapiens / Human
    Home System: X'yr Vharn'p
    Homeworld: Dominia
    Language(s): Tau Ceti Basic/Sinta'Azaziba
    Political Entitie(s): Empire of Dominia
    Imperial Unathi Zatimono of Emperor Boleslaw Keeser and the Empire representing the three nation states of old Moroz.


    The Empire of Dominia was formed from an amalgamation of Unathi pirate clans and human colonists in the mid 25th century. It is made up of a multiple star systems with four key planets. It's national motto is "In Their Name, So Shall It Be Done" with an unoffical moto "Democracy Is A Code Word For Plutocracy". It's official language is Tau Ceti Basic and Sinta'Azaziba. What is significant about Dominia is it's state religion, the Moroz Holy Tribunal, which rules alongside the Emperor and creates the laws of the land. It remains diplomatically isolated.


    Due to the recent introduction of Dominia into the galactic scene it is largely not possible for a Dominian to work as a Captain at the Aurora as this requires 10 years of experience working with NanoTrasen, exceptions may exist but this would be a rarity and would require a character to be over forty years old at the least due to the timeline of events. Loyalty implants are acceptable as they are allowed by the Thirty Third Edict.

    Population and Planets

    The total population of the Empire around 3 billion based on the 2458 Census. This population is spread out over the nation's territory.


    The capital planet the Empire with roughly 2.3 billion residents. The planet is largely dominated by its large polar circle which encompasses around 70% of the planets surface. Most settlements are dotted around the equator of the world, though some outer villages and towns are located in the sparse, frigid northern regions. The citizens of these arctic regions are known for their endurance and survival skills causing many to be recruited into the Imperial Army. In recent years efforts have been made to reclaim the polar regions with the use of large Echelon Mirrors, large constructions which direct heat and sunlight into their local surrounding areas. These melt zones are then settled and cultivated. There is a growing rift between the 'original' inhabitants of the polar regions who's rugged, survivalist lifestyle is being replaced by the more 'cushy' urban migrants. Dominia is also home to the prestigious "Juro School of Genetics and Bio-Sciences", a University focusing on genetic research and cross-species biology. Key tourist attractions include the polar tours, the Imperial Palace exterior with gardens and the four metre phoron crystal statue of fifteen battle medal holder Immortal Tribunal Commando Kikari Azi in the Imperial Plaza.

    A Specific Faction of Freedom, the Extrastellar Travel Union, calls this system home, usually on Dominia. A desire to break the bluespace monopoly held by Nanotrasen, and a few other corporations is their primary goal.


    The second most inhabited planet with 300 million people, Spartan has a thin but breathable atmosphere and largely unstable crust. It suffers from frequent natural disasters from earthquakes to volcanoes. Despite the violent geology making permanent habitation dangerous, the unstable crust contains an incredibly rich source of minerals and valuable ores that form the backbone of the local economy.

    Alterum Magnum

    Carrying around 300 million people and featuring a diverse biosphere and an environment similar to Earths, the planets populations is rapidly growing after coming under Imperial control around two years ago. After a proper government administration was established, surveys revealed that the planet may have been terraformed in the ancient past. Due to the secretive nature of the Imperial government there are no methods of confirming these claims of mysterious terrafoming.

    Ignotum Balteum

    The least populated world in the Empire with 100 millions subjects, Ignotum Balteum is a dry world with a mixed climate of savannas, deserts and arid polar regions. Many Unathi are known to dwell here and the Moroz Holy Tribunal's power is at it's most potent. The Tribunal's influence here can even surpass the Emperors imperial will in some cases.

    Sun Reach

    A recent addition to the Empire inhabited by roughly 500 thousand people. The planet itself is mostly covered in primative algae with a low level of biodiversity - a young world.


    Dominia uses the Galactic Credit like the rest of the galaxy, but to SolGov's frustration the system continues to use its own Imperial Pound as a local currency.

    The standard of living is extremely stratified. There is an extremely large underclass of the poor underneath a small caste of extremely wealthy land-owners. Dominia has an extremely small, stagnant middle class with limited economic mobility. Many companies in the system are styled after Unathi Guilds.


