Guide to Chemistry

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Metabolism and Overdose

Most medicines and chemicals designed for use in people, have an Overdose limit. If a person metabolises more than this much of the chemical in a short time, they will suffer the overdose effect for that chemical, which is usually a bad thing. Overdose limits vary widely, but the most common value is 30 units.

The most common overdose effect is 'Toxins', the patient will suffer 0.2 points of toxins damage per second, as long as the medicine continues metabolising in their system. This is only dependant on time, not on the quantity of the dose, so overdosing on medicines that metabolise slowly is far more dangerous, they'll keep poisoning the patient for longer.

It is important to note that metabolisation is not the same as just putting the chemicals into a patient. All chemicals that are injected into, or fed to the patient, are stored harmlessly within their body until they can be properly absorbed, or 'metabolised'. This process happens at a variable rate for each chemical, but the most common metabolic rate is 0.2 units per proc, which works out to 0.1u per second

Overdose effects do not trigger until the patient has metabolised enough to reach the overdose limit, which may take several minutes.

Whenever this document mentions the word 'dose', it refers to how much has been metabolised into the patient, not how much has been injected into their blood.

Whenever a patient has fully metabolised all the volume of a drug that is present in their stomach or blood, the dose is instantly cleared, and the drug's effects are stopped. Even if they had overdosed before, once the dose is cleared its safe to administer more of the same thing.


Several of the more advanced chemistry recipes take an ingredient (usually phoron) which is marked as (Catalyst)

A Catalyst is a chemical which is required to help a chemical reaction, but does not become part of the finished result. Whenever a recipe involves a catalyst, the catalyst will be left over in the beaker, alongside the finished product. You can use the ChemMaster to extract the catalyst, put it in a bottle, and reuse it later.

Status Effects

Many chemicals that don't simply heal something, work by giving the patient a status effect, with a given strength. This allows multiple chemicals to cause a similar effect and work in the same way.

For the most part, the 'strength' of an effect is really just a duration. the strength of most effects decreases by 1 point every 2 seconds, and usually the effect will stop working once its strength falls to zero, or sometimes when it falls below some low number that's above zero.

It's also very important to note, that most chemicals which cause a status effect, will constantly re-set and refresh that effect every time they process (every 2 seconds) for as long as the chemical is metabolising into the patient. Therefore, the strength of an effect usually only affects how long it takes to wear off AFTER the chemical is out of their system, it will generally never wear off while the chemical is inside them.


Drowsyness, is a feeling of being sleepy. The body slows down, and sometimes just plain falls asleep for brief periods. It doesn't cause any longterm sleep, just makes you pass out for a couple of seconds.


  • Increases move delay by 6 (0.6 seconds).
    • This is the minimum time between steps while running, so it will significantly slow the subject down and make it difficult for them to run away.
  • Every proc, has a 5% chance to cause the subject to fall asleep
    • Increases Sleep strength by 1
    • Increases paralysis by 5















Many of the basic elements and chemicals in the dispenser have their own effects. Those are noted here. Those without any effects aren't documented

A silvery white and ductile member of the boron group of chemical elements.

A highly stable element, the building block of life. Absorbs all other chemicals when swallowed, and carries them out safely
Metabolisation: 1u/tick Type: Element
  • When swallowed in pill form:
    • Removes a total of 1u of other reagents from the patient's stomach per unit
  • Makes a mess if thrown on the floor
  • This is the only method to remove ingested toxins from a patient's stomach
  • Has no effect if injected, will not clean the blood. Use dialysis in sleeper beds for that

A caustic chemical element with a characteristic odour.
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Element
  • Deals 0.1 trauma damage per second.
    • Unlike most chemicals, swallowing it is equally as effective
    • Also affects a target if splashed on them
  • ----

A highly ductile metal.

A well-known alcohol with a variety of applications. Highly flammable
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Alcohol
  • When splashed on someone
    • Victim will be set aflame by the next burn they recieve.
  • When injected
    • Causes 2 toxin damage per unit
  • When ingested
    • Does way too many things to list here. Will be explained on food and drink page.
  • When splashed onto paper or books, cleans all the ink off, making it blank
    • Does not erase magical tomes
  • ----

A highly-reactive chemical element which is toxic to organic life.
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Element
  • Deals 1 toxin damage per unit
    • Also affects a target if splashed on them
  • ----

A colorless, odorless, nonmetallic, tasteless, highly combustible diatomic gas.

