SCCV Horizon
SCCV Horizon

The SCCV Horizon undocking from the NTCC Odin for one of its first missions.
The SCCV Horizon is a prototype Cruiser-Class vessel designed to uncover Phoron - capable of doing such at distances never previously thought possible. Created by the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, primarily by Hephaestus Industries and Zavodskoi Interstellar, the Horizon has been given several objectives that it ought to complete during its commission. While detecting Phoron is considered the primary objective, there also exists secondary and even tertiary objectives in which the crew of the SCCV Horizon must attempt to accomplish - examples of which are investigating potential colony sites for the expansion of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate and the Republic of Biesel, as well as analysing deep space anomalies to uncover the mysteries of the Orion Spur, and hopefully unearthing additional information on why Phoron exists and why it has such a profound impact within the regions of which it is discovered.
Reactors, Propulsion & FTL-travel
The SCCV Horizon has two reactors integrated within its hull, the Supermatter and the INDRA Tokamak. Both considerably powerful sources of energy, are set up in a variety of ways so that they better suit the situation - being that of a ship that will have to travel dozens of lightyears in the near future. These modified reactors have their own requirements, such as which gas to use to set up the Supermatter, and how to not explode the INDRA. These reactors power the equipment located across the Horizon, and it is of paramount importance that at least one of them is functioning to ensure that the ship is not adrift within the Orion Spur - or even outside it. The ship utilizes a series of gaseous-fueled propulsion systems, powered through that of either hydrogen or phoron. Additionally, they will need refueling throughout the vessel's journey - especially considering how far they may travel both in the Orion Spur, and the greater Milky Way. The Horizon is a first-generation hybrid, meaning it is constructed with both a Warp and Bluespace Drive. Implemented by the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate as a fallback method in the event that the ship is unable to acquire phoron for refueling, the aforementioned reactors of the Horizon will be capable of outputting enough power to fuel its warp counterparts.
Brig Time and Legal Proceedings
Due to the Horizon's nature as a vessel going on long-term voyages and its inevitability that it will cross into various nations with diverse legal systems, it has been deemed necessary for the Security Department to have the authority to deal with criminals. Its authority stems from a legal agreement between the Republic of Biesel and the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate.
The brig is used to house those who break regulations of any sort and are unwilling or unable to be fined. It is also where non-crew and unauthorized boarders are expected to be held when captured. While in-game these times are shorter for the sake of brevity, in reality, these times are much longer. Low-tier infractions will net hours, sometimes a day or two depending on how many charges the person has. Medium-tier will be a few days, perhaps even over a week. High-tier will give the same charges as dictated by corporate regulations: holding until transfer, tracking implants, and/or cyborgification or marooning. People held inside of the brig until transfer are kept inside under the watch of the warden until the Horizon is able to arrange for shuttle transport for the prisoner at an installation.
Governed by the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law, the SCCV Horizon will uphold the laws of the Republic of Biesel regarding its internal operation, meaning that certain members of the crew are protected from local laws. An additional agreement between the Conglomerate and these nations further protects members of the crew from facing possible punishments for merely being present within their territories. However, leaving the Horizon will result in these persons being subjected to whatever local laws are enforced. Shuttles are considered part of the SCCV Horizon.
Major Ports and Shore Leave
Periodically the Horizon will be required to dock with the nearest major port in order to resupply its dwindled stores, during which the crew will be allowed a spell of shore leave. Alternating between a period of several days, the crew is allowed to disembark the Horizon for a few hours between these dockings - sometimes even days before reboarding prior to when the Horizon leaves the next time it docks for a resupply. These major ports will be relative to the region in which the Horizon currently is travelling through.
The port(s) of call are currently: Biesel, and all other locations within the Tau Ceti system.
Exploration and Mining
Due to the nature of the SCCV Horizon's mission and owner, any mining operation conducted by the crew is presumed legal unless stated otherwise. This means that any mineral body around the ship is a valid location for mining operations unless it is deemed otherwise by Command Staff, the owner of the system, or by server staff.
