Dionae in the Federation

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Dionae at Each Lifestage

Coeus (Nymphs)

When a nymph is first born, it will have one of two upbringings: it will either be raised by a Skrell quya, where it will be taught the ideals of the Federation and how to be an upstanding citizen (see the adoption section below), or it will be entrusted to a gestalt for tutoring. The gestalt in question must have:

  • A high social credit score of at least 6.35,
  • Of a mind type that best represents the Federations collective ideals,
  • A clean record since gaining their citizenship with the Federation.

At this stage in life, the nymph is cared for like a child; its needs being met by their primary caregiver and is usually attended to at all times to ensure a stable upbringing.

Coeus (Gestalts)

Once the nymph has formed a gestalt and gained citizenship, they will be given a job by local officials which best matches their aptitude and disposition as determined by their citizenship exam. The more common jobs suggested by the Federation include botanical, mining, and logistical roles, with other roles being available depending on mind type. Gestalts who accept roles suggested to them tend to have a higher social credit score than their peers in the same field.

Coeus at this stage are monitored by the Government carefully, more so than Geras, to ensure that they remain productive members of Federation society. This monitoring is relaxed as they grow older and more set in their ways.


As a gestalt ages, opportunities arise which allow them to further expand their knowledge. The Federation highly encourages gestalts to seek out traditional learning at one of their universities. Combined with consenting blood samples, the Diona either specialises in their assigned field or begin learning in a new field of study. It’s common for a Diona to be just as educated as a Skrell of a similar age, if not exceeding them in some cases.


Once the gestalt reaches the Penumas stage of the Diona lifecycle, they will be interred in one of the many Spiral Gardens dotted across the Federation. Here, they will be cared for by both Skrellian and Dionae caretakers, with the latter being highly specialised phytologists who are also tasked with monitoring the Dionae population as they interact with each other.