Omnivirate's Providence

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Omnivirate's Providence
This is the overview and timeline page for the Omnivirate's Providence Arc which began on October 16th, 2023 and pertains largely to Dionae lore.
It is centred around the Omnivirate, the religious authority for the Eternal, electing to involve themselves in affairs outside of the Eternal Gardens.
Below is a summary of the arc's applicable news articles, and additions.

Omnivirate Announces Political Concerns

News Article

Publisher : Biesellian Song Express


The Eternal exists within each and every Dionae. Only through recognising its reach, can one truly begin to ascend. 
The Hum reports that the hallowed Omnivirate has announced they plan to adjust their policies relating to interference in stellar politics, citing the egregious handling of Rueltab following the collapse of the Solarian Alliance; forcing many of the Dionae to flee from the site in which they would repay reparations and seek safety across the stars – anywhere that would accept them. Believed to have been spurred following the Omnivirate’s discovery of the overwhelming number of Dionae settling within the Eternal Gardens, and who subsequently criticized their tumultuous journey through contested Solarian space and the losses that came with the crossing to the Omnivirate. 
High Overseers Connected to the Blossoms Beyond, Amplified by Probing Discoveries of Unknown Investigators and Rational Knowledge of Embodied Sanguis have temporarily merged with one another to best decide the most promising way forward that would agree with the three perspectives of the schools of thought within the Eternal - using the monicker Hallowed Conglomeration of Divine Interpretation.
The Eternal Temple has gone quiet since the temporary merging of the Omnivirate, who have requested to hold silence whilst they make their decision. Many of those that fled from Rueltab I, being the remnants of the Last Vociferation of the Superlative Consensus, have begun to be allocated space within the Eternal Gardens by Overseers appointed by the Omnivirate – mostly within the influence of the Temple, with even short-term housing being constructed to ensure each and every Dionae that continues to arrive has a place where they will be accepted with open arms. 
Date: [10/16/2465]

Omnivirate Sends Out Summons

News Article

Publisher : Biesellian Song Express


Essence, Light and Energy. Each is an element in which the Eternal subsists. It is all-encompassing and welcoming. 
The Hum is pleased to announce that the blessed Omnivirate has directed the Temple to begin summoning those who fled from Rueltab I to begin making their way to the Eternal Gardens – announcing their intention to take in all those that arrive. Efforts are still underway by appointed Overseers to expand the Temple’s influence within the Eternal Gardens, being allocated funds to purchase additional property not yet owned by the Omnivirate. 
The Omnivirate continues to deliberate on its choice for adjusting its policies as a result of contemporary circumstances that the Spur faces but has in the meantime assured officials from the Republic of Biesel that those who make their way to the Eternal Gardens will be provided with occupations relating to the upkeep and maintenance of the district – meaning that many qualify for work visas. 
The Eternal Gardens has seen significant overhauling since the decree of the Omnivirate to begin expanding the reach of the Temple. Funds and labour are being poured into the outskirts of the district, with even those of us from the Hum remarking that the inhabitants of the Eternal Gardens have never seen this many Dionae working towards a common goal of uplifting both its brethren from Rueltab and those that reside within the district. 
Date: [10/20/2465]

Covenant of Xrim Condemned

News Article

Publisher : Biesellian Song Express


Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence. The Trifecta of which all Eternal follow, in one way or another. 
The Hum has been told by the gracious Omnivirate to make aware to all Dionae its condemnation of the policies instituted by the Covenant of Xrim, and their brutal acts of control against those not holding similar beliefs to the governing body. The Omnivirate has outlined its first step shall be to rectify the religious persecution against Dionae within the Covenant – at least to the extent it currently is. 
The Omnivirate has already reported plans to make way to the Covenant, even Amplified by Probing Discoveries of Unknown Investigations who generally ensure themselves out of reach of the so-called “Enlightened”. In an attempt to broker some kind of agreement amongst the Covenant’s governing consensus to relieve the persecution against Dionae not adhering to their policies, they have scheduled to meet with the Triumvirate upon arrival. 
It is unknown whether the meeting will be fruitful, but hope for a common ground to be established amongst both the Scorned and the Enlightened – more than merely a unifying faith. With the Omnivirate having already departed and making its way to the Covenant, they expect their efforts within the Eternal Gardens to proceed without obstacle with the assistance of their appointed Overseers. 
Date: [10/23/2465]

Omnivirate Lands on Xrim

News Article

Publisher : Biesellian Song Express


The Eternal encompasses all. Dionae are its embodiment. The Cycle shall continue. 
The Hum has just received news of the magnanimous Omnivirate having arrived to the Covenant of Xrim, commencing their objective within the Wrought Iron Temple – the largest building of faith on the entirety of the planet. Grand Representative Gyul’ra Jux allegedly greeted the religious leaders upon their arrival, citing that the Nralakk Federation would ensure that proceedings would commence without interruptions – even stationing several of their own Tupkala to stand guard within the Temple over the meeting between the Triumvirate and Omnivirate. 
Discussions amongst the two groups are still ongoing – with the Grand Representative merely maintaining an uninvolved approach over the proceedings according to information coming from sources present within the Covenant of Xrim. Strangely, the Omnivirate has remained merged throughout its deliberations, and even upon arrival to the Covenant of Xrim, its Argus stature towering over all present. Concerns over the Argus’ health have been uttered by many within the Eternal Gardens, but scholars amongst the Temple have assured that the Omnivirate is being treated with preventative bark treatments. 
Date: [10/26/2465]

