Tau Ceti

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Tau Ceti is a stable G-class main-sequence star located approximately 11.9 LY away from Sol. Tau Ceti is smaller than Sol, at 78% of its mass. However, it is also spectrally similar to Sol. There are several small, rocky planets orbiting Tau Ceti. Most of them are nearly completely metal-deficient. Three of them are within the circumstellar habitable zone of Tau Ceti. There are six main planets orbiting the star. Outside of the main planetary orbits is a large, thick disc composed of dust and rocky material left over from the formation of the planets. This disc is approximately 49.1 AU from Tau Ceti, and extends for another 55.4 AU outward. Due to the high density of relatively large pieces of rocky debris in this disc, the system’s outer planets face a threat of regular bombardment. At 236.294 AU, a very small seventh planet is engaged in a nearly circular orbit around the star. Much, much further out from the star, at approximately 0.4 LY, there exists a sphere of debris. The debris in this sphere is composed of much larger pieces than the inner disk. The asteroids orbiting in this sphere are extremely large, many even approaching the size of planetoids. The debris here is rich in hydrogen, frozen water, precious and semi-precious metals, radioactive materials, and plasma. The secondary belt extends from 0.4 LY to 1.2 LY away from Tau Ceti. The materials that are mined from this outer belt is enough to not only sustain the civilizations of inner planets, but to establish them as major exporters of raw materials.

Planets and Major Bodies in Orbit

Caprice (Tau Ceti I)

Development level: None

Population (est.): Uninhabited

Similar to the planet Mercury in orbit around Sol, Caprice is a small world that orbits very close to its parent star. The periapsis and apoapsis of the planet’s orbit range from 0.203 AU to 0.291 AU, respectively. The planet's orbit is also extremely fast, with a Caprician year only lasting approximately 99 standard days. On the other hand, Caprice has very slow revolution speed; a Caprician day lasts around 49 standard days. The planet was named Caprice because of the extreme differences in temperature it experiences, similar to Mercury. The side of Caprice that faces Tau Ceti has temperatures that regularly exceed 500 °C, and the side that faces away experiences temperatures around -180 °C. Caprice is completely inhospitable to organic life of any kind. Even advanced scientific equipment cannot survive in its extreme environment for long without breaking down. Caprice has no detectable atmosphere. With a mass of 257.6E21 Kg, its gravity is too insignificant to trap gases and keep them from being swept away by the solar wind given off by Tau Ceti. Civilian travel is not advised.

Luthien (Tau Ceti II)

Development level: Medium; Biodomes

Population: 20,346

Luthien is the second planet in the Tau Ceti system. Its orbit ranges from a periapsis of 0.687 AU to an apoapsis of 0.694 AU. Its orbit places it just within the inner reach of Tau Ceti's habitable zone, and allows liquid water to exist near the poles of the planet. However, most of the planet's landscape is harsh, uninhabitable desert. The poles of the planet are covered in shallow seas filled with simple algae and single-celled organisms. A Luthienese year lasts for 256 standard days, and a Luthienese day is approximately 22.7 standard hours long. Luthien has a thin atmosphere composed of 65% carbon dioxide, 10% nitrogen, 12% oxygen, 3% water vapor, and the remaining 10% distributed among various trace and noble gases. The atmosphere does not allow unprotected activity on the surface of the planet, and the only human habitation is near the poles in controlled-environment biodomes and research outposts. Temperatures on Luthien can range from 237 °C near the equator, to 89 °C near the poles. Having a mass similar to Mars (627E21 Kg) and being almost completely metal-deficient, Luthien has a relatively low amount of gravity, at 0.510 Earth gravity. Luthien is the site of many testing and research facilities, such as those dedicated to weapons testing, or the development of flora and fauna that are able to adapt to extreme environments.

Biesel (Tau Ceti III)

Development level: High; Open Megacities, Space Stations, Developed Infrastructure

