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  • Overview

    The Unathi are a race of tall humanoid reptiles standing from six to seven feet tall on average, with females slightly smaller in stature. They possess a mixture of snake-like and crocodile-like features, resulting in hard and plate-like scales, excluding the ones on the belly, armpits and groin. Unathi live in their home system of Uueoa-Esa. The planet's history can be summarized as being divided up between various hegemonies; names they give the most powerful Clans on Moghes throughout time. The Clan system is deeply entrenched in Unathi society, with everything else revolving around it. It forms a major part of their code of honour, which stresses the importance of martial abilities and loyalty to the Clan.

    The Unathi code of honour also has them frown on ranged weapons, with many Unathi preferring melee combat.

    After the Contact War, many Unathi which fled the planet through Nanotrasen-built shuttle ports slipped through the cracks and became slavers and raiders, gaining fearsome reputations.

    Many Unathi in Nanotrasen find themselves working in security and engineering roles, but recently many have been proving themselves as competent surgeons and brilliant scientists, earning opportunities unheard of on Moghes.


    Their average life expectancy is around seventy years, with those with access to more advanced medical care living for much longer. As a cold-blooded species, they suffer fatigue and even short comas when exposed to extremely low temperatures.

    Since they are carnivorous species, their diet mostly consists of meat, though they do have a tolerance to plants and fruits. However, they do not get any nutrition from plants, so they are mostly used as garnish or decoration.

    The reproductive system of a Unathi is very similar to that of Earth reptiles. Females lay eggs, with the average clutch being somewhere between one and three. They have a six month gestation period, after which they are laid in a humid, warm area. After two to three weeks, the fetus is fully developed and hatches from the egg.

    Biologically the Unathi of Moghes and Ouere are identical.

    Physical Appearance

    The Unathi as a species are born into one of four major scale color categories Red, Black, Orange-brown ("sand colored") and Green.

    the females differ from the males in that they generally have a shorter and more rounded snout. Both sexes stand on plantigrade legs, jointed backwards, and have clawed feet and hands. They also have very long tongues, which may stretch up to a foot and a half long, forked just like a serpent's. In much the same manner as snakes, the Unathi can sample the air around them using their tongue. This tongue is usually black or an extremely dark red, and usually a foot in length.

    Society and Culture


    Moghean Unathi are traditional Unathi, with the planet being their homewold. Historically culture varies across Clans which exist on the planet, but some customs and norms arch over nearly all Unathi universally.

    It is a social faux-pas to use a Unathi's first name if not family or extremely close to the Unathi in question. Generally a Unathi will tell someone when they feel comfortable with the person using their first name. It is also distressing to Unathi to touch their tail, or to touch them at all before introductions are undertaken.

    Social Mannerisms

    When speaking to superiors, it is considered formal and respectful to refer to them by the extended name of their command. A clan leader would be referred to by the name of their clan, a squad leader by the name of their squad. Intimate gestures between Unathi include twining necks, twining tails, and touching foreheads/muzzles. Hugging is usually considered something done by children, avoided by adults.

    Baring the throat is the single most meaningful expression of trust in a lover or superior, often used as shows of extreme trust, compassion or admittance of shame, and within honourable contexts, clawing or biting the exposed throat is perfectly allowed.

    Relationships for Unathi are, suffice to say, not one of equality, but responsibility. Males who request and admit attraction to a female will go to the male who is responsible for their well-being and tell them this, usually boasting or offering tributes to the female's caretaker as well. Trying to ignore the ritual of arranged marriage is a great insult to the female's clan, and at worst could lead to a blood feud and war.

    Emotional Displays

    Unathi feel emotions just likehumans feel, but with different cues. Irritation or heightened emotion is expressed by thumping the tail against the ground. Verbal exclamations are also common, as are short barks, rattling of the throat, or 'chuffing' (forceful exhalations of air from low in the throat). Anxious or worried Unathi might sway (similar to snakes), rattle the heavy scaling on their neck, hiss, or sample air more often than necessary. When cold, Unathi will usually bristle their scales in a manner analogous to human goosebumps. When overly warm, Unathi usually become sluggish and drowsy.