Discussions Continue; Compromise Not Reached

News Article

Publisher : Biesellian Song Express


The Eternal shall greet us with open arms, waiting for its children to rejoin them within Light, Energy and Essence. 
The Hum is displeased to announce that the efforts of the bestowed Omnivirate have been mildly unsuccessful within the Covenant of Xrim. Relaying information back to the Eternal Temple confirming that after almost a week of deliberation with the Triumvirate, they have conceded that some policies will fall away – however, not the act of revering the First Consciousness or Glorsh-Omega as it is known among certain communities. 
Briefly merging with one another, the Triumvirate and Omnivirate shared their unique experiences and perspectives relating to the persecution of certain Dionae across the Covenant. Though several of the policies remain, the Arch-Consul has introduced the planned overhaul of the Cultivation Council for registered citizens to vote upon, a step in the right direction according to the will of the Omnivirate. 
The Omnivirate has given thanks to Grand Representative Gyul’ra Jux for offering assistance in the proceedings and ensuring that those partaking were protected by the Nralakk Federation. Allegedly, Arch-Consul Enlightened into the Truth Known and the Grand Representative proceeded together to Bopdon following the end of the conference in order to discuss the future of the Covenant.
Date: [10/30/2465]

Commences the Tour of the Covenant of Xrim

News Article

Publisher : Biesellian Song Express


We are one. One is all. 
The Hum, as per the directions of the favoured Omnivirate, is pleased to report the Omnivirate’s commencement of touring the Covenant of Xrim. They have already begun the peregrination in Sanctus, creating quite a stir as thousands arrived to support and rejoice in the Omnivirate’s presence. Tupkala assigned by the Grand Representative Gyul’ra Jux have been reportedly spotted – not really concealing their presence in an effort to deter any attacks on the merciful Heads of Faith. 
They are scheduled to visit Beacon, Shz’ah and Bopdon within the upcoming week. Allegedly, the Grand Representative has offered for the Omnivirate to partake in a state banquet between the Triumvirate and the Nralakk Federation – which they readily accepted in an effort to enhance their attempt to lessen the persecution against Dionae within the Covenant. 
The extension of the Eternal Temple into the Gardens has continued, Overseers appointed by the Omnivirate reporting that efforts to ensure additional housing have been largely successful; purchasing significant swathes of property owned by Mendell City, private individuals and megacorporations – namely an abandoned office building owned by Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals that is being refitted to apartment blocks. Over the last two weeks, a few hundred Dionae from Rueltab I have been welcomed, and given postings to assist in the efforts to uplift the Gardens and expand the Temple. 

Omnivirate Attends Banquet

News Article

Publisher : Biesellian Song Express


Choices. Choices must be made to sustain an existence. Choices must be deliberate. The Eternal is not wasteful, and neither shall we. 
The Hum is pleased to announce that the divine Omnivirate has confirmed they are attending the banquet hosted by Grand Representative Gyul’ra Jux in Bopdon. We are pleased that such brilliant minds shall be able to partake in some festivities – with the ultimate goal of ensuring diplomacy amongst both itself and the Triumvirate of the Covenant of Xrim. Though to Dionae a banquet is nothing more than a place of discussion, without the ability to taste nor to smell, it has been confirmed that the Grand Representative has elected a more unique experience for the Dionae of both the Omnivirate and Triumvirate to enjoy. 
Weshi Beshi has been scheduled by the Grand Representative to partake in the banquet, opening the event with Feel My Wake, before continuing with a carefully selected playlist by the Grand Representative’s staff. Additionally, several of the Dionae alongside the Omnivirate have been invited to take part whilst the diplomatic convenings occur. Genetic samples are being provided, according to the Omnivirate, should a Gestalt also wish to experience the true “feeling” of the delicacies offered to Skrellian attendees. 
Date: [11/10/2465]

Consensus Reached; Compromises Extended

News Article

Publisher : Biesellian Song Express


Last Vociferation of the Superlative Consensus was an awakening within us all. 
Following several hours of discussions, the dignified Omnivirate is pleased to report that the Triumvirate of the Covenant of Xrim has conceded on several policies following a privately held meeting between itself and Grand Representative Gyul’ra Jux – particularly, its vigorous standards set by the Cultivation Council. Though for the changes to be effected it must be presented to be voted upon, the Triumvirate has assured the Omnivirate that “attempts will be made to limit the alleged persecution of certain individuals”. 
In particular, the Cultivation Council has already begun preparing to phase out its current teachings, claiming that effective from when the legislation has been passed they will begin “accepting qualified genetic samples, with lesser requirements as previously held” which the Omnivirate has praised as being a significant first step – alongside the removal of the self-cultivation ban present within the Covenant, allowing for many Dionae to begin cultivating their own Nymphs without having it be necessary to send to a Cultivation Centre, however, those born outside a centre must be chipped as soon as possible to ensure no unsanctioned splittings and merging. 
The Omnivirate has departed and is en route back to the Eternal Gardens, which has significantly expanded since they set foot on the Covenant of Xrim. Overseers have begun to prepare reports that require their urgent attention and are expected to convene with the Omnivirate as soon as they arrive at the Temple.
Date: [11/15/2465]