Adhomian North Pole

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  • Overview

    Located at the northernmost point of Adhomai, the North Pole is a barely explored landmass that has recently attracted the attention of the Tajaran nations. Protected by its extreme climate and legends, the pole was left virtually untouched until the Cold War. Researchers, explorers, and soldiers now flock to the continent to unveil its secrets. Each side has already begun to carve their territory using their expeditions.

    The Adhomian factions are now engaged in a race to conquer the North Pole. Each faction has begun to deploy their Tajara on the polar shores to explore and seize as much land as possible.


    The Adhomian North Pole is a mixture of rock and ice sheets. Like most of the planet, the geography is marked by tall mountain ridges and peaks. The poles are also home to the only active volcanos in Adhomai. The climate is extremely severe and the temperature never goes above the freezing point. Snowstorms are frequent. Because of its position on the globe, the Pole experiences the winter for most of the year; during this season, the days are usually locked in a perpetual night or twilight.

    The sea around the North Pole is littered with icebergs and shipwrecks. Navigating around these waters is dangerous and only reserved for the most experienced sailors. Countless ships have been lost while trying to navigate around the treacherous polar waters.

    Notable Locations

    • Mount Zho'takh: the tallest mountain in the Adhomian North Pole. Due to its size, it can be seen from most of the region during the rare days of good weather. No expedition so far has managed to reach its peak. Aerial reconnaissance showed the presence of several cave entrances at the foot of Mount Zho'takh. Researchers believe a radio outpost on or near its peak could be of great use as a reference point for navigation. Planting a flag on its top is a matter of prestige for the Adhomian nations.
    • Whispering Field: located on the east coast, the Whispering Field is an ice plain notable for the presence of square obsidian slabs arranged in a one-kilometer-wide circle. While the origin and purpose of the structures are currently unknown, many researchers theorize it was likely built during the late Gunpowder Age to guide explorers. The name comes from the claim that faint whispering can be heard if one is to stay close to the stones for too long.
    • Dhrarmela's Forge: named after the deity, the Dhrarmela's Forge is an active volcano at the coast of the North Pole. The Forge is known for its frequent activity. Dust clouds and lava spew over the sea and the coast during its weekly eruptions. During more intense storms snow will build up near its opening. When the volcano erupts this snow turns into a massive haze of burning vapor. Scientists theorize that a massive eruption in the past was what caused the long winters that brought an end to the Incarnate Dominion.

    Fauna and Flora

    While the North Pole may appear to be devoid of life at first, it is home to several creatures. Besides the aquatic animals that dwell under the ice, there are a few creatures adapted to the harsh environment. However, most of the surface fauna is composed of microscopic organisms that feed on detritus or thrive in acid volcanic soil. Finding new species is one of the objectives of the expeditions.

    The native flora is restricted to small lichen-like turfs that sometimes emerge from the ice during warmer days.

    Notable Animals

    • Mukorshik (Scavenger): segmented, keratinous creatures that feed on the Hma'trra Zivr carcasses found on the pole's surface. The Scavenger has several legs and pincers used to cut the meat. When not feeding, the animal remains buried in the ice. Its meat is bitter and poor in nutrients. They are also found around Tajaran installations, where they take advantage of the detritus left behind by the expeditions.
    • Sfahn'Zamhir (Ice Catcher): often mistaken for rocks, the Ice Catcher appears to be a mere stone sticking from the surface. However, the surface part of the creature is just a shell designed to protect its organs. Under the ice lies most of the animals: large tentacles that are used to catch underwater prey. When hunting, these appendix sting the prey with a paralyzing poison and then drags its body to the Catcher's mouth. The Sfahn'Zamhir's meat, due to its nutritious value, is commonly eaten by polar explorers.


    Surrounded by legends and rumors, the Adhomian North Pole is home to many curious anomalies that remain unexplained. Pre-Contact Tajara usually attributed fantastic explanations to these events, either seeing them as a curse or act of the gods. The expeditions are currently attempting to understand and likely weaponize these phenomena.

    • Wreckage Cemetery: the North Pole is notorious for the unusual amount of wreckages - ancient and modern ships can be found floating in the water or stuck in ice. Most ships lost in the sea end in the North Pole; scientist theorizes that this is caused by the ocean current or some magnetic anomaly. This treasure-trove remained protected by the hostile environment and superstition until now; the expeditions have already begun to plunder the derelicts in search of artifacts.
    • Plasmageist: luminescent, lightning balls frequently spotted floating over the North Pole. The origin of this phenomenon is unknown; legends claim it is the vengeful ghosts of the dead sailors. While Plasmageists can appear at ground level, no one has ever interacted directly with one. Unverified reports of these anomalies touching ship decks and causing explosions are not unheard of.
    • Icequakes: The ice sheets of the North Pole are prone to sudden movements or quakes. When these happen, they can crack and break apart or have sections suddenly change elevation. Seismic scanners are unable to accurately predict when these occur. The quakes are much rarer on the outskirts of the North Pole, hence why permanent outposts are only made on the coast of the Pole. Theories range from these being the result of volcanic activity, the movements of Hma’trra Zmirs, to some sort of effect brought on gathering CO2 in the north.
    • Heat Column: A burst of warmth ranging from pleasantly warm to burning hot, Heat Columns can be a welcome respite from the coldness of the North Pole or a horrible end for an expedition. Believed to be caused by volcanic activity, a heat column bursts out of the snow layers and can only last for a few dozen seconds at most. Some are hot enough to boil flesh for unfortunates caught up in it or to turn the snow to scorching vapor. Because of the volcanic activity around Dhrarmela’s Forge, heat columns reaching high temperatures are common.