Terrestrial Population (est.): 2,500,000,000

Spacer Population (est.): 200,000,000

Biesel is considered something of a rarity in the field of astronomical physics. Not only is it an Earth analog, but its orbit is at a 34° angle to Tau Ceti's solar plane. This means that unlike the other planets in the Tau Ceti system, it is only at an increased risk for asteroid bombardment when it aligns with the solar plane at two points in its orbit. The orbit of Biesel is a nearly circular 0.857 AU away from its parent star. This means that the climate on Biesel is relatively mild. It is located near the middle of Tau Ceti's habitable zone, and due to the smaller mass of its parent star, it is considerably cooler than Earth was while it was still habitable. Approximately 56% of the planet's surface is covered in liquid water, and 28% of it is fresh. A Bieselian day lasts approximately 24.9 standard hours, and a Bieselian year is about 1.2 standard years long. The atmosphere of Biesel was originally composed of 76% nitrogen, 22% oxygen, and 2% carbon dioxide, which was already somewhat similar to a habitable Earth, but not quite suited for human habitation. However, as a result of terraforming efforts, the current atmospheric composition of Biesel is equivalent to the atmosphere of a pre-industrial Earth. Due to the presence of a relatively high amount of metal on Biesel, and the angle of its orbit around Tau Ceti, most scientists believe one of two theories about the planet. Either that it was struck by a metal-rich planetoid in the early stages of its formation, or that it was an extrasolar capture. Biesel is slightly smaller than Earth, at 89% of its mass. However, due to a metallic core, it has a similar gravitational pull, at around 0.972 Earth gravity. The average temperature of Biesel ranges from 21 °C around the equator, to -87 °C at the planet's poles. Biesel's poles are covered in vast ice caps, which contain approximately 9% of the water on the planet. Biesel has two moons; Valkyrie, the nearest, is tidally locked to Biesel and affects Biesel the most. The second moon, Hydra, is nothing more than a rather large asteroid captured by Biesel's gravity well. Both moons are in a stable orbit around the planet and post no threat to the surface. Biesel is the central population hub for Tau Ceti, with many large cities and a registered surface population approaching 12.5 billion. All settlements on Biesel were built with a goal of sustainable development in mind, so the threat of impending environmental disaster due to overpopulation or pollution is relatively nonexistent. Most of the equator of Biesel has been set aside for agricultural purposes, given the mild climate. Genetically modified strains of crops and vertical agriculture make for high amounts of production, allowing the government on Biesel to export excess food as an extra source of income. The planetary capital of Biesel is Mendell City, a megalopolis in the southeastern quadrant of the planet. In orbit around Biesel, and its moon Valkyrie, are many space stations that were built for the purpose of providing extra living space for wealthier citizens. There are also stations that were designed to be planetary defense platforms, and military naval stations to provide repair and refueling services to military vessels. In a high orbit around the planet is Nanotrasen's Tau Ceti Branch Central Command Platform, where bluespace shuttles depart from and return to as they move personnel between the various Nanotrasen installations around Tau Ceti. The combined population of spacers around Biesel approaches 200 million.

New Gibson (Tau Ceti IV)

Development level: High; Closed Cities, Space Stations, Industrial Mega-parks

Terrestrial Population (est.): 1,300,000,000

Spacer Population (est.): 13,000,000

New Gibson is the industrial powerhouse of Tau Ceti. It is located just outside the outer edge of the habitable zone of its parent star, and is therefore very cold. The planet's orbits at a distance of approximately 1.56 AU. There is no liquid water on New Gibson, all of it locked up in permafrost and polar glaciers. The atmosphere is too thin to support life. All inhabitants of New Gibson live inside regulated environments within biodomes. New Gibson revolves very slowly, almost to the point of being tidally locked to Tau Ceti. A day on New Gibson lasts approximately 4.9 standard years, almost as long as a New Gibson year, which is 5 standard years. Due to its distance from its parent star, New Gibson is in a permanent ice age. Temperatures dip down to -194 °C, and do not rise above -65 °C. However, despite being a harsh and unforgiving environment unsuited for organic life, it has a population of approximately 1.3 billion. The planet's complete lack of tectonic activity and weathering agents such as rivers and precipitation means that the surface of the planet is extremely flat; New Gibson has no major mountains or valleys except near the poles, where the action of glaciers carves indentations. The planet is a suitable location for industrial development, since minimal terraforming is required, and populations of workers can be sustained in biodomes scattered across the barren landscape. Any activity on the planet's surface requires EVA equipment, but due to its high level of industrial development, the planet is the largest producer of consumer appliances, ship components, space station modules, and other manufactured goods in Tau Ceti. The planet’s gravity is rather weak, at 0.302 Earth gravity. However, this serves companies with economic interests on the planet, as it reduces the costs of transportation. New Gibson has three moons, simply designated TC-IIIa, TC-IIIb, and TC-IIIc. The moons have been transformed into transport hubs for massive cargo ships. Shipments of manufactured components are lifted into orbit around the planet and maneuvered into the transport hubs on the moons, where they are loaded into cargo ships for transportation to other planets and systems. The surface of New Gibson is divided into 127 different districts, all geared towards different industries. New Gibson faces problems of unrest and high crime rates among its populace, and corporate entities often have to deploy riot response teams to protect their interests. The planetary capital of New Gibson is Government District 1. New Gibson faces a relatively high risk of impacts from asteroids, so multiple corporate entities with interests on the planet have pooled resources to construct an orbital shielding system capable of deflecting asteroids away from the surface. Besides the shield platforms and the planetary defense platforms, there are several military installations in orbit around the planet, both to police the surface and to protect it from outside forces. The approximate population of spacers in orbit around New Gibson is 20 million.

