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Naming System

Every Skrell is born with two names, both of them being made up by the Skrell caring for them. These names are not inherited or transferred on marriage - if a Skrell chooses to acquire a surname, they would technically have three names.

Name additions are a common facet of Skrell culture. It is common for a Skrell to add multiple names or a words to their name at some point in their lifetime. Name additions are added to the end or the beginning of either name. Skrell traditionally only add one addition to the end or beginning of each name. Adding more than one addition to the end or beginning of a name is seen as breaking of an almost sacred tradition, as it lowers the significance of all other name additions, and is never authorized by Jargon bureaucrats. However, some Skrell outside Jargon may choose to do so anyway out of spite, simple ignorance, or other reasons.

The significance of such name extensions varies greatly, but the most basic rule governs pronunciation and helps to suggest the connotation of the addition.

Typically a “-” before an addition denotes a feeling of respect. This is often used with names that are meant to pay remembrance to figures, events, or locations. In spoken skrellian, the presence of a - is pronounced by allowing a moment between the Skrell’s original name and the addition. In other words, the dash is treated as if it were a space between two words.

The use of ““ before an addition signifies a more personal connection to whatever the addition means to the named Skrell. This is pronounced by simply treating the addition as if it were just a part of the name’s root. It is said as if it were one word. This can be positive or negative.

Skrell may also add a bonded name to the start of their first name. The use of a "," after the bonded name denotes the importance of the name. The bonded name's adoption normally happens within the first 20 years of life when a Skrell is still developing socially. Perhaps the individual likes a certain part of their lengthy name more than their full name or perhaps they simply choose to go by a different name out of their own volition. Should a Skrell choose a bonded name it will not change for the duration of their life. This is to show the immense significance of their bonded name. This is also a boon when working in a setting where individuals may be unfamiliar with each other; knowing a Skrell's chosen name at the glance of an ID card can be crucial in emergency scenarios.

If a Skrell considers their addition notable enough, they may choose to translate it to Tau Ceti Basic for their work IDs and records in places where Nral'Malic is not widely spoken. This has only been picking up recently, and is somewhat uncommon. However, bonded names are incredibly common outside of the Jargon Federation.