Einstein Engines

Founded in Sol during the 2100s, Einstein Engines is a trans-stellar megacorporation that focuses on both warp travel technology and robotics - and is said to have a monopoly on the former. Headed by the cutthroat Noelle Lopez-Zhang, Einstein Engines has found itself having been through a combination of rigorous technological improvements in their warp drive designs that have found the megacorporation at an advantage due to the shortages of Phoron across the Orion Spur, as well as careful expansion and dominance within the now collapse Solarian Alliance. Considered an antagonist to the goals of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, Einstein Engines has managed on multiple occasions to outperform the corporations beneath its banner and continues to improve as each day passes.
Содержание |
Corporate Affairs
Einstein Engines originated as a conglomerate of various aerospace companies who shared a joint research project for extrastellar travel. As the project came into fruition, it was realized it would have immense consequences for the human race. In the year 2130, a sustained, stable warp interface was formed. This development served to catapult the conglomerate to be a dominating economic power across Sol. Their warp technology revolutionized space travel and led to the construction of micro-g orbital industrial stations around the equator. This boom in industrial capabilities led to the great expansion of humanity across space. Warp-enabled probes traveled to nearby systems, finding habitable worlds scattered across space. The power of Einstein Engines continued to grow throughout the following centuries, eclipsing other interstellar corporations; however, this expansion was not to last.
In 2417, a relatively young corporation, Nanotrasen, discovered a previously unknown material known as Phoron, a substance with incredible energy density, far beyond that of conventional fusion or fission. This energy source, along with the advent of the Skrell experimental, though superior, Bluespace drives burst the unending growth bubble of Einstein Engines. As Nanotrasen grew into the present-day superpower it is, Einstein Engines fell inwards. Major restructuring was done to save the company, leading to its modern form.
Today, Einstein Engines still holds a significant power base despite the losses in the first half of the 25th century. Continuing to serve its market, Einstein Engines produces many important spaceship components and continues to contend with Nanotrasen over the efficiency of their different marques of Bluespace engine. The two giants awkwardly co-exist in human space, with multiple copyright and trademark lawsuits bouncing between them on a monthly basis.
As the phoron crisis began to worsen the conflict between Nanotrasen and Einstein Engines only began to heat up, with EE managing to successfully defend itself against NT in a massive legal battle, as well as purchase the Biesel city of Phoenixpoint from NT, with EE planning a massive restoration of the city. Due to their conflict with NT Einstein Engines has elected not to support or join the SCC, being famously the only of the major megacorporations not to do so.
To fight against the consolidation of power between the other major megacorporations with the establishment of the SCC Einstein Engines has begun to seek trade partners in areas outside the influence the SCC, most notably the Nralakk Federation, with EE managing to secure a contract to establish their Qerrbalak Branch.
Einstein Engines wields considerable influence within the Sol Alliance, being founded more than three hundred years ago. Its established reputation in the manufacturing of ship components and warp technology has solidified its place, allowing it to survive as other corporations such as NanoTrasen continue to expand rapidly across the Spur. Outside of the Sol Alliance, Einstein has made some progress in Tau Ceti with its recent acquisition of Phoenixport and is currently revitalising the city as part of its plans for future operations within the system. Einstein Engines has also made leeway with the Nralakk Federation and their Special Economic Zones, winning the Qerrbalak contract over NanoTrasen and establishing a branch office there. Despite its smaller operational scope compared to other megacorporations, its marketing of warp technology as a safer and more cost-effective alternative to bluespace travel, combined with its reputation as a reliable manufacturer, has allowed the company to have at least some influence across most of human space.
The megacorporation also holds considerable sway in the field of artificial intelligence. Although its competitors would never admit it, Einstein Engines consistently produces the most advanced positronic brains, with many of their models surpassing and eclipsing that of other companies. Furthermore, they remain the second-largest producer of positronic brains in the Spur, providing for customers in the Sol Alliance as well as the Coalition. The company also has lucrative defence contracts with the Sol Alliance, not only providing AI and engines for the Sol Navy but IPCs as well, serving in both combat and non-combat roles. With relations between the Conglomerate and the Alliance at a record low, Einstein’s hold over the market can only grow.
Internal Reputation
Despite the common beliefs in the Republic of Biesel, the megacorporation is deemed as a fair employer with plenty of benefits, such as a full health plan, including dental care, and up to two weeks of vacation per year. Company cars are a common benefit amongst most members above a certain rank, and a healthy fraternal work environment is promoted. Those individuals that have worked with Nanotrasen before their employment in Einstein Engines will often quote these benefits as their main reason to change companies.