    While the Unathi of Ouere follow most of the same social beliefs as their Moghean counterparts, they tend to be less volatile towards outsiders who are ignorant of their customs, especially since their world is ruled by the Skrell and Humanity. The culture of humanity and Skrells have managed to influence Ouerean Unathi, embedding different cultural norms. There is a focus on an Unathi’s ability to benefit the group, with most Unathi being given the same chance as anyone else. There is still a struggle with a highly stratified society, but things are much more liberal than on Moghes.

    Diet and Cuisine

    Unathi dishes are mostly, or all made up of meat, eggs, and fish, as they are a carnivorous species. Vegetables in meals are often just for decoration or flavor, but by no means ever make up the majority of the dish. Unathi do not take any nutritional value from plant matter, only from meat. Desert flowers may also be placed on the plate to make it seem well presented, and are also edible. The tools Unathi use to eat are very unorthodox to humans. Important meals like dinner and breakfast are meant to be consumed while surrounded by family, and as such there are no designated utensils. Food will be cut and picked up in strips or portions with their claws, or even daggers that some often carry around. Meals are, as expected, prepared by females, or by the hunting party that had killed and gathered the meaty animal. They'll often prefer to drag it in the front gate as a show of pride for their kill, and if they have time, cook it themselves. Otherwise, the duty falls to the women to handle cooking.

    The fruits and vegetables used are either farmed where there's ample land to do so (which is usually outside of the settlement walls, or not far from it, where it may be quickly defended in the event of a raid or thief) or gathered by hunters from where it naturally grows in the desert. Fruits harvested from Oases are usually tangy and favored by higher castes as garnish or as a condiment, since they are quite rarely found.

    Meat may be cooked, or left raw and bleeding, as it depends on an individual's taste and not worry of bacteria or infection. Eggs are most often left as they are, though they may also be hard boiled or poached as fancy sunny-side up and scrambled recipes are simply too messy to eat. Fish is more often than not prepared the same way as meat.


    Moghes is divided between the Izweski Nation, which exists in the Untouched Lands, and the hundreds of other Clans who claim their own land across the planet's surface. The only real difference in their political systems is the scale.

    Izweski Nation

    Izweski is lead by Clan Leader S’kresti Izweski, a 56 year old Unathi who ruled the country since he was 38. He lives in the Izweski Castle in Skalamar, and under him are the Lords who rule their own subjugated clans. They live in a feudal system, with the Lords usually being clan leaders or important clan members themselves who pledge themselves to Izweski in exchange for land and protection. Under the Lords are Alpha males, who watch over specific members of a clan's family, and then broodmothers, elderly female Unathi who look after the young and other females of the family

    There are two different kind of major lifestyles In Izweski. There is the city, which is ran by a Lord and a small council of lesser clans. City life is less harsh than life in the country, especially with Nanotrasen offices in them leading to career opportunities.

    Life in the country is harsher, with cities being rare and life mostly determined by the size of a Clan's village and how well they can hunt, and raid their neighbors. It's the traditional Unathi life, made harsher by the growing Wasteland encroaching on once fertile lands.


    The Ouerean Government is made up of a Colonial Government with a human Governor and Skrellian advisors and mayors.

    The Ouerean law system is a hybrid of the Ancient Honor Code and the traditional legal system found throughout the civilized galaxy.



    While most records were tragically lost in the later years of the Contact War, Unathi and human scholars theorize that Unathi lifestyles were predominantly nomadic in their early history. Up until 100 CE Unathi clans consisted of small villages usually numbering no more than 500 following the large herd of Threshbeasts across the savannahs that dominated the planet’s surface. Clans at the time weren’t accostomed to using weapons, as their natural talons served well enough to kill enemies in battle, leaving most early unathi warfare being brutal hand-to-hand affairs.

    Around 300 CE, many clans had settled down after discovering the benefits of agriculture. The population swelled, and the first true cities had established themselves.

