The Titan Rises Arc

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The Titan Rises
This is the overview and timeline page for the Titan Rises Arc which began on July 20th, 2023 and pertains largely to Unathi lore.
It is centered around the Izweski Hegemony's response to the phoron scarcity and resulting famine, as the nation's economy approaches the tipping point.
Below is a summary of the arc's applicable news articles, and additions.

First Hephaestus Aquaculture Center Completed on Ouerea

News Article


Writer : Triogenix

Editors : Captain Gecko, RustingWithYou


In times of famine, Hephaestus extends a helping hand.

Translated into Tau Ceti Basic

Almost a year after the phoron scarcity first began to truly afflict our great nation, a ray of hope finally begins to shine from the world of Ouerea. Hephaestus Industries proudly announced today the completion of their first Aquaculture center on the coast of the Trizkizki Sea, near the capital of New Skalamar. The new Aquaculture center - named Aquaculture Center 1 - is the first of the 17 planned to be constructed by Hephaestus Industries, with help from all the Hegemonic Guilds.

It was opened with a grand affair managed by the Hephaestus Sector Administrator for the Hegemony, Yukal T’zakal, with the Hephaestus Director of Personnel, Brizio de Moze also in attendance. Titanus Aeson was sadly unable to attend but sent his congratulations to both T’zakal and all the workers who helped in the construction of the center. It is believed that once fully operational, each Aquaculture Center will be able to produce two hundred million tons of protein-based foodstuffs every year. Once all centers are fully operational, the numbers add up to around four billion tons of foodstuffs a year. While this is a great success for the Hegemony, it is still a far cry from the believed 6 to 8 billion tons of foodstuffs believed by scholars to have been produced on Moghes prior to the Contact War. Still, Master of River’s Hutay’zai and Hegemon Not’zar assure people that this will be enough to stave off the famine currently threatening the nation.

However, not all are happy with this new beacon of hope. Many groups on Ouerea, still resentful of Hephaestus after the Ouerean Revolution, have condemned the company once again being invited onto the planet and promised to take organized action against it. The most vocal among these groups are environmentalists, who claim that these Aquaculture centers will cause irreparable damage to the ocean environments of Ouerea, causing a mass die-off of natural fish and threatening the livelihoods of the fisherman who work on the sea. Hephaestus has denied these claims, with several well-educated human scientists submitting reports that no ecological or environmental damage will result from the Aquaculture Centers. It is unclear exactly what these groups hope to accomplish by taking action against the food salvation of our Hegemony, or how they plan to do it. We will keep our readers updated on any situations regarding this new Ouerea.

Hephaestus Documents leaked; Protests and Rioting erupt on Ouerea

News Article


Writer : Triogenix

Editors : Captain Gecko, RustingWithYou


Leaked documents project ecological devastation; rioting on Ouerea ensues.

Yesterday morning, a day after the compilation of Hephaestus’s first Aquaculture Center, an unidentified leaker released what many believe to be classified Hephaestus documents onto the platform known as “64-tan”. These alleged classified documents reveal an inside report commissioned by Hephaestus Industries to theorize about the potential environmental and ecological damage to the Trizkizki Sea. The conclusion was that within the next decade, pollution from the Aquaculture centers, and the mass fishing to populate them will result in a downward ecological spiral that will eventually leave the Trizkizki Sea a disaster, bare of almost all complex life. Hephaestus has denied that these documents are real, stating that they were forged by those who wish to hurt the company and its reputation and have given the press access to several similar real classified documents, reports, and papers that show the Aquaculture centers will not adversely affect the ecology or environment of the Trizkizki Sea.

Still, these forged documents have taken Ouerea by storm, being shared across the planet, and have resulted in an increase in civil unrest. Watchmen across the planet have reported spontaneous protests outside of Hephaestus facilities, some of which have begun to devolve into riots. Hephaestus Security personnel have been coordinating with the Watchmen to ensure as little damage is done to Hephaestus facilities and the surrounding area; dozens have already been arrested for inciting riots in an attempt to keep the protests peaceful. The biggest protests have occurred outside of Aquaculture Centers 2 and 3, which are still under construction, where Hephaestus Security forces estimate a crowd of fifteen thousand at each site have gathered to protest the construction of further Aquaculture Centers. While these crowds have remained mostly peaceful, there have been some instances of violence as individuals attempt to block workers and materials from entering the construction sites, or have attempted to forcefully enter the construction site. Hephaestus' security forces have however managed to keep the violence to a minimum, and only a handful of rioters have been injured in the past day; before being detained and handed over to the watchmen for their crimes.

While these protests and riots rage on Ouerea, the situation is much different on Moghes. Many of the nobility have condemned the protestors and rioters, saying that they are endangering the future of the Unathi species by opposing the only solution to the rationing and specter of famine hanging over the Hegemony. Social Media networks such as Chirper have been flooded with support for Hephaestus by those from all walks of life across Moghes, who see what the guild is doing as necessary. A minority who attempted to form a protest outside the Hephaestus Branch Office in Skalamar found themselves quickly confronted by counter-protesters, peasantry mostly from Moghes who had come to seek a job with the guild, which quickly descended into a brawl. Watchmen intervened within minutes, and injuries were reported to be minimal. No arrests were made, and the crowd was simply ordered to disperse.

We will keep our readers updated on this situation as it develops.

Rioting on Ouerea enters 3rd Day, Izweski & Hutay’zai Bannermen deployed to reinforce Watchmen

News Article


Writer : Triogenix

Editors : Captain Gecko, RustingWithYou


The riots continue, with the Hegemon sending his own forces to restore law and order.

After the release of supposedly classified Hephaestus documents late last week, Ouerea devolved into a scene of protesting and rioting that has now entered its third day. Watchmen have been working around the clock to keep those protests still peaceful peaceful, but it now seems they have been unable to deal with approximately 1/5th of Ouerea's entire population joining into the riots. The biggest story coming from the planet has been the destruction of the K’rath City Center and palaces. Rioters entered the district early yesterday morning and began to set alight the buildings of Izweski governance and the houses of the upper classes who lived in the area. Watchmen and the population of the district had been preemptively evacuated to New Skalamar, where the planetary government is trying to consolidate its position. A curfew has been put in place planetwide but does not seem to be having an effect, and more areas are falling to the anarchy of rioters as the day progress. The current estimated total of deaths caused by the riots stands at around 59, with many more injured.

However, the Hegemony as a whole has been looking to the planet with interest, and now that it is clear that planetary law enforcement alone will be unable to quell the riots, the Hegemon himself has stepped in. High Speaker Sarnac announced this morning that it is the Hegemon’s will that these riots be pacified so that the construction of the aquaculture farms which may save the Hegemony can continue uninterrupted. To that end, Clan Izweski and the Clan Hutay’zai will begin to deploy their bannermen with the assistance of many Kataphract chapters to the planet, taking over riot control responsibilities from local law enforcement under the command of Overlord Zik'san. Hegemon Not’zar has also met with the Grand Council of Ouerea, and Overlord Zik'san to help find a resolution to these disastrous riots.

For now, we know that a new curfew will be put in place at a local time of 8 pm, enforced by Izweski and Hutay’zai bannermen and that any outside during this time requires solid reasoning. Overlord Zik'san has ordered all non-essential businesses shuttered, and encouraged the population to remain in their homes unless absolutely necessary until the situation is resolved. We have attempted to reach out to all nobles involved in this development, but have been told they are too busy to give comments for the time being.

We will keep our readers appraised.