Reade (Tau Ceti V)

Development level: Low to None

Terrestrial Population (est.): Unknown; suspected in the low hundreds or dozens, likely temporary

Reade is a small, cold ball of rock that orbits Tau Ceti at a distance ranging between 19.523 AU to 23.980 AU. It has no atmosphere to speak of, and is only slightly larger than Pluto, just large enough to call it a planet, rather than a planetoid. It has no moons, no tectonic forces, or any water. It is also completely devoid of useful minerals. The surface temperature can range between -200 °C to -150 °C. A Readen day is very long, lasting nearly 563 standard days. A Readen year is also very long as well, stretching 98 standard years. It is generally ignored by the rest of Tau Ceti, although it is rumored that there are pirate outposts located on the planet. Civilian travel is not advised.

Chandras (Tau Ceti VI)

Development level: None

Terrestrial Population: Uninhabited

Chandras is an icy body that orbits Tau Ceti at a distance ranging from 31.233 AU to 35.756 AU. It has no atmosphere, a result of its very low mass (98E21 Kg) and associated low gravity (0.213 Earth gravity). Completely metal deficient, there exists no infrastructure on or around the planet. The surface is completely coated in ice, with scattered lakes of liquid nitrogen. Surface temperatures do not vary much, almost always staying at around -210 °C. Chandras faces an extremely high risk of asteroid bombardment. A Chandran day lasts 34 standard days, and a Chandran year is as long as 112.3 standard years. The planet is ignored by the rest of Tau Ceti. Civilian travel is not advised.

The Dust Belt

The Dust belt is a thick ring of debris encircling Tau Ceti's solar plane, and enclosing the inner planets. It has a radius of 55.4 AU, and is composed of debris of various sizes, ranging from microscopic dust particles to large asteroids the size of small moons. The Dust Belt is metal deficient and has proven too dangerous to mine effectively. The lack of materials present in the belt and the danger of rogue asteroids has discouraged further mining operations after the initial forays. Civilian travel is not advised.

Dumas (Tau Ceti VII)

Development level: Low to None

Spacer Population (est.): Unknown, suspected in the low hundreds

Dumas is an extremely small rocky body that orbits in a nearly perfect circle around Tau Ceti. It resides at 236.294 AU, and its periapsis and apoapsis differ by only 0.000001 AU. Much of the light from Tau Ceti that would fall upon Dumas is blocked by The Dust Belt, resulting in the planet being very cold indeed. Temperatures approach absolute zero on the planet. Dumas is tidally locked to Tau Ceti, and has an orbital period of approximately 283 standard years. Dumas is rumored to have stations in orbit around it that are used by smugglers to move goods into Tau Ceti. Civilian travel is not advised.

The Romanovich Cloud

The Romanovich Cloud is a shell of icy, rocky and metallic bodies that orbit Tau Ceti from a distance of 250 AU to a distance of 1.7 LY. The Cloud was discovered by astronomer Solomon Romanovich and was named after him. The Cloud is composed of large pieces of debris left over from the origins of the Tau Ceti system, similar to the Oort Cloud around Sol. It is currently unknown how the Romanovich Cloud formed, since there are no gas giants presently in orbit around Tau Ceti. Several theories suggest that gas giants may have existed in the distant past, and that they either grew to a point that they were crushed under their own gravity and imploded, or gained enough momentum to reach an escape velocity. The Romanovich Cloud is the source of nearly all of the raw materials used in Tau Ceti. The rocky bodies within it are rich in deposits of precious and semi-precious metals, radioactive elements, and the mysterious substance dubbed Plasma. The corporate entity Nanotrasen has claimed most of the plasma deposits in the Romanovich Cloud for itself, erecting mining facilities and patrolling the nearby space with automated drones and FTL capable battleships. Many high-tech Nanotrasen facilities are located in the Romanovich Cloud, such as the NSS Aurora, a cutting-edge science station located above the solar plane of Tau Ceti. The Romanovich Cloud is actually larger than Sol’s Oort Cloud. It marks the outer edge of the Tau Ceti system.