Unathi Entertainment

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Версия от 13:43, 30 января 2024; >Captain Gecko (Created page with "{{Navbox Lore}} {{Navbox Unathi Lore}} Just on Moghes, cultures are incredibly varied, and each has their own traditions and forms of entertainment. This section is dedicated to more famous forms of Unathi entertainment, known and enjoyed over the entire world, Hegemony, and by Unathi -and even people of other species- across the Spur. = Music = Music is an almost essential part of Unathi society, and a highly appreciated form of entertainment...")
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  • Just on Moghes, cultures are incredibly varied, and each has their own traditions and forms of entertainment. This section is dedicated to more famous forms of Unathi entertainment, known and enjoyed over the entire world, Hegemony, and by Unathi -and even people of other species- across the Spur.


    Music is an almost essential part of Unathi society, and a highly appreciated form of entertainment, whether it is played or listened to.

    Uhszi Ski

    Uhszi Ski was born ten years before the nukes dropped near Mudki. Her clan was devastated by the war and became nomadic wandering the wastelands to find food and shelter, during those years Ski developed her talent for music mostly using her voice and string instruments singing about wandering the wastes and surviving in it. Her breakthrough in the wider world of Moghes was when she got an audience with Queen Lazak Sezk-Hakh, moved by her music she hired her as a personnel bard getting her songs out to the radios all over the wastes and the wider Moghes.

    Ski has learned to play various instruments since her career began, though she almost exclusively plays traditional Moghesian instruments. Her instrument of choice is the Ksar - a centuries-old, large instrument not unlike a harp, featuring five strings and played with a bow. Her singing is equally based on tradition, employing plenty of long hissing and notes. As a person, she is said to be a calm and quiet, but very kind woman.

    Her texts generally revolve around praising Unathi culture and traditions, as well as mourning what was lost and the many lives wasted in the Contact War, often mixing mournful but hopeful themes. Perhaps the source of her success, however, might be her ability to embrace and praise tradition without coming off as hostile to the Hegemony and other more progressive elements of the Unathi population; instead preaching a message of peace, forgiveness, and harmony. Her most famous track is a perfect example of it, named “Spirits of Stones”, it is about a young couple falling in love with each other in the middle of the Iron Crusade, one being of Sk’akh faith, and the other Th’akh, ending on bittersweet notes.

    Wall Breachers

    Wall Breachers is a Moghesian band mixing elements from modern rock and metal genres with more traditional Unathi instruments, rhythms, and singing. Their music mostly revolves around war and battles, though not in a politically engaged way - rather praising the heroics and sacrifices of soldiers over history rather than treating war itself as a positive thing. Their songs offer tribute to all, from Traditionalists to Hegemonic troops, from ancient Unathi to soldiers of modern powers across the Spur.

    Their first album, “Burn Thy World” revolves exclusively around the Contact War, and sparked a bit of a controversy considering that it came out in 2451, merely two years after the Contact War ended - though it was undeniable that the band had talent even then and warriors from both sides were somewhat pleased by the tribute in the end. Released in 2453, “Lead and Light” is their most popular album to date, still mostly revolving around Unathi, it both extends far beyond the Contact War and up to the first Hegemony and tells tales about Kataphracts facing pirates among the stars. They have continued releasing more albums up to now and continue to do so; “Supernova” came out in 2456 and contains many more songs dedicated to non-Unathi with the most popular one in it being about the Interstellar War. “No Fear”, coming out in 2463, is considered their weakest entry, though it still features a few loved tracks, and it is also where Ra’Akaix’Kruki’K’lax, the band’s Vaurca member, made his first appearance. The band’s most recent album, “Honor” was released in 2465, rapidly proving extremely popular across the Spur with the band trying to evolve musically and attempt new things. One song in particular from this album has proved a surprise hit - The Abyss, an eight and a half minute long ballad about the final battle of the Great Hive War. The song proved hugely popular with both K’lax and offworld Vaurcae.

    Band members

    Wall Breachers have five members:

    Koke Ozuk, (aged 36) is the band’s founder and lead singer. Born the third son to a minor noble in the Hegemony, his father sent his son off to the Keepers of Heirlooms where he quickly became a part of the Scourn of Skalds. Though he was as shocked by the Contact War as any other Unathi, being in Res’karum at the time ensured that he would remain safe from the nuclear exchange. In 2447 he took part in the Contact War’s last battles, up to its very end in 2449, during which it is said that he wrote his first songs, some of which ended up in the band’s first album. Koke often comes out as a fun-loving but ultimately responsible sinta.

    Ulha Ossi (aged 38) is the guitarist. Born a peasant in Ura’Mastyx in the Tza Prairie, they were a fisherman before meeting Koke. For a time they learnt to play various traditional Moghesian string instruments. Ossi plays various instruments for the band, depending on the song, from the old Unathi Iszwara (a sort of mix between a harp and a guitar that a Unathi plays by plucking the cords with their claws and tail) to even electric guitars. Ossi is very close to Ozuk, the two of them publicly referring to each other as “brothers” on multiple occasions.

    Rearsl Ozuk (aged 35) is the bassist, born as a noble in the Heartlands, always being fond of history even from a young age she aspired to be a historian when she grew up. She was married to Koke Ozuk one year before the band formed, hearing her husband talk about music she decided to help her husband with making a band and bringing the history point forward. A quick learner she picked up the bass guitar and in Wall Breachers' latest releases started to do some backup singing.