Pure iron is a metallic element. Used in limited doses as a supplement it can help people regenerate blood.
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Element
  • When ingested in pill form
    • Restores the patient's blood, at a rate of 8 blood units per unit.
  • Iron pills are a nice simple way to help patients recover lost blood, much simpler than a transfusion, although slower. Eating food also works

A soft, silver metallic element. A chemical element, used as antidepressant.
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Element
  • Causes the patient to take a step in a random direction every two seconds.
    • Oddly, this effect only triggers when they are standing on space. This is a bug.
  • Causes the patient to randomly emote drooling, twitching or moaning, on average every 40 seconds
  • ----

A highly neurotoxic metallic element, which is liquid at room temperature.
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Element
  • Causes the patient to take a step in a random direction every two seconds.
    • Oddly, this effect only triggers when they are standing on space. This is a bug.
  • Causes the patient to randomly emote drooling, twitching or moaning, on average every 40 seconds
  • Causes 1 point of brain damage per second (works out to 10 points per unit)
  • ----

A colourless, odourless, tasteless gaseous element, which is the largest component of most life forms' breathable atmosphere.
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Element
  • Heals 3 suffocation damage to Vox per unit
  • ----

A colorless, odorless gaseous element which is vital for human life.
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Element
  • Deals 3 toxin damage to Vox per unit
  • ----

A highly reactive element, glows on contact with oxygen, the backbone of biological energy carriers.
A soft, low-melting solid that can easily be cut with a knife. Reacts violently with water.

Radium is an alkaline earth metal, and is extremely radioactive. Can be used to cure viruses, but this is quite likely to be deadly to the patient
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Element
  • Deals 10% Radiation per unit.
  • If the patient has a virus, After an average of about 40 seconds (randomness involved)
    • Patient develops an antibody to the virus
    • Has a 50% chance to do the following
      • Deals 50% radiation
      • Deals 100 toxin damage to non-diona
  • ----

Sulphuric Acid
A very corrosive mineral acid with the molecular formula H2SO4.
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Acid
  • When injected or swallowed
    • Deals 20 burn damage per unit
  • When splashed on someone
    • Metabolises 50u at a time, every two seconds
    • Always affects the head, regardless of where its targeted
    • Wearing an acid-proof helmet or mask will prevent all effects
      • Melts faces, disfiguring the victim
      • Melts masks
      • Melts glasses, except acid proof ones.
      • Deals 0.5 burn damage per unit.
        • Wearing science goggles will halve the damage, they are acid proof.
  • ----

A tetravalent metalloid, silicon is less reactive than its chemical analog carbon.
A chemical element, readily reacts with water.

The organic compound commonly known as table sugar and sometimes called saccharose. This white, odorless, crystalline powder has a pleasing, sweet taste.
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Type: Carbohydrate
  • When ingested
    • Provides 3 nutrition per unit
  • ----

A non-metallic crystalline element with a pungent smell.
A chemical element, and a strong oxidising agent.
A ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.


Gold is a dense, soft, shiny metal and the most malleable and ductile metal known. Gold is hard to get, and comes from mining, ask the Shaft Miners to get you some. Don't expect to get it quickly.
A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal. Silver is hard to get, and comes from mining, ask the Shaft Miners to get you some. Don't expect to get it quickly.
A silvery-white metallic chemical element in the actinide series, weakly radioactive. Uranium is hard to get, and comes from mining, ask the Shaft Miners to get you some. Don't expect to get it quickly.
Liquid form of the gas Phoron, for use in chemistry recipes. You can get this by grinding up the Phoron crystals on the table at the north of the lab.
Required for welders. Flammable. Use a beaker on any Welder Fuel Tank to collect some.
White and nutritious goodness! Milk can be found in the kitchen, in a fridge that anyone can open.
A toxic chemical. Found in the NanoMed vending machines in medbay, labelled Toxin Bottle.
Capsaicin Oil
This is what makes chillis hot. To get this, grow chillies in the garden, and grind them up.
Corn Oil
An oil derived from various types of corn. Grow corn and grind it up.


Pharmaceutical Compounds

Things that are designed for use in a patient's body, for good or ill.

Basic Treatments

These treatments are weak but widely available in medkits or medibots. They are not commonly used by doctors, who have access to more powerful specialised medicines.

2 parts Oxygen, 0.1 parts Phoron, 1 units Phoron(catalyst).
  • Results in 1 unit instead of 2.1
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
It is used in the treatment of oxygen deprivation.
  • Heals 15 suffication damage per unit
  • Deals 6 toxin damage to Vox per unit
  • Removes 2 units of Lexorin from the patient's body per unit
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • ----

1 part Dylovene, 1 part Inaprovaline
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: ∞u
Tricordrazine is a highly potent stimulant, originally derived from cordrazine. Can be used to treat a wide range of injuries.
  • Heals 6 suffocation damage per unit
  • Heals 3 trauma damage per unit
  • Heals 3 burn damage per unit
  • Heals 3 toxin damage per unit
Overdose Effects:


  • ----

1 part Carbon, 1 part Silicon
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
A drug used to treat burns..
  • Heals 6 points of Burn damage per unit
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • ----


Standard Treatments

These medicines are the mainstays, standard treatments for most common conditions. A good chemist should make sure that all of these are available in sufficient quantities