While some may say that these features are due to the progressive work laws in the Sol Alliance, the standard was set by Einstein Engines shortly after a bonanza period, following the discovery of the warp engine. For Einstein Engines, their employees require to have their necessities covered so they can be happier and more productive.
In the 25th century, the megacorporation has seen some setbacks due to the new phoron travel. As a consequence, the salaries remain more or less on par with those of their competitors, despite traditionally being higher. Nevertheless, the opportunity to grow inside the company and multiple bonuses offered per month, if a job is done right, still make up for these losses.
Positronics and Einstein Engines
Einstein Engines is one of the largest manufacturers of positronics within the Spur through their subsidiary Terraneus Diagnostics, the original creators of the positronic brain complex and shell IPC frame who maintains a large market share of both with a focus on the higher end of quality.
Einstein Engines makes extensive use of synthetics within its corporate structure, however, synthetics are barred from holding leadership roles, be it that of managers in corporate facilities or commanders onboard corporate ships. Instead, synthetics are largely seen as tools to be used by organic employees. This attitude stems from Einstein Engines' heavy involvement with the Sol Alliance, as their view on synthetics is identical to that of the Alliance government. The company makes use of their own high end shell frames and cheaper, more available baseline frames primarily, though others are occasionally bought from other megacorporations.
Synthetics owned by Einstein Engines are normally worked to the limit within their assigned position and are expected to greatly outperform organic employees due to their cost, and punishments such as memory wipes, retooling or scrapping are always on the table. That being said, Einstein Engines pursues a “quality over quantity” philosophy with their IPC, only using harsher methods such as memory wipes for repeat offenders. The company views the experience an older IPC might gain as having a value of its own.
Freedom is only offered to synthetics in areas that require it to be an option, such as Biesel or Konyang, otherwise, they will be offered no legal chance at achieving it by the company and scrapping is often used to retire synthetics rather than selling them, although special treatment is given to its close partners and employees, who are often approached with an offer first. Attempts of synthetics to escape to freedom are not unheard of within the corporation, and those caught are immediately scrapped as punishment.
It is expected for Shells owned by Einstein Engines to use simple one or two syllable first names such as “Joe” or “Robert” whilst other frames used by the company use the name format “EES-(Name/Designation)” where “EES” stands for Einstein Engines Synthetic.
Current CEO: Noelle Lopez-Zhang
A genius researcher and cutthroat businesswoman, Dr. Lopez-Zhang is respected throughout Einstein Engines as the woman that saved the oldest megacorporation in the Orion Spur from utter destruction by radically restructuring the company in the mid-2400s. Under Lopez-Zhang’s steady leadership, Einstein has set about recovering much of its market share. Presently, it stands able to challenge NanoTrasen in several engineering fields and has become a major threat to Hephaestus Industries. Dr. Lopez-Zhang and Titanius Aeson are known to have an infamously sour relationship.
Official Title(s): Einstein Engines, Einstein Incorporated, Einstein Corporate Conglomerate
Motto: Lead by our history, leading our future.
Headquarters: Harmony City, Luna, Sol
Official Languages: Tradeband, Tau Ceti Basic, Sol Common
Primary Color Scheme: Olive green, orange, teal and cyan with golden trim
Executives and Branches

Einstein Engines is run by the Board of Directors, led by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Noelle Lopez-Zhang. The Board of Directors oversees the general function of the entire corporation, with each director given additional regional boards to manage.
Chief Engineering Officer: Alejandra Dubois-Perez, 47, Human
Alejandra Dubois-Perez began her career in the Taipei Engineering Industrial as a mere ship engineer. Thanks to her dedication to the corporate cause, she quickly climbed the ranks of Einstein Engines to become the Chief Engineer Officer. In the chaos of the Solarian collapse, she saw nothing but an opportunity to make a profit. She was the main proponent of siding with the Solarian Alliance and the Nralakk Federation. For her, the uncertainty of the galaxy's future is fertile ground for business.
Chief Research Officer: Mio Suzuki, 38, Human
Hailing from a wealthy Earthen family, Doctor Mio Suzuki is one of the minds supposedly behind the creation of Suzuki-Zhang Hammer Drive. She wholeheartedly believes that bluespace drives are nothing but a fad that will soon pass; for her, warp engines have always been the future of mankind. While Doctor Suzuki might be considered a bright scientist and manager, the dispute between NanoTrasen and Einstein Engines suggests that she is more than willing to take advantage of corporate espionage.