    Ska Reoroz (aged 47) is the drummer. Born before the Contact War, he was a warrior for the Traditionalist Coalition, though beyond that little is known about his clan or origins. A quiet man, Reoroz prefers to stay out of the spotlight, refusing to give personal interviews unless there’s a band member with him. When asked, Reoroz has said that he prefers to “let the music speak for him”. He compensates for his more quiet and composed attitude with unparalleled energy when playing, his age seemingly taking nothing from him.

    Ra’Akaix’Kruki’K’lax (aged 2) is the latest addition to Wall Breachers, an unbound Bulwark-form Vaurca of the K’lax hive, Kruki met Koke during “No Fear”’s production. Stories say that Koke was shocked to meet Kruki because of how surprisingly good of a musician they were. Kruki plays the synthesizer, though they are able to play various other keyboard instruments, bringing an electronic side to the band’s songs and occasionally acting as a backup singer. Kruki instantly became popular among fans appearing as a big but somewhat naive and kind figure within the band.

    Mador’s Revenge

    Mador's Revenge is a band made up of six Aut’akh from the underbelly commune of Skalmar, not much is known about these six sinta other than their names and some facts. A young band popular among the underclasses of the Hegemony mostly playing live in underground taverns, they scream and sing about how furious they are against the Hegemony, Hephaestus, and wider society. While not so popular on Moghes itself, their music is quite popular in various scenes around the Spur, and naturally among other Aut’akh.

    The band is very guitar, drum, and synth-heavy with a little mix of the saxophone in it. The heavy focus on human instruments is believed to be due to Ouerean cultural influence. The band's most infamous action was during the opening of the Jaz’zirt regional fusion plant in the Southlands - playing several of their most anti-Hephaestus song in the streets. They were ordered to stop by the local watch following the assassination attempt on Titanius Aeson, and rumor has it that several members of the band were arrested under suspicion of involvement - a fact which neither the band nor the Jaz’zirt watch are willing to confirm or deny.

    Band members

    Hoeiz Madorssask is the front man of the band, and often acts as their public face. He is believed to have originally been a roboticist in one of the undercity communes. He cuts an imposing figure, a hulking Sinta covered head to toe in Mador runes and robotic augments.

    Kiso Madorssask is one of the guitarists of the band. A young Sinta, he stands out for an Aut’akh, sporting barely any arguments buta robotic arm and eyes. He is believed to come from the Kuhwinla orphanage, though he has repeatedly publically denied this.

    Ukok Madorssask is the bassist of the band. Small and thin for a Sinta, it is believed they were a wasteland refugee. Due to the band’s unwillingness to share personal details, Ukok has refused to comment on this, which has led to a running joke among fans of attributing increasingly implausible secret identities to them - ranging from King Don’zai Azarak’s secret twin to a Skrell-created clone of Hegemon Kresshi Kres’ha’nor.

    Hsekasa Madorssask is the other guitarist and saxophone player, an older woman believed to be a former noble from the Traditionalist Coalition. Due to her age and perhaps her noble education, she learned the guitar and saxophone easily. She is fully augmented, with her extensive prosthetics etched in Mador runes. Of the band’s members, she seems to be one of the most dedicated to the religious ideals of the Aut’akh faith.

    Reeri Madorssask is the drummer, a young woman born in to a Skalmar peasant clan. She joined the Aut’akh due to her political stances, and saw the band as a means to spread the fairly unpopular faith’s message. A skilled wordsmith, she is one of the band’s main songwriters - frequently praised by fans for her influence on the lyrics and song titles.

    Azal Madorssask is the synth player, who also acts as a roboticist for the Skalamar commune. She has a very keen mind when it comes to technological matters, and is responsible for a great portion of the band’s unique sound - reportedly often spending days on end diving through the extranet for samples.

    The Rezlik Crew

    Originally the Rezlik clan was a small crew of an independent pirate ship. Like quite a few others, they chose to swear fealty to the Hegemony for forgiveness, and the right to return to Moghes. While they are crewmen first, they also very much enjoy singing, and this is how they made a name for themselves. Shanties are not uncommon among Unathi space pirates, but the Rezlik take these quite seriously and very much enjoy them. Thankfully, people seem to grow quite fond of their renditions and so they started selling albums, something that turned out to be quite successful.

    Unathi space pirate shanties are quite unique, a bland of tradition and modernity, with crews hissing, thumping tails, and doing harmonics, while a handful of members actually sing. Texts generally revolve around tales of adventure, danger, and glory, as well as tales of legendary pirates past. “The Gold of the Glorywright” is one of their most popular songs, telling of the death of the pirate Vhariz Smokescale, and his lost trove of phoron hidden somewhere in the Spur.

    The Rezlik Crew remains first and foremost, pirates in the service of the Hegemon, and thus their mission passes before their music. While they can record their music in their ship, on their way to their objectives, occasions to perform before a crowd are rare, though often happen when they stop by a colony. Occasionally, influential members of the Hegemony can also ask to have the Rezliks given some “free time” so that they may perform somewhere specific if it is possible.

    The Crew counts 30 members, but its face remains Uklek Rezlik, the Captain himself. He is a generally brash and rude man, but not a cruel one. He is also ultimately a man of honor, hence his desire to stick to his duty to the Hegemon first and foremost.