1st Antag Spy Contest

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The 1st Antag Spy Contest is a mini-game provided to Aurora Players that uses antagonist actions on the station to advance a meta-narrative. Several spy agencies of the large factions of known space compete to advance the ultimate objective of their civilization. These objectives are intentionally made to bring the factions into conflict with most all other civilizations. The consequences for agency success or failure are intended to have serious ramifications for the lore of that species.

The Contest is overseen by the Loremaster Jackboot. Players who join the station as antagonists, and only players who are antagonists, can participate in the contest as agents.

The Rules

When you complete an antagonist objective, whether you fail or succeed, you post your After Action Report on the forum thread for the contest. AAR's are meant to be posted at least semi-IC'ly, as if it is your actual character providing a report. Only antagonists may be agents for the spy agencies. Changlings, cultists, vampires, and wizards are not qualified.

The Agencies

Hegemon Shadow Service

Tup Commandos Division

Biesel Intelligence Service

Alliance Strategic Intelligence

People’s Strategic Information Service