Guide to Character Records
When creating a character, you may want to fill out their [i]Medical Records[/i], [i]Employment Records[/i], and [i]Security Records[/i]. These are found on the bottom right of the General tab.
Example records
Medical Records
BIRTHDATE: [DD/MONTH/YYYY] HEIGHT: WEIGHT: EYE COLOR: HAIR COLOR: NEXT OF KIN: LAST UPDATE: [DD/MONTH/YYYY] IMPORTANT INFORMATION POSTMORTEM INSTRUCTIONS: PROSTHETIC(S)/IMPLANTS(S): ALLERGIES: SURGICAL HISTORY: DD/MONTH/YYYY - [Procedure] - [Name of Doctor] - [Notes] OBSTETRIC HISTORY: [Children/history of pregnancies] MEDICATION HISTORY: YYYY - [Prescription] - [Dosage] - [Notes] CURRENT MEDICATIONS/PRESCRIPTIONS: YYYY - [Prescription] - [Dosage] - [Notes] Physical Evaluations: [DD/MONTH/YYYY]: [Pass/Fail/other]; [Shorthand note] [DD/MONTH/YYYY]: [Pass/Fail/other]; [Shorthand note] DOCUMENTED PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS: Psychological Evaluations: [DD/MONTH/YYYY]: [Pass/Fail/other]; [Shorthand note] [DD/MONTH/YYYY]: [Pass/Fail/other]; [Shorthand note] MEDICAL DOCTOR’S NOTES:
Security Records
BIRTHDATE: [DD/MONTH/YYYY] HEIGHT: WEIGHT: EYE COLOR: HAIR COLOR: RACE: IDENTIFYING FEATURES: ARREST HISTORY [DD/MONTH/YYYY]: [Arrest Reason, w/ Applicable Laws] [Synopsis] ADMISSION DATE: [If Applicable] RELEASE DATE: [If Applicable] RELEASE REASON: [If Applicable] NOTES: [DD/MONTH/YYYY]: [Arrest Reason, w/ Applicable Laws] [Synopsis] ADMISSION DATE: [If Applicable] RELEASE DATE: [If Applicable] RELEASE REASON: [If Applicable] NOTES: [DD/MONTH/YYYY]: [Arrest Reason, w/ Applicable Laws] [Synopsis] ADMISSION DATE: [If Applicable] RELEASE DATE: [If Applicable] RELEASE REASON: [If Applicable] NOTES: THREAT ASSESSMENT Hostile/Covert Actions Against the Company [Threat Level; Low/Medium/High] [Competitor/Hostile Affiliation (If applicable)] -- [Suspected/Confirmed] [Shorthand information] [Personal notes from caseworker, optional] Hostile/Covert Actions Against the Crew [Threat Level; Low/Medium/High] [Competitor/Hostile Affiliation (If applicable)] -- [Suspected/Confirmed] [Shorthand information] [Personal notes from caseworker, optional] OVERALL NOTES:
Employment Records
History, as provided by employee, are as follows. They have been verified by employment agents within the External Affairs department, and any comments, questions, or concerns about the legitimacy of such must be sent in a secure document to the same department. EDUCATION SUMMARY: CURRENT QUALIFICATIONS: CURRENT CERTIFICATIONS: EMPLOYMENT HISTORY [Company Name] [Employment Start Date] -- [Employment Termination Date] [Synopsis of job] [Reason for Departure/Termination] [Notes] [Company Name] [Employment Start Date] -- [Employment Termination Date] [Synopsis of job] [Reason for Departure/Termination] [Notes] [Company Name] [Employment Start Date] -- [Employment Termination Date] [Synopsis of job] [Reason for Departure/Termination] [Notes] HIRING AGENT NOTES: [This is a Risk Assessment field, written from an IC standpoint. Feel free to substitute for RA from Sec instead.]