    Ethnic Groups:

    • 36% Tertiaries
    • 25% Secondaries
    • 20% Primaries
    • 15% Other (Humans of other heritage)
    • 2.5% Unathi
    • 1.5% Alien (Skrell, Tajara, Dionea, Other)

    The state religion is the Moroz Holy Tribunal.

    Ethnicity in the Empire


    The "Primaries" make up the third largest portion of the population and the majority of the nobility. Though sharing the same heritage as the "Secondaries" the "Primaries" were part of a colonial breeding program in the early days of Moroz and are therefore physcially quite different to their lower class cousins.

    Skin Tone: 30 - 50

    Average Male Height: 5'9" - 6'4"

    Average Female Height: 5'8" - 6'2"

    Various shades of blue or brown eyes

    Blonde to brown hair of various shades

    Dominian Unathi also fall into the category of "Clan-Primaries". They are usually descendents of the former pirate clans that held dominion over the area many years ago.

    Skin Tone: Shades of dark green (RGB 0,90,0) or light red (RGB 128,0,0)

    Average Male Height: 6'0" to 7'0"

    Average Female Height: 5'9" to 6'8"

    Eye colour shades of dark red.


    The "Secondaries" make up the second largest portion of the population. They are descended from colonials from Europe and East Asia.

    Skin Tone: 1 - 15

    Average Male Height: 5'6" - 5'9"

    Average Female Height: 5'1" - 5'4"

    Eyes dark brown to black

    Hair black or dark brown


    The "Tertiaries" make up the largest portion of the population and are the lowest class, usually serfs, or ex-slaves being moved into serfdom after slavery was made illegal. They are descended from conquered colonies and as such have a wide range of colonial heritages.

    Skin Tone: Any

    Average Male Height: Any

    Average Female Height: Any

    Dark hair

    Various shades of brown eyes


    Dominia operates as a feudal empire similar to the Izweski Hegemony, but far more radical and centralized in design.

    Imperial Cabinet

    Acting as the executive cabinet, this branch of government exists to exert the will of the Emperor. Almost all major political posts are controlled by Emperor Bolesław Keeser. Under him is his Imperial Cabinet, made up of:

    • High Lord General of the Army: Kasz Han'San (Unathi)
    • High Lord Admiral of the Navy: Maxim Zhao (Human)
    • Seneschal of Diplomatic Affairs: Ngo Juric (Human)

    Great Houses

    Made up for the five largest Houses/Clans, this group exist to look out for the numerious noble houses throughout the Empire and to exert political pressure on the Imperial Cabinet where appropriate. It is currently made up of:

    • House Han'San- House Colors: Green Shades - A Unathi dominated house. Largly a military and martial clan, it provides a large number of officers to the Imperial Military.
    • House Volvalaad - House Colors: Blue, Black - A Human dominated house. This house's wealth is in genetics and biological research with many of its Minor Lords belonging to the Biological Augmentalists of the ATLAS group. Of all the Great Houses, House Volvalaad is the biggest supporter of the empires integration into the wider galatic community.
    • House Kazhkz - House Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow - A Unathi dominated house. The wealth of the clan is in its privateer enterprise. Of all the Great Houses, House Kazhkz is the most against the empires integration into the wider galatic community.
    • House Caladius - House Colors: Purple Shades - A Human dominated house. This house's power lies in its money lending and banking, alongside it's many land holdings for which is receives a breathtaking sum in rent monies.
    • House Zhao - House Colors: White, Gray - A Human dominated house. The power of this great house sits in farming and it's numerious naval contacts.


    Dominated by a small group of extremely wealthy landowners, the Religious Tribunal functions to draft new laws and regulations for the Empire. The Religious Tribunal is made up of 4 representatives from each world.


    The Imperial Court has 12 seats, 3 for each world. It operates as the Supreme Court of the Empire. Each member serves for life. It functions to clarify the laws of the Empire, evaluate the legality of any edicts by the Emperor, and punish lawbreakers.


    The original settlers of the planet of Dominia arrived and founded the city of Nova Luxembourg in July of 2137. The settlers had been recruited from the nations of Europe and East Asia, promised a fertile new home in the deep frontier of human space. They were going farther than any settler had gone before. Their colony ship was equipped with a new generation of warp engine that made the trip only take three years. They had been told by the European propaganda that terraforming efforts had transformed three barren worlds into utopian paradises.