Chief Information Officer: Ming Cote-Wu, 42, Human
Ming Cote-Wu was once an unremarkable regional manager for NanoTrasen with no prospects of promotion on sight. His life changed when he accepted an offer to spy for Einstein Engines. Taking advantage of his position, Ming created a large web of informants who worked to supply NanoTrasen's enemy with valuable information. He finally defected after Einstein Engines acquired Phoenixport. In recognition of his talents, he was put in charge of Einstein Engines' corporate espionage office, the Information Department.
Harmony City, Luna, Sol:
Einstein Engine’s headquarters have been comfortably sitting in Harmony City for decades, heading the Lunarian branch of operations from where the company’s Sol-wide operations and assets are administered. Regarded as the primary seat of power for Einstein, a large office complex towering over the neighbouring area is the home for droves of clerical and administrative personnel, executives, service IPCs and high ranking corporate figures. Well adjusted to the higher class lifestyle the city has to offer, the brass of Einstein Engines very much prefer it to any other outpost or branch while reassignment to Luna is viewed as an indirect promotion or reward only fit for few, usually top scientists and other valuable employees. As such that a Lunarian background or accent is a mark of high status within the corporation. Facilities on Luna are designed to mostly accommodate research and administration, the various underground laboratories acting as the main node for corporate research, compiling results and approving designs from every other research centre. The branch is also devoid of any significant industrial capability.
Kal'lo Special Economic Zone, Qerrbalak, Nralakk:
After winning the contract for the Qerrbalak Special Economic Zone, Einstein Engines was quick to establish its regional headquarters in the capital of Kal’lo. The building itself was designed in a collaborative effort by Einstein and Nralakk architects, with its exterior designed in the typical Federation fashion, while the interior takes heavy inspiration from Einstein's headquarters in Sol. All of Einstein Engines' operations within the Nralakk Federation are headed in this office, which is kept secure by a combined force of Nralakk enforcers and Einstein's own security team.
Hong Kong, Earth, Sol:
The Earth branch of the company is situated firmly in Hong Kong, China. Considered by many as a subdivision of the Luna branch, Hong Kong serves as the number two and historical seat of Einstein Engines, now utilised as the industrial powerhouse in the Sol system. Its vast industrial complexes are the corporation’s backbone, creating and maintaining enormous ship engines, drives, parts and all sorts of machinery for the Alliance’s military and commercial shipping, the offices also manage the manufacturing operations of Taipei Engineering Industrial, one of its two major subsidiaries in nearby Taiwan. Government and military liaisons are commonly found in the construction yards while Alliance navy personnel provide guard duty in tandem with local corporate security. The branch also commits some industrial capacity to the manufacture of IPC parts and positronic brains, becoming the main distribution centre for Terraneus Diagnostics on Earth.
Phoenixport, Biesel, Tau Ceti:
Having moved from Mendell to the recently acquired installations on Phoenixport, the branch serves as its link to the Coalition, acting as a central point from where all of the megacorporation’s minor branches in Conglomerate space can be managed. With a near-total focus on administration, the majority of its local activities consist of investing in, sponsoring, and in some cases, absorbing local businesses to strengthen its influence on the city. Although many speculate that this is the first step in Einstein’s attempt to create their own Mendell City, just as many welcome their presence, with the branch touting their efforts as creating a “free haven” for businesses outside of NanoTrasen’s yoke. This mixture of investment, coupled with the hopeful rhetoric of the branch’s PR department have promised a second resurgence for Phoenixport, with the goal of making it a household name across the Spur. This is reflected in the branch’s architecture itself. Following Phoenixport’s tradition of replicating old Earth structures, its branch office reaches above the clouds, harkening back to the skyscrapers of the Arabian Peninsula. Still, as the SCC tightens its monopoly in the Republic, the future of this branch remains uncertain as its usefulness to the megacorporation dwindles. Within Einstein, non-Bieselites being assigned to the city comes with the perception of being a troublemaker, fit only to quarrel and bluster with the SCC’s own middle management.