Dexalin Plus
1 part Dexalin, 1 part Iron, 1 part Carbon
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 15u
Directly oxygenates the blood, bypassing the pulmonary system and temporarily removing the need to breathe, as well as immediately restoring oxygen-starved tissue.
  • Heals 300 suffication damage per unit
  • Deals 9 toxin damage to Vox per unit
  • Removes 3 units of Lexorin from the patient's body per unit
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • More than 1 unit is never needed. The only thing that larger doses do, is take longer to metabolise, and protect the patient for a few more seconds

1 part Silicon, 1 part Potassium, 1 part Nitrogen
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: ∞u
A broad-spectrum antitoxin. Heals toxin damage, drowsiness, and hallucinations. It will only heal the damage done by poisons, not cure the cause of it.
  • Heals 4 toxin damage per unit
  • Reduces drowsiness by 6 points per unit
  • Reduces hallucination strength by 9 points per unit
  • Prevents liver breakdown caused by high toxins
  • Heals liver damage at a rate of 0.1 points per second, if the liver has less than 10 damage
Overdose Effects:
  • N/A. It is impossible to overdose on Dylovene, no side-effects at any quantity
  • ----

1 part Kelotane, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Phosphorous
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 15u
Dermaline is the next step in burn medication. Works twice as well as kelotane and enables the body to restore even the direst heat-damaged tissue.
  • Heals 12 burn damage per unit
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • ----

1 part Carbon, 1 part Inaprovaline
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
A powerful trauma medication used to treat many kinds of physical injuries. Can also heal internal bleeding at dangerously high doses
  • Heals 6 points of Trauma damage per unit
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • Heals internal bleeding slowly. Patient's body temperature must be above 170k for this to work, so they can't be in cryotubes.
  • Does not heal organ damage or bones. It only heals internal and external muscle wounds

1 part Chlorine, 1 part Nitrogen, 1 part Dylovene,
  • makes 2 units
Metabolisation: 0.025u/tick Overdose: 30u
A drug used to lessen the damage to neurological tissue after a catastrophic injury. Can heal brain tissue
  • Heals 30 points Brain damage per unit
  • Acts as a mild painkiller (strength 10)
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • ----

1 part Dexalin, 1 part Water, 1 part Oxygen
Metabolisation: 0.05u/tick Overdose: ∞u
A chemical mixture with almost magical healing powers. Its main limitation is that the targets body temperature must be under 170K for it to metabolise correctly. Intended for use in cryotube mixtures
  • Slows the heartrate
  • All of the following effects require the patient's body temperature to be below 170 kelvin. Hard to do outside of cryotubes
    • Heals 10 genetic damage per unit
    • Heals 10 suffocation per unit
    • Heals 10 trauma damage per unit
    • Heals 10 burn damage per unit
    • Heals 10 toxin damage per unit
Overdose Effects:
  • N/A
  • It is theoretically possible to use this outside of the cryo tanks, if you manage to get the patient's body cold enough. This could be done by taking them into the research server room, or opening the valve on a tank of supercooled oxygen in a small room


Advanced Treatments

Very powerful and useful medicines, which are uncommon or difficult to make. Creating these is important to being a good chemist.

2 parts Bicardine, 2 parts Clonexadone
  • Catalyst: 1u Phoron
  • Makes 2 units
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 10u
Used to encourage recovery of internal organs and nervous systems. Medicate cautiously.
  • Heals 1 point of damage to each internal organ per unit.
    • Can repair ruptured lungs
    • Does not affect mechanical/artificial organs.
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • ----

1 part Cryoxadone, 1 part Sodium, 0.1 part Phoron
  • Catalyst: 1 unit Phoron
  • Makes 2 units
Metabolisation: 0.05u/tick Overdose: ∞u
A liquid compound similar to that used in the cloning process. Almost identical to cryoxadone, but three times as powerful. Intended for use in cryotube mixtures
  • Slows the heartrate
  • All of the following effects require the patient's body temperature to be below 170 kelvin. Hard to do outside of cryotubes
    • Heals 30 genetic damage per unit
    • Heals 30 suffocation per unit
    • Heals 30 trauma damage per unit
    • Heals 30 burn damage per unit
    • Heals 30 toxin damage per unit
Overdose Effects:
  • N/A
  • It is theoretically possible to use this outside of the cryo tanks, if you manage to get the patient's body cold enough. This could be done by taking them into the research server room, or opening the valve on a tank of supercooled oxygen in a small room

1 part Carbon, 1 part Dylovene, 1 part Hydrogen
  • makes 2 units
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
Heals eye damage. Effective in treating eye trauma.
  • Reduces blurriness strength by 2.5 per second
  • Reduces blindness strength by 2.5 per second
  • Heals eye-organ damage by 5 points per unit
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • ----

1 part Carpotoxin, 1 part Cryptobiolin, 1 part Copper
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 25u
A powder with almost magical properties, this substance can effectively treat genetic damage in humanoids, though excessive consumption has side effects.
  • Heals 20 genetic damage per unit
  • Heals 2 suffocation damage per unit
  • Heals 20 trauma damage per unit
  • Heals 20 burn damage per unit
  • Heals 20 toxin damage per unit
Overdose Effects:
  • Causes Dizziness (strength 5)
  • Causes Jittering (strength 5)
  • ----


Specialist Treatments

Rarely used medicines with very specific, niche utility. These are typically made on demand if required, and not often prepared in advance.