The Coalition, due to its decentralized nature, has little in the way of centralized mining regulations. While the SCCV Horizon is present within the Coalition it is free to engage in mining and exploration ventures outside of the home systems of member states. These systems are restricted from corporate mining expeditions and in cases such as Himeo and Gadpathur doing so will result in an armed response by local authorities.
The SCCV Horizon is permitted to salvage destroyed or otherwise derelict structures and vessels throughout the Coalition unless it is an Interstellar War-era vessel or facility. These are considered to be protected sites by the Coalition and only licensed Coalition salvagers are allowed to touch these sites as each one could contain historical relics, or war dead, from the Interstellar War. On a more practical level these ruins are often extremely hazardous and filled with unexploded ordinance and still-active defenses.
While in Coalition space the SCCV Horizon is expected to comply with reasonable and lawful requests made by Coalition authorities such as the Frontier Protection Bureau’s rangers and the naval forces of its member-states. It is recommended the crew contact the Coalition authorities on Xanu if they believe Coalition authorities have acted in an unlawful or inappropriate manner.
Medical Services
Medical services on the Horizon are covered by plans included within the contract for SCC workers. Each contract covers that injuries sustained in the line of work such as a security officer being shot defending the ship, a engineer getting shocked while doing repairs, or a miner breaking a leg from a fall will have it be covered with a prepaid insurance program. These costs are cheap. However, injuries sustained off duty such as when the employee is off-shift will need to be paid for out of pocket. The costs increase depending on how much medical care was needed. A broken leg will not be pricey but being brought back from the brink of death will set a employee back months of pay. If a person is unable to pay these costs, they will be put into debt. The SCC offer contract extensions to help deal with said debt. Prosthetic repair is included in this plan but fees are included for implantation even if it was done for a work injury. Pre-existing conditions are not covered by this medical plan and billing will occur after the shift. Skrell of the Nralakk Federation can have assistance from the Nralakk Federation for paying bills. For Vaurcae, a higher fee is needed for the medical plan due to their unique physiology but the fees of all Vaurcae in a corporation are collectively purchased by their Hive. Owned IPCs have their damage costs paid for by their corporation while self-owned ones will need to buy into their corporation's warranty program. In this case, repairs are covered so long as the IPC continues to prove its value in whatever field it works within. A IPC lagging behind can be removed from the warranty program and thus be forced to pay for its repairs itself. Command members can enjoy reduced costs for the program while Captains will have all medical costs covered regardless if they were on duty or not.
The SCCV Horizon is outfitted with several decks, including that of an Occupational Deck. Taking up the majority of the SCCV Horizon, the occupational deck is outfitted with several departments, as well as other more miscellaneous rooms - including gyms, eateries, holodecks, and more. It can be reached through the residential deck elevator, as well as being thawed from the cryogenic arrays present across the SCCV Horizon. Included on the occupation deck are the departments of Medical, Security, Engineering, Civilian, Science, Operations and Logistics, and lastly Command.
The occupational deck is comprised of three floors; first, second, and third. The first floor consists of the Machinist Fabrication Laboratory, Hangars, Cargo Bay (Warehouse and Mining), Atmospherics, Morgue, Propulsion, Gravity Generator, EVA storage, and lastly Xenoarchaeology. The second floor consists of the Brig, Galley, Garden, Library, Chapel, Medical Bay, Cargo Bay, Engineering (as well as the reactors), Science (incl. Robotics and Xenosciences). The final floor consists of Bridge, Pool, Holodeck, Shields, Telecommunications, Cryogenics, Brig (second-level), and Medical Bay (second-level).
The departments are contracted out as follows:
Medical: NanoTrasen Corporation, Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, and Private Military Contracting Group.
Security: Private Military Contracting Group, Idris Incorporated, and Zavodskoi Interstellar.
Service: Idris Incorporated, NanoTrasen Corporation, and Orion Express.
Science: NanoTrasen Corporation, Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, and Zavodskoi Interstellar.
Operations and Logistics: Hephaestus Industries and Orion Express.
Engineering: Hephaestus Industries and Zavodskoi Interstellar.
Command: Stellar Corporate Conglomerate.

