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Moghes, which is the third planet from the Uueoa-Esa star, is the home planet of the Tajara. Before the Contact War Moghes enjoyed a complex ecosystem similar to Earth with the temperature being roughly +5c hotter on average. Currently Moghes is suffering extensively from rapid and catastrophic desertification along with vast swaths of the planet's surface being affected by fallout. Moghes is one of two habitable planets in the system, the second being Ouerea. Moghes was discovered in 2433 by a Sol Alliance funded expedition.

Geography and Climate

A map of Moghes, with cities and the Wasteland labelled.

Flora and Fauna

A map of Moghes before the Contact War.

Azkrazal (Threshbeast)

Threshbeasts are tall, hoofed salamander-like creatures that stand at 8-10 feet tall on average and walk on four legs. They have colorful bodies with a tough, leathery hide that acts as a natural defense against predators. They have two eyes and slitted nostrils. They are herbivores and naturally graze. Their speed and herd mentality made them one of the first large animals to be domesticated by Unathi. Threshbeasts were used as a way to travel very quickly over vast distances, as the animals have incredibly high stamina and can run 30 - 42 miles per hour over 15- to 25 miles before needing to stop.


Warmounts are incredibly robust and fierce animals that continue to be prized across Moghes. They are similar to an Earth rhinoceros. Adult Warmounts tend to be over 1 ton in weight with a thick protective skin, typically 4cm thick. They have small, black eyes, a single nostril, and lack a tail. They are herbivores and typically graze, with all their teeth being small and flat and unsuited to a carnivorous diet. When threatened a Hegeranzi uses the three horns on its head to try and gore the threat. Hegeranzi can also charge, which is what they are famous for: a Hegeranzi can reach 46 miles an hour in charge. They tended to live in small herds with a tight-knit family structure, which early Unathi exploited in order to domesticate them. They are typically used in warfare. They have famously long lifespans, typically living up to 92 years old. Hegeranzi take a long time to grow physically and emotionally. They reach the majority of their size by age 16, but often continue to grow in size and weight until they're about 20 years old. Because of the investment in time and resources to raise a Hegeranzi they are rarely butchered or used outside of battle. When they die traditionally their bones are harvested and turned into jewelry or ceremonial armor, though this practice has waned in modern times.