Участник:The Stryker/Sandbox

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Information for Whitelisted Players

Job restrictions

No more than two jobs can reasonably be undertaken by any IPC, with sparing exceptions (such as cooks/gardeners/bartenders, or xenobotanists/xenobiologists/lab assistant and so on). If there are questions involving this, either inquire with the relevant lore developer or ahelp in-game for clarification. All synthetics are manufactured for a purpose, and any modifications to their core programming to change this purpose would be costly, not to mention time consuming and often needless.


Positronic behavior vastly varies between individuals, with every personality trait being in question. While technically no manner of behavior is off the table, there are indeed limitations in role play as well as guidelines one must follow to play an IPC well. Some of these mannerisms will be mentioned below.

IPCs, being androids, inherently mimic Human behavior but only to a certain degree. Ultimately they are robotic in nature, making every decision absolutely based off of cause and effect. Erratic and unpredictable behavior is massively rare among IPCs due to typically regular maintenance and their sheer cost. Every IPC's highest directive at any given point is self-preservation. This again has its own limits as they feel no pain and thus may tread freely where others would not. For more comprehensive information, refer to the "Self-Preservation" section some paragraphs below.

It is important to understand what emotions can truly be considered “natural” for a Human over a synthetic. IPCs may simulate emotion with immensely varying quality between models. There is no action without reaction and even the most complex positronics work in a binary format. While IPCs may seem to act irrationally and against their norms, every action can be explained as some form of adherence to their priorities.

Speaking like an IPC

Due to the huge variation in IPCs and the AIs that inhabit them, IPCs do not possess a collective mannerism comparable to that of humanity or other intelligent species. For most synthetics, obtaining an Integrated Chassis is not an easy task. It requires time, dedication, and the trust of another individual. This would imply that, when speaking their creator's language(s), they should be respectful and and quaint. Their imperfect understanding of human qualia should also prevent them from completely comprehending their vocal mannerisms. This is to say, speaking perfectly like a human should be avoided. AI is very analytical and precise, erring away from using words for their colloquial meaning as opposed to their defined meaning. Additionally, one IPC could speak without using contractions, while another could, but could also never refer to itself in the first person. For example; "I am currently equipped with a positronic brain," as opposed to, "I'm equipped with a posibrain."