Idris Incorporated

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Brief Summary

Idris Incorporated is a interstellar corporation/bank that operates primarily out of their HQ in Mendell City, Biesel. The bank was founded as pressure grew for a secure way to store credits and have them transferable across solar-systems. Erin Idris stepped up to the challenge. After starting on Mendell, and initially only servicing Sol and Tau Ceti, Idris got his big break when the Maladaxis family, wealthy business people from Epsilon Eridani, invested over 100 million credits into the bank. The business boomed, and the Idris and Maladaxis family alliance has continued to grow the corporation, and expanded their field of work into the stock market, both families have profited greatly from this and are now both billionaires.

Present Day

Now, in 2457 , Idris Incorporated runs the 4th largest bank in the entire Sol Alliance, and are expanding into the field of genetic backup storage (after establishing a contract with Zeng-Hu for the cloning and genetics equipment) and are nearly impenetrable by hackers. The bank has begun offering joining bonuses to those who work for major inter-stellar corporations, to draw people away from using the companies own banks (such as NanoTrasen's Bank) , however they are still in a struggle with NanoTrasen due to it's large employee base mainly using the companies bank as their method of storing funds, preventing Idris from having a large amount of members, this has caused strained relationships between NanoTrasen and Idris Incorporated.


Idris Incorporated is spread out all across the Union of Sol. Here are the locations of their primary and largest branches.

Mendell City, Biesel, Tau Ceti- The Mendell City branch is the company's headquarters, it is a massive building with over 3,000 workers within it. The entire body of corporate officers operates off the topmost floors of this skyscraper. Security is tight, entrance to any floor above level 6 is strictly monitored
Hengsha Arcology, New Gibson, Tau Ceti- The Hengsha Arcology branch is quite large, servicing a majority of the industrial workers on the planet, it is the second most guarded facility belonging to Idris Incorporated, as the recent riots in the Arcology have caused the Executives to push for more on-site security
Troposphere, Earth, Sol- Idris Incorporated maintains an airborne branch on Earth, maintained on a helicarrier, the branch maintains a east-rotation around the Earth's northern hemisphere, this branch services the entirety of Earth.


Idris Incorporated's Board of Directors is made up of the executive officers themselves, while strange in practice, this was done to ensure that the Maladaxis and Idris families never lose control over the company.

Owner: Markyus Idris
Chief Executive Officer: Xalstros Maladaxis
Chief Financial Officer: Andrea Idris
Chief Operations Officer: Indytris Maladaxis
Chief Risk Officer: Verimae Rakael
Chief Technology/Information Officer: Arthur Curring