Cold Dawn Arc

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This is the overview and timeline page for the Cold Dawn War Arc which began on February 5, 2023 and pertains largely to Tajaran lore.
It is centered around the interactions of the SCCV Horizon with Adhomai and its faction.
Below is a summary of the arc's events, applicable news articles, and additions.
The Cold Dawn Arc Title Screen

First Episode: A Meeting in the Badlands

Server Event



The Horizon comes to the rescue of an Orbital Fleet being attacked by Pirates.

The Horizon picks up a distress signal coming from the Adhomian Star, an orbital fleet ship. The PRA vessel is currently being attacked by pirates and requires help. The Horizon manages to defeat the pirates, who board the corporate ship using drop pods. The criminals are captured with the exception of one. The crew helps the Kosmostrelki and secure the Adhomian Star. The Horizon then jumps to S'rand'marr to protect the Hadiist ship. They are later invited to a tour of the Palace of the Free Tajara.