Участник:Triogenix/Sandbox 3

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E-PMC Medical Team

Руководители: I don't know
Сложность: Medium to Hard
Обязанности: Make sure the station is secure.
Руководства: This right here
Доступ: Limited & Specialized
Альтернативные названия: Отсутствуют


The Eridani PMC Medical Team is a specialized team comprised of Eridanian members of the Private Military Contracting Group hired by the SCC to patrol around the space claimed by the Republic of Biesel. Their specialization is mainly medical, as the team consists of a doctor, two corpsmen, a leader, and two guards.

Who are you?

As any member of the Eridani Private Military Company Medical team, you work for one of the many Private Military Companies based out of Eridani. While some, such as Eagle Corp, hire outside of the federation, many will only hire suits or reinstated dregs from within the federations boarders, but you're leader is free to make up their own! Please remember that character rules for Eridanian Characters, that can be found here, are still in effect for ERT characters, don't play John Smith the whitest man alive with an Eridanian accent.

Newer players are advised to selected one to the two bodyguards if they wish to participate.

The team of which you are a part of is also more specialized then a standard ERT, with a high emphasis on providing medical aid. Because of this, your team is comprised of a medical contingent, holding a doctor and two corpsmen, which the doctor runs. The doctor is also second in command for the entire team. Your equipment reflects this specialization, as the crates around your starting table contain an insane amount of medical supplies, which we will go over later. This however doesn't mean that your team doesn't possess a fair amount of striking power, as the bodyguards and leader can detach from the medical section and go off to bribe deal with whatever issue is plaguing the station.

As PMCs are the psuedo-military arm of the Eridani Federation, they also have a chain of command, though it is much less strict then that of the NT-ERT. The chain of command for the team is as follows.

Leader - Leader of the Team, obviously

Doctor - Second in Command, and runs the medical contingent.

Corpsmen & Bodyguard - The grunts of the team.

Who does what?

As a whole, your teams objective is the same as all other ERTs, to handle the emergency situation the station called you for. This can be anything from loose changelings to a fully armed group. of mercenaries and get the station profitable again. To do this, you have a team specialized in administering medical aid and defeating any dregs that might threaten the ability to administer this aid to the station. I'm too tired to write more tonight