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Bluespace is a form of pocket dimension that was discovered in 2109 by a Doctor Samantha Tigard, who, at the time, was conducting a theortetical physics experiment to test the probability of a resonance cascade scenario, in which a portal to an alternate dimension would be opened. Her experiment proved successful, and with her findings, legendary leaps took place.

The first drone sent into Bluespace was constructed by the Einstein Engines corperation, and travelled to the edge of the Alpha Centauri system in less than ten minutes. However, using Doctor Tigard's experimental 'drive' system would not work, as it could not be focused and it was only large enough for objects smaller than the average human. Selling her designs for a record 234,000,000 standard USD to the Einstein Engines corporation, the first Bluespace Gate began construction in 2110. Finished in 2113, the first Bluespace Gate spanned the size of fifty meters, and had seven fusion reactors built into it, orbitting Mars.

How it works

Bluespace is a very strange form of pocket dimension, that is largely unpredictable and completely unexplored. While the possibility of celestial bodies to exist in Bluespace, it is highly unlikely. Travelling in the Bluespace dimension without a proper gate or simulated Bluespace drive of sufficient size can result in either no control of exiting location, or unknown death. Travelling in the Bluespace dimension, depending on the power of the gate entered, varies from 10x the speed of light, to 1000x the speed of light.

Bluespace Gates

Bluespace Link Gates

Link gates are generally used for intersystem trasportation. Link gates, generally around 150 by 150 meters, are ring-shaped with projectors facing inwards. Equipped with generally two fusion reactors, eighteen particle accelerator cannons, and five missile racks, Link gates are completely automated, and activated with a transmission to the gate's communication system. In this communication, you must include your ship ID, faction, and intended location. Link gates will refuse to open for wanted personas, and will alert the closest authority if attempted to be accessed. Link gates will do the same for unregistered ships. Link gates link to other Link gates within a given area, as well as feed into the Star gate. Link gates are used by virtually all ships without their own bluespace drives. Link gates are placed near important areas, such as planets, important installations, mining fields, and occassionally areas of high pirate activity for police to have easy access. Most link gates are constructed by a subsidiary to the NanoTrasen corperation, 'GaTech inc.' And NanoTrasen charges a small fee for each use of a Link gate, 20 standard credits.

Bluespace Star Gates

Star gates are the bigger, more expensive cousins of the much more common link gates, and are generally used for interstellar transportation. Star gates are usually the size of Battleships, and are ring shaped, with projections, similar to their close cousins, the Link gates. Equipped with Seven fusion reactors, fifty particle accelerator cannons, and twenty missile racks, also generally with a few frigates staitoned around them, Star gates are heavily defended. Star gates are crewed by fifteen members, with most being officials from the System's owner. A star gate is continousley open, and does not close unless forced to. A star gate can take days to turn back on, however, so this action is generally ill advised. Star Gates link to other Star Gates that are pre-programmed into the gate itself. The maximum range of a Star Gate is 200 ly, however there are only a select few connecting the 15 most developed inner colony systems. Star Gates were constructed by the same 'GaTech inc,' who in turn is a subsidiary of NanoTrasen. Having a Star Gate increases immigration and revenue rates by, on average, 80%, so they are a venture most governments and corporation invest in. NanoTrasen charges a medium sized fee for usage of a Star Gate, of 100 credits.

Bluespace Hyper Gates

Hyper gates are very rare, and used for inter-empire, thousands of lightyear transportation. Hyper gates are massive contructions, but they do not look like a traditional gate. They are more funnel-shaped, with Bluespace projectors covering the inside funnelings. They are about the size of Titan class ships. Hyper Gates are equipped with around fifty fusion reactors, inumerable particle, laser, and missile weapons, and generally have a Battlestar or multitude of cruisers stationed around it for defense. Hyper Gates are crewed by around 100 personnell from the empire they are stationed in, and are known to be used for diplomatic meetings. Hyper Gates, for safety, only open whenever an object is attempting to cross through. Hyper Gates have, theoretically, unlimited range, as long as there is another Hyper Gate on the other side. Hyper gates are restricted to, Large Military Fleets, Diplomatic fleets, or alien hyperfreighters. (Alien being used in the term as the foreigner gianing access to your empire.) Hyper Gates are constructed solely by government entities, however, their crew and equipment is constructed by corperations. There is no fee for using a Hyper Gate, because civilians cannot use a Hyper gate. There are currently eight Hyper Gates in working order, one in Sol, another on the edge of Sol Union space, Two in Skrell Space, One in Unathi Space, one in Tajaran space, and another two distributed throughout Human space. There are romours of a ninth Hyper Gate being constructed and deployed near Kocasslani space.

Bluespace Drives


Bluespace drives are generally reserved for Military ships, or for civilian ships that have the luxery of affording a drive. Bluespace drives are limited by the size of any given vessell, and require Bluepace Crystals to function. Each bluespace Crystal provides a certain amount of 'jumps' per type of drive. It is NOT recommended to use a Bluespace drive to jump to any place not sustained by a Hyper, Star, or Link gate, as issues have arised in the past. Including, unexplained insanity of crews, destruction of hull integrity, and unexplained random deaths. Bluespace Drives project a field around a certain meter distance around the ship itself, emcompassing the ship, and then forwarding it to a designate Link, Star, or Hyper gate. Drives can be used to plot coordinates and jump to there, but as stated, it is extremely dangerous. High Quality drives can generate 'temporary' gates, that can be used for virtually any place to travel with minimal risk. Bluespace crystals are used as fuel for all drives, and cost 500 each.

Bluespace Link Drives

Link Drives are similar to their Link Gate siblings, in that they have a very small range and are used solely for intersystem transportation. Link drives are inexpensive and small, favored by traders, small time military ships, or wealthy individuals. Their price can range from 10,000 credits, to 100,000 credits depending on the quality of the drive, the size of the drive, and the size of the ship it is being installed in. Standard Link drives use 1 crystal for 5 jumps.

Bluespace Star Drives

Star Drives are similar to their Star Gate siblings, in that they have the ability to connect to any Star Gate from any location. Used for interstellar travel, Star Drives are generally reserved for large military ships, although megafreighters have been known to use them. Their price can range from 100,000 credits to 1,000,000 credits, depending on the quality of hte drive, the size of the drive, and the size of the ship it is being installed in. A Star Drive can only be outfitted on a Cruiser sized ship or above. A standard Star Drive uses 1 Bluespace Crystal for about 3 jumps.

Bluespace Hyper Drives

Hyper Drives are similar to the Hyper Gate siblings, in that they have the ability to connect to any Hyper Gate from any location. Used for inter-empire travel, Hyper Drives are reserved only for Titan sized carriers and warships. They do not have a price, as currently only governments have been able to fabricate a working Hyper Drive system. A Hyper Drive would theoretically use 1 crystal for 1 jump.