    The planet was still divided amongst several hundred different clans, all of which were nearly unanimously hostile towards one another. Trade between clans was limited, leaving the balance of wealth and technological advancement severely stratified.

    The First Hegemony

    What few surviving records remain show that by 1000 CE, most of the planet’s surface was dominated between a dozen clans, each holding vast swaths of land. The Kres'ha'nor Clan is shown to have been the most powerful, controlling a population base of twelve million and a professional army, including the first recorded use of War Riders. They ruled over numerous Lords, all of whom lived in a system of feudalism, owing the Kres’ha’nor clan their loyalty and armies in exchange for protection and land.

    The Kres’ha’nor Hegemony lasted from roughly 920 CE - 1500 CE, benefiting from the brutal War Rider shock troops wielding steel glaives and heavy maces. It was the unquestioned power of the world, owning land and wealth which allowed it the industries necessary to forge steel, levy taxes, and even build walls around their cities to protect from raiders. This lasted until Clan Leader Kresshi Kres’ha’nor had died, his many sons fighting over who would rule the Clan in his place. The Hegemony fractured and collapsed into a dozen smaller, feuding clans with the Kres’ha’nor dynasty itself disappearing completely after the war ended.

    The Kres’ha’nor Hegemony had subjugated its neighbors for many years, and with it collapse the rest of Moghes began to gravitate away from one another and back to their isolated way of living.

    The Second Hegemony

    In 1823 CE, records show the first use of a steam engine by the Ras’iks Clan in S’th. The technological breakthrough sparked industrialization amongst the urbanized clans, but the developments weren’t felt beyond the new industrialized nations. It was even rejected with outright hostility in many areas outside the city, with many unathi resenting the upsets to traditional ways of life. Surviving records have numerous accounts of uprisings and attempts revolutions in industrialized nations, while the more primitive neighbors continued to aggressively raid their more advanced, and thus wealthy neighbors. It’s unclear if these events were random violence, or the first global war amongst the Unathi clans.

    It’s estimated from limited records that by 1922, the Sarakus Clan rose to power following a war amongst the industrialized nations and created a Hegemony. They ruled most of the land around the Moghresian Sea and southwestern Moghes. Their clan ruled harshly, and forced technological advances into the cities and towns in order to increase the wealth of their clan and loyal Lords. The rest of Moghes was divided as it always had been, between more primitive unathi tribes. Technology slowly trickled into their Clans, but life existed much as it had for a thousand years. Most Clans still fought with steel weapons and armour, while the lower classes acted as manual labour in fields or mines.

    The Third Hegemony

    We do know without a doubt that in 1994, the Sarakus Clan ceased to exist after a sudden coup by a group known as the Traitor Lords. They stormed the Sarakus castle in Ma’ha’rem and slew the entire family and contingent of Clan Guard, establishing Lord Neeziah Izweski as the new ruling Clan Leader. The sudden, brutal coup sent shock-waves through the nation. It was almost unthinkable that Lords would turn on their Clan Leader in such a way.

    Immediately most Lords rebelled, forming the Honored Alliance. The civil war lasted for decades, spreading to include most of the planet and Clans. It was a new type of war, with ballistic weapons first used by Izweski infantry. The bullets are most similar to 21st century Earth anti-tank rifles, but due to Unathi armored plates became a standard infantry weapon. Heavy, unwieldy, and expensive to make with the limited industry, no more than a few thousand were ever fielded. But when they were used, it’s recorded that they were devastating. Wielding melee weapons and charging into battle as they always had, War Riders and infantry would be whittled down from unheard of distances.

    The war lasted until 2079 CE, when the Honored Alliance signed a cease-fire with the Izweski Nation. The war had seen many cities razed and looted, and deaths in the millions. The entire planet of Moghes was wounded, and would not recover for decades. Until First Contact, the surviving Clans and Izweski Nation rebuilt and consolidated their power.

