Notable Skrell

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For as long as records have been kept to attest to one's actions, Skrell society has been riddled with outstanding individuals who made their mark on history in ways both big and small. Not every grand figure receives the recognition they may deserve, and the stories of many of Nralakk's finest and bravest minds go unsung. From the Ancient Era of Qerrbalak's fractured lands to the modern days of the unifying Jargon Federation, there have been, and always will be, a lucky few who were able to change their worlds and be remembered by the people whose lives they changed.

The Stuff of Legend

Among those still remembered by the Skrell are ancient beings of extraordinary tales and feats. Figures separated from the people by vast expanses of time tend to have the significance of their accomplishments grow in accordance with their longevity. Such may very well be the case for those legendary few who were at one point very real, but now seem to have become larger than life.

Wreshin Tup

Wreshin Tup is the given name of a legendary soldier, philosopher, and poet reputed to have been active from approximately 1800 BCE to 800 BCE. The anthologies of Wreshin Tup are extensive and describe many events, but give little to no insight on his early life. Records believed to date as far back as 1800 BCE describe him as a lone Skrell who traveled between the various governments of Qerrbalak in the hopes of offering counsel. From this humble beginning, Wreshin would eventually find himself to be the leader of a social movement promoting the importance of individual life. Ironically, this respect for individual liberties attracted a small, yet highly skilled, group of militants to support him. This duality between Wreshin’s teachings of peace and the budding warrior-culture forming around him was not lost on Tup himself. By using this group effectively and sparingly, Wreshin Tup was able to pressure many of the governments of Qerrbalak to avoid open warfare and abide by the traditional rules of Skrellian Ceremonial Battle.

Discrepancies in recorded accounts of the figure vary in regards to his description and demeanor along with his alleged lifespan (which was well beyond the expected lifespan of Skrell at the time) suggest that Wreshin Tup was not a single person. While it is accepted among historians that multiple Skrell took up the mantle of Wreshin Tup during the millennium of its usage, the exact number is unclear and remains a popular point of speculation among scholars.

The Recent Memories

Not every great individual is so far gone that only their stories remain. Those recently lost are often thought of as frequently as they were in life. Alive or dead, there are many that the Skrell remember not only as tales and legends, but as people who walked with them. Some of these modern figures may have yet to see their greatest moment, while others may simply be waiting to fade away. These are the stories of those who are still remembered as individuals.

Weirun Tup

Weirun Tup was only twenty years old when the year 2056 CE began. He had agreed to join the Federation Navy along with three of his siblings, all of whom were eager to deploy pending training and aptitude testing on the scientific hub of Aliose. Following the sudden, rapid expansion of the AI singularity, young Weirun quickly found himself swept up in the confusion of those first few, horrific weeks of open combat. While he was able to eventually find refuge from the ongoing attacks, his brother and sisters were not so lucky.

As the regime of synthetics continued, Weirun Tup relied on his faith in the Qeblak beliefs as a source of both escapism and hope. “If I must die, then let it be among the stars.” When rumors spread of a growing resistance somewhere on his planet, he interpreted it as proof that the Skrell were not fated to die out due to this Synthetic Oppression. Within years of this resurgence of hope, Weirun had made the journey to the liberated city of Fedas and joined the ranks of his fellow patriots. As the Skrell rebuilt from the ashes of the old Federation, Weirun finally achieved his dream of stellar travel. Captain Weirun Tup was among the first recognized captains of the Federation, and would go on to chart new systems and explore the galaxy for the betterment of the Skrell scientific community.

In the year 2426 CE, Wierun Tup was participating in a joint exploration effort between Skrell and Human scientists when they stumbled upon a new form of Dionaea structure. This Organic Craft sprang to life, disabling one of the research vessels within minutes. This event proved to have a significant effect on the Captain. He argued that this craft made it clear that the Dionaea structures as a whole merited official recognition as an Entity of Interest to be dealt with by Federation Representatives. The Grand Council quickly voiced their approval and appointed five Representatives, including Captain Weirun himself, to conduct ambassadorial duties with any and all Dionaea structures. The Captain continued to explore the galaxy, making contact with several clusters including the Epsilon Ursae Minor shell.

After spending thirteen years studying Dionaea structures and serving as an official Federation Representative to the Dionaea, Weirun Tup lost his life to toxic xenoflora late in the year 2439 CE. His body was laid to rest in the Epsilon Ursae Minor shell. Weirun’s involvement with the multiple discoveries and rediscoveries of the Dionaea has resulted in several interesting interpretations of his fervor. Most notable among these are the teachings of the niche Dienabi religion, which site many quotes from the Captain as prophetic.