1 part Radium, 1 part Dylovene
Metabolisation: 0.025u/tick Overdose: 30u
Hyronalin is a medicinal drug used to counter the effect of radiation poisoning.
  • Heals 30% radiation per unit.
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • ----

1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Hyronalin
Metabolisation: 0.025u/tick Overdose: ∞u
An unstable medication used for the most extreme cases of radiation poisoning. May cause some tissue damage to the patient.
  • Heals 70% radiation per unit.
  • Heals 10 toxin damage per unit
  • Deals approx 2.4 Trauma damage per unit (randomness is involved)
Overdose Effects:
  • N/A
  • ----

1 part Arithrazine, 1 part Carbon
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
Can cure specific genetic abnomalities via a catalytic process.
  • Instantly cures all mutations in the patient
  • Instantly cures genetic disabilities in the patient
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • All of Ryetalyn's effects occur instantly with even the tiniest dose. Therefore 1u pills are the recommended means of providing it, more than 1u has no effect
  • Does NOT cure genetic damage (AKA: Cloneloss). Only Clonexadone, Cryoxadone or Rezadone fix genetic damage
  • Only cures disabilities that come from a genetic cause. Temporary blindness can be caused by flashes, which it will not cure
  • There are several possible sources of mutations and disabilities:
    • Being cloned usually causes a bad mutation
    • Being caught outside maintenance in a radiation storm has a high chance to cause mutations
    • Repeatedly flashing a vaurca inflicts blindness disability, which ryetalyn will fix
    • Welding without eye protection causes blindness disability
    • Certain cultist runes can (very rarely) inflict permanant blindness or deafness
    • Injecting Unstable Mutagen into a patient can rarely cause mutations

1 part Oxygen, 1 part Dylovene, 1 part Carbon
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
A powerful oxidizer that reacts with ethanol. Neutralises alcohol in the blood stream.
  • Instantly cures Dizziness
  • Instantly cures Drowsiness
  • Instantly cures Stuttering
  • Instantly cures Confusion
  • Removes 5 units of ethanol from the patient per unit.
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • ----

1 part Copper, 1 part Silicon
  • Catalyst: 1u Phoron
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
Leporazine can be use to stabilize an individuals body temperature.
  • Moves the patient's body temperature towards 310 kelvin (36.85 Celsius) at a rate of up to 20 kelvin per second
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • Leporazine's effects are constant as long as it's metabolizing. The size of the dose only matters in determining how long the body temperature will remain stable for, effects stop when its fully metabolzed.

1 part Ethanol, 1 part Radium, 1 part Sodium Chloride
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
A chemical compound that causes a powerful fat-burning reaction.
  • Removes 10 points of nutrition from the patient per unit, making them more hungry.
  • Instantly clears bloated status from overeating.
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • ----


Anti Microbials

Medicines used to fight Viral Pathogens and Bacterial Infections

A detailed guide to Bacterial Infections can be found here:

1 part Cryptobiolin, 1 part Inaprovaline
Metabolisation: 0.005u/tick Overdose: 30u
A Broad-spectrum anti-microbial, which deals effectively with bacterial infections, and early-stage viral pathogens.

Spaceacillin's effects can be divided into two categories.

  • Bacterial Infection
    • Effects at 5u dosage
      • Prevents germ levels on infected organs/bodyparts from rising naturally
        • Does not prevent infected wounds from increasing germ level
        • Does not prevent spreading germs from nearby infected parts
      • Instantly cures germs below infection level 1
      • Heals infections between level 1 and level 2, at a rate of 3 germ levels per second
      • Heals infections between level 2 upwards, at a rate of 1 germ level per second
    • Effects at 30u dosage
      • Prevents organ/bodypart death from level 3 infections. Will not revive already-dead parts.
      • Prevents ongoing toxin damage from level 3 infections
  • Viral Pathogen
    • Effects at 5u dosage
      • Prevents the patient spreading their viruses to others
      • Prevents being the patient being infected by viruses
      • Cures stage-1 viruses very quickly
        • Will have no effect on stage 2 or higher
        • Does not slow or impede the progress of viruses at all after stage 1
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • It is important to note that unlike most other drugs, all of spaceacillin's effects (except overdose Toxins) are based on how much of the medicine is in the patient's bloodstream or stomach, NOT how much has actually been metabolised. If the amount in the patient falls below the listed thresholds, its effects will stop working, so always inject more than needed.

