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  • Unathi Lore Pages
    Planet and System Page Moghes · Ouerea · Uueoa-Esa
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    System Information

    The home of the Unathi race, Uueoa-Esa is a solar system with 5 rocky planets and 1 gas giant.


    Translated to "Burning Mother", Uueoa-Esa is the star that gives the system its namesake. It is a near-perfect sphere of hot plasma that provides light and energy to the rest of the solar system. The sun is believed to be 5.12 billion years old, and is expected to live, increasing in temperature and radius, for another 4 billion years. It is a common, white star that appears yellow from the surface of planets with thick atmosphere.


    The closest planet to its star, Omzoli has the shortest orbital period of any other planet in the system, at a mere 105 days for a year. Its rotation is also unique in that it spins at an angle, clockwise, against the spin of the star and the other planets in the system. This baffled early Unathi astronomers who theorized the planet must have suffered a glancing hit by a rogue planet or super large asteroid. Modern astronomers, pointing to the planet's extremely eccentric and tilted orbit, theorize the planet was actually once a rogue planet that got caught by the star. The planet has no atmosphere and suffers from extremely wild temperature fluctuates during its rapid day and night cycles as well as no protection from meteors, which cover the planet in craters. Manned missions remain incredibly sparse as the planet boasts no material interest and remains a purely scientific anomaly for astronomers.


    The second planet from its star, Tret is a small rocky planet 1/3 the size of Moghes with a thin atmosphere unable to support life. Expeditions have revealed the planet once had a molten core and active tectonics that created familiar mineral and ore deposits. This discovery lead to NanoTrasen, and then Hephaestus Industries to undertake mining operations. Currently the planet enjoys a small population of 13,400, predominately humans, living in scattered mining outposts.


    Tret's only natural satellite. It is similar in size to Chantarel and is otherwise unremarkable.


    The homeworld of the Unathi and fourth from its mother star, Moghes is currently experiencing immense environmental degradation following a global nuclear war in the 2430's. It is similar in density and composition to Earth and held host to varied and complex environments and local fauna and flora. It's surface area of salt water is much lower than most other habitable planets. The planet formed 4.23 billion years ago. It takes 360 standard Earth days for Moghes to complete one orbit around its star. Geological evidence shows life on Moghes may have began 3.9 billion years ago. The planet has gone through frequent mass extinction events in its history, with modern times experiencing what many fear many be its last.


    The only moon of Moghes, Chantarel is 1/3 the size of its Lunar counterpart, and has an uneven, lumpy surface. It is too small to cause a solar eclipse. The moon has often been seen as unremarkable due to its small size and lack of any major impact on the Moghean tides. It rises in the west and sets in the east. Modern examinations have revealed the moon is most likely a large asteroid that was caught in Moghean orbit roughly 2.6 billion years ago, and which will escape Moghean gravity within another 50 million years. It is primarily composed of iron with a rich nickle core. Hephaestus Industries has expressed minor interest in mining the moon, but the Hegemony has denied the requests, citing wishes to conserve its untouched state. The companion to Moghes is otherwise unremarkable.


    Ouerea, which is the fourth planet from the Uueoa-Esa star, is the first planet to be colonized by the Unathi. The planet was discovered and accurate models of its position and orbit were made in 1483 by Izweski astronomer Kizar Yuiz'ku, and it was discovered to be habitable in the 20th century. In general the planet's biome is roughly similar to Moghes with mild variations. The ecosystem is a lot less complex than Moghes, with most of the planet covered in grasslands and forests with small, simplistic wildlife and fish. However these ecosystems are under threat by extensive and exhaustive mining operations being done by Hephaestus Industries. The planet has no natural satellites.


    The system's only gas giant, Omgolo is the largest planet that orbits its star, 11 times the size of Moghes. Primiarly purple and blue in color, it has swirling stripes on its surface and intense storms in its atmosphere. It has 102 recorded natural satellites. The ring system of the planet remains a popular tourist attraction for Unathi that can afford the trip.

    The Ytizi Belt

    The Belt extended shell of asteroids and other icy objects that exist in the outermost reaches of the system. It is a thick bubble of debris that surrounds the entire system and is the primary source of meteor collisions for the innermost planets. Despite its thick density it is still rare to find two objects within the same proximity; such is the staggering size of space.