Point Verdant, Konyang, Coalition of Colonies:
The home of the positronic brain, the Point Verdant Terraneus Institute of AI Research is the farthest and among the most prestigious of branches within the megacorporation and its subsidiaries. Operated by Terraneus Diagnostics, Point Verdant is home to one of the largest corporate complexes dedicated to synthetics, managing the research, development, and manufacture of positronic brains and IPC chassis while safeguarding the company’s secure grip on the vaults. As such, it also serves as the largest producer of IPC chassis in the Coalition, as well as the largest supplier of shell chassis in general through the multiple factories, jointly owned with the government. Being practically the sole megacorporation on Konyang, the Einstein complex, as old as the planet’s settlement, forms the core around which the city of Point Verdant expands. Terraneus and Einstein employees dominate the central districts, many having created permanent households and families, becoming naturalised and intermingling with the local population. Despite its importance, its architecture is relatively old fashioned and austere, reflecting its origins as a colonial outpost, with any notion of opulence or corporate clout giving way to brutal efficiency with prefabricated structures and dirty smokestacks from the assembly lines being the norm, although certain renovation efforts are still being made, hampered mainly by the lack of local steel. In keeping with Konyanger regulations, government inspections are a regular occurrence within this branch, supplying the annual quota for positronic brains and IPC parts for the planet’s citizens.
Taipei Engineering Industrial
"Promoting the general welfare and logistics of future technology."
Taipei Engineering Industrial (TEI) is a small subsidiary of Einstein Engines, founded in Taipei, Earth in April of 2418. They focus their efforts on the improvement of existing warp technologies and their applications in science, engineering, and industry.

Sol: Headquarters in Taipei, China, Earth; two major equipment manufacturing facilities and four research and development facilities on Earth.
Chief Executive Officer: Siying Chen, 42, Human
Chief Engineering Officer: Adriana Panganiban, 44, Human
Chief Research Officer: Tingting Huang, 39, Human
Chief Information Officer: Hyosuke Yamanaka-Chen, 57, Human
Chief Data Officer: Yuxuan Tsai-Yang, 49, Human
Despite only minor financial backing and resources, Taipei Engineering Industrial focused their initial efforts on improving the concept of independent Bluespace drives. These drives would give conceptually instantaneous, independent jumps that would not need to rely on the existing mass-transit gates. TEI wished to give amplified mobility and accessibility to Sol Alliance Navy vessels as to allow improved reconnaissance capabilities. However, when testing a new warp drive with altered parameters on an unmanned drone, it was discovered that the test unit had been transported through an expansive extradimensional tunnel system. This tunnel seemed to feature physics unlike those seen in common space. The events on the fourth of February, 2452 would become known as the “Hyperspace Incident”.
Though no actual, solid entities were within these "hyperspatial subspace clusters" of presumed matter, the drone found it difficult to pass through seemingly transparent space. Upon the drone navigating its surroundings, it found itself within an amalgamation of strange, constantly moving polygon-shaped obstructions. The solid "objects" within the anomaly were outlined within borders making it impossible to pass through, not unlike colliding into a realspace wall. Interestingly, while the drone was initially approaching the cluster via the hyperspace tunnel when it initially made the jump, it appeared to be a third-dimensional spherical object. Upon entering the cluster, the appearance and shape of visible anomalies varied from 2D, 3D and 4D, there was little apparent consistency. Some scientists blamed the visual sensors of the discovery drone being incapable of seeing that of what the human eye is adjusted to, while others claimed it was a revelation of varying physics between dimensions, that of realspace with 3 spatial dimensions, and that of hyperspace with a varying spatial dimension count. Whether this revelation is true or not is still a matter for debate, as no human as of yet has volunteered for an expedition into a hyperspace jump.
Most notably, however, is that while the drone warped approximately three hundred million kilometers from its position in sters and hyperspatial 'highways' before it actually dropped into realspace again. This led the monitoring research team to believe that the concept of hyperspatial time was radically different than from that from realspace.
Terraneus Diagnostics
"Delivering the right product to the right customer."
Terraneus Diagnostics (TD) is a subsidiary of Einstein Engines, founded in Bremen, Germany, Earth, in September 2399. They specialize in large problem-solving AIs as well as development of new types of synthetic combat chassis and programming.
Sol: The central manifold is in orbit of Jupiter.
Xanu: The second manifold is in orbit of Adezu.
Tau Ceti: The third manifold is in orbit of Biesel.