1 part Dylovene, 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Chlorine
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
An antiseptic fluid that removes all traces of blood, and cleans a patient's body to reduce the chance of infection.
  • When sprayed on a patient
    • Sets the main germ level of the patient's body to zero
    • Cleans blood off of the patient's clothes and skin
  • When sprayed on a surface or object
    • Cleans blood off the object, leaving no traces for forensics.
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • Sterilizine works on contact, it is not for injecting or ingesting.
    • Either use a spray bottle to spray it onto the patient, or use a beaker in harm intent to splash it onto them.
  • Does NOT sterilize wounds. Only treating the wound with a bandage, ointment, or advanced trauma/burn kit can do this.
  • Does not affect the germ level of wounds, bodyparts, or internal organs
  • Clearing germ level can also be done by showering, washing your hands, or spraying with space cleaner. Making this compound largely redundant.



Usually administered to people who've just been wounded, to help stabilise them.

1 part Carbon, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Sugar
Metabolisation: 0.05u/tick Overdose: 60u
Inaprovaline is a synaptic stimulant and cardiostimulant. Commonly used to stabilize patients.
  • Prevents patients from accumulating suffocation damage caused by being in critical (<=0% health) status.
  • Prevents Internal Bleeding wounds from getting worse over time. Does not stop the bleeding, just prevents the rate of bleeding from accelerating
  • Acts as a mild painkiller, Strength 25
  • Increases heart rate
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • ----

1 part Tramadol, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Water
Metabolisation: 0.01u/tick Overdose: 60u
Most probably know this as Acetaminophen, but this chemical is a mild, simple painkiller.
  • Acts as a painkiller, Strength 50
Overdose Effects:


  • ----

1 part Ethanol, 1 part Inaprovaline, 1 part Oxygen
Metabolisation: 0.01u/tick Overdose: 30u
A simple, yet effective painkiller. Very effective for patients in shock.
  • Acts as a painkiller, Strength 80
Overdose Effects:


  • ----

1 part Ethanol, 1 part Tramadol,
  • 1 units Phoron (catalyst)
  • Makes 1 unit
Metabolisation: 0.01u/tick Overdose: 20u
An effective and very addictive painkiller.
  • Acts as a painkiller, Strength 200
Overdose Effects:
  • The patient sees pretty colours
  • ----



Sedatives put people to sleep. Useful for surgery when anaesthetic gas won't work, for dealing with troublesome patients who won't sit still, and in dire situations, for self defense.

1 unit Chloral Hydrate, 4 units Sugar
Metabolisation: 0.05u/tick Overdose: 30u
A moderately effective hypnotic used to treat insomnia, perform surgery in critical cases, and keep unruly patients asleep until security can deal with them.
  • At <1u dose
    • Causes yawning every 8 seconds on average
  • At <1.5u dose
    • Causes blurred vision, Strength 10
  • At <5u dose
    • Causes Weakening, Strength 2
    • Causes drowsiness, Strength 20
  • At >=5u dose
    • Causes Sleep, strength 20
    • Causes Drowsiness, strength 60
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • Soporific is widely available in the vending machines in medical, there is very little reason to actually make it in chemistry.
  • Drowsiness causes slower movement, blurred vision, and an approximate 15% chance every two seconds, to fall asleep for a couple of seconds.
  • The following values are based on a combination of calculation and live testing. The results are not 100% consistent, as it varies due to server performance
    • At a sufficiently high volume, soporific will reach a 5u dose and cause the patient to fall asleep in about 110 seconds. They may fall asleep earlier than that from the drowsiness, but that's temporary and isn't safe for surgery
    • Once the patient is asleep, they will stay asleep roughly 21 seconds for every unit in their blood after the fifth. A full 15u syringe will keep someone asleep for three and a half minutes. Each additional 15u will extend that time by another 5 minutes and 15 seconds.
    • Once the dose falls low enough, the patient will wake after roughly another 45 seconds.

Chloral Hydrate
3 parts Chlorine, 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Water
  • Makes 1 unit.
Metabolisation: 0.05u/tick Overdose: 15u
An extremely powerful sedative that quickly incapacitates most people at even a tiny dose. It is effective for subduing violent patients, or as a self defense tool, to allow escape. It is not entirely safe, and will poison the subject to some degree.
  • Once only, immediately upon injecting:
    • Causes Confusion at strength 2 (the patient stumbles around, and fails randomly at actions)
    • Causes Drowsyness at strength 2
  • At <2u dosage
    • Causes Weakness, strength 30 (this causes the patient to collapse, and be unable to move or interact)
    • Causes blurred vision, at strength 10
  • At >1u dosage, the patient suffers 1 point of toxin damage per unit.
  • At >=2u dosage, causes sleep, strength 30
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • The toxins from the overdose effect stacks with the toxin damage a normal dose causes. An overdose can be somewhat harmful, but 15u is nowhere near lethal.
  • The following values are based on a combination of calculation and live testing. The results are not 100% consistent, as it varies due to server performance
    • Chloral hydrate will trigger its weakness effect on the second proc, this happens three seconds after intial injection.
    • At a sufficiently high volume, Chloral Hydrate will reach a 2u dose and cause the patient to fall asleep in about 40 seconds.
    • Once the patient is asleep, they will stay asleep roughly 21 seconds for every unit in their blood after the second. A 5u dosage will keep someone asleep for approximately 1 minute 3 seconds.
    • Once the dose falls low enough, the patient will wake after roughly another 65 seconds.


