Empire of Dominia

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Empire of Dominia


Official Title(s): The Holy Empire of Dominia

Motto: 'In Their Name, So Shall It Be Done.'

Popular Sayings

'Our gift is the divine, theirs the mundane.'

'Republic is a code word for Plutocracy. '

Demonym: Dominian

Official Language(s): Tau Ceti Basic, Sinta'Azaziba


  • 2459 Est.: 1,393,583,842

System(s): X'yr Vharn'p

Planets in respective systems:
Dominia (also known as Moroz)
Alterum Magnum
Ignotum Balteum

Region: Frontier Colonies


Dominia: 800 million
Spartan: 300 million
Alterum Magnum: 200 million
Ignotum Balteum: 100 million

Drives on the: Left

Corporate and Faction Relations:

Dominia has a turbulent relationship with NanoTrasen with Dominia alleging sentient mistreatment and experimentation in remote stations within the frontier by NanoTrasen. NanoTrasen decried these accusations as false and relations between the two remain icy.

Though citizens of the Empire can still work for NanoTrasen, the Empire does not allow any in NanoTrasen business arms into its territory.

Military strength: Advanced, volunteer and levy based Army; Small sized fleet

Key Offices:

The Imperial Army of Dominia (I.A.D.)

The Imperial Navy of Dominia (I.N.D.)

The Imperial Office of Intelligence (I.O.I.)

The Ally Communication Department (A.C.D.)

The Imperial Office of Intelligence is the intelligence service branch of the empire, divided into five sub-branches:

Section 1 : Propaganda and communication, the public have good knowledge of this section.

Section 2 : Military intelligence , the public know the existence of this section.

Section 3 : Special projects branch , the public know the existence of this section.

Section 0 : Internal affairs and investigations, hidden from the world at large.


Official Currency: Imperial Pound

Accepts Union of Sol Credit: Yes

Standard of Living: Low to High, extreme differences based off serfdom.


Ethnic Groups:

  • 40% Colonial European (Human descended from Inhabitants of Europe)
  • 20% Colonial East Asian (Human descended from Inhabitants of East Asia)
  • 20% Other (Humans of other heritage)
  • 6% Alien (Skrell, Tajara, Dionea, Other)
  • 4% Unathi

Religion(s): Fanatic, Spiritualist Authoritarians; State religion is the Moroz Holy Tribunal


Type: Feudal Empire

Executive: Emperor

  • Current Emperor: Boleslaw Keeser
  • High Lord General of the Army: Kasz Han'San
  • High Lord Admiral of the Navy: Maxim Zhao
  • Seneschal of Diplomatic Affairs: Ngo Juric


  • Upper House: Religious Tribunal
  • 4 Representatives; One per world.

Judicial: Imperial Court.

  • 12 Seats; Three per world, they serve for life.


X'yr Vharn'p was discovered by a human bounty hunter vessel chasing a small pirate Vox fleet in 2399. The extent of the battle is unknown, but the bounty hunters did say is that the vox used this system as a store for their stolen goods. The name of the system was discovered to derive from the Vox word for Hidden Treasure - "X'yr Vharn'p". In 2408 an ambitious explorer re-discovered the system within local star archives and after a long study of the system financed and formed a colony on the planet 'Moroz 'now known as Dominia.

At the time, the only major settlement was Nova Luxembourg which mostly prospered in its independent, if reclusive society, forming the Constitutional Moroz Republic.

in 2438, the colony, lacking in true military units, was attacked by a vessel crewed by an ambitious unathi pirate clan and the former government was quickly overthrown. The unathi promptly replaced the government with what resembled a classic unathi hierarchy, introducing their religious concepts. In 2444 the unathi clan leaders were overthrown by a rebellion formed from a hybridised human/unathi religious order which went on to found the 'Holy Tribunal of Moroz' and the Empire. Unathi and human citizens live side by side as true citizens where as other aliens are largely considered second class.

Brief Timeline

2399 : Discovery of the X'yr Vharn'p system by the human bounty hunter Vakaris Birstonas

2408 : Survey of the system and discoveries of "Ballast" (Dominia) by Patrik Häkkinen, follow by the first wave of colonist.

2409 : Foundation of Nova Luxembourg and the Constitutional Republic of Ballast

2410 : Foundation of Forêt-en-Lisière

2411 : Foundation of Ondergaandezon and Schnéi Creek

2413 : Foundation of Domum

2414 : Foundation of Nova Alpinae

2416 : Foundation of Nouvelle Alsace-Loraine

2433 : Major protests against the president of Ballast, Lorin Zeiter

2435 : A protests against the president turn violent, 77 Dead and 403 Wounded reported

2438 : Invasion of the planet by a Unathi group in a stolen transport from Dominia and foundation of the Hierarchy of Ballast a classic Unathy hierarchy

2439 : Redraw of the clan leader S'kraskin Seryo and appointed a new leader, Boleslaw Keeser, the following years Boleslaw Keeser reform the government into the one of today and the planet been rename Dominia

2440 : Investment into the 7 major city and creation of the Imperial Railroad which link every major city together for faster transportation

2443 : Creation and first gladiator fight on the planet, creation of the outpost on the moon of Dominia

2449 : Attack by the pirate fleet "The Corsairs of the Eternal Raid", follow by a stale mate and a treaty between the emperor and the captain who call himself "War Sentinel", creation of the The Ally Communication Department

2450 : Creation of the "Coalition against Dominian Piracy" by frontier colonies after the previous announcement by Dominia to work with some distinct pirate groups if anyone attacks Dominia

2455 : Dominia announced no partnership with NanoTrasen is ever gonna happen (citizens can still work for NT but NT isn't allow in territory own by Dominia)

2456 : Dominia denounced Nanotrasen releasing documents of possible sentient mistreatment and experimentation in remote stations in the frontier, NT answered that the accusation are false and the document fabricated

Early 2457 : The "Coalition against Dominia Piracy" embargo Dominia

Synth Relations

"I'm real! Just like any of you! Please God save me! I'm real!" Last words of Shell IPC T2332 aka Lì Olesk before permanent shut down, praise God.

Dominia is highly anti-synth, as such any and all IPC's are sought out and destroyed upon entering Dominia space. Interestingly to observers, there seems to be a disproportionately high number of shell IPC's present in the sector compared to those beliefs. Special task forces have been set up under Section 0 to tackle this perceived threat to Dominia yet it is still not unknown for shells to flee the system in search of protection.

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