Wiki Staff Guidelines

Материал из FIJTeam Project Wiki
Версия от 02:34, 14 декабря 2023; >La Villa Strangiato (changes "wiki development liaison" to "head wiki maintainer")
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The Wiki Maintainer has far-reaching jurisdiction. However, such jurisdiction ends when these pages are considered Lore, CCIA or Admin overseen. See the ‘Approval Process’ section below for exact definitions and jurisdictions.

The AuroraWiki is an invaluable resource for those to glean information from, and it is the objective of the Wiki Development and Maintenance Team (“Wiki Maintainers”) to ensure that it is both up-to-date and functional. This means it is necessary for a Wiki Maintainer to ensure that Job Guides as well as Mechanical Guides are created and maintained to ensure players – new and old alike – are able to use the information to ensure their characters have the necessary knowledge.

1. Wiki Maintainers may only edit and/or create pages within their jurisdiction. This means any additions, removals or tweaks that do not fall within their jurisdiction must have an authorizing acknowledgement from those that oversee such pages. See "Approval Process" for details. Exceptions to this rule are the correction of spelling and grammar, provided they do not change the overall message of the page or meaning of a sentence. It is still encouraged to double-check with the maintainer of a page, to ensure no mistakes are made.

2. Maintain consistency with other pages. This means to follow the style guide and ensure other pages are kept in-line with style, to best present a coherent and readable experience to the playerbase.

3. Be sure to coordinate with all relevant persons prior to any developments, and ensure that they are compliant with the standards set by the Lore Administration Team.

4. Avoid Work-In-Progress projects. It is preferable that Job Guides and/or Mechanical Guides (or any other such pages) are completed prior to being merged to the AuroraWiki. Any AuroraStation user may create a sandbox page to develop a page and share it with Wiki Maintainers and Lore Masters for editing. 5. Avoid the creation of superfluous pages. Where possible rather merge it to an existing page so as to not create needless clutter.

6. Lore Team Management reserves the right to curate all AuroraWiki content. If pages are sufficiently unnecessary, underused, or do not contribute to player engagement they may be subject to moderation such as edits, additions, changes, and deletions. None of these actions will occur without prior notice and discussion of alternatives.

7. Any mention of reproductive organs, namely genitals, is strictly forbidden.

Hierarchy and Staffing

The Wiki Development and Maintenance Team exists as an extension of the Lore Team with the purpose of adding to, maintaining and curating the AuroraWiki. It is overseen by the Lore Team Administration (Loremaster and Deputy Loremaster), with an appointed Head Wiki Maintainer that cooperates with the Lore Team Administration to ensure the completion of projects, maintenance of the AuroraWiki and any other duties relevant to the position listed within these rules and regulations.

Lore Team Administration

The Lore Team Administration consists of the Loremaster and the Deputy Loremaster. They oversee both the Lore Team and the Wiki Development and Maintenance Team – cooperating to ensure a consistent and easily-accessible avenue for players, old and new, to be able to learn about the universe in which their characters are within. They are responsible for the appointment of a Head Wiki Maintainer, staffing the Wiki Development Team, curating content created by the Wiki Development Team, mediating disputes that may arise, and ensuring the rules and regulations are followed.

Wiki Development Liaison

The Head Wiki Maintainer is appointed by a unanimous agreement between both the Loremaster and the Deputy Loremaster. The Head Wiki Maintainer shall act as an intermediary between the Lore Team Administration and the Wiki Development and Maintenance Team. They will ensure that projects are completed and that there is reasonable activity from Wiki Maintainers. They will be considered a senior position within the Wiki Development and Maintenance Team, where Wiki Maintainers must defer to their authority when necessary. The Head Wiki Maintainer is also obligated to ensure the rules and regulations are followed, and any infringements of such are to be reported to the Lore Team Administration so that disciplinary action can be undertaken. The Head Wiki Maintainer is also the informal first point of contact for inter-department communication, such as when extra permissions are required, or handling requests from outside the Wiki Development and Maintenance Team. Pure Wiki Maintainers are preferred over other staff members to ensure focus, but this is not a requirement.