    First Contact

    In 2433, a human exploration team discovered Moghes. Shortly after, first contact was made. Humanity established contact with Clan Izweski, which proved to be controversial amongst the Sol Alliance. Many people questioned the morals of interacting with a pre-warp race that had only reached the technological level of Earth in the 1970’s. But unheeding the warnings, Sol Alliance merchants and scholars flocked to Moghes, living under very careful observation and guard in Izweski cities. Skalamar, the second largest city in Izweski, became the first Unathi city to have a shuttleport constructed. Owned by Nanotrasen, it served to transport people to and from the planet’s surface.

    The Contact War

    In 2437, the Izweski Nation had established the Izweski Space Program, and with bootlegged Sol Alliance technology constructed a rocket intended to carry 300 unathi colonists to their system’s second habitable planet, Ouerea. The launch was a disaster, with a yet-unidentified failure causing the rocket to explode after reaching 2,000 feet and the death of all hands. The failure sends shockwaves through all of Moghes, with the Izweski Nation suddenly besieged by scattered, angry neighboring Clans outraged by the unnatural use of technology leading to the loss of so many lives.

    The Sol Alliance partnered with the Skrellian Alliance to help Izweski construct a second rocket, with Nanotrasen engineers and scientists helping construct it. Its launch was successful, and Ouerea was colonized by 350 Unathi under the guidance of the Sol and Skrellian Alliances.

    The other Clans of Moghes were horrified on this turn of events, seeing the entire Unathi way of life being turned upside down so quickly. They blamed the Izweski Nation of coddling “alien invaders”, and formed the Traditionalist Coalition, which invaded the Izweski Nation. Izweski itself began to see civil unrest from angry commoners and Lords.

    It sparked a war which is now known as the Contact War.

    Gun emplacements.
    It's unknown how the Coalition acquired atomic weapons, but many conspiracy theories persist.

    Humans and Skrell evacuated the planet as the fighting got underway. The Coalition fought as its clans always had, with steel weapons and hand-to-hand combat. The biggest concession was the use of ballistic weapons, and propeller aircraft which they used to bomb Izweski targets.

    The Izweski used Skrellian and Human energy weapons like energy glaives, swords, and laser carbines, as well as fielding several hundred Mk I “Breacher Suits”, which the Izweski nation invented and utilized to frightening efficiency. They proved effective, but with the lack of Izweski air power both sides could do little more than gain temporary victories.

    The Skrellian Alliance found itself shocked by the violence unfolding on Moghes. They dispatched a cruiser to orbit over the planet, and transported down a peace delegation to the Coalition capital city. The shuttle was shot down by Coalition anti-air weapons, killing everyone on board. Offended, the Skrellian Alliance moved its cruiser in orbit around the Ouerean planet, pledging to never again provide assistance to Moghes, while Nanotrasen continued to do just that.

    On 2439, the Traditionalist Coalition suddenly dropped an atomic bomb on the Izweski city of Da’ha’den. It’s unknown how they gained access to atomic weapons, but the consequences were catastrophic: both sides began a continued exchange of atomic weapons. Hundreds were detonated across Moghes, with orbiting, observing Alliance stations and vessels having their shutters lowered to prevent eye damage to people observing during the time of the exchange.

    Unathi Today

    By 2457, most of the interior of Moghes is uninhabitable. While the yields were lower than thermonuclear weapons, the fallout is still posing massive problems for Moghes. Most of the planet is now engulfed by a single desert, which is aptly named “The Wasteland”. The sole remaining cities still functioning exist in the Untouched Lands; shielded by the massive mountain ranges from the fallout and encroaching desert sands.

    The Izweski Nation exists as a shell of its former self. Its influence extends around Skalamar and Ma’ha’rem in the Untouched Lands, with Clan Leader S’kresti ruling it unquestioned, but the rest of the planet has devolved into the feudal system of Clanship, with ideologies, technology, and economies varying wildly. Moghean Unathi find themselves faced with the choice of continuing to do little more than etch out an existence on the home planet, or take lucrative offers from Nanotrasen and other megacorp to join their workforces.

    The Ouerean Unathi are faring far better; while numbered only in the high thousands, the planet is administered jointly by the Skrellian and Sol Alliance, and enjoys moderate growth.