Mental Stabilisers

Compounds to alter the patient's mental state. These are mostly roleplay only, and have almost no mechanical effects.

1 part Mindbreaker Toxin, 1 part Hydrogen
  • Makes 3 units
Metabolisation: 0.005u/tick Overdose: ∞u
Improves the ability to concentrate.
  • Displays a message every five minutes: "Your mind feels focused and undivided."
Overdose Effects:
  • N/A
  • This drug is RP only. It has no gameplay or mechanical effects

1 part Mindbreaker Toxin, 1 part Carbon
  • Makes 3 units
Metabolisation: 0.005u/tick Overdose: ∞u
Stabilizes the mind a little. A Mild Antidepressant.
  • Displays a message every five minutes: "Your mind feels stable... a little stable."
Overdose Effects:
  • N/A
  • This drug is RP only. It has no gameplay or mechanical effects

1 part Mindbreaker Toxin, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Inaprovaline
  • Makes 3 units
Metabolisation: 0.005u/tick Overdose: ∞u
A stronger antidepressant. Stabilizes the mind greatly, but has a chance of causing hallucinations.
  • Every five minutes, does one of the following:
    • 90% chance to display a message: "Your mind feels much more stable.".
    • 10% Chance to display: "Your mind breaks apart..." and cause hallucinations at strength 200
Overdose Effects:
  • N/A
  • Messages are RP only. Hallucinations are the only mechanical effect of this drug


Performance Enhancers

Things to make people work harder, better, faster and stronger. These can be helpful to dose up on before combat, and are sometimes requisitioned by a well prepared security team

1 part Phosphorous, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Sulphur
Metabolisation: 0.015u/tick Overdose: 15u
A highly effective, long lasting, muscle stimulant. Keeps the user's muscles working regardless of impairments, and allows freedom of movement under almost any conditions
  • Gives the CE_SPEEDBOOST effect, which negates your movement delay and allows you to always move at the fastest possible speed. Allows you to ignore the following speed impediments completely:
    • Having <=40% health
    • Being in pain
    • Being starving
    • Wearing EVA suits
    • Being in a wheelchair
    • Having feet/legs that are broken, splinted, or missing.
    • Any slowdown caused by heavy shoes (galoshes)
    • Being in shock
    • Being fat
    • Being cold
    • Any inherent slowdown caused by your species
      • This medicine does not work on Dionaea
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • Under normal circumstances, this will usually not make you any faster. It will just allow you to continue moving at normal speed when there are things which would slow you down

1 part Lithium, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Water
Metabolisation: 0.005u/tick Overdose: 30u
A powerful stimulant that cures many sensory and nervous impairments, and makes the user very difficult to keep down. But it takes its toll on the body, poisoning the user slowly..
  • Reduces Drowsyness strength by 2.5 points per second
  • Reduces Paralysis strength by 0.5 points per second
  • Reduces Stunning strength by 0.5 points per second
  • Reduces Weakening strength by 0.5 points per second
  • Reduces Hallucination strength by 5 points per second
  • Removes 2.5 units of Mindbreaker Toxin from the patient's body per second
  • Acts as a painkiller, Strength 40
  • Causes 5 toxin damage to the patient per unit
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • The toxin damage from this medicine stacks with the toxin damage caused by overdosing.
  • The effects of this medicine persist as long as it is metabolising, and it metabolises very slowly, about one unit every 200 seconds.
  • Constant removal of stunning/weakening/paralysis makes the user far more robust in combat, and able to keep moving to some degree, while below 0% health



Drugs to get high, these are illegal to distribute, or administer without good reason. Making up and dosing yourself on space drugs is the hallmark of a bad Chemist. Don't do it.

Mindbreaker Toxin
1 part Dylovene, 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Silicon
Metabolisation: 0.025u/tick Overdose: 30u
A powerful hallucinogen, Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". Its use and distribution is illegal, but it is a precursor to several useful psychoactive medications.
  • Causes Hallucinations, strength 100
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • Easily treatable with dialysis to remove it blood, then dylovene to clear up the hallucinations

Space Drugs
1 part Lithium, 1 part Mercury, 1 part Sugar
Metabolisation: 0.025u/tick Overdose: 30u
An illegal compound scientifically known as Mercury Monolithium Sucrose, which induces a number of effects such as loss of balance, itching, drooling, and colourful vision.
  • Causes the Druggy effect (Flashing rainbow overlay)
  • Each proc, has a 10% chance (averages once every 20 seconds) to make the patient take a sngle step in a random direction
    • This effect does not trigger when the patient is in space, or unable to move.
  • 5% chance each proc to emote drooling, giggling, moaning, or twitching. Averages once per 28 seconds
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • There is no reason to ever make this drug. It exists only to identify who the bad chemists are.
  • Effects stop quickly once the drug is out of the patient's blood. Treat with dialysis if injected



These compounds are harmful to organic life. Do not administer them unless you intend to murder the patient. They are mostly used by antagonists, and sometimes for research.