    But as the settlers stepped out onto their new home, they found the planet almost entirely frozen. What terraforming equipment had been there had been abandoned for years - the failing states of Earth had effectively sent tens of thousands of people off without making sure they had a home to arrive to. Their mission was not an official United Nations sanctioned effort, but a disjointed effort between scattered, failing states. Only 3 years after they landed the United Nations had even ceased to exist - transformed into the Sol Alliance. In the transition red tape and chaotic bureaucracy consumed everything and old data was lost or neglected, including records of the Dominian colonial effort. And with the colonists' warp-based transponder signals broadcasting on phased out frequencies that no longer existed within Sol, Dominia was cut off with no hope of resupply or escape. With no other option, they brought their colony ship to touch down on the planet's surface.

    The Forgotten Colony

    With their colony ship out of fuel and unable to re-enter orbit, Nova Luxembourg became a sprawling shanty town with its twin fusion reactors the sole source of power and heat. They were stuck planetside, and had to make tough choices in order to stave off extinction. While they turned to faith to get through the trying times, the colonial overseers implemented the breeding programs that required large family sizes for food ration cards. This first generation of neglected exiles formed the Primary generations. Children born as Primaries were held in high regard, for they were considered the future of the colony. These breeding programs did not slow down until 2195, when life on Dominia was no longer a brutal struggle to survive. The people born in this generation form the Secondaries, becoming a distinct new caste for a new era of the planet. In the 2200’s the breeding program was reduced even further, creating the caste of the Tetiaries.

    Still stuck on the planet’s surface by the 2300’s, many regions were prized for their abundance in natural resources such as coal or petroleum to power industry. They had a bizarre mix of 24th century technology without the capability of getting into orbit. By this time the colonists had spread out across the majority of the planet and had formed many unique identities and ideologies. This caused the planet to form into three distinct nations: The absolute monarchy of the Imperial Alliance, the theocratic absolute monarchy Holy Kingdom of Ofassel, and a republic known as the Confederate States of Sovereign Fisanduh. These three nations soon developed the capability of launching small vessels and satellites into orbit, and officially began looking outwards from their planet’s surface.

    The War of Liberation

    In 2438 the president of the Confederate States, Charles Manthur, broadcasted a message to a large fleet that his generals detected near Dominia. He invited them to the planet, believing them to be human, offering them vast wealth if they helped him defeat the other two nations of the planet and unite it under his republic. This immediately backfired as the fleet turned out to be Unathi pirates. The fleet used their bluespace engines to rapidly encircle the planet and launch a lighting fast invasion of its surface, striking cities and abducting people from the countryside. Despite a last ditch alliance between the Holy Kingdom led by the High Lord Precentor Lady Lien Jakaab and the Imperial Alliance led by Emperor Alexander Jordaan, they were defeated in the climactic Battle of the Five Points on July 29th 2438, which remains the largest land battle ever fought on the planet’s surface. They toppled each of the three nations using technology that had never managed to reach the planets inhabitants. The old world leaders where removed from government with many out to death. After the battle the entire planet was unified under one nation - the Empire of Dominia. This is why the two Unathi Houses, despite being descendants of xeno invaders, are so powerful and respected.

    The local economies of Dominia were reworked by the Unathi overlords under the leadership of the Unathi pirate admiral S'kraskin Seryo. The Unathi styled himself Emperor, his clan ruling over the multi-species system. His rule was harsh and his methods brutal; he was the first leader to enact chattel slavery against the conquered people. Seryo aggressively exploited the wealth of the human inhabitants, using it to enrich himself and his immediate lieutenants at the expense of everyone else.

    It was during this time that the Unathi pirates homeworld religion, Sk'ath, was introduced and forced upon the local populace. The fusion of the pre-imperial Ofassel religion and the Sk'akh led to the formation of Mo'Roz - the precursor to what would become the Moroz Holy Tribunal. The religion gathered momentum with the oppressed masses of the Empire and quickly led to organised protests and then attacks upon the establishment. Seryo's reign was severely hampered and he lasted for only one year.