Chief Executive Officer: Noemi Neumark-Jiang, 62, Human
Chief Engineering Officer: Johann Schulte, 36, Human
Chief Research Officer: Eiji Takara-Murano, 54, Human
Chief Information Officer: Sven Fleiss, 57, Human
Chief Security Officer: Seung-Min Chu, 41, Human
Chief Foreign Relations Officer: Erwin Knopf, 49, Human
Terraneus Diagnostics started as a small development program with the advent of Artificial Intelligences, and with the invention of a specialized intelligence that could rapidly solve large computational problems, the company was soon founded. Their rapid growth is thanks to their continuous innovation in this area, culminating within a decade with the construction of SUNSHINE, possibly the single largest and most complex intelligence in Alliance space. With the construction of its three Manifold facilities, they have spread their influence and contract-taking across the Sol Alliance, the Frontier Alliance, and the Republic of Biesel. Though explicitly stated to not be for combat purposes, many of their computing intelligences can be found on large Sol Navy vessels.
Though previously equally as well known for their pioneering efforts in the design and programming of combat chassis and synethics, they have recently become less willing to publicly associate with this area of development, especially after the invasion of Tau Ceti. Many rumors abound as to who the various bidders for a recently offered secret contract are, ranging from the Republic of Biesel, to private military companies, though Terraneus Diagnostics has denied that the contract was for combat-related development and production.
Corporate Relations
Hephaestus Industries
Einstein is a major competitor for Hephaestus in the field of IPC manufacturing - in spite of this, however, the two megacorporations have long had a close working relationship, particularly in the Solarian shipbuilding industry. Many Hephaestus-manufactured civilian and military vessels in Sol are equipped with Einstein-made warp drives, especially after the refitting of the Solarian Navy to the Suzuki-Zhang Hammer Drive. If Hephaestus's membership in the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has been a source of tension between the two megacorporations, little sign of this has been shown openly, with the industrial giant continuing to work with Einstein on many of its Solarian assets. Rumors of Einstein providing ships and weaponry to groups such as the Exclusionists in the region around Burzsia - or of Hephaestus-backed privateers targeting Einstein vessels in the former Human Wildlands - remain only rumors, and have had little impact on the two companies' shared business.
Idris Incorporated
Idris and Einstein have a generally positive relationship, with little need for competition. The vast majority of Idris-owned Shell IPCs are manufactured by Einstein, and their robotics division has allegedly developed several enhanced combat modifications for higher-end Idris Reclamation Units. Idris vessels tend to favor Einstein-produced warp drives over NanoTrasen-produced bluespace drives, with the exception of some of their higher-end security vessels and luxury yachts which advertise speed of travel as a major bonus. Following Solarian nationalization efforts, Idris and Einstein are the two most influential corporations in the Alliance, with Idris having paid high fees to avoid nationalization of its assets. This has given the two corporations a mutual goal - maintaining their own prominence in Solarian affairs, and ensuring that future anti-corporate legislation remains directed at their rivals. Einstein and Idris have both heavily invested in their own PR within the Alliance, remaining invested in Sol's future development.
NanoTrasen and Einstein have been rivals for decades, since the discovery of phoron in 2417 and the subsequent invention of the bluespace drive. As bluespace largely superseded warp as a means of faster-than-light travel, NanoTrasen's power rose as Einstein's waned. Since then, the two companies have been fierce competitors, contending in court constantly over various trademarks, patents, and other legal issues. The phoron scarcity beginning in 2462 has led to a reversal of fortunes, with Einstein rising massively in prominence as NanoTrasen's power fades - leading NanoTrasen to spearhead the formation of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate to attempt to combat their old rivals. The two corporations continue to clash to this day, with Einstein having found a foothold in the city of Phoenixport, Biesel - setting up shop in the heart of NanoTrasen's power. Though Einstein holds the clear advantage for now, NanoTrasen has worked tirelessly to try and slow the meteoric growth of their rival corporation - so far, to little effect, as phoron prices continue to rise and NanoTrasen stock prices continue to fall.
Orion Express
Einstein Engines and Orion have had little in the way of a working relationship, with the shipping corporation being formed largely from assets of their rivals at NanoTrasen. Einstein has reportedly advocated extensively for subjecting Orion to the same nationalization as faced by the other SCC corporations in the Sol Alliance - though so far to little effect, as Orion continues to operate freely within Solarian space. Outside of Sol, however, Einstein makes frequent use of Orion's shipping services, particularly within the Republic of Biesel and the Nralakk Federation - two nations where Orion is able to transport goods far more freely than Einstein.