Potassium Chlorophoride
1 part Potassium Chloride, 1 part Phoron, 1 part Chloral Hydrate
Metabolisation: 0.005u/tick Overdose: 20u
A powerful paralytic based on Potassium Chloride. Paralyses the victim, builds up toxins and slowly suffocates them
  • Deals 10 toxin damage per unit.
  • Deals 2 suffocation damage per unit.
    • This suffocation damage is so minor, that a patient who can breathe will naturally out-heal it and not suffocate
  • Weakens the patient, strength 10 (prevents movements or actions)
    • This effect is instant, and constantly refreshed while it's metabolising
  • Reduces the patient's losebreath counter, but not below 10.
    • This has a neglible effect on anything
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • Does not stop the patient's heart.
  • To treat: Remove with dialysis, then administer dylovene and dexalin
  • Metabolism is VERY slow, takes 200 seconds to metabolise a single unit. Making this a very effective long-lasting paralytic
  • A dose of 6u will raise toxins high enough to start damaging the liver, and eventuallly cause death. but this will take quite a long time. A dose of 20u is guaranteed to eventually kill, but this could take over an hour

Zombie Powder
5 parts Carpotoxin, 5 parts Copper, 5 parts Soporific
  • Makes 2 units
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
A strong neurotoxin and paralytic scientifically known as Tetrodotoxin, which instantly puts the subject into a death-like state.
  • Gives the patient a fake time of death that will show in autopsy reports
  • Causes 3 suffocation damage per unit
  • Causes 3 toxin damage per unit
  • These effects are instant, and persist as long as the poison is metabolising
    • Weakens the patient, strength 10 (paralysis)
    • Silences the patient, strength 10
    • Causes the patient to go into fake death
      • Health Analyser shows the patient as dead, and looking at the patient will say they have no pulse and their soul has departed. Checking their pulse will also show no pulse.
        • However, a scanner bed will show the patient as unconscious
      • Health Analyser shows 300 fake suffocation damage
        • A scanner bed will show the patient's damage correctly without any fake values
        • This fake suffocation will gradually heal over time, which does not normally happen with corpses. Anyone analysing more than once will see the suffocation healing and the toxins rising.
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • This toxin does not last very long, 10 seconds per unit. it is difficult to use for the fake death effect unless those who witness the 'corpse' are likely to leave the area shortly after.
  • This toxin is the only chemical in the game which mutes the victim, thus making them completely helpless and incapable moving, resisting, or even calling for help.
  • It is extremely wasteful in materials. A single carp will give only 9 units of carpotoxin - 3 fillets with 3 units each.
    • Although making recipes that use a carp fillet will have 6 units of carpotoxin in them, allowing you to get twice as much from a carp
  • If you plan to administer this to yourself, swallowing it in pill form will last the same amount of time, but deal half as much damage

1 part Mercury, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Sugar
  • Makes 2 units
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
Impedrezene is a narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions.
  • Cures jittering (2.5 points per second)
  • Causes roughly 2.4 points of brain damage per unit (randomness is involved)
  • Causes drowsiness, strength 30
    • Drowsiness has a 50% chance to be refreshed each proc, so the victim will be free from it sometimes)
  • Causes the victim to emote drooling, roughly every 10 seconds
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • Brain damage doesn't heal naturally, forcing the victim to seek medical attention
  • To treat: Dialysis or carbon pills to purge the toxin, then alkysine or surgery to repair the brain

1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Nitrogen, 1 part Phoron
Metabolisation: 0.1u/tick Overdose: 30u
Temporarily stops respiration. Causes tissue damage. Countered by dexalin plus.
  • Deals 3 trauma damage per unit
  • Stops breathing
    • Constantly increases losebreath each proc.
    • Each losebreath count converts into 1 Suffocation damage, while preventing it from regenerating
    • Takes approximately 20u, and 3.5 minutes, to get a patient into critical status. After that they will oddly start dying a bit slower
    • Takes 49u, and 8.5 minutes, to fully kill a patient
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • Each unit of Dexalin Plus will neutralise 3 units of Lexorin
  • To treat: Administer 1u Dexalin Plus to clear built up suffocation, then dialysis (preferable) or lots more dexalin plus to clear the lexorin

1 part Potassium, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Sugar
Metabolisation: 0.05u/tick Overdose: 30u
Causes confusion and dizzyness.
  • Causes Confusion, Strength 20 (The victim will randomly move in the wrong direction when walking)
  • Causes Dizziness, Strength 4 (The victim's screen shakes, makes it harder for them to click things)
Overdose Effects:
  • Toxins
  • Effects are instant and refreshed while it metabolises.
  • Lasts 20 seconds per unit.
  • Ethylredoxrazine will nullify effects, otherwise treat with dialysis/carbon and then wait for effects to clear



Things that are safe to eat. Most of these are ingredients though, and not generally designed to be eaten as-is.

