Шаблон:Aurora Starmap

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The Orion Spur

The Starmap; You can click on this map to be redirected to different pages of the wiki! Be sure to expand and pan your view! ===>

SolEpsilon EridaniTau CetiNew Hai PhongSilversunKonyangMictlanOrepitXanuHimeoZaurghisAemaqPerispolisBursaAdhomaiHro'zamalMoghesGakalzaalEmpire of DominiaQerrbalakUnathiEmpire of DominiaRepublic of ElyraCoalition of ColoniesSkrellSol AllianceThe MedianSparring SeaBadlandsValley HaleJewel WorldsMiddle RingOuter RingRebel's ReachWeeping StarsLight's EdgeArushaCrosk PlainsThe ClashAlliance Neutral ZoneSol AllianceRepublic of BieselSkrellCoalition of ColoniesRepublic of ElyraEmpire of DominiaUnathiTajara