Zavodskoi Interstellar
Einstein Engines and Zavodskoi have a fairly neutral relationship - though the two do compete in the robotics sector, Zavodskoi has purchased many Einstein-made warp drives for its vessels over the years, and the two have both had generous supply contracts with the Solarian military in the past. In the modern day, Zavodskoi has lost a great deal of these contracts, while Einstein continues to hold many highly valuable government and military contracts - a factor which contributed to Zavodskoi's withdrawal of much of its Solarian business. In spite of this, it continues to purchase warp drives from Einstein frequently, due to the rising cost of phoron fuel and the easy availability of helium-3 from Zavodskoi's new home in the Empire of Dominia.
Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals
The relationship between Zeng-Hu and Einstein is a generally positive one, with the two corporations cooperating extensively in several areas of mutual interest - their operations on the planet Konyang and mutual desire for expansion within the Nralakk Federation being the most noteworthy among these. Though Zeng-Hu's membership in the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate and Einstein's growing power within the Sol Alliance has led to a level of distrust between the two, their relationship has remained largely solid since the beginning of the phoron shortage. In 2466, Einstein and Zeng-Hu were both called upon by the government of Konyang to deal with the rampancy crisis, with Zeng-Hu's involvement leading to the wider Conglomerate working to address the problem.
These are important relationships with other trans-stellar entities within the Orion Spur.
Nralakk Federation
Einstein Engines has enjoyed a reputable stance with the Nralakk Federation due to their common ally: the Solarian Alliance. The recent entry of megacorporations into the Federation’s sphere of influence has led to the competition of cheaper alternatives to the state-mandated industries of space travel becoming available. The proliferation of Einstein's trademarked technology was slow and dispersed at a steady pace across space but is becoming a more and more popular option in lieu of the Bluespace technology capitalizing on Phoron. Due to the Phoron Scarcity, the Federation has instead aligned with Einstein Engines in an attempt to further their own technological superiority, sharing research to eventually reap the benefits as discoveries relating to the betterment of warp drive technology are uncovered. It is due to this, their regional headquarters can be located within the Kal'lo Special Economic Zone, not too far from the capital of the most advanced civilization in the Orion Spur. Similarly to Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, Skrell have instead found themselves able to easily secure an apprenticeship with Einstein Engines, much to the dismay of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate.
Solarian Alliance
The Solarian Alliance, in its bid to stand up to NanoTrasen, sided with the ever-growing Einstein Engines. After the events of the Clandestine explosion and Violet Dawn, the Solarian Alliance was more than ready to cut off economic ties with the budding thorn in its side. While most of their tech is reliant on Phoron-based technology, their entanglement with the megacorporation dedicated to warpdrive vessels has allowed for a faster conversion process that will leave them more independent of NanoTrasen in the future. Any megacorporation has enough influence and mettle to stand on its own legs, so a close-knit alliance with one of the most influential human nations is a powerhouse marriage that won’t soon be forgotten.
Republic of Biesel
The relationship between Einstein Engines and the Republic of Biesel is a rocky one. Despite the judicial court ruling in the megacorporation’s favour when it came to proprietorship of the Suzuki-Zhang drive, and Einstein’s takeover of Phoenixport through deception and one of its subsidiaries, Biesel cumulatively has a negative view on the spacefaring business due to its roots and home turf for its largest rival in business: NanoTrasen. Tensions flare between these titans of industry as they seek to outdo, bid, and create the other in an eternal struggle for power no one entity should fully control.
C’thur Hive
The C’thur hive, a Vaurca political entity based in the Nralakk Federation, has considerable involvement in Einstein Engines as shareholders and collaborators, much to the chagrin of the SCC, who they are also known for working with. This double-sided “allegiance” has caused a degree of strife in both sides of the relationship but ultimately has not caused any major altercations due to the usefulness of the hive’s scientists and engineers. While the C’thur have considerable sway within the Megacorporation, Einstein Engines is still largely a human-dominated entity, and most of the C’thur’s contributions revolve around research and engineering techniques worked on within Nralakk Federation borders, or other areas outside of Solarian space.
Suzuki-Zhang Hammer Drive
The Suzuki-Zhang Hammer Drive was introduced to the Orion Spur in October of 2462, and, despite advertising attempts by Einstein Engines, has not proven to be a true contender to the far more superior bluespace drives produced by the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. While it has been proven that the Suzuki-Zhang Hammer Drive is more fuel-efficient, as well as faster than other warp drives, it is still far from besting the speed offered by existing bluespace drives - even if the price of phoron has tripled since the beginning of the Phoron Scarcity. Currently, only vessels within the Solarian Alliance’s fleets are being outfitted with the Suzuki-Zhang Hammer Drive. With slight modifications, the Suzuki-Zhang Hammer Drive became available for commercial use in July of 2464.