New Kingdom of Adhomai

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  • Flag of the New Kingdom of Adhomai.

    New Kingdom of Adhomai

    The last major faction is the rebellious New Kingdom of Adhomai, which seceded and declared itself a nation in 2450. The New Kingdom is ruled by a Njarir’Akhran noble line that survived the previous Revolution by remaining in hiding, owing to the efforts of their supporters. Ruled by King Nazira Ka'rimah (Vahzirthaamro Azunja) specifically, he denounces both other factions in the civil war as illegitimate and himself as the only legitimate ruler of Adhomai. Supporters of the New Kingdom tend to be rare outside lands it controls. However, they believe strongly that the current republic on Adhomai was founded on genocide and unspeakable slaughters. The New Kingdom puts forth the ideology that Republicanism is bloodshed. The only way to return Adhomai to peace and prosperity is to learn from the mistakes of the ancient nobles and Republicans, and create a new noble dynasty. They believe this dynasty should rule as a constitutional monarchy in order to prevent abuses of power. In reality, this has proven very difficult, especially with the realities of war. Owning little territory in the north, the Kingdom's defenses are constantly besieged. The lofty titles of the nobles disguise the fact that most of the nobility of this new kingdom remain in squalor only marginally better than the peasants. Life is extremely difficult, and the Ka'rimah dynasty finds itself struggling to function with their limited constitutional powers and factional in-fighting between the military and the civilian government.


    Capital: Kaltir

    Demonym: Adhomian, Royalist

    Official Language(s): Siik’maas and Ya’ssa

    Population: 1.4 billions


    The New Kingdom of Adhomai uses the Credit as their main currency, with the adhomian knuckles and other local currencies being accepted and widely used by the population.

    Most of the NKA economy is based on agriculture and mining, enjoying the presence of large and rich mineral deposits of Northern Harr'masir. Industry is only present in the major urban centers, and it is heavily focused in the production of weapons and heavy machinery. Despite this, the New Kingdom suffers from an overwhelming public and private debt caused by tajaran civil war.

    The agricultural land is divided between large farms held by the nobility, and countless small and medium properties controlled by commoners. The technology employed in the farms of the New Kingdom is rudimentary and outdated when put in comparison to the one used in the People's Republic, such is result from the years of neglect by the Hadii's administration and the isolation promoted by the ongoing conflict. The earthen-root is one of the most common type of produce found in the farms of northern Harr'masir.

    All members of the nobility that owns land or titles, with the exception of those that already work on their own private enterprises, have the obligation to serve in the public bureaucracy, civil service or military. Landless nobles are part of a class that can be drafted as part of the service gentry in times of need, otherwise it is common for them to take positions in education, administration, as officers in the army or in the medical field. Commoners are able to conduct enterprises of their own and practice most of the professions in the Kingdom, such as being doctors, soldiers, professors and artists. However the majority of the business are under the control of the nobility, forcing many commoners to work under a noble family in their companies.

    The presence of megacorporations is limited, however the government of the New Kingdom has been receptive of any contact and deal they might be able to sign with NanoTrasen or other galactic elements. It is possible for citizens of the kingdom to reach Tau ceti or other system, but such would require smuggling or crossing the adhomian borders.

    Additional information: Adhomai Economy


    The New Kingdom of Adhomai culture is characterized as traditional; instead of trying to change the tajaran caste system, those divisions are seen as a natural part of the adhomian way of life. While the government makes no effort in enforcing this separation, there is a great societal expectation that each tajara will attempt to stay in their customary roles related to their ethnicity.

    The society is divided between nobles and commoners. The nobility of the New Kingdom of Adhomai was created from the remnants of old adhomian houses, descendents of the deposed rulers and supporters of the current ruling dynasty. Nobles are considered to be the leaders and leading intellectuals of the Kingdom. Most royalty titles are hereditary, with some orders being granted due to one’s effort or service to a certain family.

    Commoners is the term used for any individual that is not part of a noble family, holds no titles or is a foreigner. While occupying a social position with less political rights, they have less burden and expectations, as they are not bound to repay the Crown for their position. Despite the existence of this separation, social mobility is possible, as the most successful tajaran commoners are able to buy titles of nobility.

    Citizens of the New Kingdom’s territories usually bear strong patriotic sentiments, seeing the Crown as the protector of their culture and land, while the civilization of the PRA was seen as a threat to their heritage. The People’s Republic was unable to stamp down those sentiments during their occupation, due to the stubbornness of the local population and the distance between northern Harr'masir and Nal’tor. Republican imagery and establishments were soon destroyed or confiscated during the uprising.

    The inhabitants of the rural areas are seems as rugged frontiersman and rustic farmers, known for their traditional values and love for the simple way of life. While the agrarian nobility prefer to serve in military positions, having the fame for supplying brave army officers and captains for the Royal Navy. Both of them commonly subscribe to the concept of sacred hospitality, where a guest should be treated with ultmost respect.

    Urban dwellers are more inclined to pursue the fields related to education, medicine, administration and arts. A growing working class, composed mostly of migrating peasants, is emerging due to the slow industrialization of the economy. Nobles living in cities may enjoy greater opportunities and luxuries that those rare center urbans may offer, while preferring to work in the bureaucracy and politics of the Kingdom.