    The Keeser Era

    At the end of his short reign S'kraskin Seryo abdicated to Boleslaw Keeser and retired from public life. In the following years Boleslaw Keeser reforms the government into the one present today and the planet is renamed to Dominia. He embarks on ambitious goals for the Empire, committing to them with zeal. He invests in the 7 major cities on the planet, linking them together with the Imperial Railroad in 2440. He also consolidates his power and - utilising the Empires renewed patriotism and the noble houses - organises a reform of Mo'Roz into the Moroz Holy Tribunal reducing the church's power substantially.

    In 2443 he oversaw the creation of an outpost on Lyoid, Dominia’s moon. This served as a shipyard and stepping stone for Dominia to officially enter space. By 2444 Dominia’s growing military had begun expanding to nearby systems. It was here that the Tribunal Commandos were first used in the Battle of Alterum Magnum.

    In 2449 the large pirate fleet Corsairs of the Eternal Raid attacked Dominia, fighting them to a stalemate. The pirate fleet was absorbed into the Dominian navy under the treaty.

    In 2450 the Frontier Alliance officially formed the “Coalition Against Dominian Piracy”; an additional pact between its members that would target Dominia financially and diplomatically after Boleslaw announced it would enter into a defensive pact with neighboring pirate fleets.

    In 2453 NanoTrasen officially entered into trade talks with the Dominian government, focusing on free trade and the “pirate issue”. The talks broke down and a year later Boleslaw condemned NanoTrasen, saying they would never do business with the corporation due to irreconcilable differences. They released several dramatic documents alleging genetic experimentation and human mistreatment in remote NanoTrasen labs, which NanoTrasen denied as ridiculous. With their business with NanoTrasen cut off, Dominia is forced to purchase its bluespace capable vessels and its entire supply of phoron through third party vendors.

    In 2457 a formal embargo is enacted against Dominia by over a hundred Frontier organizations and factions. The embargo cripples the Empire’s access to phoron and bluespace capable ships. Cut off, the Empire is forced to rely on its backup warp engines, which drastically reduce their capability of traveling between star systems as they nurse their dwindling resources.

    In 2460 Emperor Boleslaw declared involuntary servitude illegal, still leaving the much larger system of serfdom in place. In response, the embargo against Dominia is lifted by the Frontier organizations and Tau Ceti ends its own travel ban on Dominia, officially allowing its citizens to travel to and work outside the Empire. Coincidentally, reports show that the end of slavery came as Dominia’s phoron reserve was down to a month’s supply.

    Life in Dominia


    The elite of the Empire, members of the nobility enjoy the finest comforts and opportunities. Divided into Noble Houses or Clan Houses, these classes are a hybrid form of Unathi clans and Human dynasties. Each Noble House is ruled by a "Lord Noble" below whom sits the "Minor Lords" followed by the "House Nobles" and finally the "Minor Nobles" on the bottom rung. All Noble Houses have a number of serfs allocated to them dependant on their perceived importance to the Empire alongside their relationship with the Emperor or the Tribunal. These serfs are then further distributed down the "chain" by the Lord Noble of the House. Many Nobles used to be able to choose to own slaves, until a decree by the Emperor ruled it illegal. All Nobles of a House share the same last name. If part of a great house, player characters will only be able to play a House Noble or lower.

    Freeman/Free Citizen

    What one might consider the average citizenry, these citizens are either born into being a freeman or an immigrant into Dominia. Able to own property and take part in elections the variations on Freeman life are numerous and dependant on the planet or nation in which they dwell. It is not uncommon for these citizens to be adopted into the noble clans or houses as lesser nobility. This is usually based on demonstrating some use to the clan or house in question or through cronyism.


    Essentially having the rights of medieval European serfs, they are the bottom of the social feeding chain. Most serfs are born into their serfdom and are allocated by the Emperor to a noble house or clan on coming of age, a variable time frame based on planet and nation. Serfs can range from simple farmers to skilled laborers and trained technicians of all types. Serfdom also stands as a replacement for the traditional Unathi practice of "The Guwan". When a Dominian citizen dishonors his clan or house, they can be stripped of all titles and assets by their Clan Lord/Lord Noble and relegated to a life of serfdom. Serfs are assigned weekly, monthly and yearly quotas by their masters which, if not achieved, can lead to punishment ranging from reduced rations to severe beatings. Achieving or exceeding quotas on the other hand allows the serf to be entered into the "Serf Lottery" provided by the Moroz Holy Tribunal in the Emperors name in which they can potentially be granted freedom and the rank of 'Freeman' or 'Free Citizen' with the approval of their master. Lottery winnings are not uncommon and most serfs attribute their luck to being blessed by God through the Tribunal. Serfs are theoretically protected from murder and other violent crimes perpetuated by their masters due to the virtue of belonging to the Emperor by law, however in practice serfs attempting to exercise these rights to protection tend to have great difficulty due to their social status.

