Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals

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Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals is a trans-stellar conglomerate with origins on 21st century Earth. They are responsible for the invention of modern cloning techniques.


Official Title(s): Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, Zeng-Hu Medical Corporation, Zeng-Hu Corporate Conglomerate

Motto: Building a brighter future.

Headquarters: Oran, Isis, Epsilon Eridani

Official Languages: Tradeband, Tau Ceti Basic, Terran Mandarin

Work Force: (2444 Consumer Report)

413,775 - Total Number of Employees

247,980 - Production Floor Employees

47,523 - Production Facility Managers

39,522 - Pharmaceutical Researchers

32,975 - Equipment and Facility Maintenance Personnel

31,223 - Security and Safety Assurance Personnel

14,027 - Innovation Specialists

525 - Special Tasks Personnel


Epsilon Eridani: 6 pharmaceutical equipment manufacturing facilities on Isis; major DNA bank located on Isis; HQ located in capital city of Oran, Isis.

Tau Ceti: Granted jurisdiction by the Republic of Biesel over Fabrication Districts 17, 44, 82 and 83 on the planet of New Gibson; research and development facility located on Biesel; major DNA bank located on Biesel.

Sol: Research and development facility on Luna; major DNA bank located on Luna; research and development facility located on Titan, Saturn.

Sirius: Research and development station located in stable orbit; 3 manufacturing facilities located in stable orbit.


Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals was born from the merging of two companies on Earth in the year 2032: Mao Zeng Biotech, and Chi-Wan-Hu Incorporated. The company pioneered the way in the field of cryonics and cryogenics, manufacturing the first truly viable "cryopod" designed to safely house a human being during long-distance space travel. This proved instrumental during the colonization efforts of Mars and Luna. However, the success was relatively short-lived, as the economic hardships of the mid-22nd century hit the company hard. While never completely disappearing, the company was overshadowed by the rise of other corporations edging in on the field of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Zeng-Hu stayed in the background for years, though their continual innovations allowed them to stay somewhat competitive.

It wasn't until the year 2413, when the Skrell were first encountered, that the company was well and truly thrust back into the limelight. As with many other companies jockeying for positions from which they could benefit from the advanced technology of the Skrell, Zeng-Hu sent representatives to try and convince Skrellian scientists to establish joint cooperative research teams with their own scientists. However, unlike with the other corporations, whom most of the scientific community of the Skrell perceived as simply greedy, they were truly impressed by the vision and drive shown by the CEO Vanas Peng and his board of directors. After three years of cooperative research, the first viable example of cloning technology was created.

Zeng-Hu was quick to patent the techniques and equipment, and continued to advance in the newly created field of the cloning of sentient organisms. Techniques were developed that allowed clones to have direct copies of a subject's memories and personalities implanted in their psyche. While cloning technology was highly controversial when first introduced, it has since become an accepted and even promoted part of Human and Skrellian society.

Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals is now among the most powerful trans-stellar corporations present in the galaxy in the modern day. They have been able to increase their profits from cloning even further by owning the rights to all legitimate DNA banks in human space. Today, Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals works closely with Nanotrasen Corporation through a series of mutually beneficial economic and research agreements. Zeng-Hu provides the newest advancements in cloning technology to Nanotrasen for use on their facilities, and Nanotrasen in turn loans their best researchers to assist Zeng-Hu with further advancement and development.