    Additional information: Tajaran Cuisine, Tajaran Fashion


    The New Kingdom of Adhomai possess no official religion, but the Crown claims the role of protector of the Ma’ta’ke creed and the Worship of S'rand'marr. Most of the population identifies themselves as followers of the Ma’ta’ke pantheon, with S'rand'marr Worship being more common in the urban centers and with some noble houses.

    Foreign missionaries are permitted in the Kingdom territory, but their activity can be hindered by locals, that are considerably more religious than the average Republican citizen.


    Siik’maas and Ya’ssa are recognized as the official language of the New Kingdom of Adhomai, used in all official documents and taught in the schools. Other tajaran languages are also commonly used, with Delvahhi being spoken by Rock Nomads and Nal’rasan by M’sai Amohdan exiles.

    The language of the noblity, Ya’ssa, is heavily promoted by the house of Azunja, undergoing a period of revival and renaissance as the official tongue of the NKA.


    The New Kingdom of Adhomai is a constitutional monarchy, with the King acting as the head of the judicial and executive system. The Parliament is constituted of nobles, that were granted their seats by the monarchy, holding their positions as a hereditary title. The Crown Heir is selected through the appointment of the King, with the approval of the parliamentarians.

    The Parliament is divided in three parties;

    The Royal Party: this party encompasses most of the agrarian land owners and high nobility, known to be loyalists to the ruling dynasty. Their main interest lies in protecting the rights of the royalty and strengthening the civil government. Peasants and monarchists usually support this party, as they see it as the one that is fully aligned with the interests of the house of Azunja and the Kingdom.

    The Officers Party: this party is composed mostly of army officers, navy captains and fervorous patriots. They seek to strengthen the importance of the military in the politics and daily life of the Kingdom, usually clashing with the other two parties. Their main platforms include increase the spending on the armed forces and the continuation of the war. Soldiers and sailors usually support this party, as it is one of the few ways they can improve their condition and participate in politics through their superiors.

    The Commoners Party: despite its name, this party is made up by lower ranking and landless nobles. They aim to increase the rights of the commoners and move the government to a more democratic orientation, reducing the King’s powers and the reliance on the army. Members of this organization are known to hold meetings with the population to gather and understand their concerns, making use of those problems to create their own political agenda. Factory workers, learned professionals and urban inhabitants usually supports this party, as this organization is one of the few ways that their voice can reach the Parliament.


    The New Kingdom of Adhomai is composed of the Imperial Adhomian Army and the Royal Navy.

    The Imperial Adhomian is the ground army of the NKA, made up mainly by infantry divisions, supported by artillery, cavalry and the few armored vehicles that the Kingdom is able to bring in service. Despite being poorly equipped by tajaran standards, they are able to deploy efficient defensive tactics. Each commoner family in the New Kingdom of Adhomai has the duty of offering a single member of their household to serve in the military, while the nobility usually serves in positions of command.

    The Royal Navy is the powerhouse of the Kingdom military, nearly securing them supremacy on the seas. Created through the defection of most officers, alongside their ships and supplies, during the uprising. The New Kingdom’s naval force was able to secure the shores of Northern Harr'masir, but was proven to be less useful in the overall land conflict.

    Additional information: Tajaran Military Structures


    The history of the New Kingdom of Adhomai has its roots in the Kingdom of Kaltir, the entity that was conquered by the People’s Republic at the end of the first tajaran civil war. Regardless of the fall of the old order, the population of Northern Harr'masir was still loyal to past ruling dynasty, the house of Ka’rimah. Rebellious sentiments and plots started to ferment some years after the occupation of the Republican forces, with intellectuals seeking to break the Hadii domination while the common folk wanted the return of their benevolent rulers.

    In 2449, Vahzirthaamro Azunja, the heir of the precious king, was rescued during the plot that would set in motion the uprising that would create the New Kingdom of Adhomai. With the war being declared officially in 2450, the closer supporters of the returning house were granted their places as the new nobility. Instead of seeking to merely restore the old regime, the Crown tried to learn from the mistakes of the deposed nobility, to avoid being a victim of the same situation.

    The rebellion occupied most of Northern Harr'masir, securing the past territories of the old Kingdom of Kaltir. However, when the PRA’s army was able to organize themselves and mount a counter attack, the NKA were pushed in a defensive position, only being able to hold back due to their land defenses and navy. The Dymtris Line, a migthy union of fortress, trenches and anti-air defenses, was build to hold the enemy from reconquering the rest of the country.

    The tides of war turned in favor of the Kingdom in 2458, with the defeat of a Republican offensive that destroyed the Dymtris line. The royal army was able to mount a limited offensive, establishing the Vlrralkhzazhul Line. In the same year, a terrorist attack hit the Parliament, nearly throwing the nation into a civil war, as the King was forced to become the head of all branches of the government, while countless candidates disputed with each other the succession of the vacant offices.

    Another royalist offensive happened in 2461, reinforced by forces coming from Amohda and loyal Rock nomads, the New Kingdom was able to recover its original territory, forcing the People’s Republic out of Northern Harr'masir.