    Tribunal Commandos

    An evolution of the Unathi concept of ‘Guwandi’; in the event that a citizen becomes mortally ill, finds themselves lacking the pride, honor, drive to live or has simply become tired of their lot in life, they will give up their possessions and join the religious "Tribunal Commandos", an irregular military force of near suicidal warriors. Acting as a vanguard force to soften up targets or as distractions, members of the Commandos are expected to die. Like ‘Guwandi’ it is possible for a citizen to regain their honor whilst serving in the unit and be released from service and accepted into their clan, house or into a new found lease of life. It is not uncommon for young men and women with no real prospects to join the Tribunal Commandos to prove their worth to their families or themselves. A Commando who survives an engagement is awarded a square, bronze battle medal. When ten are accrued the soldier is offered the choice to remain within the Commandos or be honorably discharged, keeping his medals and earning the title of Ten Medal "Immortal of the Tribunal Commandos". A soldier who survives ten engagements is very uncommon.

    House Relations

    To most within the Empire all noble houses would appear to be unified under the Emperor and the Tribunal. The reality - known to those in the mid to upper levels of the nobility and the few citizens they interact with - is one of secret proxy wars and assassination. Most if not all noble houses strive for Great House status and the favor of the Emperor, but there can only ever be five. As such, noble houses tend to engage each other in secret conflict in attempt to usurp as much power as possible, be this through subtle economic embargos (over charging a competing house for critical services) low-key military interference (blockading a competitors space ports under the guise of policing) or house "accidents" (the heir to a house being poisoned by peoples unknown, a private shuttle experiencing unexpected engine failure). The Emperor and the Tribunal are aware of this and the Tribunal in particular goes to great lengths to ensure the masses are kept oblivious to this. Direct and obvious house competition is met with the wraith of the Imperial Military and can lead to House Death - the deaths of all members of a noble house and their records stripped from Imperial databases. Tribunal officals with plastic smiles are quick to remind the nobles that such harsh measures have never needed to be used. ~~+_:@~@~HOUse__HaRadis_---_liVEs'[[}+_

    Synth Relations

    "I'm real! Just like any of you! Please God save me! I'm real!" Last words of Shell IPC T2332 aka Lì Olesk before permanent shut down, praise God.

    Dominia is highly anti-synth, as such any and all IPC's are sought out and destroyed upon entering Dominia space. Interestingly to observers, there seems to be a disproportionately high number of shell IPC's present in the sector compared to those beliefs. Special task forces have been set up under Section 0 to tackle this perceived threat to Dominia yet it is still not unknown for shells to flee the system in search of protection.

    Edict Breakers

    Breaking of an edict is punishable by death so it is not uncommon for an "Edict Breaker" to go on the run outside of Dominia space. Due to the nature of the Empire, indepth records are kept on all subjects and once one runs, their details are reported on the local ExtraNet daily until they return/are returned. These details include name, address, picture, family details, everything. As such, any "Edict Breakers" are instantly identifiable to Dominia subjects. In Dominia space, any "Edict Breakers" are violently sought for capture. Outside of Dominia space however, due to the nature of The Thirty Third Edict, subjects of Dominia usually do not violently attempt to apprehend these criminals but instead try to convince them in the nicest way possible to return to Dominia space under their own volition for judgment. This usually devolves into near passive-harassment where the loyal imperial subjects will remind the "Edict Breaker" over and over that they have violated the law and should return to the Empire to repent, usually in a sickly sweet manner. The effect is usually maddening for the law breaker and it's not uncommon for them to take their own lives or allow themselves to be returned to Dominia for judgment and inevitable execution.