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  • NanoTrasen was not always the dominant economic power of the galaxy. It was originally founded by Xavier Trasen in 2346, Galactic Standard Time, and specialized in advanced gene therapy. It expanded to general scientific research, rivalling Einstein Engines, until the fateful day that it discovered phoron...

    Formation and Early Years

    • 2346: NanoTrasen is officially founded by Xavier Trasen, who is at the time 47 years old. It has a net worth rivalling that of Einstein Engines, the original 'mega-corporation', as it has developed advanced medical technology.
    • 2403: NanoTrasen acquires the mining rights to the Romanovich Cloud in the Tau Ceti system (an Inner-inner colony system). NanoTrasen eagerly invests in the system, constructing a research station on one of the asteroids alongside their mining centers.

    Discovery of the Skrell

    • 2413: The discovery of the Skrell and the consequent development of Bluespace drives has Xavier Trasen recognize the massive potential in energy research. Several new research stations are built in Tau Ceti and in the frontier of Sol Alliance space, and the corporation begins pouring millions of credits into experiments and prototypes for enhanced warp travel, which is currently extremely expensive and cumbersome. They compete with Einstein Engines, who have begun their own research.

    The Discovery of Phoron

    • 2417: In the Romanovich Cloud in the outer edges of Tau Ceti, NT discovers the resource ‘Phoron’. This element becomes an immensely efficient fuel source, effectively ending the growing energy crisis that humanity was facing, while further research quickly proved that it can make bluespace travel safe, efficient, and profitable. Phoron quickly becomes the prefered fuel and energy generating commodity. Einstein Engines and the Sol Alliance had poured tens of billions of credits and several years upgrading the previous warpgates, which are rendered completely obsolete by this discovery as NanoTrasen's phoron-powered bluespace is a hundred times more efficient than regular warp-travel. NT becomes excessively wealthy, using its exclusive patents on phoron refining and generation to become the single most powerful corporation in the known galaxy.

    Discovery of the Tajara

    • 2418: The discovery of the Tajaran homeworld of Adhomai by exploration ships equipped with new bluespace drives is quickly realized as a potentially profitable enterprise for NanoTrasen. There are accusations that despite being hindered by the Sol Alliance, NanoTrasen intentionally inflamed conflict on Adhomai to further their own ends. They use the situation to their advantage, bringing many Tajaran into their workforce, albeit with much lower pay and benefits than human or skrell.

    Bluespace Gates

    • 2425: NanoTrasen wins a contract with the Sol Alliance to construct the first "Bluespace Gates", which quickly replace Warp Gates and allow travel between entire star systems in a matter of minutes or hours. Einstein Engines begins to see its profits fall as it stacked its entire decks in Warp Gates, which are now rendered obsolete due to how expensive and energy-intensive they are. NanoTrasen becomes the leader in both medical research, and a titan of energy.

    Discovery of Unathi

    • 2433: A NanoTrasen-funded exploration mission discovers the Unathi on their home planet of Moghes. Xavier Trasen is pressed by the board of directors to monopolize on this new species before other trans-stellar corporations have the chance. They enter into a race with other corporations and the Sol Alliance itself to compete for influence on Moghes. It takes a massive war between the Unathi and rumours of NanoTrasen selling weapons and technology to the competing factions, but until events in 2457 NanoTrasen remained the only connection that Moghes possessed with the rest of the galaxy, owning all of the shuttleports and bluespace communication on the planet's surface. Many Unathi still accept contracts with NanoTrasen, eager to escape their war weary home planet. Most of them find work in the Internal Security of NanoTrasen, where they become a considerable force to be reckoned with.

    Rise of the Syndicate

    • 2440: With its power and economic might nearly unquestionable, Nanotrasen uses its massive influence to directly influence the galaxy for the first time. It directly purchases several systems in the frontier, for all intents and purposes becoming the government of many small colony worlds. It also begins to expand its merchant navy, and begins changing its small internal security force into two new organizations: The NanoTrasen Navy, and the Emergency Response Team, who both work together to defend NanoTrasen interests from raiders and opportunists. These moves are very controversial, and it is only by the influence NanoTrasen has in Sol Alliance politics that they get away with these actions. Seeing that political pressure does little, disaffected and angry groups begin to plot more severe methods of undermining NanoTrasen...
    • 2443: Xavier Trasen dies at the age of 97, and his daughter Miranda Trasen takes over as the new CEO of NanoTrasen at 30 years of age.
    • 2445: A massive wave of terrorist attacks strike NanoTrasen facilities and assets across known space. The attacks are claimed by a shadowy organization known as the Syndicate, who condemn NanoTrasen's power in the galaxy and demand to see its monopoly ended. NanoTrasen profits take a hard hit, and the mega-corporation uses this as a reason to further expand the power of both its navy and its influence in Tau Ceti, which escaped most of the attacks.

    The Formation of Biesel

    • 2452: In the face of growing instability and a worsening recession, the Sol Alliance caves to the pressure of both NanoTrasen and Tau Ceti politicians in the pocket of the mega-corporation. Tau Ceti is officially granted independence and becomes the Republic of Biesel. The Tau Ceti Free Trade Zone is formed as well, giving NanoTrasen considerable power and influence directly in the center of Sol Alliance space. With Biesel seen as little more than a puppet of NanoTrasen, it becomes the target of considerable ire from both the Syndicate and disaffected citizens.

    The Creation of the NSS Aurora

    • 2454: NanoTrasen is now once more the dominant economic power of the galaxy. With Biesel in its pocket, it constructs in Tau Ceti one of its most advanced and state-of-the-art research stations in the Romanovich Cloud on the outer edge of the system: The NSS Aurora. It becomes one of the most important research centers in the possession of NanoTrasen, allowing a wide range of research and experiments to be done rather than having a single speciality. It also sees the construction of the NTCC Odin, or "Central Command", which becomes the central hub for NanoTrasen in Tau Ceti.


    • 2457-2461: The NSS Aurora has become an important center of scientific advancement for NanoTrasen. It handles and researches new deadly diseases, still investigates the mysterious entities known as "Slimes", advances phoron research through its Supermatter engine and a new, experimental "Tesla" engine. as well as new ways to integrate man with machine through Robotics. In 2461, NanoTrasen founded a new sister station to the Aurora, the NSS Upsilon, where they now conduct most of their research, with the Aurora instead serving as a Phoron Mining and forward research station. However, the Aurora's lessening role in Research hasn't shattered its importance by much, as it still exists as the public flagship of the Corporation. It remains a target of unseen powers. Old enemies in the Syndicate, eager and greedy raiders, and even supernatural entities disturbed by NanoTrasen exploration and experiments have set the station on an uncertain future...
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