Sodium Chloride
1 part Chlorine, 1 part Sodium
Commonly known as salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food.
3 parts Corn Oil, 1 part Sulphuric Acid
Glycerol is a simple polyol compound. Glycerol is sweet-tasting and of low toxicity. (Results in 1 unit instead of 4)
Virus Food
1 part Milk, 1 part Water
A mixture of water, and milk. Virus cells can use this mixture to reproduce. (Results in 5 units instead of 2)
5 parts Blood, 1 part Cloneoxydone
A tasty alternative to actual meat, allegedly used for surgery.

Potassium Chloride
1 part Potassium, 1 part Sodium Chloride
Metabolisation: 0.005u/tick Overdose: 30u
A a bitter salt that becomes a dangerous paralytic at high doses and appears to stop the heart
  • No effects when not overdosed
Overdose Effects:
  • These effects are almost identical to normally injecting Potassium Chlorophoride
    • Toxins
    • Appears to stop the patient's heart. Their pulse will read as zero.
      • Does not ACTUALLY stop their heart. The patient will not die from heart failure
    • Deals 2 suffocation damage per unit.
      • This suffocation damage is so minor, that a patient who can breathe will naturally out-heal it and not suffocate
    • Weakens the patient, strength 10 (prevents movements or actions)
    • Reduces the patient's losebreath counter, but not below 10.
      • This has a neglible effect on anything
  • Metabolises very slowly, overdosing a patient on this would take an hour and 40 minutes

Industrial Compounds

Things that are not designed to go inside people.

Cleaning Agents

Things that are useful for cleaning, and often requested by janitors.

3 parts Hydrogen, 1 part Nitrogen
A caustic substance commonly used in fertilizer or household cleaners. (Results in 3 units instead of 4)
Foam Surfactant
2 parts Fluorine, 2 parts Carbon, 1 part Sulphuric Acid.
A perfluoronated sulfonic acid that forms a foam when mixed with water.
Space Cleaner
1 part Ammonia, 1 part Water
A compound used to clean things. But will not fully remove all traces of blood.
3 parts Hydrogen, 3 parts Carbon, 3 parts Ammonia
A compound that interacts with blood on the molecular level. [Currently Broken]



1 part Tungsten, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Water
An industrial cooling substance.
1 part Water, 1 part Silicon, 1 part Oxygen
A high performance lubricant intended for maintenance of extremely complex mechanical equipment. (Results in 4 units instead of 3)
Foaming Agent
1 part Lithium, 1 part Hydrogen
A agent that yields metallic foam when mixed with light metal and a strong acid. (Results in 1 unit instead of 2)
Metal Foam
3 parts Iron/Aluminium, 1 part Foaming Agent, 1 part Polytrinic Acid
Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches.



Things designed to aid in Botany and Xenobotany

1 part Ammonia, 1 part Ethanol
A secondary amine, mildly corrosive. A very potent fertilizer.
1 part Toxin, 4 parts Water
A harmful toxic mixture to kill plantlife.
Unstable Mutagen
1 part Radium, 1 part Phosphorus, 1 part Chlorine
Causes mutations when injected into living people or plants. High doses may be lethal.



Everything in this category is dangerous, and should not be used without approval from security or command, unless you're an antagonist. Unapproved use is likely to make security, and possibly the admins, quite upset with you. Most of the things in this category are best used in making grenades and bombs.

Electromagnetic Pluse
1 part Uranium, 1 part Iron
This reacts immediately on mixing, it creates a large electromagnetic pulse which affects all electronic devices.
Explosive Reaction
1 part Potassium, 1 part Water
This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you.
Flash Powder
1 part Sulphur, 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Potassium
Creates a flash similar to that of a flashbang immediately on mixing.
1 part Plasma, 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Sulphuric Acid
Creates a large fire immediately on mixing. (Results in 1 unit instead of 3)
Polytrinic Acid
1 part Sulphuric Acid, 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Potassium
An extremely corrosive chemical substance. Really overpowered, do not use in grenades without admin approval, ahelp first.
1 part Potassium, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Phosphorous
This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction.
1 part Glycerol, 1 part Polytrinic Acid, 1 part Sulphuric Acid
Explodes immediately on mixing. Nitroglycerin is a heavy, colorless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. (Results in 2 units instead of 3)
1 part Iron, 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Oxygen
Produces an aluminothermic reaction known as a thermite reaction when ignited. Can be used to melt walls.

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