Wiki Maintainers

Wiki Maintainers are appointed by the Head Wiki Maintainer to assist in performing any tasks delegated to them by the Head Wiki Maintainer or the Lore Team Administration. They defer to the Head Wiki Maintainer regarding projects that need to be completed and must retain an adequate level of activity when doing so. They are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct and the general rules of the Aurora server, where infringements may result in disciplinary action.

Conduct and Disciplinary Action

Code of Conduct

1. All members of Wiki Development and Maintenance Team are expected to maintain property civility and respect to their team members, fellow staff, and the community. Insults, harassment, or hate speech to any members of the community may be subject to disciplinary action. As members of staff, they are expected to be an example of good behavior to the community, and ideally, even to other staff. Observing decorum, whether in public or debating fellow team members in staff channels or private messages, is a requirement for continued participation.

2. All members of Wiki Development and Maintenance Team are expected to be active. Activity requirements are to be met in a composite of interaction with the community and fellow staff on discord, the forums, or the server. Large lapses of on-server play may be forgiven if there is a sufficient amount of writing and community interaction. Inactivity is determined at the discretion of Lore Team Administration.

3. All leaves must be preceded with prior notice to the Wiki Development Liaison and/or the Lore Team Administration. Explanations for going on leave are not required, however, a general estimate on when a leave is ending must be provided if available. If the Wiki Development Liaison goes on leave their duties are handled by the Lore Team Administration unless otherwise delegated. If the Loremaster goes on leave, the Deputy Loremaster will assume the duties of management in their absence. Should both be on leave, the Wiki Development Liaison shall be the relevant authority to assume management.

4. All resignations must take place by informing the Head Wiki Maintainer and/or the Lore Team Administration. While the Head will discuss the resignation intent with the relevant Wiki Maintainers, Lore Team Administration must be informed of any opening vacancies in order to notify the community and prepare the recruitment and staffing for the relevant team. A general best practice is for the Lore Team Administration to conduct exit interviews with resigning team members in order to gain insight into the issues affecting the lore team.

5. All procedures and regulations outlined in this page must be followed. Failing to follow lore team procedures and regulations may incur disciplinary action, even if as a result of ignorance.

6. In the event that the Loremaster is found to have engaged in a code of conduct violation, the Deputy Loremaster will handle disciplinary action against the Loremaster. If a Loremaster and Lore Writer or Deputy are in a dispute over code of conduct or procedure, the Deputy Loremaster will mediate the dispute. If Lore Team Administration and a Lore writer or Deputy are in a dispute over code of conduct or procedure, head admins and developers will be asked to mediate and take any relevant disciplinary action. Staff complaints still maintain their full functionality, and this procedure does not infringe upon the rights of team members to file a complaint.

7. Wiki maintainer applications must sit unaccepted for a minimum of 72 hours. This is to allow the maintainer in question to have their notes and administrative action history reviewed, and allow the staff team to weigh in on any potential concerns they may have.

Approval Process

Generally speaking, Wiki Maintainers reserve the right to freely edit any page which pertains to the mechanical functions of the game, including job, department and general guides. Seeking the editorial opinion of other wiki maintainers is heavily encouraged, but only enforced when the creation or deletion of entirely new pages is required - in which case the approval of the Wiki Liaison is necessary.

When pages concern roleplay allowances or possible rule-breaking behavior, one of the Head Administrators must be consulted on any edit that meaningfully changes the wording, content or meaning of the page. This does not include stylistic or grammar changes, which may be freely edited.

When pages concern the in-character Corporate Regulations, the CCIA team (and in particular, the CCIA Leader) must be consulted on any edit that meaningfully changes the wording, content or meaning of the page. This does not include stylistic, grammar or consistency changes, which may be freely edited.

When pages concern in-universe lore, the Lore Team (and in particular, the relevant department’s lead Lore Writer) must be consulted on any edit that meaningfully changes the wording, content or meaning of the page. This does not include stylistic, grammar or consistency changes, which may be freely edited.

When pages concern new or complicated mechanical concepts, the relevant coders may be consulted, but their approval is not necessary. Frequent discussions with the development team are otherwise heavily encouraged.