    In the event that a Unathi becomes mortally ill, or finds themselves lacking the pride or honor to continue to live, or simply become tired of their existence undergo a ritualistic suicide and take the title of 'Guwandi' (which is translated to Gladiator/Galdium). They will give up their possessions to their alpha and make their journey into the Moghes desert. The only things they keep are their weapons which they use to fight animals or other Unathi so that they may die in honorable combat. In the event that two of these Guwandi meet, they will first draw their weapons and adopt a passive stance, which is followed by them telling each other their stories in turn, as well as the reasons behind their choice of adopting the mantle of 'Guwandi' and how they wish their remains to be dealt with. When both sides understand the other, combat will begin with a mutual wish of luck that the more worthy of death lose with pride. The winner of the battle is responsible for taking care of the corpse in the way they were instructed to. Renouncing the deathseeking life of Guwandi isn't easy. Some may wish to return after having been granted a second outlook, or hope, after they had spent time wandering and risking their life. Their clan may see their decision as cowardly and refuse to accept them, or be overjoyed they had learned a lesson in their time.


    Battles for Unathi vary greatly depending on who is fighting who. The armed forces of most settlements stick to the honor codes regarding melee combat. When in an engagement with other armies, the formation will consist of battle lines. Shieldmen will be in front, and breakers behind and in between to try and overpower the defense of their enemy. Should these lines fall, the ones behind them will attempt to fill in the gaps. Located near the rear of the lines are officers and commanders, as well as the drummers who will convey and scream orders. Combat also varies depending on the region of the settlements at war. Soldiers who hail from the equator will often break their lines to seek a single kill, whereas those who live in the temperate north will, if at all possible, try to make non-lethal blows or try and make their lethal blows quick and painless. Those nearer to the poles do not adhere so much to the melee code many Unathi follow, and have no qualms in using ranged or laser weapons in battles. Fights with, or between outcasts or refugee groups are fought with a value on survival over killing their enemies. Rather than taking part in lines and formations, these groups fight their battles in a hit and run style, favoring terrain advantages and guerrilla warfare against both other outcasts or refugees, as well as the disciplined settlement militaries. Unarmed combat styles for Unathi vary by clan and settlement, but most focus on the usage of claws as well as grappling to disable an enemy, headbutting, and an overall goal to expose the neck for biting.

    Most battles are fought by simple infantry, as mounted units are something uncommon. When they do show up, they are usually feared by their enemies, unless they have a lot of polearms in their possession. They function like typical human cavalry, using their mount to run into the enemy formation and swipe at heads or necks. They may also come equipped with lances instead, which are used to power through enemy defenses. Animals used as mounts are typically threshbeasts or specifically bred scale-cattle meant to be fast on their legs. However, raising and training these animals takes patience and a few years, which is why the sight of mounted infantry is so infrequent.

    Date and Timing

    Unathi in general tend not to record global history like humans or Skrell have done. Rather, they focus on clan or territorial history, though most keep a basic calendar system to track days and years. Their seasons are Moto and Jua, which are the equivalent of Terran summer and winter respectively. Temperature changes are mostly felt nearer to the poles, but even in the desert the length of days will still be affected, becoming shorter or longer depending on the season. Each of the two seasons last roughly two hundred days, so when the two hundredth day of Jua passes, it would be considered a new year. For example, to predict or recall a certain date, one would phrase it in a way such as "The twelfth day of Jua, five years ago." or something similar. Unsurprisingly, the Unathi keep time tracked loosely by sundials. These primitive yet effective clocks are split up into four quarters. Rather than use numeral digits like humans, they instead pay attention to the slant of the shadow. When it is facing zero degrees, then it is considered dawn, a new day, even if it is before sunrise. At ninety, breakfast should be over with and Unathi should be starting to prepare for their work day. One hundred and eighty degrees is midday, most commonly seen as a trading rush-hour or a time for large, friendly lunches. And when the slant is at two hundred and seven degrees, the work day begins to wind down and the Unathi return home to their clans for their evening meals.

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