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Relations with Trans-stellar Factions

Relations with all corporations are heavily tied to every echelon of even the most detached factions in the Orion Spur. As the corporations have seeped into every facet of one’s livelihood as far as the eye can see, few find it unimportant to maintain some degree of knowledge on the megacorps.

This megacorporation’s noteworthy relations with the major powers are below, and may be very important to you.

Stellar Corporate Conglomerate

The newly founded Conglomerate’s ties with Zavodskoi are blatant with a newly founded Corporate Force Projection Fleet bearing weapons, munitions and equipment of Zavodskoi make across the board. From high-end starship pieces to antique small arms, Zavodskoi provides it all, making them a key player in the Conglomerate’s private military. This newfound niche has led to a resurgence of its presence galaxy-wide, and cooperation with the other megas has proven very profitable.


Since its rebranding from Necropolis Industries, Zavodskoi Interstellar often employs synthetics as precise, dextrous labor in machining, manufacturing and blanket industrial work. Many stubborn advocates of hand-crafting and several subsidiaries oriented around quality have made large steps towards vilifying these robotic mechanics, claiming that the “organic touch” is the key to quality, rather than objective fact. This case often seeps down to the working persons of the company through rough opinion of the synthetics which threaten the work of their lives. Contrarily, major steps to save the company face have echoed from executives, painting out a confusing and chaotic internal struggle against synthetics in the company.

The Empire of Dominia

Since its arrival in the Dominian industrial scene, Zavodskoi has made headway to monopolizing itself over the fledgling empire as best it can, to decent success. Its sway in the Imperial politics up high remain a mystery, but the certainty of Zavodskoi presence across the Empire’s domain is all there. In recent times, the company can be found reaching out to various establishments in the Empire in an attempt to, for whatever reason it can make up, buy them out. Whether this is a pitiful desperate attempt to grab power or grow a new monopoly is on you to decide.


Relations with Trans-stellar Factions

Relations with all corporations are heavily tied to every echelon of even the most detached factions in the Orion Spur. As the corporations have seeped into every facet of one’s livelihood as far as the eye can see, few find it unimportant to maintain some degree of knowledge on the megacorps.

This megacorporation’s noteworthy relations with the major powers are below, and may be very important to you.

Jargon Federation

Despite Jargon's internal economy being wholly state-controlled, the Federation's medical academics and researchers have kept an especially amiable relation with the medical megacorporation since the days of first contact. Zeng-Hu's mass presence in Epsilon Eridani, within direct Bluespace Gate reach of the Federation's core worlds, and their mutual research deals with the Aliose University of Medical Sciences have turned them into the most prominent human corporate players toward the Skrellian government, affording them an unique position in galactic affairs.


Relations with Trans-stellar Factions

Relations with all corporations are heavily tied to every echelon of even the most detached factions in the Orion Spur. As the corporations have seeped into every facet of one’s livelihood as far as the eye can see, few find it unimportant to maintain some degree of knowledge on the megacorps.

This megacorporation’s noteworthy relations with the major powers are below, and may be very important to you.

People’s Republic of Adhomai

NanoTrasen has played an important role in Adhomai since its discovery; through the support of the rebels, supplying the People’s Republic with technology, and offering job opportunities to the population. The PRA is NanoTrasen’s biggest ally on the planet, with much of its economy bound to the megacorp. Corporate interests are mainly focused on obtaining cheap labor and mining Adhomai’s rich mineral deposits. Despite the prosperity brought by this relationship, many Tajara are against the megacorporation’s interference in the affairs of the Tajara people. Alongside the political crises, NanoTrasen’s presence was one of the main reasons for the Second Revolution. Even after the Armistice, the People’s Republic continues its policy of maintaining a strong relationship with the corporation. Tajara working for NanoTrasen usually have more opportunities than with other employers.

Republic of Biesel

NanoTrasen holds an undisputed monopoly over the Republic of Biesel’s phoron reserves, and all newly staked deposits found under Biesellite banners. Needless to say, their power within the Republic is without contest due to this. At every echelon of the Republic’s government is some sort of NanoTrasen interference to advise and even direct the young nation’s every move. Inarguably the outcome of this has yielded positive results ; now, the Republic sits on the largest wealth the galaxy has ever known, free of the debts that cripple the Alliance or the disarray of Coalition politics.

Ceres Lance

Ceres Lance, while previously based officially in Sol space (which is where they get their name), have seen increased activity within Tau Ceti under NanoTrasen’s remit. Following the brief war between Sol and TC, and the subsequent reveal of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, the Lance have seen further entrenchment into the NanoTrasen umbrella as they operate exclusively under NT contracts, going as far as to migrate their headquarters to the Odin where they can keep a closer eye on Bubble. Ceres Lance being a private military contractor, this relationship is purely professional, and NanoTrasen continues to keep them around for their unique skill set. It’s yet to be seen if the Lance will find themselves signing a more formal and permanent work agreement with the megacorporation.


Relations with Trans-stellar Factions

Relations with all corporations are heavily tied to every echelon of even the most detached factions in the Orion Spur. As the corporations have seeped into every facet of one’s livelihood as far as the eye can see, few find it unimportant to maintain some degree of knowledge on the megacorps.

This megacorporation’s noteworthy relations with the major powers are below, and may be very important to you.

Izweski Hegemony

A marriage between one of the most robust companies and a species known for its strength was almost inevitable. After the Hegemony's pseudo-falling out with NanoTrasen five years prior, Hephaestus quickly swooped in to fill the void the other megacorp left, and has developed a strong and close partnership with the Hegemony ever since. Hephaestus' knack for mining, engineering, and general construction has proved useful for integrating itself into the post-Contact War economy, becoming a staple service for repairing, rebuilding, and reclaiming what's left of Moghes. Hephaestus has also seen profitable enterprise from purchasing the scrap of the old unathi countries in the Wasteland to turn back into usable metal, as well as a middling mining enterprise on Ouerea to help fund construction efforts across the galaxy. Needless to say, this megacorporation has become a vital part of the Izweski Hegemony's economy, and any expansion efforts made by Hegemon Not'zar will see a profitable cut made for Hephaestus as well.

Coalition of Colonies

The relations between Hephaestus and the Coalition of Colonies is notably sour. Years upon years of defiling outer worlds in favor of the industrial machine, only to be dropped as soon as executives deem it necessary have led to tremendous repercussions in the eyes of the Frontiersfolk that inhabited them. Terraforming operations across the Frontier have frequently met outright militant opposition as Hephaestus Industries pursued the wealth of material and property over sentient rights. Arguably, great strides have been taken by the corporation itself to heal the wounds caused by these actions. These include frequent changes to regulations and the overall rulebook, trying to gain the favor of the increasingly powerful Coalition down to the working man. Frontiersfolk often reach miraculous business deals and positions in Hephaestus as a result.

However, the Coalition’s vast nature has offered variety to the situation; areas such as Burzsia remain utterly loyal to Hephaestus, contrary to the complete hostility by Himeo. Both are members of the growing Coalition.


Relations with Trans-stellar Factions

Relations with all corporations are heavily tied to every echelon of even the most detached factions in the Orion Spur. As the corporations have seeped into every facet of one’s livelihood as far as the eye can see, few find it unimportant to maintain some degree of knowledge on the megacorps.

This megacorporation’s noteworthy relations with the major powers are below, and may be very important to you.

Eridani Corporate Federation
