Republic of Biesel

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The Republic of Biesel is a Semi-Autonomous System within the Sol Alliance which is jointly administered with NanoTrasen. The Republic of Biesel is the de facto government of the Tau Ceti System, exercising authority over Biesel, New Gibson and all other settlements and installations within Tau Ceti's gravity well.

It is one of the most populated systems in human space, a central financial, an industrial powerhouse and one of the most prestigious systems in the galaxy. However, many cities still bear the scars of riots ignited by the establishment of the 'Free Trade Zone' several years ago.

Recently, there are rumors of increased Syndicate activity within the system. However, both NanoTransen and the Republic of Biesel insist that Republic local police, NanoTrasen security and the Sol Alliance Navy are more than capable of thwarting any terrorist plot.


Official Title(s): "The Federal Republic of Biesel and the Tau Ceti Syatem" (SC)

Motto: None

Capital: Lowell City, Biesel

Demonym: Bieselitte, Cetian, Gibsonian, Sol Citizen

Official Languages: Sol Common, Tau Ceti Common (dialect of Sol Common), 24 additional Recognized Languages


  • 2445 Census: 2,709,678,435
  • 2565 Est.: 2,920,261,717

System: Tau Ceti

Semi-Autonomous Member State of Sol Alliance

Drives on the: Right


Type: Federal Democratic Republic

Head of State: Chancellor of Biesel and Tau Ceti

Upper House: Tau Ceti State Senate

Lower House: Tau Ceti Assembly

Judicial: Republic Superior Court (part of Sol Alliance Judicial System)


Military strength: Strong, semi-independent police forces supplemented by Sol Alliance

Superlarge/Dreadnaught class vessels:

Large/Capitol class vessels:

Medium class vessels:

Corvette class vessels:


Official Currency: Sol Alliance Credit (cr.)

Accepts Sol Credit: Yes

GINI Coefficient: 37.0

Standard of Living: Very high


Ethnic Groups:

  • 15% Chinese
  • 15% Hindustani
  • 15% European
  • 14% Arab
  • 10% African
  • 30% Other

Religion: Secular; Religious Freedom; Variety of Religions


Being one of the closest systems to Earth, Tau Ceti was one of the first explored by early interstellar travelers. When Biesel was discovered to possess an Earth-like atmosphere, complete with full-fledged biospheres, the system was flooded with settlers. As Biesel flourished and towns grew into cities, explorers began to survey the nearby planet of New Gibson, and found it metal-rich. Corporations and individuals alike established mining colonies which have grown over the centuries into massive domed cities and industrial parks, mining raw materials and turning them into all manner of goods, then shipping them off to Biesel or outside the system. Biesel, with it's Earth-like atmosphere, became the financial and agricultural heart of the system while New Gibson was the industrial powerhouse. Around 100 years after it's first settlers made planet-fall, the Republic of Biesel was formally established as one of the first semi-autonomous states within the Sol Alliance.

Overtime, the Republic has had an increasingly influential voice in Alliance politics. It was one of the numerous Inner Worlds to fight against Earth forces in the Second Sol Civil War. Tau Ceti was spared widespread destruction, as Kinetic Kill Vehicles (KKVs) caused minor damage and only killed around 10,000 people on Biesel. However, one of the KKVs left a crater on Biesel, which has been turned into a war memorial and is a popular tourist attraction.

Following the discovery of plasma in the sparsely explored Romanovich Cloud at the edge of the system, NanoTrasen began to move it's corporate assets and bureaucracy onto Biesel. As NanoTrasen became fabulously wealthy, the money trickled down to the Tau Ceti System. Politicians pushed for closer ties with the mega-corporation, and eased anti-monopoly laws for NanoTransen. In 2452, The Republic of Biesel and NanoTransen formed the "Tau Ceti Free Trade Zone", which gave NanoTransen control of vast swathes of the Romanovich Cloud and granted it near government status, with the right to enforce laws and imprison individuals within areas under their jurisdiction. The announcement was met with both praise and outrage: Some welcomed the money that would flow into the system with NanoTransen able to more effectively mine and distribute plasma, while others claimed that NanoTransen had 'bought' the government of Biesel and that an Orwellian future was just around the corner. The resulting riots have left scars throughout the system, and while they have died down, they are still fresh in the minds of natives.

A side effect of NanoTransen's increased operations in the sector are that employees for outside the system are often 'bused' in through the system's Warp Gate. Many have chosen to settle in the system and are provided corporate housing in numerous 'Corporate Enclaves' that have sprung up across New Gibson and Biesel. The system's population is estimated to be one of the most diverse in Human Space.