The SCCV Horizon was made in mind to be compact and frugal with its space. The residential deck is a minor exception to this. Realising the impact that living conditions can have on mental wellness (And in turn, productivity) the designers of the vessel made sure to provide the best comfort possible while also ensuring that the residence deck would not become a bloated mess. Narrow halls connect to bunkrooms with separated pods of bunks, one atop the other. There is a variety of rooms that those contracted aboard the SCCV Horizon are capable of selecting upon signing on, with dormitories being provided by the parent megacorporation of the employee. Anything higher is then deducted out of the respective employee's wages. Customization is allowed for rooms if the right paperwork is filed and it does not directly affect the SCCV Horizon's electrical or piping systems. The residential deck is outfitted with several cryogenic arrays in the event that an individual does not wish to utilize living arrangements. There are no entertainment systems, eateries, gyms or otherwise installed on the level. The crew are expected to use the facilities provided in the occupational decks above for those needs. Escape pods are the only evacuation method available to the residential deck, if the SCCV Horizon is in existential danger, the residential deck is not exempt from it.

Dormitories: The entry-level room for those contracted aboard the SCCV Horizon. Employees do not need to have any funds deducted from their wages for dormitories. It can not house more than three items of furniture and is equipped with a compacted bed that is capable of being folded into the wall. Dormitories are often clustered together and lead into a communal living room - usually only outfitted with sofas, however, occupants of the dormitories are allowed to purchase "upgrades" such as additional recreational furniture (such as a holo-television). Dormitories do not have bathrooms, and those staying within them will be required to go to the communal bathrooms on the residential deck.

Cubicles: One level up from dormitories, cubicles are essentially studio apartments. It has a single bedroom, and a kitchen, fused into a singular living space. It additionally comes with a compacted bed that is capable of being folded into the wall, similarly to dormitories. Cubicles are also clustered together and lead into a communal living room - which is considered more comfortable than the cheaper dormitories. Those staying in cubicles share a communal bathroom with their adjacent neighbours in the communal living room. The rent for these rooms will be deducted from an employee's wages - a cargo technician would be able to comfortably afford a Cubicle.
Condominium: A rather expensive room, Condominiums are designed to cater to couples that wish to share a singular room. It has additional room for furniture, and an attached bedroom with a compacted bed that is capable of being folded into the wall, as well as the attached wardrobe. Much like the aforementioned rooms, condominiums are also clustered together and lead into a communal living room - however, the clusters are much smaller than their counterparts. Those staying in condominiums share a communal bathroom with their adjacent neighbours in their communal living room. The rent for these rooms will be deducted from an employee's wages - only an individual in Science, Engineering or Medical departments would be able to just afford a Condominium unless two or more people agree to split the rent.

Corapt: Corapts, or Corporate-Level Apartments, are one of the most expensive living arrangements on the SCCV Horizon. However, the rent is heavily discounted, and sometimes free, to high-ranking megacorporation staff such as those in Command. It features an attached bedroom, ensuite, as well as a separate office. Similar to the aforementioned living arrangements, Corapts are clustered together. However, Corapt clusters are considerably small, oftentimes having only 2-3 rooms sharing a singular communal living area. Only high-paying careers will be able to afford a Corapt unless an individual has an additional means of income.
Family Corapt: Family Corapt, or Family Corporate-Level Apartments, is the most expensive living arrangement on the SCCV Horizon. Similarly to the Corapt, the rent of the room is heavily discounted, and sometimes free, to high-ranking megacorporation staff such as those in Command. It features two attached bedrooms, sharing an ensuite. It does not come with a separate office, however, per arrangement the customization of the room is permitted to add an additional separate office from the main living room. Family Corapts are not clustered together and are equally spread throughout the residential deck. Only high-paying careers will be able to afford a Corapt unless an individual has an additional means of income. Additionally, the rent can be split between two or more individuals to lessen its impact.
Floorplans presented here are considered the default ones. You can change them to include or exclude furniture, as well as rearrange said furniture. An example is perhaps replacing a bed with a bunk bed, or replacing a desk with a single bed. Structural changes can also occur, but be reasonable and attempt to stick to the aforementioned structural descriptions above. Additionally, the measurements presented are not accurate, and should not be used as a basis of measurement.
- Pets are allowed aboard the SCCV Horizon, however, it must be reasonable. Animals similar in size to a cat, or a small dog, would be reasonable. An animal such as Mata'ke Rafama would be considered too big to be comfortable within the confines of an employees cabin.
- Children, and/or pregnancies, are explicitly not allowed aboard the SCCV Horizon. This is due to an agreement between the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. This includes oviparous species. Dionae are exempt from this. This is enforceable by both Moderators and Administrators, do not roleplay having children and/or pregnancies aboard the SCCV Horizon.
- Though the Horizon has an internal relay, it also is equipped with an extranet connection. Despite this, the extranet connection largely relies on the local infrastructure, so areas such as deep space or the frontier will have extremely slow speeds or no connection at all.
- No privately-owned firearms are allowed aboard the SCCV Horizon, including laser based firearms. Firearms are limited to those given one for their job (and it will remain in their department or office, not within any persons living quarters). You are allowed to purchase a weapon from a merchant and send it back to your place of residence, if you have one.