Cold Dawn Arc

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This is the overview and timeline page for the Cold Dawn War Arc which began on February 5, 2023 and pertains largely to Tajaran lore.
It is centered around the interactions of the SCCV Horizon with Adhomai and its faction.
Below is a summary of the arc's events, applicable news articles, and additions.
The Cold Dawn Arc Title Screen

First Episode: A Meeting in the Badlands

Server Event



The Horizon comes to the rescue of an Orbital Fleet being attacked by Pirates.

The Horizon picks up a distress signal coming from the Adhomian Star, an orbital fleet ship. The PRA vessel is currently being attacked by pirates and requires help. The Horizon manages to defeat the pirates, who board the corporate ship using drop pods. The criminals are captured with the exception of one. The crew helps the Kosmostrelki and secure the Adhomian Star. The Horizon then jumps to S'rand'marr to protect the Hadiist ship. They are later invited to a tour of the Palace of the Free Tajara.

Party Congratulates Corporate Ship for Assistance

News Article


Writer : ALBERYK


The People's Republic of Adhomai thanks the Horizon for rescuing the Orbital Fleet Ship.

Yesterday, the PRAMV Adhomian Star, a headmaster-class vessel, was ambushed by pirates while patrolling the region of the Badlands. The crew of the ship fought valiantly against the bandits. Defeat appeared to be inevitable until the SCCV Horizon picked up the Adhomian Star distress signal. The corporate spacecraft fought alongside the Orbital Fleet and crushed the criminals. The pirates evacuated using drop pods; some of them managed to land on the Horizon. Thanks to the quick response of the security team and the Kosmostrelki, the raiders were captured or killed. Both vessels returned to S'rand'marr for repairs.
The prisoners have been already handed to the proper authorities. The People's Strategic Intelligence Service is currently interrogating the pirates to discover the motivations behind the attack. To honor this gesture of friendship between the SCC and the People's Republic of Adhomai, the Party invited the crew of the Horizon to visit the Palace of the Free Tajara. They will be allowed to see the museum, restaurants, and even take part in a virtual simulation of a historically important battle. Party representatives will be present to greet their guests.
This wonderful interaction is proof that the collaboration between the People's Republic of Adhomai and intergalactic corporations is only beneficial to the Tajara people. The Party thanks the Horizon once again for their gesture and wishes them an enjoyable stay in S'rand'marr!

Second Episode: In Hadii's Grace

Server Event



The Horizon visits the Palace of the Free Tajara. Command staff negotiates with the People's Republic in pursuing corporate interests in the system.

The crew visit the Palace of the Free Tajara after they were invited by the PRA to it. The Hadiist Party and command staff seal a deal that allows PRA scientists to examine the Horizon's sensors in exchange for helping the SCC find out what the map found in 2462 is about.