    Conquest of the North Pole

    In their struggle for supremacy during the ongoing Cold War, the Tajaran nations have launched missions to the North Pole. These expeditions seek scientific data, prestige, and anything that could give their factions an edge in a future conflict. While the missions are mainly focused on exploration and research, sabotage and violent skirmishes are still a possibility.

    People's Republic Scientific Expedition

    A Hadiist scientist wearing a HES-02 suit.

    The People's Republic was the first faction to gain a foothold on the North Pole. In a joint effort between the navy and the Ministry of Research, a research station was established in 2464. Submarines and airlifts are used to supply the Hadiist expedition.

    Out of all expeditions, the Hadiist one is the best equipped. Besides the typical cold-weather gear, they have access to HES-02 suits: a top-of-line environmental bodysuit designed by the Hadii Institute of Orbital Research. The suit contains its own life support system and offers protection from several types of hazards. However, the suit’s back air tank is easily damaged and current models restrict movement. While the PRA crew has vehicles, they have proved to be ill-suited to the extreme conditions found in the Adhomian North Pole; prototypes are currently being developed to solve this problem.


    • Rhagrrhuzau Station: the headquarters of the Hadiist expedition, a state-of-art facility equipped with laboratories; a small, but self-sufficient hydroponics garden; crew quarters; an armory; and a radio station. Navy personnel are tasked with protecting the base; a Ha'narr Corps division is present to act as pathfinders.

    Notable Personnel

    • Research Director Trokhym Przhevalsky: responsible for the research staff in the expedition, Trokhym was chosen personally by Zhuldyz Hadii. Like his patron, Przhevalsky has high standards and is willing to sacrifice as much as possible for the success of the expedition. During his time in the Institute of Orbital Research, he was famous for his inventive, and usually unorthodox, solutions.
    • Party Commissar Refat Rrhakaslav: handpicked for his undying loyalty to the Hadiist cause and ruthless, Refat Rrhakaslav is the Party's eyes and ears in the expedition. During his time in the navy, he was feared and hated by the sailors due to his willingness in reporting them. Some rumors claim that his assignment to the North Pole was part of a deal between Irbaykhan Mirarkiizar and Yakiv Hadii.
    • Captain Wafiqah Arsenyev: as a veteran submarine commander of the Second Civil War, Wafiqah was selected by the Ministry of Defense to coordinate the military in the North Pole expedition. While this assignment was considered to be relatively quiet at first, it quickly grew in importance with the arrival of the other Tajaran factions. To maintain her prestige and ensure the Hadiist victory, Captain Arsenyev must now carefully manage her sailors and underwater supply lines.

    Miran'mir Academy Rescue Mission

    The New Kingdom landed on the North Pole in search of a lost archeological expedition who set sail in search of a Gunpowder Age ship, Minharrzka’s Chosen, in 2463. While the main objective of the Royalist mission is to locate the missing team, their presence has been used by the NKA in the ongoing conquest of the North Pole.

    The Rescue Mission is equipped with basic polar gear and internals. Despite having simpler equipment, they have access to a more stable supply line and experienced sailors and explorers.One of their primary focuses is figuring out reliable means of harvesting food in the North Pole. Royal Navy icebreakers have proved to be extremely useful in the frequently frozen polar oceans. Armored aerosleds also have been used for short-range missions. Ha’rron are brought along as well thanks to an innate ability for them to detect and avoid unstable ice.


    • Little Kaltir: the main base of the New Kingdom's operations in the North Pole. Initially founded to serve as a port, Little Kaltir also has other facilities built into it: crew quarters, a well-funded archeology laboratory, and a small astronomic observatory. Despite the civilian presence, the Royal Navy has ownership of the site and considers it a military base.

    Notable Personnel

    • Captain Tajrhalrr Zarkradhir: the current leader of the Rescue Mission. Captain Tajrhalrr was assigned to the expedition thanks to his friendship with Grand Admiral Mahtra Dynhaas, with whom he shares his vision on this entire endeavor: a pointless waste of money and resources. He is more worried about preserving the ships than finding the lost team.
    • Yevgeniy Chalnik: a disciple of Kamyar Hourany, the missing curator of the Miran'mir Academy's museum. Yevgeniy joined the expedition to help locate his mentor, but as soon he saw the wreckages littering the coast, he quickly decided to expand the university archeology programs to the North Pole. Due to his insistence on turning the expedition into a scientific mission, he frequently clashes with Captain Zarkradhir.
    • Prince Arseny Rogozhin: sent as part of a compromise with Count Tscherim Sanguszkho, Arseny is the Fraternity's representative in the expedition. As an academic folklorist, his usefulness to the mission is minimal. However, the Count insisted on allowing his presence. Only time will tell what the true intentions of the revivalists are.
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